Программа симпозиума «Научная школа Выготского: традиции и инновации»Anna ShvedovskayaПрограмма симпозиума «Научная школа Выготского: традиции и инновации»:http://conf.childpsy.ru/vygotsky-sympozium/ru/
Matthias Thorns, IOEJulija VasiljevaThe document discusses several international CSR instruments including the UN Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ISO 26000 Guidance Standard, and ILO MNE Declaration. It summarizes surveys and studies on company awareness and use of these instruments, noting the UN Guiding Principles and ISO 26000 have relatively high awareness. The document also outlines challenges companies face in implementing human rights due diligence approaches and managing supply chains responsibly.
My magazine proposal 8210_SKThe document proposes a magazine called "Pandemonium" targeting 15-24 year old females interested in rock music. The magazine would include interviews with rock artists, charts of popular rock artists, advice on becoming a rock icon, information on upcoming rock events, competitions to win prizes, posters of rock bands, and advertisements for rock tours and concerts. The magazine's title font is wild to suggest youthfulness and its colors - red, blue, black, yellow, grey, brown, and white - were selected to make the magazine stand out while still fitting with conventions of rock magazines.
Questionnaire results8210_SKThe questionnaire results showed that most respondents were males aged 16-21 who listen to rock music. They would be willing to pay £1-£2 for a music magazine and prefer magazine covers with color as the main attraction. The most appealing feature for subscribers would be articles about artists. Respondents said they would spend 30-60 minutes reading an issue.
Advertising pack information8210_SKThis document contains analyses of two music magazine advertising packs:
NME's readers are mostly male students in their 20s interested in entertainment like movies, music and social media. They have a multicultural readership. The pack emphasizes NME's influence as "The World's Most Famous Music Magazine."
Kerrang!'s readers are 54.7% male and 45.3% female, mostly aged 15-24 with a mean age of 20. 74% of readers buy every issue, showing their dedication to music reflected in both interests and appearance. The pack does not mention ethnicity, suggesting an open multicultural audience.
Historic preservation power pointAlex ByrdHistoric preservation protects places that tell our history's stories. It preserves the ice cream shops, coffee stops, and parks integral to communities. Preserving historic places is vital for sustainability by creating jobs, stimulating economies, and fostering social connections. Historic buildings were designed harmoniously with their environments, using natural heating, lighting, and cooling methods well-suited to each climate. Preservation thus benefits the environment by avoiding demolitions and waste while retaining efficient structures.
Triple M AFL Broadcast Sponsorships Get ResultskathrynhamiltonThe document summarizes the results of a survey conducted by Southern Cross Austereo about listeners of Triple M AFL broadcasts. It found that 85% of Triple M listeners who are AFL fans tune in to hear the radio call of games, with 1 in 5 tuning in to 3 or more games a week. Listeners not only listen on radio but also watch games on TV or in person. Listeners feel the broadcasts are entertaining and informative and connect with the hosts. As passionate AFL fans, listeners also represent opportunities for sponsors to promote their brands.
Hassan QaqayaJulija VasiljevaThis document discusses compliance programs that companies can implement to prevent anti-competitive practices. It outlines common features of effective compliance programs, including endorsement from senior management, clear policies and procedures, identification of responsibilities, training, controls, and evaluation. It also discusses trends in compliance among competition authorities in different jurisdictions, noting guidance and templates provided. Finally, it discusses international cooperation on compliance through UN principles for enterprises operating across borders.
New Biz BuzzkathrynhamiltonThe document provides sales figures and success stories for the top salespeople at a company for the 2013/2014 period. Morgan had the highest sales of $619,016 working with 4 different clients. The average booking per client was $30,951. The document also discusses syncing Salesforce with Outlook for benefits like search and data/email quality, and introduces the free Salesforce Touch mobile app for iPhone/iPads to allow leaving notes after meetings.
