This document provides information about printmaking courses offered by Progetto Ecate, a small non-profit organization that provides printmaking educational resources. It offers a variety of printmaking courses throughout the summer, including weekend courses focusing on specific techniques, 5-day intensive courses covering multiple techniques, and workshops focused on a single technique. The courses are open to beginners and experienced artists and are held in Como, Italy, a scenic town located on Lake Como that provides opportunities for exploring the local area.
The document discusses how when we die, our money, possessions and power will be left behind for others, but what remains are the memories others have of how we helped them. It encourages the reader to rewrite the book of their life by choosing how to use their time each day, focusing on appreciating life's simple pleasures like the sun and breeze, taking inventory of life's good things, expressing love and affection for others, and living each day as if it was their last by being happy and giving thanks.
This document provides an overview of Hess Corporation's 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. It includes forward-looking statements and disclosures regarding proved and unproved reserves. The Chairman discusses the company's strategy of growing through exploration and production while generating cash flow from marketing and refining. Financial highlights show net income grew from $1.2 billion in 2005 to $1.8 billion in 2007. Capital expenditures totaled $3.9 billion in 2007. Significant new developments are expected to drive production growth between 2008 and 2010.
El Carnaval tiene sus orígenes en fiestas paganas de la antigua Sumeria, Egipto e Imperio Romano. Con la llegada de los colonizadores espa?oles y portugueses a América a partir del siglo XV, la tradición del Carnaval se difundió por el continente. Actualmente se celebra en muchos países previo al Miércoles de Ceniza, con desfiles, comparsas y bailes durante unos días para disfrutar antes del ayuno cuaresmal.
Sanjiv Khattri, Executive Vice President and CFO of GMAC Financial Services A...finance8
The document summarizes a presentation given by Sanjiv Khattri, Executive Vice President and CFO of GMAC, to fixed income investors on May 15, 2007. It discusses GMAC's first quarter 2007 performance, with a net loss of $305 million compared to net income of $495 million in first quarter 2006 due to pressures in the US residential mortgage market. It also provides outlooks for ResCap, Auto Finance, and Insurance, discussing strategies to improve performance and mitigate risks. GMAC and its subsidiaries maintained strong liquidity with $13 billion in cash and securities.
El documento presenta un libro titulado "Amistad funesta de José Martí" que consta de tres capítulos y analiza la amistad del escritor y político cubano José Martí. Todas las obras de Martí se encuentran en el dominio público debido a que falleció hace más de 100 a?os.
O documento resume os principais pontos sobre a implementa??o do Programa Mais Cultura nos estados de Sergipe e Alagoas, incluindo a assinatura de acordos de coopera??o, a sele??o de municípios, a cria??o de Pontos de Cultura e bibliotecas, e iniciativas do Promoart. Também menciona planos para assinar convênios relacionados à Biblioteca Pública Digital Latino-Americana no Pará.
El documento presenta una serie de reflexiones sobre el envejecimiento y las diferentes etapas de la vida. Expresa que envejecer es la única forma de vivir mucho tiempo y que la madurez implica mantener la seriedad y juego de la ni?ez. También sugiere que muchos no llegan a los ochenta a?os porque intentan permanecer en los cuarenta y describe cómo a cada edad le corresponde una conducta diferente.
Senior Executive Services, Inc. is a consulting firm that provides independent federal consultants to help businesses win government opportunities and help government agencies be more effective. It has a network of former federal executives who have deep agency relationships and cultural insights. The firm helps companies develop strategies, improve processes, and access proven federal talent to increase revenue and market penetration. It also assists government agencies to accomplish more with fewer resources and access proven independent consultants when needed.
O documento estabelece um termo de permiss?o gratuita entre o Ministério da Cultura e uma entidade para uso de equipamentos audiovisuais digitais. O termo tem dura??o de 24 meses e permite o uso dos equipamentos na realiza??o de a??es de apoio à difus?o audiovisual, desde que cumpridas certas condi??es como a manuten??o dos equipamentos e a apresenta??o de relatórios. Ao final do prazo, dependendo da avalia??o do desempenho, os equipamentos poder?o ser doados em definitivo à entidade.
YouthNet is a UK charity established in 1995 that aims to engage, inform and inspire young people through their websites and is the UK's largest volunteering database that allows users to search over 75,000 volunteering opportunities by location, interests or other filters and apply online. Volunteers receive confirmation of their application and the organization receives their details. Do-it works with over 450 organizations and has additional features like alerts, syndication and an employee volunteering program.
