The document summarizes the agenda for the GCARD 2012 conference held in Punta del Este, Uruguay from October 29th to November 1st, 2012. The conference focused on foresight and partnership for innovation and impact on smallholder livelihoods. Sessions were planned on improving visions of the future through foresight, partnerships to achieve food and nutrition security, and practical steps to address key constraints and strengthen partnerships to build food/nutrition security for smallholders by 2014.
C1.2. Mechanisms by which CGIAR Centers support the recognition and promotion...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses mechanisms by which CGIAR centers support the recognition and promotion of Farmers' Rights. It notes that Farmers' Rights need to co-exist with intellectual property rights over new varieties. The CGIAR recognizes Farmers' Rights in its Intellectual Assets Principles. The document discusses what Farmers' Rights mean, including the right to conserve and use genetic resources, and measures that support Farmers' Rights such as participatory plant breeding and community seed banks. It recommends developing guidelines to support Farmers' Rights implementation and balancing Farmers' Rights with intellectual property rights.
Rakesh Kumar presented on Sixth Sense technology, a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world with digital information. It allows users to interact with surfaces like walls and objects using natural hand gestures captured by a camera and processed by a smartphone to project digital information back onto the surfaces. Some applications include telling time by drawing a circle on the wrist, getting product information through image recognition, and zooming in maps using pinch gestures. The presenter concluded Sixth Sense can help integrate digital information into everyday objects without isolating users from the physical world.
C1.1. Tracking Public Investments in AR4D: Lessons from OECD Reviews & DAC CRSGCARD Conferences
This document discusses tools for tracking public investments in food security and agriculture (FS & AG), including lessons learned from OECD reviews. It outlines the UNECA-OECD Monitoring and Reporting on Development Effectiveness in Africa (MRDE) initiative and OECD Development Assistance Committee's Creditor Reporting System (CRS) as two existing mechanisms. The CRS provides basic aid data by sector but its agricultural research tracking is incomplete. The document recommends improving CRS guidance and reporting of agricultural research and development (AR4D) funding to provide a more comprehensive picture. It stresses the importance of partnering with relevant organizations and stakeholders in developing an effective long-term AR4D funding tracking system.
P3.1. Working with (inter)regional innovation platforms: CRP on Roots, Tubers...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses the structure and impact pathways of the RTB program on roots, tubers and bananas. It outlines three types of innovation platforms - value chain, varietal development, and cropping systems. It also discusses action research being done on partnerships within these platforms. Key challenges to partnerships for outcomes include limited engagement beyond research institutions and a need for better coordination across programs and platforms. The document proposes several linkage mechanisms between programs and platforms to help address these challenges.
The document discusses INIA, the National Agricultural Research Institute of Uruguay. It was created in 1989 as a public non-state organization co-funded by farmers organizations and the national government. Previously, agricultural research was conducted within the Ministry of Agriculture. INIA is now the major organization for agricultural technology R&D in Uruguay. It operates with autonomy under private management rules and contracts with both public and private domestic and international partners. Its main objective is to generate and provide technology to benefit farmers through a demand-driven model.
The document shows trends in CGIAR funding from 2011-2012. It includes two charts - one showing the executed budget trends for unrestricted, restricted, and fund disbursements from 2000-2010, with totals fluctuating between $200-800 million. The second chart shows CGIAR fund receipts grew 33% from 2011-2012, with window 1 (W1) decreasing 34% and window 2 (W2) increasing 175% between the two years. Total receipts were $384 million in 2011 and $514 million in 2012.
1st day. Panel discussion on Innovation for Impact on Smallholder Farmers. Ra...GCARD Conferences
The document summarizes a panel discussion on innovation for smallholder farmers. It outlines challenges such as a lack of defined AR4D priorities around smallholders, insufficient resources and stakeholder involvement. Key messages stressed the need for a holistic, systems approach involving all stakeholders and farmer-centric outscaling of innovations. The GCARD road map proposed collective actions including inclusively defining priorities, ensuring equitable partnerships, increasing investments, developing institutional capacities, coordinating linkages and demonstrating value to society.
