Last تغذية طلاب المدارسTarek Al 3reenyمحاضرة ألقيتها علي تلاميذ مدارس النيل الدولية في موضوع "التغذية الصحيةالسليمة لطلاب المدارس " وهي تصلح كنواة تساعد المعلمين لتوعية الطلاب بقواعد الأكل الصحي وأساسيات التغذية
التغذية الصحيحةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةإن نوعية الطعام الذي يتناوله الفرد يوميًا يلعب دورًا مهمًا وأساسيًا في تحديد مستوى الصحة الجسدية والعقلية والنفسية، لذا؛ من المهم جدًا أن يكون الفرد على درايةٍ بالعناصر المتوفرة في وجباته اليومية وفيما لو كانت تحتوي على الكميات المناسبة له أم لا؛ إذ إن جسم الإنسان يحتاج إلى نسب محددة من العناصر الغذائية المختلفة مثل الفيتامينات والبروتينات والدهون وغيرها ليقوم بالوظائف الحيوية بصورة صحية وسليمة.
عادات الأكل الصحية في رمضانKarim Ragabشهر رمضان وعادات الأكل الصحية:
لا تختلف عادات الأكل الصحية في شهر رمضان عن تلك التي نمارسها في أي شهر آخر. قبل أن نناقش النصائح المخصصة لشهر رمضان دعونا نراجع خمس عادات أكل صحية هامة.
السمنة تنمية المجتمع - تعزيز الصحةAbdulrahman Lotfyالسمنة وباء العصر - عنوان المحاضرة التي القيت في مركز تنمية المجتمع بالجهراء - دولة الكويت يوم الاربعاء 23 يناير 2013 وألقاها الدكتور عبدالرحمن لطفي مقرر لجنة تعزيز الصحة بمنطقة الجهراء الصحية واختصاصي الصحة العامة واستشاري الوبائيات بوزارة الصحة بدولة الكويت .
التغذية الصحية المتكاملة في رمضانlanguage aldarayn نقدّم لكم أحد عروض الباور بوينت بعنوان
" التغذية الصحية المتكاملة في رمضان"
من إعداد فريق الباور بوينت بمعهد الدارين للغات والترجمة
(يتطلب توفر حساب هوتميل لديك للعرض اونلاين)
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قناتنا علي اليوتيوب
كورسات المعهد
جروبات المعهد
يسعدنا انضمامكم لفرق عمل الدارين
استمارة التطوع للتدريس
التغذية الصحيحةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةإن نوعية الطعام الذي يتناوله الفرد يوميًا يلعب دورًا مهمًا وأساسيًا في تحديد مستوى الصحة الجسدية والعقلية والنفسية، لذا؛ من المهم جدًا أن يكون الفرد على درايةٍ بالعناصر المتوفرة في وجباته اليومية وفيما لو كانت تحتوي على الكميات المناسبة له أم لا؛ إذ إن جسم الإنسان يحتاج إلى نسب محددة من العناصر الغذائية المختلفة مثل الفيتامينات والبروتينات والدهون وغيرها ليقوم بالوظائف الحيوية بصورة صحية وسليمة.
عادات الأكل الصحية في رمضانKarim Ragabشهر رمضان وعادات الأكل الصحية:
لا تختلف عادات الأكل الصحية في شهر رمضان عن تلك التي نمارسها في أي شهر آخر. قبل أن نناقش النصائح المخصصة لشهر رمضان دعونا نراجع خمس عادات أكل صحية هامة.
السمنة تنمية المجتمع - تعزيز الصحةAbdulrahman Lotfyالسمنة وباء العصر - عنوان المحاضرة التي القيت في مركز تنمية المجتمع بالجهراء - دولة الكويت يوم الاربعاء 23 يناير 2013 وألقاها الدكتور عبدالرحمن لطفي مقرر لجنة تعزيز الصحة بمنطقة الجهراء الصحية واختصاصي الصحة العامة واستشاري الوبائيات بوزارة الصحة بدولة الكويت .