1. Communication is the process of transmitting information from a sender to a receiver. It requires that all parties involved share a common language or system of semiotic rules.
2. There are various types of communication including verbal communication, nonverbal communication, written communication, and communication between humans and non-human animals. Communication also occurs between plants, fungi, bacteria, and other living organisms.
3. Global communication is important for businesses operating internationally as they must be aware of different cultural communication norms and protocols across countries. How information is transmitted influences both information sharing and the formation of social bonds within groups.
The document outlines four initiatives to improve media performance, build higher quality alliances, increase online positioning through banners and social media, and boost motivation with rewards and recognition. It also lists the dates of upcoming conferences and expos from March to November 2009 to bring greater union and positioning among learning centers through increased aggressiveness in awareness campaigns.
This document from Cisco VNI Global Forecast 2011-2016 contains predictions about global internet traffic growth between 2011 and 2016. It predicts that total global internet traffic will grow rapidly from 1 zettabyte in 2011 to 3.3 zettabytes per year in 2016. It also predicts that internet traffic will continue shifting from access networks to metro and core networks as more content and services move to centralized cloud platforms.
Internet es una red global que permite el intercambio de información entre usuarios. Surgió hace 30 a?os como un proyecto militar en EE.UU. para conectar ordenadores y luego se expandió a universidades y hogares. Ofrece servicios como correo electrónico, web, FTP y telefonía. Tiene ventajas como facilitar la comunicación y búsqueda de información mundial, pero también riesgos como encontrar contenido inadecuado y depender de la conexión.
O documento fornece um resumo semanal de informa??es sobre o Programa Mais Cultura do Ministério da Cultura do Brasil. Ele destaca que já existem 833 Pontos de Cultura mapeados em todo o país, com edital lan?ados em 4 estados. Também menciona oficinas de planejamento estratégico realizadas em 2 estados e a apresenta??o do programa em seminários sobre o Plano Nacional de Cultura em 3 cidades.
This document lists the names of four students and their student IDs. It then discusses persuasive communication via the internet, suggesting considering the communicator, message, and environment. It mentions cognitive, affective, and conative aspects of communication and contrasts the "old fashioned way" with the "fabulous way". It briefly mentions Barack Obama and a speech in an unclear way.
This document is the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Hess Corporation. It outlines the company's core values of integrity, excellence, and responsibility. The code provides guidance on ethical standards and legal compliance across key areas such as conflicts of interest, treatment of employees, anti-bribery laws, and environmental protection. All representatives of the company are responsible for upholding the code and applicable laws when conducting business globally.
The document provides Aetna's projected 2008 financial information including operating earnings of $4.00 per share, an operating expense ratio improvement of 50 basis points, a pretax operating margin lower than 2007, weighted average diluted shares of less than 505 million, medical membership growth between 850,000-900,000, and health care revenue growth of at least 15%. It also notes the projections are provided as of April 24, 2008 and are forward-looking statements subject to risks.
Sanjiv Khattri, Executive Vice President and CFO of GMAC Financial Services A...finance8
The document summarizes a presentation given by Sanjiv Khattri, Executive Vice President and CFO of GMAC, to fixed income investors on May 15, 2007. It discusses GMAC's first quarter 2007 performance, with a net loss of $305 million compared to net income of $495 million in first quarter 2006 due to pressures in the US residential mortgage market. It also provides outlooks for ResCap, Auto Finance, and Insurance, discussing strategies to improve performance and mitigate risks. GMAC and its subsidiaries maintained strong liquidity with $13 billion in cash and securities.
El documento presenta un libro titulado "Amistad funesta de José Martí" que consta de tres capítulos y analiza la amistad del escritor y político cubano José Martí. Todas las obras de Martí se encuentran en el dominio público debido a que falleció hace más de 100 a?os.
O documento resume os principais pontos sobre a implementa??o do Programa Mais Cultura nos estados de Sergipe e Alagoas, incluindo a assinatura de acordos de coopera??o, a sele??o de municípios, a cria??o de Pontos de Cultura e bibliotecas, e iniciativas do Promoart. Também menciona planos para assinar convênios relacionados à Biblioteca Pública Digital Latino-Americana no Pará.
El documento presenta una serie de reflexiones sobre el envejecimiento y las diferentes etapas de la vida. Expresa que envejecer es la única forma de vivir mucho tiempo y que la madurez implica mantener la seriedad y juego de la ni?ez. También sugiere que muchos no llegan a los ochenta a?os porque intentan permanecer en los cuarenta y describe cómo a cada edad le corresponde una conducta diferente.
