как подготовить докладAV_SmirnovaПрезентация рассказывает о том, как правильно подготовить устное выступление для защиты результатов исследовательской работы обучающегося.
Рекомендации по организации и сопровождению исследовательской деятельности уч...vsviderskayaЭтапы работы над исследованием, требования к оформлению исследовательской работы
El internetMaryRomero77Un estudio de 2005 estimó que había 11.500 millones de páginas web, mientras que un estudio de 2008 estimó que la cantidad había aumentado a 63.000 millones de páginas web, mostrando el rápido crecimiento de la World Wide Web en sólo tres años.
Diapostivas Salud PublicaPaolo RestrepoEste documento resume cuatro enfermedades de la vista: glaucoma, daltonismo, cataratas y miopía. El glaucoma ocurre cuando la presión dentro del ojo aumenta, lo que puede causar pérdida del campo visual. El daltonismo implica dificultad para distinguir entre colores como rojo y verde. Las cataratas son opacidades en el cristalino que causan visión borrosa, mientras que la miopía implica que el punto focal se forma delante de la retina, causando dificultad para ver de lejos.
теоретическая часть 2AV_SmirnovaОписание работы ученика-исследователя над теоретической частью своей исследовательской работы, описание надежных источников информации
Digital Graphics Pro Forma (improved)cloesteadThe document provides an evaluation of a T-shirt design project, noting that while the final design incorporated elements from the original intentions like using FKA Twigs artwork and creating a floral pattern background, it diverged in aspects like the color scheme and editing of the artwork. The techniques used to create the background pattern from fabric and edit FKA Twigs' face are analyzed, highlighting what was liked such as the natural texture captured and neutral color tones achieved and what could be improved like making the flowers larger. Overall the design is assessed as suitable for the intended audience of FKA Twigs fans while experimenting with her image.
Asif Jamal disk (it)Asif JamalThis document provides an overview of computer storage systems, including hard drives, floppy disks, SCSI, RAID, and CD-ROMs. It discusses how data is organized on disks using tracks and sectors. It also explains hard drive formatting, partitioning, and different file systems used by operating systems. Backup strategies like full, incremental, and differential backups are also summarized.
Experiments Evidence Template cloesteadFor this experiment, the photographer took photos with different levels of focus to see how it affected the images. Very low focus caused images to be distorted and unrecognizable, while higher focus allowed for more detail. Examples showed how focus decreased with distance from the camera.
Experimental Photography Evaluations (with improvements)cloesteadThe document summarizes the author's experimental photography project. They began with the intention of capturing bubbles and movement to represent fear and being "thrown in at the deep end." They were influenced by other artists' use of multiple mediums. Their process involved taking photos, editing them, and painting dots over images. They used watercolors and acrylic paint. While they achieved their theme, they felt the images could be improved with more dots or experimenting with food coloring. Overall they determined their work fulfilled the brief but could be developed further.
Design Pro Forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document describes the development of an advertisement design for an energy drink. It discusses initial ideas including using a panda character and pouring drinks. Various font and color scheme options are explored. The final advertisement features the panda character repeated on a black background with the drink pouring behind. The brand name and can image are placed over the top with the background opacity lowered so they are clearer. Overall, the advertisement aims to have a minimal, printed look to promote the Japanese-inspired energy drink brand.
Asif jamalAsif JamalThe document provides step-by-step instructions for writing an essay. It defines what an essay is, discusses the purpose and four main types (expository, argumentative, discussive, hybrid), and explains the structure of essays including introductory and concluding paragraphs and body paragraphs with topics, proofs, quotations and explanations. It offers tips for formal writing and concludes by stating that everyone has an inner writer and life experiences provide prompts for creative self-expression.
NUJ Presentation Part 3cloesteadDefamation involves communicating false information about a person to harm their reputation. Journalists must be careful not to publish untrue claims due to personal biases. Copyright law protects creators' ownership over their work and prevents others from stealing and claiming it as their own. Journalists are given guidelines for handling stories about children to prevent exploitation, such as not interviewing or photographing them at school without permission. Confidentiality restrictions apply to protecting sensitive sources from potential risks if their identity is revealed.
Digital graphics pro formacloesteadThe document provides information about different types of digital graphics file formats including raster graphics, vector graphics, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, AI, 3DS.
