как подготовить докладAV_SmirnovaПрезентация рассказывает о том, как правильно подготовить устное выступление для защиты результатов исследовательской работы обучающегося.
заключение1AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что необходимо писать в заключении к исследовательской работе ученика, а также как правильно оформить список литературы.
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
Gyrokinetic plasma theoryRobert La QueyThe document summarizes general gyrokinetic theory, which describes a symmetry in magnetized plasmas. It discusses:
1) Developing geometric Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a 7D phase space defined as a fiber bundle over spacetime. This determines particle worldlines and realizes kinetic integrals as fiber integrals.
2) Constructing the infinite small generator of gyrosymmetry by applying Lie coordinate perturbation to the Poincare-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. This generates the most relaxed condition for gyrosymmetry.
3) Developing general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system rather than new equations, automatically carrying over properties like conservation laws. The pullback
Pre-Production Techniques Pro-FormacloesteadThe document discusses pre-production techniques for a project creating recipe cards, including defining sources of finance, creating a schedule and allowing for contingency time, determining the necessary team roles and skills, identifying equipment and location needs while considering limitations and legal requirements, and following the guidelines of regulatory bodies like the Advertising Standards Authority. The client will finance the project, requiring the team to work within their budget. Careful planning of timelines and allowing for unexpected delays will help ensure deadlines are met. The small team will take on roles like chef, photographer and designer, finding additional contributors as needed. Locations must be practical and legally accessible while meeting the needs of the project.
Fashion Marketing Project: "Flash Your Style"Camilla RizzoThe project consists in the fulfilment of a co-branding strategy between two existing brands in order to create a new product. The project was realized for the course of "Fashion Marketing: brand management and licensing" during the Master in Business Administration at the University of Padua.
TravellerGroups_Segmentation_CDJAcademy of Art UniversityThis document segments travellers into five groups - families, college groups, adventurers, whenevers, and regular travellers - based on group size, flexibility, budget, and travel habits. It provides descriptions of each group's typical characteristics. It then provides three recommendations for how to target certain segments based on changes to transportation options like increasing car rentals, decreasing long-distance flights, or promoting last-minute deals.
Noah Lennox (aka Panda Bear) Secondary Research (improved 2)cloesteadPanda Bear discusses the differences between his solo music and Animal Collective's music, noting they come from different people with different environments. He says he doesn't intend for his music to make people feel specific emotions, but hopes listeners understand his thoughts when writing songs. Panda Bear also comments that Animal Collective's songs are easy to perform live since they write and play them before recording, allowing flexibility in how the songs sound each time. He explains their on-stage speaker setup allows them more control over their live sound mixing.
Logo IdeascloesteadThe document discusses 12 logo ideas for an organization created by the author. Ideas 1-5 involve drawings of waves that are deemed too messy and unclear at smaller sizes. Ideas 6-7 use geometric wave shapes that work better as logos. Ideas 8-9 incorporate all colors from the author's color scheme using geometric shapes and stripes. Ideas 10-11 also use stripes in geometric wave shapes, with Idea 10 preferred. Idea 12's hand-drawn logo has an illegible organization name. The preferred final idea incorporates the organization's name clearly within a clean geometric shape that will scale well and can stand alone as recognition increases.
Design for Advertising pro formacloesteadThis document describes the development process for an advertising design project. It discusses font and color scheme options explored for the logo, including mood boards and experiments in Photoshop. Packaging designs are presented for different drink flavors. An advertisement design is created featuring the panda mascot character overlaid with the drink image. Various iterations are shown making adjustments to text visibility, background opacity, and social media links. The final advertisement and an alternative concept are evaluated.
Surfers Against Sewage Finished Products Evaluation (improved)cloesteadThis document provides an evaluation of logo and campaign poster designs created for the organization Surfers Against Sewage. For the logo, the designer created a geometric wave shape using two shades of blue and stripes. They reflect on how effective the techniques and content are at communicating the organization's message. For the campaign posters, one was designed for children and one for adults to promote a design competition. The children's poster uses bright colors, waves, and octopus tentacles while the adult poster uses geometry and minimal text. The document analyzes how well each design fits its purpose and audience.
Hubert Customer Spotlight: Ball State UniversityHubert Company Hubert was contacted by Ball State University to assist in renovating Woodworth Commons Dining Hall.
Our task was to source and/or design updated smallwares, signage and décor to coordinate with the new interior finishes and nine different dining themes, staying within budget and on schedule.
Evaluation - Question 4beckyhamiltonmediaEvaluation
'How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?'