Senior Executive Services, Inc. is a consulting firm that provides independent federal consultants to help businesses win government opportunities and help government agencies be more effective. It has a network of former federal executives who have deep agency relationships and cultural insights. The firm helps companies develop strategies, improve processes, and access proven federal talent to increase revenue and market penetration. It also assists government agencies to accomplish more with fewer resources and access proven independent consultants when needed.
O documento estabelece um termo de permiss?o gratuita entre o Ministério da Cultura e uma entidade para uso de equipamentos audiovisuais digitais. O termo tem dura??o de 24 meses e permite o uso dos equipamentos na realiza??o de a??es de apoio à difus?o audiovisual, desde que cumpridas certas condi??es como a manuten??o dos equipamentos e a apresenta??o de relatórios. Ao final do prazo, dependendo da avalia??o do desempenho, os equipamentos poder?o ser doados em definitivo à entidade.
YouthNet is a UK charity established in 1995 that aims to engage, inform and inspire young people through their websites and is the UK's largest volunteering database that allows users to search over 75,000 volunteering opportunities by location, interests or other filters and apply online. Volunteers receive confirmation of their application and the organization receives their details. Do-it works with over 450 organizations and has additional features like alerts, syndication and an employee volunteering program.
1. Communication is the process of transmitting information from a sender to a receiver. It requires that all parties involved share a common language or system of semiotic rules.
2. There are various types of communication including verbal communication, nonverbal communication, written communication, and communication between humans and non-human animals. Communication also occurs between plants, fungi, bacteria, and other living organisms.
3. Global communication is important for businesses operating internationally as they must be aware of different cultural communication norms and protocols across countries. How information is transmitted influences both information sharing and the formation of social bonds within groups.
The document outlines four initiatives to improve media performance, build higher quality alliances, increase online positioning through banners and social media, and boost motivation with rewards and recognition. It also lists the dates of upcoming conferences and expos from March to November 2009 to bring greater union and positioning among learning centers through increased aggressiveness in awareness campaigns.
This document from Cisco VNI Global Forecast 2011-2016 contains predictions about global internet traffic growth between 2011 and 2016. It predicts that total global internet traffic will grow rapidly from 1 zettabyte in 2011 to 3.3 zettabytes per year in 2016. It also predicts that internet traffic will continue shifting from access networks to metro and core networks as more content and services move to centralized cloud platforms.
Internet es una red global que permite el intercambio de información entre usuarios. Surgió hace 30 a?os como un proyecto militar en EE.UU. para conectar ordenadores y luego se expandió a universidades y hogares. Ofrece servicios como correo electrónico, web, FTP y telefonía. Tiene ventajas como facilitar la comunicación y búsqueda de información mundial, pero también riesgos como encontrar contenido inadecuado y depender de la conexión.
O documento fornece um resumo semanal de informa??es sobre o Programa Mais Cultura do Ministério da Cultura do Brasil. Ele destaca que já existem 833 Pontos de Cultura mapeados em todo o país, com edital lan?ados em 4 estados. Também menciona oficinas de planejamento estratégico realizadas em 2 estados e a apresenta??o do programa em seminários sobre o Plano Nacional de Cultura em 3 cidades.
This document lists the names of four students and their student IDs. It then discusses persuasive communication via the internet, suggesting considering the communicator, message, and environment. It mentions cognitive, affective, and conative aspects of communication and contrasts the "old fashioned way" with the "fabulous way". It briefly mentions Barack Obama and a speech in an unclear way.
This document is the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Hess Corporation. It outlines the company's core values of integrity, excellence, and responsibility. The code provides guidance on ethical standards and legal compliance across key areas such as conflicts of interest, treatment of employees, anti-bribery laws, and environmental protection. All representatives of the company are responsible for upholding the code and applicable laws when conducting business globally.
The document provides Aetna's projected 2008 financial information including operating earnings of $4.00 per share, an operating expense ratio improvement of 50 basis points, a pretax operating margin lower than 2007, weighted average diluted shares of less than 505 million, medical membership growth between 850,000-900,000, and health care revenue growth of at least 15%. It also notes the projections are provided as of April 24, 2008 and are forward-looking statements subject to risks.
The document describes a scenario where children are playing near train tracks, with most playing on an operational track and one child on a disused track. When a train approaches, one must decide whether to divert the train to the disused track, sacrificing the lone child but saving the others, or letting the train continue on its path. However, diverting the train could endanger passengers and the disused track may be unsafe. The proper decision is to let the train continue as the children on the operational track knew the risks and should have moved when warned.