Описание работы ученика-исследователя над теоретической частью своей исследовательской работы, описание надежных источников информации
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Diapostivas Salud PublicaPaolo RestrepoEste documento resume cuatro enfermedades de la vista: glaucoma, daltonismo, cataratas y miopía. El glaucoma ocurre cuando la presión dentro del ojo aumenta, lo que puede causar pérdida del campo visual. El daltonismo implica dificultad para distinguir entre colores como rojo y verde. Las cataratas son opacidades en el cristalino que causan visión borrosa, mientras que la miopía implica que el punto focal se forma delante de la retina, causando dificultad para ver de lejos.
El internetMaryRomero77Un estudio de 2005 estimó que había 11.500 millones de páginas web, mientras que un estudio de 2008 estimó que la cantidad había aumentado a 63.000 millones de páginas web, mostrando el rápido crecimiento de la World Wide Web en sólo tres años.
заключение1AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что необходимо писать в заключении к исследовательской работе ученика, а также как правильно оформить список литературы.
ExhibitionsAV_SmirnovaThe document discusses exhibitions at museums in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It mentions that the Hermitage museum hosts exhibitions on topics like the Middle Ages, ancient Egypt, and 19th century firearms. Another museum mentioned is the Russian Museum, which has an exhibition on Russian folk art. The document encourages learning more by visiting the city.
ReklamAction Performans RetargetingReklamActionReklamAction Performans Retargeting ݺߣ
Diseccion de riñonesMary cielo RodasEl documento describe la estructura y función de los riñones a través de una disección de riñones de cordero. Explica que los riñones tienen una corteza externa rojiza y una médula interna marrón, y que están atravesados por un hilio renal por el que entran vasos sanguíneos y salen el uréter. Los riñones filtran la sangre para formar la orina y regulan electrolitos, volumen de fluidos y presión arterial a través de la filtración glomerular, reabsorción y secreción tubular.
Energy Drink Research cloesteadScheckter's Organic Energy appears to target people aged 20-30 who care about ethical issues like fair trade. On their website and logo, they emphasize their organic and natural credentials using imagery of nature and highlighting certifications. Their videos on YouTube aim to make the drink seem exciting by showing it being mixed into cocktails at summer parties with attractive young people. Rockstar Energy Drink targets young, straight white males interested in extreme sports and rock music. On their website they show images of men doing extreme sports and list bands they sponsor. Their bold logo, bold can designs, and "lad mag" style women images emphasize appearance. Lucozade markets itself as a sports drink, emphasizing hydration benefits and partnerships with
Mangt tool with statistical process control ch 18 asif jamalAsif JamalIt is basic way to understand Total Quality Management
Tools & Procedures of CI
Varies from simple suggestion system based on brain storming to structured programs utilizing statistical process control tools (SPC Tools)
Deming wheel (PDCA) cycle
Zero defect concept
Bench Marking
Six sigma
Question generating processsorbiekuThe document provides guidance on developing research questions. It includes steps for brainstorming what is already known about a topic and what remains unknown, identifying the 10 best statements or questions, changing statements to questions, making questions more open-ended, using question stems to improve questions, and evaluating the final research question. The overall purpose is to help generate high-quality research questions through an iterative process.
Design Pro Forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document describes the development of an advertisement design for an energy drink. It discusses initial ideas including using a panda character and pouring drinks. Various font and color scheme options are explored. The final advertisement features the panda character repeated on a black background with the drink pouring behind. The brand name and can image are placed over the top with the background opacity lowered so they are clearer. Overall, the advertisement aims to have a minimal, printed look to promote the Japanese-inspired energy drink brand.
Task 1- Factual WritingcloesteadFactual writing is used to inform or raise awareness and can be presented in magazines, newspapers, leaflets, packaging, and manuals. When writing for magazines and newspapers, journalists must ensure accuracy by fact-checking and considering typography, register for their audience, relevant images, and legal restrictions. Leaflets need concise writing to fit limited space while providing key facts and images to support claims. Instructional writing uses short sentences, images, and illustrations to clearly guide readers in using a product or dealing with a situation.