التغذية الصحية المتكاملة في رمضانlanguage aldarayn نقدّم لكم أحد عروض الباور بوينت بعنوان
" التغذية الصحية المتكاملة في رمضان"
من إعداد فريق الباور بوينت بمعهد الدارين للغات والترجمة
(يتطلب توفر حساب هوتميل لديك للعرض اونلاين)
أو بدون تسجيل من خلال
أعمال سابقةݺߣSharePresentations
وسيتم تقديم المزيد خلال شهر رمضان المبارك
تابعونا على حساب المعهد
ومن خلال صفحة أكاديمية ملتقى الدارين
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب
كورسات المعهد
جروبات المعهد
يسعدنا انضمامكم لفرق عمل الدارين
استمارة التطوع للتدريس
Loose weight in 20 stepsHealthYottaكيف تفقد الوزن بدون اتباع طرق الريجيم المعقدة
تابعونا للمزيد من المعلومات الطبية المبسطة والموثقة
EgyptRCREEECapacity Building Program “Pricing Renewables: Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Design and Structure for Wind Farms and Solar Plants” - October 23-27, 2011
Contamination of hands1)Univ. of TripoliThis document discusses several experiments on the transfer of bacteria from hands and other surfaces. It finds that washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more significantly reduces bacterial growth compared to rinsing with water alone or not washing. It also examines the transfer of bacteria from gloves, aprons, hair, sneezes and other sources, as well as the importance of thoroughly washing cutting boards between uses. Proper handwashing technique is important to wash all areas of the hands.
Mutation2Univ. of TripoliThe document discusses mutations, which are changes in the DNA base sequence. A mutation occurs when one base, like a C, is changed to another base like a G. Mutations can happen spontaneously during DNA duplication before cell division. Certain chemicals and radiation can increase the risk of mutations occurring. While mutations may cause small changes to a protein, they often do not have a significant effect, as the protein may still function similarly. A mutation that alters a protein's shape could change its catalytic activity if the protein is an enzyme.
Child abuse 1Univ. of TripoliChild abuse can have long-lasting negative effects on children and society. There are several types of child abuse, including physical, emotional, neglect, sexual abuse, and bullying. Learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse is the first step to helping abused children. Physical signs may include unexplained injuries, while behavioral signs could be excessive absence from school or stealing food. Parents may exhibit warning signs like misusing drugs or blaming the child. Recognizing and preventing child abuse benefits children and promotes overall well-being.
Alcohol, drug , TobaccoUniv. of TripoliThis document provides information about alcohol, tobacco, and drug awareness for school staff. It defines substances and substance abuse, outlines signs of substance abuse including behavioral and physical signs for various substances. It describes school staff responsibilities including prevention, intervention, referral for treatment, and protocols. Signs of abuse are provided for specific substances like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, stimulants, inhalants, hallucinogens, and narcotics. Referral processes and definitions are also outlined.
Biology of sars co v-2infection Univ. of TripoliSARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19. It is a coronavirus that infects humans and other animals through the mouth or nose. Once inside the body, the virus's protein spikes attach to human cells and fuse with the cell membrane to release its RNA genome inside. The cell's machinery then produces more copies of the virus which are released to infect other cells until the immune system eliminates the infection. Coronaviruses get their name from the crown-like spikes on their envelopes that they use to enter and infect human and animal cells.
The different types of mutationsUniv. of Tripoli1. The document discusses different types of genetic mutations including point mutations, frameshift mutations, nonsense mutations, missense mutations, silent mutations, conservative mutations, and nonconservative mutations.
2. Mutations originate at the DNA level but their effects are seen at the protein level. Mutations can be classified based on their effects on DNA or proteins.
3. The main types of mutations are point mutations and frameshift mutations at the DNA level, and missense and nonsense mutations at the protein level.
How the johnson & johnson vaccine worksUniv. of TripoliThe Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine uses an adenovirus to deliver genetic material encoding the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to human cells. The body's immune system then produces antibodies against the spike protein to prevent future infection. Clinical trials showed the vaccine was 66% effective overall and 85% effective against severe disease with a single dose. It received emergency use authorization in the United States and European Union in early 2021.