C1.3. Meeting of G20 Agricultural Chied Scientists (MACS)GCARD Conferences
The Meeting of G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay in October 2012. [1] High and volatile agricultural commodity prices have negatively impacted global food security by making food unaffordable for many. [2] Food production must increase 70% by 2050 to feed a growing population of over 9 billion people, but constraints like less available land and water and climate change pose challenges. [3] The MACS meeting reviewed global agricultural research initiatives and identified areas for improved coordination to strengthen food security through open data sharing and technology transfer.
The state of foresight in food and agriculture and the roads toward improvementGCARD Conferences
The GCARD2 process on foresight is intended to advance the Roadmap actions required, paving the way for developing more effective approaches in line with the partnership principles, smallholder farmer and impact-centred focus of the GCARD. The key question the foresight session intends to address is: “What role could smallholder farmers play in meeting future needs in food and nutrition security, poverty alleviation and sustainable management of natural resources?”
Le processus de la GCARD2 sur la prospective a pour but de promouvoir les actions nécessaires de la Feuille de route en vue de favoriser le développement des approches plus efficaces et respectueuses des principes du partenariat, des petits producteur et de la question des impacts ciblées de la GCARD. Cette section permettra de répondre de fa?on adéquate à la question : ?Quel r?le les petits agriculteurs pourraient-ils jouer le future dans la recherche des solutions aux défis de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, de la réduction de la pauvreté et de gestion durable des ressources naturelles?
El proceso de GCARD2 en la prospectiva se pretende avanzar en las acciones del plan necesarias, allanando el camino para el desarrollo de enfoques más eficaces en consonancia con los principios de asociación, agricultores minifundistas y enfoque centrado en el impacto de la GCARD. La cuestión clave de la sesión de prospectiva pretende la dirección es: "Qué papel podría los peque?os agricultores juegan en satisfacer las necesidades futuras en seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, reducción de la pobreza y gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales?"
C3.2 Strengthening Capacity of National Agricultural Advisory Services Multi-...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses capacity strengthening for national agricultural advisory services multi-stakeholder platforms in sub-Saharan Africa. It outlines that agriculture is the main activity but food insecurity remains a problem, putting pressure on extension services to modernize farming. Agricultural training institutions, employers, and professional platforms can provide capacity building, but challenges include weak farmer organizations and population pressures reducing agricultural viability. Country fora can help identify needs, provide evidence for policy, and foster partnerships between training providers and employers.
Seven Principles of Low Water Landscaping - Flagstaff Xeriscape CouncilFiona9864
The document outlines seven principles of low-water landscaping: 1) Plan and design water use zones, 2) Limit turf areas, 3) Improve soil, 4) Use appropriate plants, 5) Cover soil with mulch, 6) Irrigate efficiently, and 7) Maintain landscape properly. It also describes water use zones - moderate, low, and very low - and provides resources for native plants and xeriscaping information. The Flagstaff Xeriscape Council sponsors the principles and provides local resources to help residents plan water-efficient landscapes.
Oscar Wilde was born in a house on Merrion Street in Dublin, where he lived from 1855 to 1878. The house now displays artifacts related to Wilde's life and work, such as editions of his poems "The Happy Prince" and "The Ballad of Reading Gaol." The Dublin Writers' Museum also honors Wilde with exhibits such as a bust and playbill from his play "Lady Windermere's Fan."
There a lots of articles written about how the generation entering the workforce now is different. Instead of talking about why there are differences, let's focus on how we can help this generation do their best. For more insights on this topic, visit:
Marion Guillou is the chair of the Board of Agreenium, a French public scientific cooperation body that conducts research and higher education in agriculture, food, animal health, and the environment. Agreenium uses foresight processes to anticipate challenges and opportunities through scenario building and collecting weak signals to imagine multiple futures in a complex world. Its Agrimonde and Agrimonde Terra foresight exercises explored sustainability and uncertainty in global food systems and land use to inform research priorities and programming at institutions like INRA. Foresight helps address interconnected global issues but requires considering alternative perspectives and acknowledging uncertainties in predicting the future.
P1.1. Wheat Initiative. An International Research Initiative for Wheat Improv...GCARD Conferences
The document discusses the need for the An International Research Initiative for Wheat Improvement to coordinate global wheat research efforts in order to meet rising demand for wheat. It outlines key objectives like developing a strategic agenda through international collaboration, encouraging investment, and knowledge sharing. The initiative's first activities include setting up committees and a website, as well as expert working groups. Future challenges include engaging more of the global wheat community and encouraging collaboration among funders.
