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The Pedestrian Summary
The pedestrian is a short story written by Ray Bradbury in 1953, the story takes place in the year of
2053. In the story, we follow Leonard Mead as he goes for an evening stroll among tomb–like homes
, until a police car interrupts him. In the end, the police car takes him away to ''the Psychiatric
Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies.'' The story is told using a third person limited
narrator, which is great for keeping the story's mysteries as mysteries, since we as a reader cannot
look inside of Mr. Mead's mind and get the full picture, but only discover this new world one step at
the time as the story continues. To let the reader, discover this new world as the story continues and
also keep them intrigued...show more content...
It has been made quite clear that the world he lives in, at least at that time of day, is dark and
It seems like he is the odd one out, his mindset has not changed even though his surroundings have
and because of this, he is incoherent, someone who is somehow unadapted to this new world. This
is shown many times during the story, for an example; ''but it really made no difference; he was
alone in this world of 2053 A.D., or as good as alone...''
By smartly using the abbreviation A.D. (Anno Domini, which means ''in the year of our Lord'')
Bradbury hints that this world and/or universe might be the same as the one we live in, or at least it
might have been at some point.
By not having a telescreen, he is excluding himself from this new soiciety, since intertainment and
life in general seems to be centered around a television in this world
And by being an outcast he is also a threat to the system becuase he does not remain distracted and
steady while being isolated inside his house behind a screen.
If he was born into this world he problerly woulnd find it so strange. He al so mntions the election
and the removal of police cars as if has exprienced it all. He has knowlege of the world that was
before. A world were books and night strolls
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The Pedestrian Analysis
The passages "Plugged–In and Tuned–Out: The Dangers of Teenage Virtual Addiction" by Dr.
Nicholas Kardaras and "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury both approach the same topic through
different perspectives. Kardaras, an addiction specialist, consistently provides examples of ways
technology can impact a child's life for the worse. However, Bradbury takes his readers to the future,
showing the world as if technology took over human lives. The central idea conveyed through both
pieces of writing is the potential dangers posed by technology to both individuals and societies.
Kardaras starts out by stating an unanticipated fact, "What's the biggest addiction problem facing our
kids today and what should we watch out for?" My answer? The Internet"...show more content...
Bradbury begins by describing Leonard Mead's favorite activity, "To enter out into that silence
that was the city at eight o'clock of a misty evening in November, to put your feet upon that
buckling concrete walk, to step over grassy seams and make your way, hands in pockets, through
the silences, that was what Mr. Leonard Mead most dearly loved to do" (Bradbury 1). He informs
the readers that Mr. Mead's favorite activity was quite uncommon because no one else ventured
outside of their homes. Mr. Mead was the only one with the audacity to walk for miles on end
with no destination. Because of this, he gets stopped by the police, asking him plenty of
questions. Bradbury consciously shows the readers that the police car is empty, needing no human
to operate it. After many questions, the police car demands Mr. Mead to get into the car, in order
to take him to the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies. In this fictional
world, participating in natural activities, is considered a form of reverse evolution and or mental
handicap. Bradbury takes technology to the extreme, by showcasing what seems to be a perfectly
normal activity as ludicrous. Bradbury means for his short story to be a warning of what the world
will come to if humans don't take advantage of what is around them, instead of staring at a
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The Pedestrian
The Pedestrian
The Pedestrian is a short story by Ray Bradbury. The theme of the short story is all about
technology in which it deals with the dangers living in a society which is not only reliant on
technology, but uses technology to control its citizens and to destroy those individuals who dare to
exercise freedom of expression.
At the start of the short story the writer sets the scene for the reader, both in time and place but also
by describing the kind of society that exists in the future world. In the short story the writer writes,
"For long ago he had wisely changed his to sneakers"
This quote makes me think that the pedestrian used to be scared to be seen out at night and wouldn't
want to get noticed. But now he's gotten...show more content...
This is odd because you would not normally have these two words beside each other because the
way they sort of cancel each other out. After the police car takes Mead away, he makes his last
defiant statement asserting his individuality, he comments
"That's my house"
In this sentence, you can see the pride and dignity that Mead had and how he summed it up so much
in just these three words.
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Summary Of The Pedestrian
In the short story The Pedestrian is an interesting reading of a story that takes place in the future. It
shows how people would seclude themselves form other and stop caring about one another. This
short story writing style use a detail of imagery to connect the reader to the future. The definition of
Imagery means "In a literary text is an author's use of vivid and descriptive language to add depth to
their work. It appeals to human senses to deepen the reader's understanding of the work." (https:/
In the being of the short story The Pedestrian the author Ray Bradbury opens the story with the
imagery "To enter out into that silence that was the city at eight o'clock"(51) an unusual description
of a city at night– unlike the present. He uses words like "tomb–like" describes buildings, and "gray
phantoms" describes inhabitants, unsettling image– lifeless. fig.1
In The Pedestrian there is a man named Mr. Leonard Mead whose is a little different from the
normal. He doesn't do the same thing as everyone else does. With this short story taking place in
the future everyone seems to have a curfew, where they should be watching television. Mr. Mead
doesn't like this so every night he goes for a walk around. Bradbury set the mood by saying "he
began his journey in a westerly direction"(51) meaning symbolism, west is the direction the sun sets.
The loss of light has metaphorical connotations of death (the death of society). "long ago he had
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The Pedestrian Short Story
Albert Einstein once said, "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The
world will have a generation of idiots". In the story, The Pedestrian, the main character, Mr.
Leonard Mead, lives in a society where technology has replaced human interaction. Technology
negatively affects society by leading to a lack of individuality and antisocial behavior. In the story,
there is a lack of individuality which is formed from the negative effects from technology. For
example, Mr. Mead lives in a city where all the residents act the same. The narrator explains, "The
tombs, ill–lit by television light, where people sat like the dead, the gray or multicolored lights
touching their faces but never really touching them" (175).
