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School College University Returning to studies... My story...
Student life!
Causes of stress...
Symptoms of stress...
Symptoms of stress... BODY;  headaches,  EMOTIONS;  loss of  Tiredness,  confidence ,  Breathlessness,  Irritable, Depressed, MIND;  worrying,  Nervousness  muddled thinking,  BEHAVIOUR;   nightmares,  accident prone,  indecision  loss of appetite, negativity  insomnia, restlessness.
ON A POST IT; write down 1 thing about the exam process that stresses you out, that you will be happy to share with the group. Then write down 1 other thing that you find stressful; maybe to do with family, friends, etc. (You will NOT be asked to share this 1.) put it in your pocket and then chat with the people around you about what stresses you out about exams. Activity 1;
sleep... How much sleep do you get per day?; work it out. Teenagers are supposed to get 9.75 hours sleep per night. Research shows that not getting enough sleep can be the difference between getting an A and a C at GCSE! Talk to the person next to you about what stops you from getting enough sleep...is it x-box? Eating sweet foods late in the evening?....or do you just find it hard to drift off?
Food... HYDRATION;  Drinking water makes you less tired, stops you getting headaches and wakes you up. If you' re finding it hard to concentrate on revision, go and get a glass! This really helps. GOOD BRAIN FOODS;  Fish, eggs, and milk. GOOD ENERGY FOODS;  Nuts and bananas. GOOD FOR SLEEP;  Camomile tea.
Exercise your brain... When you feel you are starting to flag and the information is not going in, WAKE YOURSELF UP! These activities make your right and left brain work together more effectively.......
STAND UP! 1) Pat your head and rub your stomach..... Swap hands..... 2) Fore finger on right hand and thumb on left, then swap them over as quickly as possible... 3) Hammer with your right hand and saw with your left. SWAP. 4) Night fever arm with your right hand and circles with your left foot. SWAP.
Treats and rewards...
Reward yourself Give yourself something to aim for....eg;  I will work for 30 mins and then check my facebook. I will work for an hour and then phone my friend. When I' ve done this, I will have a sweet.... After my exams I will.....
It' s really important to take some time for yourself. Exams are important, but your HEALTH AND HAPPINESS are more important. Everyone has different ways that they like to relax and escape for a bit. It' s about finding what works for you................... What can help with relaxation?
Close your eyes. Lie on the floor if you want to or sit comfortably Do not distract others. Take this time to take a few minutes for yourself and get away from the business of everyday life. Try this.
relaxing. Put your hands on your stomach. Breath in counting to 5 until you feel your hands rise. Breath out counting to5 until you feel your hands fall. Clench your shoulders, arms, fists, toes, calf muscles, relax. Conjure up a picture of a really happy memory when you were having fun. Make the colours brighter, the sounds louder. Stay in this memory for a few minutes. Now think of a time when you felt really relaxed and content. Make the colours brighter and sounds louder.  Stay in this memory for a few minutes.
Importance of laughter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeswZaReE0I
Looking back... Look back at what you wrote on your post-it. Do you now feel that you have some more techniques to deal with these things? Do they feel like slightly less of a worry? If so, put your post-it in the bin on the way out. GOOD LUCK!

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Stress Management

  • 2.
  • 3. School College University Returning to studies... My story...
  • 7. Symptoms of stress... BODY; headaches, EMOTIONS; loss of Tiredness, confidence , Breathlessness, Irritable, Depressed, MIND; worrying, Nervousness muddled thinking, BEHAVIOUR; nightmares, accident prone, indecision loss of appetite, negativity insomnia, restlessness.
  • 8. ON A POST IT; write down 1 thing about the exam process that stresses you out, that you will be happy to share with the group. Then write down 1 other thing that you find stressful; maybe to do with family, friends, etc. (You will NOT be asked to share this 1.) put it in your pocket and then chat with the people around you about what stresses you out about exams. Activity 1;
  • 9. sleep... How much sleep do you get per day?; work it out. Teenagers are supposed to get 9.75 hours sleep per night. Research shows that not getting enough sleep can be the difference between getting an A and a C at GCSE! Talk to the person next to you about what stops you from getting enough sleep...is it x-box? Eating sweet foods late in the evening?....or do you just find it hard to drift off?
  • 10. Food... HYDRATION; Drinking water makes you less tired, stops you getting headaches and wakes you up. If you' re finding it hard to concentrate on revision, go and get a glass! This really helps. GOOD BRAIN FOODS; Fish, eggs, and milk. GOOD ENERGY FOODS; Nuts and bananas. GOOD FOR SLEEP; Camomile tea.
  • 11. Exercise your brain... When you feel you are starting to flag and the information is not going in, WAKE YOURSELF UP! These activities make your right and left brain work together more effectively.......
  • 12. STAND UP! 1) Pat your head and rub your stomach..... Swap hands..... 2) Fore finger on right hand and thumb on left, then swap them over as quickly as possible... 3) Hammer with your right hand and saw with your left. SWAP. 4) Night fever arm with your right hand and circles with your left foot. SWAP.
  • 14. Reward yourself Give yourself something to aim for....eg; I will work for 30 mins and then check my facebook. I will work for an hour and then phone my friend. When I' ve done this, I will have a sweet.... After my exams I will.....
  • 15. It' s really important to take some time for yourself. Exams are important, but your HEALTH AND HAPPINESS are more important. Everyone has different ways that they like to relax and escape for a bit. It' s about finding what works for you................... What can help with relaxation?
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Close your eyes. Lie on the floor if you want to or sit comfortably Do not distract others. Take this time to take a few minutes for yourself and get away from the business of everyday life. Try this.
  • 23. relaxing. Put your hands on your stomach. Breath in counting to 5 until you feel your hands rise. Breath out counting to5 until you feel your hands fall. Clench your shoulders, arms, fists, toes, calf muscles, relax. Conjure up a picture of a really happy memory when you were having fun. Make the colours brighter, the sounds louder. Stay in this memory for a few minutes. Now think of a time when you felt really relaxed and content. Make the colours brighter and sounds louder. Stay in this memory for a few minutes.
  • 24. Importance of laughter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeswZaReE0I
  • 25. Looking back... Look back at what you wrote on your post-it. Do you now feel that you have some more techniques to deal with these things? Do they feel like slightly less of a worry? If so, put your post-it in the bin on the way out. GOOD LUCK!