The Global Leadership Forecast 2011 is the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind. Over 2,600 organizations across 74 countries provided perspectives on the current state of leadership in their organizations and future talent-related needs. The study is based on data from 1,897 HR professionals and 12,423 leaders.
Review the highlights here before participating in our Global Leadership Forecast for 2014.
P2.3. Building Regional and National Community Learning Platforms for Climate...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses three key challenges related to climate change and food security: 1) Feeding a growing global population, 2) Increasing food production to meet future demand, and 3) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food systems. It then outlines CCAFS's approach to addressing these challenges through regional partnerships and participatory action research across sites. The goals are to ensure research informs climate agreements and adaptation planning, and that tools and approaches developed are used by stakeholders. Outcome mapping and scaling strategies are discussed to strengthen research-user links from local to regional levels.
The document summarizes two projects that aimed to rebuild livelihoods in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake:
1) The Project tractors project focused on soil preparation and farm machinery training. It helped 2,000 farmers prepare over 5,000 hectares of land and trained over 125 people in tractor operation and maintenance. Crop yields significantly increased.
2) The PASAC project supported food and job generation through infrastructure rehabilitation, seeds and tools, and community gardens. It benefited over 20,000 people through small jobs and rehabilitated irrigation systems. Crop production and organization improved.
Both projects showed the importance of longer-term development perspectives and empowering local institutions and informal sectors for recovery in crisis situations.
GCARD2: Briefing paper Household Nutrition Security (WFP)GCARD Conferences
While the research agenda is growing, there remains limited concrete evidence on how agriculture–nutrition linkages work. A mapping exercise has been completed by DFID/LCIRAH outlining the research gaps. However more nutrition-relevant data from agricultural interventions needs to be generated, collected and shared, and nutritional indicators need to be included in evaluations. LCIRAH identify the need for greater understanding of the pathways from agricultural inputs and practices through value chains to effects on food environment, consumption and nutrition.
Visit the conference site for more information:
Bien que les programmes de recherche se multiplient, il n'existe pas encore de preuves concrètes sur la fa?on dont les relations entre l’agriculture et la nutrition fonctionnent. Un état des lieux a été réalisé par DFID/LCIRAH montrant les lacunes de la recherche dans ce domaine. Cependant, d'importantes données nutritionnelles pertinentes doivent être générées, collectées et partagées ; et les indicateurs nutritionnels doivent être inclus dans les évaluations. LCIRAH identifie la nécessité pour une large compréhension des mécanismes depuis les intrants et pratiques agricoles, a travers les chaines de valeur et aux effets sur les aliments, la consommation et la nutrition.
Visitez le site de la GCARD2 pour plus d'informations:
Breakout session north-south and south-south collaborative actionsGCARD Conferences
This session brief provides a discussion around the collaborative efforts of countries around the world conducting agricultural research. The brief also provides suggestion for improvement of these interactions and how they can support the research on a global basis.
For more information check out the GCARD2 website:
This session brief provides a discussion around the collaborative efforts of countries around the world conducting agricultural research. The brief also provides suggestion for improvement of these interactions and how they can support the research on a global basis.
For more information check out the GCARD2 website:
P2.3. Building Regional and National Community Learning Platforms for Climate...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses building regional and national community learning platforms for climate change and food security through the ANAFE network. It provides an overview of ANAFE, including that it is made up of 134 agricultural colleges and universities in 35 African countries. It discusses ANAFE's learning platforms that strengthen capacities and develop curricula and materials on issues like climate change, risk management, and agribusiness. The platforms encourage collaboration between members on activities like sharing resources, co-supervising students, and developing capacities with local stakeholders to achieve development and environmental goals.
This research report examines issues and best practices related to sustainable water management in Canadian municipalities. Key issues discussed include environmental concerns like water quantity and quality, economic challenges like infrastructure deficits, and regulatory issues such as changing requirements. The report also explores municipal planning approaches, governance and management practices, and operational technologies. Sustainable water management aims to account for ecosystem needs through reduced consumption, no increased supply, and returning treated water to support a healthy environment and potential reuse. Moving fully to sustainability requires higher initial costs but may reduce long-term risks from issues like climate change. Overall the report provides an overview of current challenges and opportunities for Canadian municipalities to improve water management.
