Presentation of modern fuel distribution systemEkopol Górnośląski Holding SAThis document summarizes a modern fuel distribution system managed by Ekopol Górnośląski Holding SA. The system features fuel microstations that allow for non-personal fueling with login via card, key, or meter value. The system provides online access and reporting through a web portal. It allows users to filter data by date, driver, vehicle, tank, and fuel type. Additional features include creating user groups, blocking displays, setting refueling time gaps, and fuel consumption analysis. The system aims to reduce fuel costs and improve fleet management effectiveness for businesses.
FilmFortune Institute of International BusinessThis document provides a brief history of film from early inventions like the zoopraxiscope in 1867 to key moments and films through the 2000s. It covers the development of motion pictures in the 1890s, early narrative and epic films from 1902-1916, silent film classics of the 1920s, talkies and genres in the 1930s, technological advances and genres in the 1940s-1950s, international movements like Italian neo-realism and French New Wave in the 1940s-1950s, increasing social topics and violence in the 1960s-1970s, the rise of blockbusters, cult films and Asian cinema in the 1970s-2000s.
шумиловаLilia AyatskovaScotland has many beautiful and diverse National Nature Reserves that protect spectacular wildlife and landscapes. These reserves include the remote St Kilda islands home to rare species of sheep and mice and over 1 million seabirds, the scenic Loch Lomond lake known for its wildlife and woods, and the important wetland habitat of Insh Marshes which floods in winter attracting large flocks of swans and geese.
Inbound Marketing Through BloggingBen HollandA detailed overview of Inbound Marketing using the platform of Blogging. This presentation was presented at the 2014 Fidelity Agent Recharge Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Presentation1Patti BrownThe document lists furniture items including black leather couches and matching love seats, brown couches priced around $550, beige fabric couches and sectionals, a white leather couch that comes in white, red and black, and concrete chairs that could be paired with cushions and pillows next to a leather sofa.
SeasonsLilia AyatskovaThe document is a project from students at School #19 in Novokuibyshevsk, Samara Region, Russia. It describes the four seasons - winter, spring, summer, and autumn - noting characteristics of each season's weather and examples of associated activities. The seasons are presented through a series of bullet points describing traits of each season.
GlennVanderburg_CraftAndSoftwareEngineeringKostas MavridisThe document discusses various perspectives on software engineering and its relationship to other engineering disciplines. It provides examples of principles and processes from other fields and debates their application to software. Key topics discussed include defining software engineering, the role of testing and design, empirical vs defined processes, and similarities and differences compared to other engineering domains.
Върни радостта от движениетоS&MАртрозата на ставите, позната като остеоартроза, представлява дистрофично-дегенеративно заболяване на ставите, причинено от увреждане на ставния хрущял. Основни симптоми на остеоартрозата са болки и деформация на ставите, което на по-късен етап води до функционална недостатъчност.
Business Plan Sweetie Bake ShopJames WrightO documento apresenta um plano de negócios para uma padaria chamada Sweetie Bake Shop. O plano detalha a operação, marketing, pesquisa de mercado, estrutura financeira e viabilidade do negócio.
SUOMIJA - Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences HelsinkiKauno KolegijaSUOMIJA
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Helsinki
Šarūnas Ručinskas
Karolis Dauskurdis
Karolina Špokaitė
Kėdainių Jonušo Radvilos fakultetas, III kursas, Verslo anglų kalba
Informes diagnóticos primaria y secundaria Marisa KnyeEl documento presenta dos informes diagnósticos de grupos de estudiantes. El primer informe describe un grupo de 5° grado con 25 estudiantes que son disciplinados, participativos y comprometidos con su aprendizaje. Aprenden inglés a través de un libro de texto interdisciplinario y literatura original. La propuesta se centra en una unidad sobre de dónde proviene la comida. El segundo informe describe un grupo de 1er año con 26 estudiantes también disciplinados y participativos. Aprenden inglés a través de varias mater
My family! барсуковаLilia AyatskovaChristina Barsukova introduces her family which consists of her parents and two brothers. Her mother Nadya is a housewife with green eyes. Her father is 35 years old and works as a worker. Her older brother Andrey is 8 years old and in the second form. Her younger brother is 2 years old. Christina loves her parents and brothers very much, and they love each other as a happy family.