Raster graphics use pixels and have a fixed resolution, so quality is lost when resizing. Vector graphics use paths and shapes so quality is maintained at different scales but files are larger.
JPEG is for photos and web, small files but quality degrades with edits. TIFF maintains quality but has large files. PSD saves layers and supports transparency but has large files only usable in Photoshop.
AI is for logos and can scale without pixelation but limited software support. 3DS is an industry standard 3D format with large files. The document
Energy Drink Research cloesteadScheckter's Organic Energy appears to target people aged 20-30 who care about ethical issues like fair trade. On their website and logo, they emphasize their organic and natural credentials using imagery of nature and highlighting certifications. Their videos on YouTube aim to make the drink seem exciting by showing it being mixed into cocktails at summer parties with attractive young people. Rockstar Energy Drink targets young, straight white males interested in extreme sports and rock music. On their website they show images of men doing extreme sports and list bands they sponsor. Their bold logo, bold can designs, and "lad mag" style women images emphasize appearance. Lucozade markets itself as a sports drink, emphasizing hydration benefits and partnerships with
Idea development pro formacloesteadChloe Stead presented 5 initial ideas for recipe cards. The ideas included a pizza theme where cards fit together to form a pizza, a series of curry recipes with ingredients on a chopping board, cheap student recipes illustrated with cartoons, Halloween treat cards in a spell book format, and summer superfood recipes highlighting health benefits. Feedback was provided on each idea addressing what was liked, what could be developed, and what was found interesting. In the summary, Chloe agreed her Indian theme could be more culturally informed and recipes simplified for the pizza idea. She disagreed that square cards can't be interesting. Her favorite ideas were the Halloween spell book and Indian curry ideas. A developed idea presented recipes for a vegetarian pizza theme
LO2 WorkbookcloesteadUnderstanding customers and the market is important for effective marketing. Tools like SWOT analysis, audience profiling, and understanding the 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) can help analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Different marketing techniques include events, endorsements, sponsorship, advertising and merchandising to raise brand awareness and promote products.
дифференциация учащихсяAV_SmirnovaДифференциация учащихся по уровню их возможности усвоения материала и скорости в выполнении различных видов упражнений при раздаче индивидуальных заданий в процессе урока
Морфология и синтаксис 8 класс Савельева С.А.Алексей Арешев
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El internetMaryRomero77Un estudio de 2005 estimó que había 11.500 millones de páginas web, mientras que un estudio de 2008 estimó que la cantidad había aumentado a 63.000 millones de páginas web, mostrando el rápido crecimiento de la World Wide Web en sólo tres años.
Diapostivas Salud PublicaPaolo RestrepoEste documento resume cuatro enfermedades de la vista: glaucoma, daltonismo, cataratas y miopía. El glaucoma ocurre cuando la presión dentro del ojo aumenta, lo que puede causar pérdida del campo visual. El daltonismo implica dificultad para distinguir entre colores como rojo y verde. Las cataratas son opacidades en el cristalino que causan visión borrosa, mientras que la miopía implica que el punto focal se forma delante de la retina, causando dificultad para ver de lejos.
теоретическая часть 2AV_SmirnovaОписание работы ученика-исследователя над теоретической частью своей исследовательской работы, описание надежных источников информации
Digital Graphics Pro Forma (improved)cloesteadThe document provides an evaluation of a T-shirt design project, noting that while the final design incorporated elements from the original intentions like using FKA Twigs artwork and creating a floral pattern background, it diverged in aspects like the color scheme and editing of the artwork. The techniques used to create the background pattern from fabric and edit FKA Twigs' face are analyzed, highlighting what was liked such as the natural texture captured and neutral color tones achieved and what could be improved like making the flowers larger. Overall the design is assessed as suitable for the intended audience of FKA Twigs fans while experimenting with her image.
Asif Jamal disk (it)Asif JamalThis document provides an overview of computer storage systems, including hard drives, floppy disks, SCSI, RAID, and CD-ROMs. It discusses how data is organized on disks using tracks and sectors. It also explains hard drive formatting, partitioning, and different file systems used by operating systems. Backup strategies like full, incremental, and differential backups are also summarized.