P2.1. Biodiversity: Towards Regional Approach for Enhancing the Sustainable U...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses biodiversity and plant genetic resources in the Near East and North Africa region. It outlines the establishment of the Near East and North Africa Plant Genetic Resources Network (NENAPGRN) to strengthen coordination around conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources. It also describes the development of a regional strategy with the goal of conserving and sustainably utilizing plant genetic diversity through coordinated ex situ and in situ conservation efforts. The strategy's objectives include germplasm collection, research on biodiversity hotspots, and exchange of experiences and germplasm.
This document describes the rooms in a house, including the kitchen which contains pots, chairs and windows as well as a refrigerator and oven, the living room with two couches, a window, carpet, television and wall pictures, and the author's bedroom containing a bed, tables, flower pictures and lamps. It also mentions the author's brother's bedroom with a bed, tv, toys, tables, wardrobe and car picture, and notes the author enjoys playing and watching tv there with their brother.
Developing capacity for change to enhance the potential of investment into ag...GCARD Conferences
The document discusses developing capacity for agricultural innovation systems. It notes that investments in agricultural R&D are low and concentrated in high-income countries. The Tropical Agriculture Platform was launched by the G20 to address capacity gaps in low and middle-income tropical countries. The TAP framework proposes a dual pathway approach and 5-stage cycle for capacity development, focusing on strengthening individual, organizational and enabling environment capacities for planning, implementing, adapting and responding to innovation needs. The framework is meant to increase coordination and impact of capacity development initiatives for more effective agricultural innovation systems.
1st day. Panel discussion on Innovation for Impact on Smallholder Farmers. Ra...GCARD Conferences
The document summarizes a panel discussion on innovation for smallholder farmers. It outlines challenges such as a lack of defined AR4D priorities around smallholders, insufficient resources and stakeholder involvement. Key messages stressed the need for a holistic, systems approach involving all stakeholders and farmer-centric outscaling of innovations. The GCARD road map proposed collective actions including inclusively defining priorities, ensuring equitable partnerships, increasing investments, developing institutional capacities, coordinating linkages and demonstrating value to society.
C1.3. Meeting of G20 Agricultural Chied Scientists (MACS)GCARD Conferences
The Meeting of G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay in October 2012. [1] High and volatile agricultural commodity prices have negatively impacted global food security by making food unaffordable for many. [2] Food production must increase 70% by 2050 to feed a growing population of over 9 billion people, but constraints like less available land and water and climate change pose challenges. [3] The MACS meeting reviewed global agricultural research initiatives and identified areas for improved coordination to strengthen food security through open data sharing and technology transfer.
The state of foresight in food and agriculture and the roads toward improvementGCARD Conferences
The GCARD2 process on foresight is intended to advance the Roadmap actions required, paving the way for developing more effective approaches in line with the partnership principles, smallholder farmer and impact-centred focus of the GCARD. The key question the foresight session intends to address is: “What role could smallholder farmers play in meeting future needs in food and nutrition security, poverty alleviation and sustainable management of natural resources?”
Le processus de la GCARD2 sur la prospective a pour but de promouvoir les actions nécessaires de la Feuille de route en vue de favoriser le développement des approches plus efficaces et respectueuses des principes du partenariat, des petits producteur et de la question des impacts ciblées de la GCARD. Cette section permettra de répondre de fa?on adéquate à la question : ?Quel r?le les petits agriculteurs pourraient-ils jouer le future dans la recherche des solutions aux défis de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, de la réduction de la pauvreté et de gestion durable des ressources naturelles?
El proceso de GCARD2 en la prospectiva se pretende avanzar en las acciones del plan necesarias, allanando el camino para el desarrollo de enfoques más eficaces en consonancia con los principios de asociación, agricultores minifundistas y enfoque centrado en el impacto de la GCARD. La cuestión clave de la sesión de prospectiva pretende la dirección es: "Qué papel podría los peque?os agricultores juegan en satisfacer las necesidades futuras en seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, reducción de la pobreza y gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales?"