Factual Writing- Products ResearchcloesteadThe document discusses different formats for factual writing, including magazines, newspapers, leaflets, and instruction manuals. It provides details on how journalists write for magazines and newspapers, including the importance of accuracy, typography, register, images, and column layouts. Laws around bias and ambiguity are also discussed. For magazines, aesthetics and appealing to artistic audiences are considered. Leaflets must be concise due to size, use images to support facts, and draw attention through typography and formatting.
Студентам и не только. Как выступить с докладом по своей научной работеOSLLНекоторые советы тем, кто готовится выступить с докладом о своей научной работе. Полезно студентам, аспирантам и не только
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
Gyrokinetic plasma theoryRobert La QueyThe document summarizes general gyrokinetic theory, which describes a symmetry in magnetized plasmas. It discusses:
1) Developing geometric Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a 7D phase space defined as a fiber bundle over spacetime. This determines particle worldlines and realizes kinetic integrals as fiber integrals.
2) Constructing the infinite small generator of gyrosymmetry by applying Lie coordinate perturbation to the Poincare-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. This generates the most relaxed condition for gyrosymmetry.
3) Developing general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system rather than new equations, automatically carrying over properties like conservation laws. The pullback
Pre-Production Techniques Pro-FormacloesteadThe document discusses pre-production techniques for a project creating recipe cards, including defining sources of finance, creating a schedule and allowing for contingency time, determining the necessary team roles and skills, identifying equipment and location needs while considering limitations and legal requirements, and following the guidelines of regulatory bodies like the Advertising Standards Authority. The client will finance the project, requiring the team to work within their budget. Careful planning of timelines and allowing for unexpected delays will help ensure deadlines are met. The small team will take on roles like chef, photographer and designer, finding additional contributors as needed. Locations must be practical and legally accessible while meeting the needs of the project.
Fashion Marketing Project: "Flash Your Style"Camilla RizzoThe project consists in the fulfilment of a co-branding strategy between two existing brands in order to create a new product. The project was realized for the course of "Fashion Marketing: brand management and licensing" during the Master in Business Administration at the University of Padua.
TravellerGroups_Segmentation_CDJAcademy of Art UniversityThis document segments travellers into five groups - families, college groups, adventurers, whenevers, and regular travellers - based on group size, flexibility, budget, and travel habits. It provides descriptions of each group's typical characteristics. It then provides three recommendations for how to target certain segments based on changes to transportation options like increasing car rentals, decreasing long-distance flights, or promoting last-minute deals.
Noah Lennox (aka Panda Bear) Secondary Research (improved 2)cloesteadPanda Bear discusses the differences between his solo music and Animal Collective's music, noting they come from different people with different environments. He says he doesn't intend for his music to make people feel specific emotions, but hopes listeners understand his thoughts when writing songs. Panda Bear also comments that Animal Collective's songs are easy to perform live since they write and play them before recording, allowing flexibility in how the songs sound each time. He explains their on-stage speaker setup allows them more control over their live sound mixing.
Logo IdeascloesteadThe document discusses 12 logo ideas for an organization created by the author. Ideas 1-5 involve drawings of waves that are deemed too messy and unclear at smaller sizes. Ideas 6-7 use geometric wave shapes that work better as logos. Ideas 8-9 incorporate all colors from the author's color scheme using geometric shapes and stripes. Ideas 10-11 also use stripes in geometric wave shapes, with Idea 10 preferred. Idea 12's hand-drawn logo has an illegible organization name. The preferred final idea incorporates the organization's name clearly within a clean geometric shape that will scale well and can stand alone as recognition increases.
Design for Advertising pro formacloesteadThis document describes the development process for an advertising design project. It discusses font and color scheme options explored for the logo, including mood boards and experiments in Photoshop. Packaging designs are presented for different drink flavors. An advertisement design is created featuring the panda mascot character overlaid with the drink image. Various iterations are shown making adjustments to text visibility, background opacity, and social media links. The final advertisement and an alternative concept are evaluated.
Surfers Against Sewage Finished Products Evaluation (improved)cloesteadThis document provides an evaluation of logo and campaign poster designs created for the organization Surfers Against Sewage. For the logo, the designer created a geometric wave shape using two shades of blue and stripes. They reflect on how effective the techniques and content are at communicating the organization's message. For the campaign posters, one was designed for children and one for adults to promote a design competition. The children's poster uses bright colors, waves, and octopus tentacles while the adult poster uses geometry and minimal text. The document analyzes how well each design fits its purpose and audience.
Hubert Customer Spotlight: Ball State UniversityHubert Company Hubert was contacted by Ball State University to assist in renovating Woodworth Commons Dining Hall.
Our task was to source and/or design updated smallwares, signage and décor to coordinate with the new interior finishes and nine different dining themes, staying within budget and on schedule.
Evaluation - Question 4beckyhamiltonmediaEvaluation
'How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?'