Question 18210_SKThe document provides details on the design elements of a magazine cover and contents page for a rock music magazine. It describes the masthead, background, pull quotes, headers/footers, flash, barcode/date/price, color theme, inserts, main cover line, layout, language, coverlines, and main image used on the cover. It also describes the masthead, color theme, editorial, images, headings, coverlines, date/website, and selling lines on the contents page. Finally, it describes the drop cap, color theme, byline, main image, pull quote, and font used on the double page interview spread. The document emphasizes how the design follows conventions of rock music magazines but also challenges some
Matthias Thorns, IOEJulija VasiljevaThe document discusses several international CSR instruments including the UN Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ISO 26000 Guidance Standard, and ILO MNE Declaration. It summarizes surveys and studies on company awareness and use of these instruments, noting the UN Guiding Principles and ISO 26000 have relatively high awareness. The document also outlines challenges companies face in implementing human rights due diligence approaches and managing supply chains responsibly.
My magazine proposal 8210_SKThe document proposes a magazine called "Pandemonium" targeting 15-24 year old females interested in rock music. The magazine would include interviews with rock artists, charts of popular rock artists, advice on becoming a rock icon, information on upcoming rock events, competitions to win prizes, posters of rock bands, and advertisements for rock tours and concerts. The magazine's title font is wild to suggest youthfulness and its colors - red, blue, black, yellow, grey, brown, and white - were selected to make the magazine stand out while still fitting with conventions of rock magazines.
Questionnaire results8210_SKThe questionnaire results showed that most respondents were males aged 16-21 who listen to rock music. They would be willing to pay £1-£2 for a music magazine and prefer magazine covers with color as the main attraction. The most appealing feature for subscribers would be articles about artists. Respondents said they would spend 30-60 minutes reading an issue.
Advertising pack information8210_SKThis document contains analyses of two music magazine advertising packs:
NME's readers are mostly male students in their 20s interested in entertainment like movies, music and social media. They have a multicultural readership. The pack emphasizes NME's influence as "The World's Most Famous Music Magazine."
Kerrang!'s readers are 54.7% male and 45.3% female, mostly aged 15-24 with a mean age of 20. 74% of readers buy every issue, showing their dedication to music reflected in both interests and appearance. The pack does not mention ethnicity, suggesting an open multicultural audience.
Historic preservation power pointAlex ByrdHistoric preservation protects places that tell our history's stories. It preserves the ice cream shops, coffee stops, and parks integral to communities. Preserving historic places is vital for sustainability by creating jobs, stimulating economies, and fostering social connections. Historic buildings were designed harmoniously with their environments, using natural heating, lighting, and cooling methods well-suited to each climate. Preservation thus benefits the environment by avoiding demolitions and waste while retaining efficient structures.
Triple M AFL Broadcast Sponsorships Get ResultskathrynhamiltonThe document summarizes the results of a survey conducted by Southern Cross Austereo about listeners of Triple M AFL broadcasts. It found that 85% of Triple M listeners who are AFL fans tune in to hear the radio call of games, with 1 in 5 tuning in to 3 or more games a week. Listeners not only listen on radio but also watch games on TV or in person. Listeners feel the broadcasts are entertaining and informative and connect with the hosts. As passionate AFL fans, listeners also represent opportunities for sponsors to promote their brands.
Hassan QaqayaJulija VasiljevaThis document discusses compliance programs that companies can implement to prevent anti-competitive practices. It outlines common features of effective compliance programs, including endorsement from senior management, clear policies and procedures, identification of responsibilities, training, controls, and evaluation. It also discusses trends in compliance among competition authorities in different jurisdictions, noting guidance and templates provided. Finally, it discusses international cooperation on compliance through UN principles for enterprises operating across borders.
New Biz BuzzkathrynhamiltonThe document provides sales figures and success stories for the top salespeople at a company for the 2013/2014 period. Morgan had the highest sales of $619,016 working with 4 different clients. The average booking per client was $30,951. The document also discusses syncing Salesforce with Outlook for benefits like search and data/email quality, and introduces the free Salesforce Touch mobile app for iPhone/iPads to allow leaving notes after meetings.