Graphic Narrative EvaluationcloesteadVladimir Propp analyzed character types in narratives and identified 8 common types including the hero, villain, princess, donor, and dispatcher. Propp's theory describes the hero's journey and tasks. Todorov's narrative theory proposes that stories follow a three-step structure of equilibrium, disruption, and new equilibrium or a five-step structure involving recognition and repair. Strauss argued stories require two opposing sides. The analyzed story section features a hero, villain, and donor and aligns somewhat with Propp's and Todorov's theories despite its brevity.
Digital Graphics Pro Forma (improved)cloesteadThe document provides an evaluation of a T-shirt design project, noting that while the final design incorporated elements from the original intentions like using FKA Twigs artwork and creating a floral pattern background, it diverged in aspects like the color scheme and editing of the artwork. The techniques used to create the background pattern from fabric and edit FKA Twigs' face are analyzed, highlighting what was liked such as the natural texture captured and neutral color tones achieved and what could be improved like making the flowers larger. Overall the design is assessed as suitable for the intended audience of FKA Twigs fans while experimenting with her image.
Gyrokinetic plasma theoryRobert La QueyThe document summarizes general gyrokinetic theory, which describes a symmetry in magnetized plasmas. It discusses:
1) Developing geometric Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a 7D phase space defined as a fiber bundle over spacetime. This determines particle worldlines and realizes kinetic integrals as fiber integrals.
2) Constructing the infinite small generator of gyrosymmetry by applying Lie coordinate perturbation to the Poincare-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. This generates the most relaxed condition for gyrosymmetry.
3) Developing general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system rather than new equations, automatically carrying over properties like conservation laws. The pullback
Recipe Card EvaluationscloesteadThe document describes the design elements used in various recipe cards. Some key design elements discussed include using colorful graphics and images to appeal to children, sectioning text into lists for easy reading, including brand logos and contact information, and using photography techniques like shallow depth of field to draw attention to the food. The intended audiences of the different cards, whether children or adults, are considered in the design choices around fonts, layouts, and visuals used.
Islamic finance Asif JamalIslamic Banking (IB)Definition:Islamic banking can be defined as: a form of modern banking based on Islamic legal concepts using risk- sharing as its main method excluding financing based on fixed pre- determined return.
Idea DevelopmentcloesteadThe summary provides an overview of initial ideas and feedback for recipe cards. Five recipe card ideas are presented covering themes of pizza, curries, student meals, Halloween treats, and summer superfoods. Feedback is provided for each idea addressing what is liked, what could be developed, and what is found interesting. The document discusses agreeing with feedback to develop themes more deeply and include pricing. It evaluates ideas, favoring the Halloween spell book idea for its creative presentation. A treatment is outlined for the Halloween theme incorporating spell book pages, fonts, borders and textures. An assessment addresses suitability, appeal, production, costs, quality and legal issues. The document concludes by explaining a rationale will be provided for the final group idea.
Working to a Brief pro-forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document discusses different types of briefs that can be used when clients hire media companies or producers to work on projects. It defines and compares contractual, formal, informal, co-operative, negotiated, commission, tender, and competition briefs. The main advantages and disadvantages of each brief type are outlined. The key information is that different brief types determine the level of flexibility, legal obligations, potential for misunderstandings, and creative control between the client and producer.
The document also includes a section where the client must determine what type of brief is being used for a recipe card project based on the information provided. It is concluded that it is a formal brief.
как подготовить докладAV_SmirnovaПрезентация рассказывает о том, как правильно подготовить устное выступление для защиты результатов исследовательской работы обучающегося.
павельчук м.в. 17.12AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что нужно писать в практической главе исследовательской работы ученика, как оформить приложения к данной работе.
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
Цель_задачи_объект и предмет исследованияAV_SmirnovaВ презентации приводятся определения и типичные ошибки при формулировании цели, задач, объекта и предмета, а также методов исследования.
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Diseccion de riñonesMary cielo RodasEl documento describe la estructura y función de los riñones a través de una disección de riñones de cordero. Explica que los riñones tienen una corteza externa rojiza y una médula interna marrón, y que están atravesados por un hilio renal por el que entran vasos sanguíneos y salen el uréter. Los riñones filtran la sangre para formar la orina y regulan electrolitos, volumen de fluidos y presión arterial a través de la filtración glomerular, reabsorción y secreción tubular.
