This document outlines the steps for a school project where students will:
1. Work in groups to recreate family albums using photos and stories told through a digital storytelling app.
2. Describe their family members and relationships while introducing themselves.
3. Publish their digital family albums online to share with others.
The project involves continuous feedback and assessment of the process and final products. Students will use technology resources like laptops, the internet, and a storytelling app to complete the project.
This document encourages the reader to believe that they can still accomplish anything, just like they did as a child. It suggests overcoming obstacles through education, confidence, and determination. A single individual can make a difference by having a clear vision and fighting convincingly to achieve goals, just as ancestors who built the country were able to change perceptions of what is possible.
Este documento presenta un formato de evaluación para estudiantes que están creando una organización juvenil. El formato evalúa diversos criterios como la presentación oral y escrita de la organización, la identificación de problemas en la comunidad y objetivos de la organización. También incluye la creación de un nombre, logo, slogan y página web para la organización juvenil.
Ofrece servicios de especialista en software de Microsoft como Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word y Outlook, así como ayuda con Windows e Internet. Busca brindar soluciones a través del esfuerzo, la dedicación y la libertad para mejorar la vida de los clientes.
This document contains 60 pictures from the 7th US/German Workshop on Salt Repository Research, Design, and Operation. The pictures show presentations, group photos, and social activities from the workshop, which was hosted by Sandia National Laboratories and involved participants from several US and German organizations involved in nuclear waste repository programs.
La fotografía de campa?a es un elemento clave del poder y el éxito electoral. Captura el momento decisivo que define la historia de un país a través de la combinación de formas, luz e ideología subyacente, creando una imagen perdurable en el tiempo.
This document summarizes a presentation on actinide and brine chemistry in salt repositories. It discusses the rationale for studying actinide/brine systems in salt repositories, including regulatory requirements to address low probability scenarios. It also discusses how repository design and geotechnical issues impact actinide/brine chemistry through factors like brine availability and redox conditions. Finally, it provides an overview of various activities related to actinide/brine chemistry, including the NEA Pitzer database and upcoming workshops on the topic.
27 kuhlman sand2016 8647 c hydrologic-modeling-v2leann_mays
Sandia National Laboratories and Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) are collaborating to develop improved basin-scale groundwater flow models near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) salt repository. In 2016, they made progress updating older models to include density-dependent flow and incorporate new data. Moving forward, they plan to generate new meshes, implement unsaturated flow, update boundary conditions, and include geochemical tracers to further refine the hydrogeological conceptual model of the region.
14 van sambeek importance of small deviatoric stresses leann_mays
Creep is recognized as rock salt's primary deformation mechanism. However, commonly used creep laws do not accurately predict creep at small deviatoric stresses, which dominate the behavior of salt structures given that the vast majority of the volume experiences small stresses. Including multiple creep law segments with progressively smaller stress exponents but larger coefficients, as expected for different stress regimes, can increase predicted volumetric closure rates around circular openings by a factor of 10 compared to using a single creep law segment. This better accounts for the requirement of strain compatibility whereby deformation must occur throughout the volume to avoid voids.
This document outlines the steps for a school project where students will:
1. Work in groups to recreate family albums using photos and stories told through a digital storytelling app.
2. Describe their family members and relationships while introducing themselves.
3. Publish their digital family albums online to share with others.
The project involves continuous feedback and assessment of the process and final products. Students will use technology resources like laptops, the internet, and a storytelling app to complete the project.
This document encourages the reader to believe that they can still accomplish anything, just like they did as a child. It suggests overcoming obstacles through education, confidence, and determination. A single individual can make a difference by having a clear vision and fighting convincingly to achieve goals, just as ancestors who built the country were able to change perceptions of what is possible.
Este documento presenta un formato de evaluación para estudiantes que están creando una organización juvenil. El formato evalúa diversos criterios como la presentación oral y escrita de la organización, la identificación de problemas en la comunidad y objetivos de la organización. También incluye la creación de un nombre, logo, slogan y página web para la organización juvenil.
Ofrece servicios de especialista en software de Microsoft como Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word y Outlook, así como ayuda con Windows e Internet. Busca brindar soluciones a través del esfuerzo, la dedicación y la libertad para mejorar la vida de los clientes.
This document contains 60 pictures from the 7th US/German Workshop on Salt Repository Research, Design, and Operation. The pictures show presentations, group photos, and social activities from the workshop, which was hosted by Sandia National Laboratories and involved participants from several US and German organizations involved in nuclear waste repository programs.
La fotografía de campa?a es un elemento clave del poder y el éxito electoral. Captura el momento decisivo que define la historia de un país a través de la combinación de formas, luz e ideología subyacente, creando una imagen perdurable en el tiempo.
This document summarizes a presentation on actinide and brine chemistry in salt repositories. It discusses the rationale for studying actinide/brine systems in salt repositories, including regulatory requirements to address low probability scenarios. It also discusses how repository design and geotechnical issues impact actinide/brine chemistry through factors like brine availability and redox conditions. Finally, it provides an overview of various activities related to actinide/brine chemistry, including the NEA Pitzer database and upcoming workshops on the topic.
27 kuhlman sand2016 8647 c hydrologic-modeling-v2leann_mays
Sandia National Laboratories and Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) are collaborating to develop improved basin-scale groundwater flow models near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) salt repository. In 2016, they made progress updating older models to include density-dependent flow and incorporate new data. Moving forward, they plan to generate new meshes, implement unsaturated flow, update boundary conditions, and include geochemical tracers to further refine the hydrogeological conceptual model of the region.
14 van sambeek importance of small deviatoric stresses leann_mays
Creep is recognized as rock salt's primary deformation mechanism. However, commonly used creep laws do not accurately predict creep at small deviatoric stresses, which dominate the behavior of salt structures given that the vast majority of the volume experiences small stresses. Including multiple creep law segments with progressively smaller stress exponents but larger coefficients, as expected for different stress regimes, can increase predicted volumetric closure rates around circular openings by a factor of 10 compared to using a single creep law segment. This better accounts for the requirement of strain compatibility whereby deformation must occur throughout the volume to avoid voids.