C3.2 Strengthening Capacity of National Agricultural Advisory Services Multi-...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses capacity strengthening for national agricultural advisory services multi-stakeholder platforms in sub-Saharan Africa. It outlines that agriculture is the main activity but food insecurity remains a problem, putting pressure on extension services to modernize farming. Agricultural training institutions, employers, and professional platforms can provide capacity building, but challenges include weak farmer organizations and population pressures reducing agricultural viability. Country fora can help identify needs, provide evidence for policy, and foster partnerships between training providers and employers.
Seven Principles of Low Water Landscaping - Flagstaff Xeriscape CouncilFiona9864
The document outlines seven principles of low-water landscaping: 1) Plan and design water use zones, 2) Limit turf areas, 3) Improve soil, 4) Use appropriate plants, 5) Cover soil with mulch, 6) Irrigate efficiently, and 7) Maintain landscape properly. It also describes water use zones - moderate, low, and very low - and provides resources for native plants and xeriscaping information. The Flagstaff Xeriscape Council sponsors the principles and provides local resources to help residents plan water-efficient landscapes.
Oscar Wilde was born in a house on Merrion Street in Dublin, where he lived from 1855 to 1878. The house now displays artifacts related to Wilde's life and work, such as editions of his poems "The Happy Prince" and "The Ballad of Reading Gaol." The Dublin Writers' Museum also honors Wilde with exhibits such as a bust and playbill from his play "Lady Windermere's Fan."
There a lots of articles written about how the generation entering the workforce now is different. Instead of talking about why there are differences, let's focus on how we can help this generation do their best. For more insights on this topic, visit:
Marion Guillou is the chair of the Board of Agreenium, a French public scientific cooperation body that conducts research and higher education in agriculture, food, animal health, and the environment. Agreenium uses foresight processes to anticipate challenges and opportunities through scenario building and collecting weak signals to imagine multiple futures in a complex world. Its Agrimonde and Agrimonde Terra foresight exercises explored sustainability and uncertainty in global food systems and land use to inform research priorities and programming at institutions like INRA. Foresight helps address interconnected global issues but requires considering alternative perspectives and acknowledging uncertainties in predicting the future.
P1.1. Wheat Initiative. An International Research Initiative for Wheat Improv...GCARD Conferences
The document discusses the need for the An International Research Initiative for Wheat Improvement to coordinate global wheat research efforts in order to meet rising demand for wheat. It outlines key objectives like developing a strategic agenda through international collaboration, encouraging investment, and knowledge sharing. The initiative's first activities include setting up committees and a website, as well as expert working groups. Future challenges include engaging more of the global wheat community and encouraging collaboration among funders.
The Global Leadership Forecast 2011 is the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind. Over 2,600 organizations across 74 countries provided perspectives on the current state of leadership in their organizations and future talent-related needs. The study is based on data from 1,897 HR professionals and 12,423 leaders.
Review the highlights here before participating in our Global Leadership Forecast for 2014.
P2.3. Building Regional and National Community Learning Platforms for Climate...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses three key challenges related to climate change and food security: 1) Feeding a growing global population, 2) Increasing food production to meet future demand, and 3) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food systems. It then outlines CCAFS's approach to addressing these challenges through regional partnerships and participatory action research across sites. The goals are to ensure research informs climate agreements and adaptation planning, and that tools and approaches developed are used by stakeholders. Outcome mapping and scaling strategies are discussed to strengthen research-user links from local to regional levels.
The document summarizes two projects that aimed to rebuild livelihoods in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake:
1) The Project tractors project focused on soil preparation and farm machinery training. It helped 2,000 farmers prepare over 5,000 hectares of land and trained over 125 people in tractor operation and maintenance. Crop yields significantly increased.
2) The PASAC project supported food and job generation through infrastructure rehabilitation, seeds and tools, and community gardens. It benefited over 20,000 people through small jobs and rehabilitated irrigation systems. Crop production and organization improved.
Both projects showed the importance of longer-term development perspectives and empowering local institutions and informal sectors for recovery in crisis situations.