ReplastificacionGerman Velazquez CardenasEste documento describe una campaña de reciclaje de botellas de PET realizada por 12 familias. Se recolectaron un total de 540 botellas de PET, o aproximadamente 18-20 kg, durante un período de 30 días. Las botellas recolectadas se vendieron a MARESA, una empresa de reciclaje en Saltillo, por $4 por kilogramo. El documento también incluye una encuesta a los propietarios de MARESA sobre sus operaciones de reciclaje.
Presentation1Patti BrownThe document lists furniture items including black leather couches and matching love seats, brown couches priced around $550, beige fabric couches and sectionals, a white leather couch that comes in white, red and black, and concrete chairs that could be paired with cushions and pillows next to a leather sofa.
SeasonsLilia AyatskovaThe document is a project from students at School #19 in Novokuibyshevsk, Samara Region, Russia. It describes the four seasons - winter, spring, summer, and autumn - noting characteristics of each season's weather and examples of associated activities. The seasons are presented through a series of bullet points describing traits of each season.
GlennVanderburg_CraftAndSoftwareEngineeringKostas MavridisThe document discusses various perspectives on software engineering and its relationship to other engineering disciplines. It provides examples of principles and processes from other fields and debates their application to software. Key topics discussed include defining software engineering, the role of testing and design, empirical vs defined processes, and similarities and differences compared to other engineering domains.
Върни радостта от движениетоS&MАртрозата на ставите, позната като остеоартроза, представлява дистрофично-дегенеративно заболяване на ставите, причинено от увреждане на ставния хрущял. Основни симптоми на остеоартрозата са болки и деформация на ставите, което на по-късен етап води до функционална недостатъчност.
Business Plan Sweetie Bake ShopJames WrightO documento apresenta um plano de negócios para uma padaria chamada Sweetie Bake Shop. O plano detalha a operação, marketing, pesquisa de mercado, estrutura financeira e viabilidade do negócio.
SUOMIJA - Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences HelsinkiKauno KolegijaSUOMIJA
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Helsinki
Šarūnas Ručinskas
Karolis Dauskurdis
Karolina Špokaitė
Kėdainių Jonušo Radvilos fakultetas, III kursas, Verslo anglų kalba
Informes diagnóticos primaria y secundaria Marisa KnyeEl documento presenta dos informes diagnósticos de grupos de estudiantes. El primer informe describe un grupo de 5° grado con 25 estudiantes que son disciplinados, participativos y comprometidos con su aprendizaje. Aprenden inglés a través de un libro de texto interdisciplinario y literatura original. La propuesta se centra en una unidad sobre de dónde proviene la comida. El segundo informe describe un grupo de 1er año con 26 estudiantes también disciplinados y participativos. Aprenden inglés a través de varias mater
My family! барсуковаLilia AyatskovaChristina Barsukova introduces her family which consists of her parents and two brothers. Her mother Nadya is a housewife with green eyes. Her father is 35 years old and works as a worker. Her older brother Andrey is 8 years old and in the second form. Her younger brother is 2 years old. Christina loves her parents and brothers very much, and they love each other as a happy family.
ReplastificacionGerman Velazquez CardenasEste documento describe una campaña de reciclaje de botellas de PET realizada por 12 familias. Se recolectaron un total de 540 botellas de PET, o aproximadamente 18-20 kg, durante un período de 30 días. Las botellas recolectadas se vendieron a MARESA, una empresa de reciclaje en Saltillo, por $4 por kilogramo. El documento también incluye una encuesta a los propietarios de MARESA sobre sus operaciones de reciclaje.