Question 18210_SKThe document provides details on the design elements of a magazine cover and contents page for a rock music magazine. It describes the masthead, background, pull quotes, headers/footers, flash, barcode/date/price, color theme, inserts, main cover line, layout, language, coverlines, and main image used on the cover. It also describes the masthead, color theme, editorial, images, headings, coverlines, date/website, and selling lines on the contents page. Finally, it describes the drop cap, color theme, byline, main image, pull quote, and font used on the double page interview spread. The document emphasizes how the design follows conventions of rock music magazines but also challenges some
Ядро предмета Марченко Л.Ю.Алтынбек Шайдылдаев1. основные термины и понятия, без которых нельзя понять ни одного текста, ни одного высказывания;
2. факты повседневной действительности и научные факты, без знания которых нельзя понять законы науки, формировать убеждения, доказывать и отстаивать идеи;
3. основные законы науки, раскрывающие связи и отношения между разными объектами и явлениями действительности;
4. теории, содержащие систему научных знаний об определенной совокупности объектов и методах объяснения и предсказания явлений данной предметной области;
5. знания о способах деятельности, методах познания и истории получения знания, т.е. методологические знания;
6. оценочные знания, знания о нормах отношения к различным явлениям жизни
Перспективные исследования научной школы Л.С.Выготкого / Шведовская А.А.Anna ShvedovskayaПерспективные исследования научной школы Л.С.Выготкого на страницах журнала “Культурно-историческая психология”: итоги десяти лет работы
Международный симпозиум «Научная школа Выготского: традиции и инновации»,
27-28 июня 2016 года в Московском государственном психолого-педагогическом университете
Видео: https://youtu.be/LL02tnwX-Bs
Metodicheskie razrabotki i_stsenarii_urokov_k_kursu_otechestvennoy_i_zarubezh...Kirrrr123Методические разработки уроков по отечественной и зарубежной истории ХХ века
как подготовить докладAV_SmirnovaПрезентация рассказывает о том, как правильно подготовить устное выступление для защиты результатов исследовательской работы обучающегося.
заключение1AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что необходимо писать в заключении к исследовательской работе ученика, а также как правильно оформить список литературы.
павельчук м.в. 17.12AV_SmirnovaПрезентация о том, что нужно писать в практической главе исследовательской работы ученика, как оформить приложения к данной работе.
оформление презентацииAV_SmirnovaКак правильно и неправильно оформить презентацию для сопровождения выступления о результатах исследовательской работы.
теоретическая часть 2AV_SmirnovaОписание работы ученика-исследователя над теоретической частью своей исследовательской работы, описание надежных источников информации
Цель_задачи_объект и предмет исследованияAV_SmirnovaВ презентации приводятся определения и типичные ошибки при формулировании цели, задач, объекта и предмета, а также методов исследования.
алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельностиAV_SmirnovaВ презентации раскрывается алгоритм организации исследовательской деятельности обучающихся
Process writingAV_SmirnovaThis document outlines the 6 stages of the writing process: 1) Brainstorming to generate ideas, 2) Planning to organize ideas, 3) Writing a first draft, 4) Editing for content and structure, 5) Proof-reading for errors, and 6) Producing a final version of the written work.
2. Что такое «тема»?
• Тема – аспект некоей проблемы или
отдельный вопрос, который специально
изучается в данном исследовании.
• Тема – ракурс, в котором рассматривается
данная проблема. Она представляет собой
объект изучения в определённом аспекте,
характерном для данной работы.
• Тема – это лаконичная формулировка
проблемы исследования.
• Тема – это содержание; главная мысль;
предмет изложения.
10. Опорные слова при формулировке
• Взаимосвязь…
• Сравнение…
• Характеристика…
• Особенности…
• Закономерности…
• Тенденции…
• Роль…
11. Пример постановки темы:
Что интересно учащимся:
Формулировка темы:
«Сказки как
элемент школьной
программы на
начальном этапе
английскому языку»
12. Пример постановки темы:
Что интересно учащимся:
Формулировка темы:
«Аналогии русских и
английских имен как
неотъемлемая часть
13. Творческое задание:
Попробуйте подобрать актуальные темы
к следующим областям интересов
- Sport - Comics
- Food - Music
- Holidays - Computer games
- Museums - History
- Animals - Transport
14. Задачи:
1. Разделиться на группы.
2. Сформулировать и записать тему.
3. Найти два достоверных Интернет-
ресурса с материалами по данной
4. Записать типы ресурсов
(энциклопедия, авторская разработка,
форум, научная статья, методическое
пособие, тематический сайт).
15. Особая конференция – особая
Темы могут повторяться среди
Опыт общения – новые темы
Подключить учителей других
циклов к руководству
исследованием и выбору тем