Energy Drink Research cloesteadScheckter's Organic Energy appears to target people aged 20-30 who care about ethical issues like fair trade. On their website and logo, they emphasize their organic and natural credentials using imagery of nature and highlighting certifications. Their videos on YouTube aim to make the drink seem exciting by showing it being mixed into cocktails at summer parties with attractive young people. Rockstar Energy Drink targets young, straight white males interested in extreme sports and rock music. On their website they show images of men doing extreme sports and list bands they sponsor. Their bold logo, bold can designs, and "lad mag" style women images emphasize appearance. Lucozade markets itself as a sports drink, emphasizing hydration benefits and partnerships with
Mangt tool with statistical process control ch 18 asif jamalAsif JamalIt is basic way to understand Total Quality Management
Tools & Procedures of CI
Varies from simple suggestion system based on brain storming to structured programs utilizing statistical process control tools (SPC Tools)
Deming wheel (PDCA) cycle
Zero defect concept
Bench Marking
Six sigma
Question generating processsorbiekuThe document provides guidance on developing research questions. It includes steps for brainstorming what is already known about a topic and what remains unknown, identifying the 10 best statements or questions, changing statements to questions, making questions more open-ended, using question stems to improve questions, and evaluating the final research question. The overall purpose is to help generate high-quality research questions through an iterative process.
Design Pro Forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document describes the development of an advertisement design for an energy drink. It discusses initial ideas including using a panda character and pouring drinks. Various font and color scheme options are explored. The final advertisement features the panda character repeated on a black background with the drink pouring behind. The brand name and can image are placed over the top with the background opacity lowered so they are clearer. Overall, the advertisement aims to have a minimal, printed look to promote the Japanese-inspired energy drink brand.
Task 1- Factual WritingcloesteadFactual writing is used to inform or raise awareness and can be presented in magazines, newspapers, leaflets, packaging, and manuals. When writing for magazines and newspapers, journalists must ensure accuracy by fact-checking and considering typography, register for their audience, relevant images, and legal restrictions. Leaflets need concise writing to fit limited space while providing key facts and images to support claims. Instructional writing uses short sentences, images, and illustrations to clearly guide readers in using a product or dealing with a situation.
Graphic Narrative EvaluationcloesteadVladimir Propp analyzed character types in narratives and identified 8 common types including the hero, villain, princess, donor, and dispatcher. Propp's theory describes the hero's journey and tasks. Todorov's narrative theory proposes that stories follow a three-step structure of equilibrium, disruption, and new equilibrium or a five-step structure involving recognition and repair. Strauss argued stories require two opposing sides. The analyzed story section features a hero, villain, and donor and aligns somewhat with Propp's and Todorov's theories despite its brevity.
Digital Graphics Pro Forma (improved)cloesteadThe document provides an evaluation of a T-shirt design project, noting that while the final design incorporated elements from the original intentions like using FKA Twigs artwork and creating a floral pattern background, it diverged in aspects like the color scheme and editing of the artwork. The techniques used to create the background pattern from fabric and edit FKA Twigs' face are analyzed, highlighting what was liked such as the natural texture captured and neutral color tones achieved and what could be improved like making the flowers larger. Overall the design is assessed as suitable for the intended audience of FKA Twigs fans while experimenting with her image.
Gyrokinetic plasma theoryRobert La QueyThe document summarizes general gyrokinetic theory, which describes a symmetry in magnetized plasmas. It discusses:
1) Developing geometric Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a 7D phase space defined as a fiber bundle over spacetime. This determines particle worldlines and realizes kinetic integrals as fiber integrals.
2) Constructing the infinite small generator of gyrosymmetry by applying Lie coordinate perturbation to the Poincare-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. This generates the most relaxed condition for gyrosymmetry.
3) Developing general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system rather than new equations, automatically carrying over properties like conservation laws. The pullback
Recipe Card EvaluationscloesteadThe document describes the design elements used in various recipe cards. Some key design elements discussed include using colorful graphics and images to appeal to children, sectioning text into lists for easy reading, including brand logos and contact information, and using photography techniques like shallow depth of field to draw attention to the food. The intended audiences of the different cards, whether children or adults, are considered in the design choices around fonts, layouts, and visuals used.
Islamic finance Asif JamalIslamic Banking (IB)Definition:Islamic banking can be defined as: a form of modern banking based on Islamic legal concepts using risk- sharing as its main method excluding financing based on fixed pre- determined return.