How moderna vaccine worksUniv. of TripoliModerna's COVID-19 vaccine works by using mRNA to instruct the body to produce viral spike proteins, which train the immune system to recognize and fight the virus. The mRNA is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles that fuse with cells, prompting them to make proteins that trigger an immune response. This involves B cells producing antibodies, T cells killing infected cells, and memory cells forming to recognize future infections. Clinical trials showed over 90% efficacy. Moderna partnered with NIH to develop the vaccine and has worked to scale up production.
How the pfizer bio n-tech vaccine worksUniv. of TripoliThe Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was developed through a partnership between Pfizer and BioNTech. Clinical trials showed it to be over 90% effective in preventing COVID-19. The mRNA vaccine works by instructing cells to produce the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, training the immune system to recognize and attack the real virus. It requires two doses administered three weeks apart to provide full protection.
Dna vs rnaUniv. of TripoliDNA and RNA are both nucleic acids composed of nucleotides that contain a phosphate, sugar, and nitrogenous base. DNA has the sugar deoxyribose and bases adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. RNA has the sugar ribose and replaces thymine with uracil. DNA stores genetic information in the cell nucleus while RNA assists in protein synthesis by carrying messages from DNA and joining amino acids.
Protein synthsis Univ. of TripoliThe document summarizes the two-step process of protein synthesis: transcription and translation. During transcription, a gene's DNA sequence is copied into mRNA. An enzyme called RNA polymerase binds to DNA and reads its bases to build a complementary mRNA strand. This mRNA strand can then leave the nucleus. During translation, the mRNA binds to a ribosome where transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules match its base triplets and deliver the corresponding amino acids to form a protein chain. The ribosome joins the amino acids together until a full protein is synthesized.
Corona virus vaccine Univ. of TripoliScientists designed the first COVID-19 vaccines by studying the coronavirus spike protein and making tweaks to stabilize its shape. They used cells to mass produce the spike protein and cryo-electron microscopes to verify its 3D structure matched the virus. Some vaccines contain the genetic instructions for the spike instead of the protein itself. With years of prior coronavirus research, scientists developed these first vaccines in record time to potentially protect billions from COVID-19.
How to read a codons chartUniv. of TripoliThis document provides information about how to read codon charts to determine the amino acids that correspond to mRNA sequences. It contains the following key points:
1) Codons are sequences of 3 nucleotides that code for specific amino acids. Codon charts show the relationship between mRNA codons and the amino acids they encode.
2) Examples are provided of using both rectangular and circular codon charts to determine the amino acids encoded by mRNA sequences.
3) Common mistakes like using the tRNA anticodon instead of the mRNA codon are discussed. The document emphasizes using the mRNA codon and going through the chart systematically.
Dna vs rnaUniv. of TripoliDNA and RNA are both nucleic acids composed of nucleotides that contain a phosphate, sugar, and nitrogenous base. DNA has the sugar deoxyribose and bases adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. RNA has the sugar ribose and replaces thymine with uracil. DNA stores genetic information in the cell nucleus while RNA assists in protein synthesis by carrying messages from DNA and joining amino acids.
What are proteinsUniv. of TripoliProteins are essential components of our bodies that perform a wide variety of functions. They make up about 42% of our dry body weight and are the basic building blocks of tissues like skin, tendons, muscles and bones. Proteins exist in many forms and their three-dimensional structures allow them to interact with other molecules in unique ways to perform critical roles like building tissues, catalyzing chemical reactions, transporting molecules, and fighting infections. They are constantly being broken down and rebuilt using amino acids from our diets to maintain the body's systems.
20. • Caffeine has only the smallest negative
effect on calcium absorption.
• One cup of very strong brewed tea or
regular coffee (about 45 - 150 mg of
caffeine) might lead to a loss of 2-6 mg
of calcium, but 1 teaspoon of fat-free
milk contains 6 mg of calcium
• Caffeine causes a very small amount of
calcium to be excreted in the urine as
• For every cup of coffee, about 5 mg of
calcium is excreted.
• The Daily Value for calcium is between
1000 - 1,200 mg per day.