Experiments Evidence Template cloesteadFor this experiment, the photographer took photos with different levels of focus to see how it affected the images. Very low focus caused images to be distorted and unrecognizable, while higher focus allowed for more detail. Examples showed how focus decreased with distance from the camera.
Experimental Photography Evaluations (with improvements)cloesteadThe document summarizes the author's experimental photography project. They began with the intention of capturing bubbles and movement to represent fear and being "thrown in at the deep end." They were influenced by other artists' use of multiple mediums. Their process involved taking photos, editing them, and painting dots over images. They used watercolors and acrylic paint. While they achieved their theme, they felt the images could be improved with more dots or experimenting with food coloring. Overall they determined their work fulfilled the brief but could be developed further.
Design Pro Forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe document describes the development of an advertisement design for an energy drink. It discusses initial ideas including using a panda character and pouring drinks. Various font and color scheme options are explored. The final advertisement features the panda character repeated on a black background with the drink pouring behind. The brand name and can image are placed over the top with the background opacity lowered so they are clearer. Overall, the advertisement aims to have a minimal, printed look to promote the Japanese-inspired energy drink brand.
Asif jamalAsif JamalThe document provides step-by-step instructions for writing an essay. It defines what an essay is, discusses the purpose and four main types (expository, argumentative, discussive, hybrid), and explains the structure of essays including introductory and concluding paragraphs and body paragraphs with topics, proofs, quotations and explanations. It offers tips for formal writing and concludes by stating that everyone has an inner writer and life experiences provide prompts for creative self-expression.
NUJ Presentation Part 3cloesteadDefamation involves communicating false information about a person to harm their reputation. Journalists must be careful not to publish untrue claims due to personal biases. Copyright law protects creators' ownership over their work and prevents others from stealing and claiming it as their own. Journalists are given guidelines for handling stories about children to prevent exploitation, such as not interviewing or photographing them at school without permission. Confidentiality restrictions apply to protecting sensitive sources from potential risks if their identity is revealed.
Digital graphics pro formacloesteadThe document provides information about different types of digital graphics file formats including raster graphics, vector graphics, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, AI, 3DS.
Raster graphics use pixels and have a fixed resolution, so quality is lost when resizing. Vector graphics use paths and shapes so quality is maintained at different scales but files are larger.
JPEG is for photos and web, small files but quality degrades with edits. TIFF maintains quality but has large files. PSD saves layers and supports transparency but has large files only usable in Photoshop.
AI is for logos and can scale without pixelation but limited software support. 3DS is an industry standard 3D format with large files. The document
Energy Drink Research cloesteadScheckter's Organic Energy appears to target people aged 20-30 who care about ethical issues like fair trade. On their website and logo, they emphasize their organic and natural credentials using imagery of nature and highlighting certifications. Their videos on YouTube aim to make the drink seem exciting by showing it being mixed into cocktails at summer parties with attractive young people. Rockstar Energy Drink targets young, straight white males interested in extreme sports and rock music. On their website they show images of men doing extreme sports and list bands they sponsor. Their bold logo, bold can designs, and "lad mag" style women images emphasize appearance. Lucozade markets itself as a sports drink, emphasizing hydration benefits and partnerships with
Idea development pro formacloesteadChloe Stead presented 5 initial ideas for recipe cards. The ideas included a pizza theme where cards fit together to form a pizza, a series of curry recipes with ingredients on a chopping board, cheap student recipes illustrated with cartoons, Halloween treat cards in a spell book format, and summer superfood recipes highlighting health benefits. Feedback was provided on each idea addressing what was liked, what could be developed, and what was found interesting. In the summary, Chloe agreed her Indian theme could be more culturally informed and recipes simplified for the pizza idea. She disagreed that square cards can't be interesting. Her favorite ideas were the Halloween spell book and Indian curry ideas. A developed idea presented recipes for a vegetarian pizza theme
LO2 WorkbookcloesteadUnderstanding customers and the market is important for effective marketing. Tools like SWOT analysis, audience profiling, and understanding the 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) can help analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Different marketing techniques include events, endorsements, sponsorship, advertising and merchandising to raise brand awareness and promote products.