Factual Writing- Products ResearchcloesteadThe document discusses different formats for factual writing, including magazines, newspapers, leaflets, and instruction manuals. It provides details on how journalists write for magazines and newspapers, including the importance of accuracy, typography, register, images, and column layouts. Laws around bias and ambiguity are also discussed. For magazines, aesthetics and appealing to artistic audiences are considered. Leaflets must be concise due to size, use images to support facts, and draw attention through typography and formatting.
Студентам и не только. Как выступить с докладом по своей научной работеOSLLНекоторые советы тем, кто готовится выступить с докладом о своей научной работе. Полезно студентам, аспирантам и не только
«С места в карьер»: как помочь выпускникам выйти на переводческий рынок. Опыт...Tetyana Struk TrainStation4-е заседание Санкт-Петербургского переводческого клуба
«С места в карьер»: как помочь выпускникам выйти на переводческий рынок. Опыт СПб ВШП.
Шутова Екатерина, переводчик-синхронист, фрилансер, преподаватель Санкт-Петербургской высшей школы перевода
Ключевые моменты для успешного поиска удаленной работы за рубежомwebsyndicateКак составить CV, LinkedIn как повысить свои шансы. Сайты по поиску работы. Сопроводительное письмо
Английски язык - MUST HAVE. Open Source.
Личный опыт прохождения собеседований.
Лекторий ЭФ МГУ: Ольга Ножнина "Как стать эффективным руководителем проекта (...EconMsuОльга Ножнина является руководителем проектов и программ, и кроме того бизнес-тренером в области управления проектов с 10 летним стажем.
Также Ольга Ножнина является преподавателем практического курса Академия руководителя проектов, который проходит в рамках программы МВА «Инновации и развитие бизнеса», которая стартует 10 ноября:
1) Полная двухгодичная программа МВА — 18 мес (460 тыс.руб.). Начало обучения — 10 ноября
2) Годовая программа профессиональной переподготовки, 8 мес. (210 тыс.руб.), с возможностью продолжить обучение на МВА. Начало обучения — 10 ноября
3) Краткосрочная программа повышения квалификации «Академия руководителя проектов" Начало обучения 10 января
Подробнее о всех программах -
На любые ваши вопросы с радостью ответит консультант программы:
Ирина Коростылева
+7 (903) 711-71-02
павельчук м.в. 17.12AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что нужно писать в практической главе исследовательской работы ученика, как оформить приложения к данной работе.
теоретическая часть 2AV_SmirnovaОписание работы ученика-исследователя над теоретической частью своей исследовательской работы, описание надежных источников информации
Цель_задачи_объект и предмет исследованияAV_SmirnovaВ презентации приводятся определения и типичные ошибки при формулировании цели, задач, объекта и предмета, а также методов исследования.
алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельностиAV_SmirnovaВ презентации раскрывается алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельности обучающихся
Process writingAV_SmirnovaThis document outlines the 6 stages of the writing process: 1) Brainstorming to generate ideas, 2) Planning to organize ideas, 3) Writing a first draft, 4) Editing for content and structure, 5) Proof-reading for errors, and 6) Producing a final version of the written work.
развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных ууд при обучении (2)AV_SmirnovaПрезентация Юлии Николаевны Кравцовой "развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных ууд при обучении письменной речи"
приемы развития умений креативного письма при обучении английскомуAV_SmirnovaПрезентация Татьяны Анатольевны Мяус "приемы развития умений креативного письма при обучении английскому".
6. Тезисы – это краткое и компактное
изложение всех основных моментов
(этапов) вашей работы +
библиография, оформленная по
Объём: 2-4 стр.
Шрифт: 12-14
8. Необходимо иметь с собой на
• печатный вариант работы (русскую и английскую
• распечатанную речь;
• флэш-карту с презентацией, тезисами и полной
• распечатанную рецензию и/или отзыв руководителя;
• бэйджи с именами, сменную обувь, документ,
удостоверяющий личность, документ на
• раздаточный материал в виде буклетов, брошюр и т.д.
9. Рецензия – это сжатый
анализ и объективная оценка
проделанной работы. Она
выполняется другим
учителем из вашего цикла
Объём: 1-2 стр.
Шрифт: 12-14
Подписывается руководящей
личностью школы (руководитель
МО, завуч, руководитель НИР)
10. План рецензии:
• Актуальность темы
• Характеристика содержания
• Положительные стороны
• Практическая значимость
• Замечания и недостатки
• Рекомендуемая оценка
11. Отзыв руководителя – это
сжатый анализ и объективная
оценка проделанной работы.
Он выполняется
исследовательской работы.
Объём: 1 стр.
Шрифт: 12-14
Используется менее
официальный стиль речи