This presentation talk about one of the example of Agile Software Development for Enterprise. Especially it is about Requirements by Collaboration with QA: Workshops for Defining Needs with QA.
IIJ Technical DAY 2019 ~ Untangling the world-wide mesh of undersea cables:世界...IIJ
[2019/11/21開催「IIJ Technical DAY 2019」の講演資料です]
The growth of global Internet traffic has driven a rapid expansion of the submarine cable network, both in terms of the sheer number of links and its total capacity. Despite the scale and critical role of the submarine network for both business and society at large, we lack an understanding of the relationship between network-layer measurements and its underlying physical infrastructure. This talk discusses the importance characterizing the global submarine network and the critical role it plays as a basic component of any inter-continental end-to-end connection.
IIJイノベーションインスティテュート(IIJ-II) 主任研究員 Zachary Bischof (ビショフ ザカリー)