The document discusses the basics of copyright law in the United States, including its origins in the Constitution, what works are protected, how long copyright lasts, exceptions like fair use, and questions about copyright. It notes that copyright automatically applies as soon as an original work is fixed in a tangible form and usually lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. Exceptions to copyright include ideas and works in the public domain. The document also provides resources for further information on copyright and copyright-free works.
This document discusses using podcasts to reach library customers. It provides definitions of podcasts and compares them to blogs and videos. Some key facts presented include that 72% of US web users watch online videos and 93% of students prefer podcasts as supplemental material. The document also provides examples of what other libraries and schools are doing with podcasts and argues that iTunes U is a good platform for libraries to use to create and host podcasts.
The document discusses the basics of copyright law in the United States, including its origins in the Constitution, what works are protected, how long copyright lasts, exceptions like fair use, and current issues around enforcement. It notes that copyright automatically applies once an original work is fixed in a tangible form and typically lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. Exceptions to copyright include ideas and works in the public domain. The document also provides resources for further information on copyright and creative commons licensing.
Briar Cliff University New Employee Orientation History Fall 2011Julius Fleschner
This document provides a historical overview of Briar Cliff University from its founding in 1930 by the Franciscan Sisters of Dubuque. In 3 sentences: Briar Cliff was established on a hilltop in Sioux City, Iowa by the Franciscan Sisters and grew from its first building, Heelan Hall, to a four-year liberal arts college over the decades with additional buildings, programs, and the transition to being led by lay leadership. The university has undergone many changes over the years but has maintained its Franciscan values and commitment to community service.
Dokumen tersebut membahas karakteristik lingkungan dan pemanfaatan pantai karst di Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Pantai-pantai tersebut memiliki perbedaan dalam hal lereng, energi gelombang, butir sedimen, salinitas, dan suhu air laut yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatannya. Pantai Baron memiliki lereng datar bergelombang, energi gelombang kuat, butir sedimen halus dan gelap, salinitas rendah di bagian selatan, dan suhu air sedang.
The document outlines a proposed mission, called Program INCEP, to investigate the composition and structure of comet 209P/LINEAR using a 6U cubesat. The mission objectives include performing a flyby of the comet with optical and infrared imaging and spectroscopy to analyze the comet's composition and estimate its mass. The cubesat design includes an ion thruster, cameras, spectrometers, an X-band radio for communications, and deployable solar panels. Trajectory analysis shows the cubesat can perform a flyby with the required instruments using its propulsion budget.
NOIZY Brands was brainchild of Jerry Chu, who set out to develop a new type of wireless headphone that sit comfortably in your ear with the capability to provide high quality sound for the active individual.
The document discusses the history and uses of guadua, a type of bamboo found in Colombia. It describes how guadua has traditionally been used by local communities for housing and tools. It also outlines recent efforts to standardize guadua harvesting and production techniques through the creation of technical committees. The document highlights current applications of guadua in construction and the development of guadua processing machines. It proposes guadua as an alternative resource for economic development.
This document discusses technology use at the American School in Japan and developing responsible digital citizenship. It outlines the school's vision for teaching and learning in a technology-rich environment by preparing students to collaborate, communicate, create and innovate. The agenda includes discussing technology at the school, tweeting questions and concerns, cyber citizenship, surfing resources and a question and answer chatroom. The school aims to educate students to become effective communicators, literate individuals, critical thinkers, self-directed learners and constructive community members. Links are provided to online resources about digital citizenship, safety, media and screen time for children.
The SAGAN mission proposes using a constellation of four microsatellites in a tetrahedral formation to study the impact of atmospheric waves, neutral forcing, and ionospheric currents on low and mid-latitude plasma structuring. The satellites would carry instruments to measure electric and magnetic fields, electron density, and ion composition. Maintaining the tetrahedral formation over multiple orbital planes would allow for spatial correlation measurements to understand plasma dynamics in the ionosphere. The proposed one to two year mission aims to advance understanding of ionospheric coupling processes.
Caren Taipe se presenta. Ella trabaja por las ma?anas y estudia por las tardes y noches. Tiene 27 a?os y vive en Quito con su familia, que incluye a sus padres, su hermano casado y tres sobrinas. Estudia ingeniería comercial en la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas y ha trabajado en Productos AVON por nueve meses. Espera aprender sobre gestión de servicios en su curso para aplicarlo en su carrera.
El documento describe dos tipos de multivibradores utilizando el temporizador 555: monoestable y astable. El multivibrador monoestable produce un solo pulso de ancho establecido por el dise?ador, mientras que el multivibrador astable produce una onda cuadrada continua con tiempos de estado alto y bajo definidos por las resistencias y el capacitor.
El documento describe la historia de opresión y desigualdad que han enfrentado las mujeres a lo largo de la historia. Se ha limitado su intelecto y participación a cuestiones del hogar, y han sufrido esclavitud, maltrato y machismo. Aunque en el siglo XXI se han dado algunos avances, todavía enfrentan desafíos como la violencia, la falta de oportunidades laborales y la discriminación. No obstante, las mujeres saben su valor y merecimientos, por lo que la lucha por la equidad de géner
El documento lista los nombres de varias personas seguidos de "DAN IBU" y "DI TEMPAT", lo que significa "y madre" y "en el lugar" en indonesio. Parece ser una lista de asistencia de varias personas y sus madres en algún lugar.
This resume is for Souank Gupta. He has experience in web development and design through courses at Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics and Sharma Television Computer Institute. His career objective is to utilize his quantitative skills and communication abilities to succeed in his field. He is proficient in programs like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Illustrator. His experience includes one year working at Global Communication Services where he designed websites. He also lists achievements in competitions and hobbies of surfing the internet and listening to old songs.