Intro computer netwrokAsif JamalThis document provides an introduction to computer networks. It discusses that computer networks connect autonomous computers that can be located anywhere geographically. It describes different types of networks including LAN, MAN, and WAN. Computer networks allow for resource and information sharing, communication, and distributed processing. The document discusses different network topologies such as bus, star, tree, ring, and mesh. It also covers network components like physical media, interconnecting devices, computers, networking software, and applications that run on networks. TCP/IP is described as the main networking protocol. Examples of applications that use computer networks are also provided.
Which Warcraft Character Are You?esspptLike "Lord of the Rings"? Secretly enjoy Renaissance Festivals? Yearn to wield sword or sorcery? Want to discovery your fantasy avatar but don't feel like actually purchasing "World of Warcraft"?
Take the "Which Warcraft Character Are You?" quiz instead! Find out whether you're an elf or an orc, a warrior or warlock, human or troll, priest or rogue.
"World of Warcraft" is a property of Blizzard Entertainment. This quiz is privately made and Blizzard should in not be blamed/congratulated for its failure/success.
Urban UpcyclingAcademy of Art UniversityPairing the importance of playing and Urban Cycling and connect it with the online marketplace Etsy to transform the urban landscape into a more joyful, playful and connective place.
TravellerGroups_Segmentation_CDJAcademy of Art UniversityThis document segments travellers into five groups - families, college groups, adventurers, whenevers, and regular travellers - based on group size, flexibility, budget, and travel habits. It provides descriptions of each group's typical characteristics. It then provides three recommendations for how to target certain segments based on changes to transportation options like increasing car rentals, decreasing long-distance flights, or promoting last-minute deals.
Panda Bear- Primary ResearchcloesteadThe interviews discuss various aspects of Panda Bear's music career, including preferences for different albums and roles. For quintessential album, most cite Person Pitch for defining Panda Bear's sound through sampling and mood shifts. Opinions vary on whether Panda Bear or Animal Collective is preferred, though many enjoy both. Experimental albums mentioned are Young Prayer and Person Pitch.
Explanations easy cut IImyeasycut1) The new SCHUMACHER Cutting System introduces several improvements to the guard, section, crop lifter, guiding roll, and knife components.
2) Key changes include a new guard shape with positive cutting angle for improved cutting, salt bath tempering of sections for longer durability, and an upper knife screwing for easier component changes.
3) The upgrades are aimed at improving the cut of crops, reducing wear on components, and allowing for higher operating speeds of the cutting system.
Practising Grammar: Past SimpleAV_SmirnovaThis is a presentation to use with the video from Youtube titled "Mr. Morton" to practise using verbs in Past Simple.
Introduction of Organisation Behaviour Asif JamalThis document provides an introduction to organizational behavior. It discusses the historical background of OB, including the Hawthorne studies. It also outlines several models for managerial roles, including those proposed by Robert Katz and Henry Mintzberg. The document examines key topics in OB like organizational citizenship, focal points, contributing disciplines, and challenges/opportunities in managing today's diverse and globalized workforces. It provides insights into improving quality, customer service, managing change, and balancing work and life.
National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 3 (improved)cloesteadThis document summarizes key legal and ethical issues related to journalism. It discusses laws around defamation, copyright, protecting children and young persons, confidentiality, official secrets, and codes of practice. Regarding defamation, journalists can face legal consequences for publishing false information that damages a person's reputation. Copyright law protects intellectual property and journalists must not plagiarize. Laws and codes aim to protect children's privacy and welfare. Journalists have a duty to keep sources confidential. Official secrets laws regulate disclosure of classified government information. Codes of practice provide ethical guidance for journalists.
Photography Extension TaskcloesteadThe document discusses when post-production should be used on photographs. It argues that post-production is acceptable for art as it allows artists to achieve their desired creative effects, but should be limited for factual photography. For photojournalism and documentary photography, minor adjustments for lighting may be acceptable, but extensive post-production could mislead audiences. The document concludes that minimal post-production is appropriate for factual images, while artists should have freedom to pursue their visions, and some editing may be suitable for portraits and commercial photography.
The effect of breast cancer in daily lifeVievianna CharlieBreast cancer recurrence can develop in the same location or a new site and type of cancer. Chemotherapy has powerful drugs that kill cancer cells but cause side effects like hair loss, mouth sores, nausea, and chemo brain where patients struggle with memory like in dementia. Breast cancer takes a physical and emotional toll on patients, often causing anxiety, distress, and depression during treatment. Treatment side effects like fatigue, weight gain, depression, and stress can reduce mobility and interest in activities due to constant tiredness.
как подготовить докладAV_SmirnovaПрезентация рассказывает о том, как правильно подготовить устное выступление для защиты результатов исследовательской работы обучающегося.