дифференциация учащихсяAV_SmirnovaДифференциация учащихся по уровню их возможности усвоения материала и скорости в выполнении различных видов упражнений при раздаче индивидуальных заданий в процессе урока
1klassKirrrr123В пособии представлены комментарии к урокам учебника «Рус¬ский язык. 3 класс». Комментарии содержат краткое описание целей, задач и форм ор¬ганизации заданий и упражнений; лингвистические и методиче¬ские пояснения к сложным вопросам и проблемным ситуациям; варианты проведения одного и того же упражнения (задания) с учё-том уровня подготовленности учеников (индивидуальная и диффе¬ренцированная работа). Комментарии раскрывают методические подходы к реализации учебных задач трёх содержательных блоков курса: «Как устроен наш язык», «Правописание», «Развитие речи».
780 огэ 2016. англ. язык. комплекс матер. для подг. учащ. веселова ю.с-2016 ...SpringRus205 егэ-2016. география. тип. тест. задания барабанов-2016 -144с
742 английский яз. 4кл. кн. для учителя (rainbow engl.) афанасьева и др-2015...ddfefa668 математика. 1 кл. методич. рекомендации для учителя петерсон л.г-2007 -288с
744 английский яз. 6кл. кн. для учителя (rainbow engl.) афанасьева и др-2015...dfdkfjs505 1 happy english.ru. 6кл. рабочая тетрадь 1.-kaufman_2013 -96c
павельчук м.в. 17.12AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что нужно писать в практической главе исследовательской работы ученика, как оформить приложения к данной работе.
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
Цель_задачи_объект и предмет исследованияAV_SmirnovaВ презентации приводятся определения и типичные ошибки при формулировании цели, задач, объекта и предмета, а также методов исследования.
алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельностиAV_SmirnovaВ презентации раскрывается алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельности обучающихся
Process writingAV_SmirnovaThis document outlines the 6 stages of the writing process: 1) Brainstorming to generate ideas, 2) Planning to organize ideas, 3) Writing a first draft, 4) Editing for content and structure, 5) Proof-reading for errors, and 6) Producing a final version of the written work.
развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных ууд при обучении (2)AV_SmirnovaПрезентация Юлии Николаевны Кравцовой "развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных ууд при обучении письменной речи"
приемы развития умений креативного письма при обучении английскомуAV_SmirnovaПрезентация Татьяны Анатольевны Мяус "приемы развития умений креативного письма при обучении английскому".
2. При разработке заключительной части
исследовательской работы рекомендуется
• Начинать заключение с вступительного слова, объемом
3-5 предложений по теоретической части.
• Обобщать основные результаты, полученные в ходе
проведенного исследования.
• Связывать приводимые результаты с поставленной
целью и задачами.
• Выделять собственный вклад автора : подтвердилась
ли гипотеза.
• Приводить в краткой форме результаты практической
• Излагать предложения по внедрению решений.
• Обосновывать основные направления для
дальнейшего развития исследования.
3. Задачи Выводы
1. Выявить основные
способы образования
новых слов
1. Изучив и сравнив развитие
новых направлений словарного
состава современного английского
языка, выявила основные
направления развития
словарного состава:
- переосмысление
-переименование слов.
2. Проследить
новообразований за
последние 5 лет
2. В английском языке намечается
тенденция к увеличению
составных лексических структур,
так как 50% всех
новообразований за последние 5
лет составили производные и
сложные слова.
4. Варианты построения списков литературы.
по упоминанию
в работе
по главам
научной работы
материалыПо автору или
первым буквам
5. Правила оформления.
1. Учебники.
Лексикология английского языка: учеб. пособие для II-III курсов
институтов и фак.иностр.яз / Т.И.Арбекова - Москва: Высш.шк.,
2. Книги
Елисеева В.В. Лексикология английского языка. - СПб: СПБГУ,2003
3. Статья
Долова Н.Н. Значимость умений давать дефиниции в
межкультурной коммуникации// Иностранные языки в школе.-
2008 - №7.- С.18-24
6. 4.Электронные ресурсы
Российская государственная библиотека [Электронный
ресурс] / Центр информ. технологий РГБ; ред. Т.В. Власенко;
Web - мастер Н.В. Козлова. - Электрон. дан. - М.: РГБ, 1997. -
Режим доступа: http//www.rsl.ru, свободный. - Загл. с экрана