Idea DevelopmentcloesteadThe summary provides an overview of initial ideas and feedback for recipe cards. Five recipe card ideas are presented covering themes of pizza, curries, student meals, Halloween treats, and summer superfoods. Feedback is provided for each idea addressing what is liked, what could be developed, and what is found interesting. The document discusses agreeing with feedback to develop themes more deeply and include pricing. It evaluates ideas, favoring the Halloween spell book idea for its creative presentation. A treatment is outlined for the Halloween theme incorporating spell book pages, fonts, borders and textures. An assessment addresses suitability, appeal, production, costs, quality and legal issues. The document concludes by explaining a rationale will be provided for the final group idea.
Working to a Brief pro-forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document discusses different types of briefs that can be used when clients hire media companies or producers to work on projects. It defines and compares contractual, formal, informal, co-operative, negotiated, commission, tender, and competition briefs. The main advantages and disadvantages of each brief type are outlined. The key information is that different brief types determine the level of flexibility, legal obligations, potential for misunderstandings, and creative control between the client and producer.
The document also includes a section where the client must determine what type of brief is being used for a recipe card project based on the information provided. It is concluded that it is a formal brief.
как подготовить докладAV_SmirnovaПрезентация рассказывает о том, как правильно подготовить устное выступление для защиты результатов исследовательской работы обучающегося.
павельчук м.в. 17.12AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что нужно писать в практической главе исследовательской работы ученика, как оформить приложения к данной работе.
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
Цель_задачи_объект и предмет исследованияAV_SmirnovaВ презентации приводятся определения и типичные ошибки при формулировании цели, задач, объекта и предмета, а также методов исследования.
алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельностиAV_SmirnovaВ презентации раскрывается алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельности обучающихся
Process writingAV_SmirnovaThis document outlines the 6 stages of the writing process: 1) Brainstorming to generate ideas, 2) Planning to organize ideas, 3) Writing a first draft, 4) Editing for content and structure, 5) Proof-reading for errors, and 6) Producing a final version of the written work.
развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных ууд при обучении (2)AV_SmirnovaПрезентация Юлии Николаевны Кравцовой "развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных ууд при обучении письменной речи"
приемы развития умений креативного письма при обучении английскомуAV_SmirnovaПрезентация Татьяны Анатольевны Мяус "приемы развития умений креативного письма при обучении английскому".
2. Основная часть
Глава 1
Глава 2 Глава 3
Путь решения
Обзор методик
применяемых к
заданному объекту,
процессу, явлению
расчетов, схем
Содержание ………………………………………………………….…2
Введение ……………………………………………………………......3
Глава 1. Словообразование
1.Морфологические способы словообразования…………………….6
1.1.1. Конверсия. Словосложение……………………………..6
1.1.2. Словообразование с помощью аффиксации…………….7
1.1.3. Словообразование с помощью аббревиации…………..10
1.2.Виды словообразования по форме и содержанию…………… ......10
Глава 2. Классификация новой лексики в практическом аспекте
2.1 Классификация по сферам деятельности…………………12
2.2. Практическое исследование с помощью анкетирования..14
2.2.1 Составление анкеты для опроса………………………....14
2.2.2 Обработка результатов………………………………........18
Источники литературы………………………………..…………...........24
4. Надежные источники информации
• статьи, опубликованные в научных
• диссертации,
• авторефераты диссертаций,
• монографии,
• справочная литература (энциклопедии,
словари), представленные в печатном или
электронном виде.
5. Теоретическая база исследования:
• основополагающие и современные
научные труды в области филологии и
• исследования консалтинговых и
аналитических агентств;
• современные научно-практические
публикации в рассматриваемой
предметной области.
7. Составление плана работы
Вид работы Срок сдачи
Материал главы 1
( рабочий материал)
15 октября
Материал главы 1
(законченный вариант)
15 ноября
Материал главы 2
(рабочий материал)
15 декабря
Материал главы 2
(законченный вариант)
25 декабря
8. Журналы .
• Вестник молодых ученых: Филологические
С 1997 выходит 2 раза в год
• журнал «Вопросы языкознания»
С 1952 года 6 раз в год , издательство «Наука»
• Вестник Московского университета. Серия
С 1976 года выходит 6 раз в год
9. Журналы.
• Вопросы филологии = Journal of philology
по содержанию
• Philologica. Двуязычный журнал по
русской и теоретической филологии
• Электронный научно-практический журнал
«Филология и литературоведение»