заключение1AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что необходимо писать в заключении к исследовательской работе ученика, а также как правильно оформить список литературы.
павельчук м.в. 17.12AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что нужно писать в практической главе исследовательской работы ученика, как оформить приложения к данной работе.
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
TravellerGroups_Segmentation_CDJAcademy of Art UniversityThis document segments travellers into five groups - families, college groups, adventurers, whenevers, and regular travellers - based on group size, flexibility, budget, and travel habits. It provides descriptions of each group's typical characteristics. It then provides three recommendations for how to target certain segments based on changes to transportation options like increasing car rentals, decreasing long-distance flights, or promoting last-minute deals.
Panda Bear- Primary ResearchcloesteadThe interviews discuss various aspects of Panda Bear's music career, including preferences for different albums and roles. For quintessential album, most cite Person Pitch for defining Panda Bear's sound through sampling and mood shifts. Opinions vary on whether Panda Bear or Animal Collective is preferred, though many enjoy both. Experimental albums mentioned are Young Prayer and Person Pitch.
Explanations easy cut IImyeasycut1) The new SCHUMACHER Cutting System introduces several improvements to the guard, section, crop lifter, guiding roll, and knife components.
2) Key changes include a new guard shape with positive cutting angle for improved cutting, salt bath tempering of sections for longer durability, and an upper knife screwing for easier component changes.
3) The upgrades are aimed at improving the cut of crops, reducing wear on components, and allowing for higher operating speeds of the cutting system.
Practising Grammar: Past SimpleAV_SmirnovaThis is a presentation to use with the video from Youtube titled "Mr. Morton" to practise using verbs in Past Simple.
Introduction of Organisation Behaviour Asif JamalThis document provides an introduction to organizational behavior. It discusses the historical background of OB, including the Hawthorne studies. It also outlines several models for managerial roles, including those proposed by Robert Katz and Henry Mintzberg. The document examines key topics in OB like organizational citizenship, focal points, contributing disciplines, and challenges/opportunities in managing today's diverse and globalized workforces. It provides insights into improving quality, customer service, managing change, and balancing work and life.
National Union of Journalists Presentation Part 3 (improved)cloesteadThis document summarizes key legal and ethical issues related to journalism. It discusses laws around defamation, copyright, protecting children and young persons, confidentiality, official secrets, and codes of practice. Regarding defamation, journalists can face legal consequences for publishing false information that damages a person's reputation. Copyright law protects intellectual property and journalists must not plagiarize. Laws and codes aim to protect children's privacy and welfare. Journalists have a duty to keep sources confidential. Official secrets laws regulate disclosure of classified government information. Codes of practice provide ethical guidance for journalists.
Photography Extension TaskcloesteadThe document discusses when post-production should be used on photographs. It argues that post-production is acceptable for art as it allows artists to achieve their desired creative effects, but should be limited for factual photography. For photojournalism and documentary photography, minor adjustments for lighting may be acceptable, but extensive post-production could mislead audiences. The document concludes that minimal post-production is appropriate for factual images, while artists should have freedom to pursue their visions, and some editing may be suitable for portraits and commercial photography.
The effect of breast cancer in daily lifeVievianna CharlieBreast cancer recurrence can develop in the same location or a new site and type of cancer. Chemotherapy has powerful drugs that kill cancer cells but cause side effects like hair loss, mouth sores, nausea, and chemo brain where patients struggle with memory like in dementia. Breast cancer takes a physical and emotional toll on patients, often causing anxiety, distress, and depression during treatment. Treatment side effects like fatigue, weight gain, depression, and stress can reduce mobility and interest in activities due to constant tiredness.
как подготовить докладAV_SmirnovaПрезентация рассказывает о том, как правильно подготовить устное выступление для защиты результатов исследовательской работы обучающегося.
заключение1AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что необходимо писать в заключении к исследовательской работе ученика, а также как правильно оформить список литературы.
павельчук м.в. 17.12AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что нужно писать в практической главе исследовательской работы ученика, как оформить приложения к данной работе.
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
теоретическая часть 2AV_SmirnovaОписание работы ученика-исследователя над теоретической частью своей исследовательской работы, описание надежных источников информации
Цель_задачи_объект и предмет исследованияAV_SmirnovaВ презентации приводятся определения и типичные ошибки при формулировании цели, задач, объекта и предмета, а также методов исследования.
алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельностиAV_SmirnovaВ презентации раскрывается алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельности обучающихся
Process writingAV_SmirnovaThis document outlines the 6 stages of the writing process: 1) Brainstorming to generate ideas, 2) Planning to organize ideas, 3) Writing a first draft, 4) Editing for content and structure, 5) Proof-reading for errors, and 6) Producing a final version of the written work.