GCARD2: Briefing paper Household Nutrition Security (WFP)GCARD Conferences
While the research agenda is growing, there remains limited concrete evidence on how agriculture–nutrition linkages work. A mapping exercise has been completed by DFID/LCIRAH outlining the research gaps. However more nutrition-relevant data from agricultural interventions needs to be generated, collected and shared, and nutritional indicators need to be included in evaluations. LCIRAH identify the need for greater understanding of the pathways from agricultural inputs and practices through value chains to effects on food environment, consumption and nutrition.
Visit the conference site for more information:
Bien que les programmes de recherche se multiplient, il n'existe pas encore de preuves concrètes sur la fa?on dont les relations entre l’agriculture et la nutrition fonctionnent. Un état des lieux a été réalisé par DFID/LCIRAH montrant les lacunes de la recherche dans ce domaine. Cependant, d'importantes données nutritionnelles pertinentes doivent être générées, collectées et partagées ; et les indicateurs nutritionnels doivent être inclus dans les évaluations. LCIRAH identifie la nécessité pour une large compréhension des mécanismes depuis les intrants et pratiques agricoles, a travers les chaines de valeur et aux effets sur les aliments, la consommation et la nutrition.
Visitez le site de la GCARD2 pour plus d'informations:
Breakout session north-south and south-south collaborative actionsGCARD Conferences
This session brief provides a discussion around the collaborative efforts of countries around the world conducting agricultural research. The brief also provides suggestion for improvement of these interactions and how they can support the research on a global basis.
For more information check out the GCARD2 website:
This session brief provides a discussion around the collaborative efforts of countries around the world conducting agricultural research. The brief also provides suggestion for improvement of these interactions and how they can support the research on a global basis.
For more information check out the GCARD2 website:
P2.3. Building Regional and National Community Learning Platforms for Climate...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses building regional and national community learning platforms for climate change and food security through the ANAFE network. It provides an overview of ANAFE, including that it is made up of 134 agricultural colleges and universities in 35 African countries. It discusses ANAFE's learning platforms that strengthen capacities and develop curricula and materials on issues like climate change, risk management, and agribusiness. The platforms encourage collaboration between members on activities like sharing resources, co-supervising students, and developing capacities with local stakeholders to achieve development and environmental goals.
This research report examines issues and best practices related to sustainable water management in Canadian municipalities. Key issues discussed include environmental concerns like water quantity and quality, economic challenges like infrastructure deficits, and regulatory issues such as changing requirements. The report also explores municipal planning approaches, governance and management practices, and operational technologies. Sustainable water management aims to account for ecosystem needs through reduced consumption, no increased supply, and returning treated water to support a healthy environment and potential reuse. Moving fully to sustainability requires higher initial costs but may reduce long-term risks from issues like climate change. Overall the report provides an overview of current challenges and opportunities for Canadian municipalities to improve water management.
P2.1. Biodiversity: Towards Regional Approach for Enhancing the Sustainable U...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses biodiversity and plant genetic resources in the Near East and North Africa region. It outlines the establishment of the Near East and North Africa Plant Genetic Resources Network (NENAPGRN) to strengthen coordination around conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources. It also describes the development of a regional strategy with the goal of conserving and sustainably utilizing plant genetic diversity through coordinated ex situ and in situ conservation efforts. The strategy's objectives include germplasm collection, research on biodiversity hotspots, and exchange of experiences and germplasm.
This document describes the rooms in a house, including the kitchen which contains pots, chairs and windows as well as a refrigerator and oven, the living room with two couches, a window, carpet, television and wall pictures, and the author's bedroom containing a bed, tables, flower pictures and lamps. It also mentions the author's brother's bedroom with a bed, tv, toys, tables, wardrobe and car picture, and notes the author enjoys playing and watching tv there with their brother.
Developing capacity for change to enhance the potential of investment into ag...GCARD Conferences
The document discusses developing capacity for agricultural innovation systems. It notes that investments in agricultural R&D are low and concentrated in high-income countries. The Tropical Agriculture Platform was launched by the G20 to address capacity gaps in low and middle-income tropical countries. The TAP framework proposes a dual pathway approach and 5-stage cycle for capacity development, focusing on strengthening individual, organizational and enabling environment capacities for planning, implementing, adapting and responding to innovation needs. The framework is meant to increase coordination and impact of capacity development initiatives for more effective agricultural innovation systems.
31. 「ワンウェー家」?
Fresh air
Lost of energy
Polluted air
Clean water