【Ken yamada fall 2011】social media marketing final presentationKEN YAMADA
This document summarizes a student's social media marketing final project. It discusses the number of posts and comments made, the most viewed blog post, lessons learned from blogging, the time it took to complete assignments, and future plans to use various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn more effectively for professional purposes such as investigating companies, sharing opinions, gaining knowledge, and building social connections.
The document discusses the writer's love for the city of Orizaba, Mexico where they have friends and family. It lists some of the entertainment and public places in Orizaba that residents and visitors can enjoy, such as cinemas, malls, parks, and churches. The writer encourages taking advantage of opportunities when young rather than waiting until older.
This document summarizes several important Renaissance inventions and their lasting impacts. It describes Galileo Galilei's invention of the mechanical clock and thermoscope, which led to modern timekeeping devices and the thermometer. It also discusses Sir John Harrington inventing the flush toilet, Hans Lippershey inventing the telescope and microscope, Johannes Gutenburg inventing the printing press, and other influential Renaissance inventions and their significance.
【Ken yamada fall 2011】social media marketing final presentationKEN YAMADA
This document summarizes a student's social media marketing final project. It discusses the number of posts and comments made, the most viewed blog post, lessons learned from blogging, the time it took to complete assignments, and future plans to use various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn more effectively for professional purposes such as investigating companies, sharing opinions, gaining knowledge, and building social connections.
The document discusses the writer's love for the city of Orizaba, Mexico where they have friends and family. It lists some of the entertainment and public places in Orizaba that residents and visitors can enjoy, such as cinemas, malls, parks, and churches. The writer encourages taking advantage of opportunities when young rather than waiting until older.
This document summarizes several important Renaissance inventions and their lasting impacts. It describes Galileo Galilei's invention of the mechanical clock and thermoscope, which led to modern timekeeping devices and the thermometer. It also discusses Sir John Harrington inventing the flush toilet, Hans Lippershey inventing the telescope and microscope, Johannes Gutenburg inventing the printing press, and other influential Renaissance inventions and their significance.
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai program tanggung jawab sosial dan sukarelawan Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) yang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat setempat dengan memberikan sumbangan barang dan makanan kepada mereka yang memerlukan melalui berbagai proyek seperti pasar bebas, toko bebas biaya, makanan tergantung, dan sumbangan untuk hari Jumaat dan Ramadhan. Proyek-proyek ini melibatkan kerjasama dengan organ
Persatuan Pentadbir UiTM (PPUiTM) melakukan berbagai aktiviti untuk memperkukuhkan persatuan dan hubungan antara pentadbir UiTM serta masyarakat setempat, termasuk program CSR untuk menolong mangsa bencana banjir dan rumah anak yatim. PPUiTM juga mengadakan latihan dan pengedaran maklumat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan anggotanya.
The document provides several technology tips to make an administrator's job easier, including using an online booking system called SchoolBookings to schedule parent-teacher interviews that allows parents to select times that suit them and avoids clashes. It also recommends other online tools for tasks like ticket sales, timetable creation, storing documents, and conducting surveys. Pricing and trial information is provided for SchoolBookings and other recommended systems.