Dr. Yang Jen Chieh discussed their experience mentoring students and volunteering with various organizations. They mentioned working with AIESEC, being a DJ, and mentoring through different programs. The document included various symbols and formatting that made summarizing the key details and essential information challenging in 3 sentences or less.
Dr. Yang Jen Chieh discussed their experience mentoring students and volunteering with various organizations. They mentioned working with AIESEC, being a DJ, and mentoring through different programs. The document included various symbols and formatting that made summarizing the key details and essential information challenging in 3 sentences or less.
The document summarizes long-term care in the Netherlands. It describes the country's health insurance system which provides basic coverage for all residents over 18, as well as the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act which provides mandatory long-term care insurance financed by income taxes. It also outlines the organizational structure of assessing clients' care needs and connecting them with care providers.
The bi-monthly gathering hosted by Silver Linings Global. A casual meeting focusing on innovation in aging, healthcare and care industries.
Aging2.0 台北分會銀享全球舉辦之銀享小聚活動簡報(3/31/2015)
「新科技提供長者服務,自負盈虧標竿社會企業」-- 科技應用模式分享:香港長者安居協會首任總幹事, 馬錦華
The keynote presentation delivered by Mr. Timothy Ma at the International Forum, Aging Innovation Week on Nov. 17, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan
This document discusses good and bad slide design for PowerPoint presentations. It begins by providing examples of "bad slides" including putting too much text on slides, using meaningless animations, including endless bullet points, having bad color design and images, and including invisible text. It then discusses principles of good slide design such as including one main idea per slide, using short phrases and less than 5 bullet points, and ensuring slides share some identical features. The document emphasizes designing slides to effectively communicate your message to the audience.
This document appears to be a template for a Lean Canvas business model. It includes headings for common Lean Canvas elements like value proposition, target customer segment, distribution channels, customer relationships, key activities, key resources, key partnerships, cost structure, and revenue model. These elements are repeated throughout the document with the numbers "13 5 13".
This document discusses a photograph from 1936 in Hamburg, Germany showing a man refusing to perform the Nazi salute. It notes that the man stood alone while others around him gave the salute. The document also provides background information on the photograph and credits its source as being from Retronaut and curated by Ben Griffith.