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The Pedestrian Essay

  • 1. The Pedestrian Summary THE PEDESTRIAN ANALYASIS The pedestrian is a short story written by Ray Bradbury in 1953, the story takes place in the year of 2053. In the story, we follow Leonard Mead as he goes for an evening stroll among tomb–like homes , until a police car interrupts him. In the end, the police car takes him away to ''the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies.'' The story is told using a third person limited narrator, which is great for keeping the story's mysteries as mysteries, since we as a reader cannot look inside of Mr. Mead's mind and get the full picture, but only discover this new world one step at the time as the story continues. To let the reader, discover this new world as the story continues and also keep them intrigued...show more content... It has been made quite clear that the world he lives in, at least at that time of day, is dark and shadowy. It seems like he is the odd one out, his mindset has not changed even though his surroundings have and because of this, he is incoherent, someone who is somehow unadapted to this new world. This is shown many times during the story, for an example; ''but it really made no difference; he was alone in this world of 2053 A.D., or as good as alone...'' By smartly using the abbreviation A.D. (Anno Domini, which means ''in the year of our Lord'') Bradbury hints that this world and/or universe might be the same as the one we live in, or at least it might have been at some point. By not having a telescreen, he is excluding himself from this new soiciety, since intertainment and life in general seems to be centered around a television in this world And by being an outcast he is also a threat to the system becuase he does not remain distracted and steady while being isolated inside his house behind a screen. If he was born into this world he problerly woulnd find it so strange. He al so mntions the election and the removal of police cars as if has exprienced it all. He has knowlege of the world that was before. A world were books and night strolls Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. The Pedestrian Analysis The passages "Plugged–In and Tuned–Out: The Dangers of Teenage Virtual Addiction" by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras and "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury both approach the same topic through different perspectives. Kardaras, an addiction specialist, consistently provides examples of ways technology can impact a child's life for the worse. However, Bradbury takes his readers to the future, showing the world as if technology took over human lives. The central idea conveyed through both pieces of writing is the potential dangers posed by technology to both individuals and societies. Kardaras starts out by stating an unanticipated fact, "What's the biggest addiction problem facing our kids today and what should we watch out for?" My answer? The Internet"...show more content... Bradbury begins by describing Leonard Mead's favorite activity, "To enter out into that silence that was the city at eight o'clock of a misty evening in November, to put your feet upon that buckling concrete walk, to step over grassy seams and make your way, hands in pockets, through the silences, that was what Mr. Leonard Mead most dearly loved to do" (Bradbury 1). He informs the readers that Mr. Mead's favorite activity was quite uncommon because no one else ventured outside of their homes. Mr. Mead was the only one with the audacity to walk for miles on end with no destination. Because of this, he gets stopped by the police, asking him plenty of questions. Bradbury consciously shows the readers that the police car is empty, needing no human to operate it. After many questions, the police car demands Mr. Mead to get into the car, in order to take him to the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies. In this fictional world, participating in natural activities, is considered a form of reverse evolution and or mental handicap. Bradbury takes technology to the extreme, by showcasing what seems to be a perfectly normal activity as ludicrous. Bradbury means for his short story to be a warning of what the world will come to if humans don't take advantage of what is around them, instead of staring at a Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. The Pedestrian The Pedestrian The Pedestrian is a short story by Ray Bradbury. The theme of the short story is all about technology in which it deals with the dangers living in a society which is not only reliant on technology, but uses technology to control its citizens and to destroy those individuals who dare to exercise freedom of expression. At the start of the short story the writer sets the scene for the reader, both in time and place but also by describing the kind of society that exists in the future world. In the short story the writer writes, "For long ago he had wisely changed his to sneakers" This quote makes me think that the pedestrian used to be scared to be seen out at night and wouldn't want to get noticed. But now he's gotten...show more content... This is odd because you would not normally have these two words beside each other because the way they sort of cancel each other out. After the police car takes Mead away, he makes his last defiant statement asserting his individuality, he comments "That's my house" In this sentence, you can see the pride and dignity that Mead had and how he summed it up so much in just these three words. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Summary Of The Pedestrian In the short story The Pedestrian is an interesting reading of a story that takes place in the future. It shows how people would seclude themselves form other and stop caring about one another. This short story writing style use a detail of imagery to connect the reader to the future. The definition of Imagery means "In a literary text is an author's use of vivid and descriptive language to add depth to their work. It appeals to human senses to deepen the reader's understanding of the work." (https:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagery) In the being of the short story The Pedestrian the author Ray Bradbury opens the story with the imagery "To enter out into that silence that was the city at eight o'clock"(51) an unusual description of a city at night– unlike the present. He uses words like "tomb–like" describes buildings, and "gray phantoms" describes inhabitants, unsettling image– lifeless. fig.1 In The Pedestrian there is a man named Mr. Leonard Mead whose is a little different from the normal. He doesn't do the same thing as everyone else does. With this short story taking place in the future everyone seems to have a curfew, where they should be watching television. Mr. Mead doesn't like this so every night he goes for a walk around. Bradbury set the mood by saying "he began his journey in a westerly direction"(51) meaning symbolism, west is the direction the sun sets. The loss of light has metaphorical connotations of death (the death of society). "long ago he had wisely Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. The Pedestrian Short Story Albert Einstein once said, "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots". In the story, The Pedestrian, the main character, Mr. Leonard Mead, lives in a society where technology has replaced human interaction. Technology negatively affects society by leading to a lack of individuality and antisocial behavior. In the story, there is a lack of individuality which is formed from the negative effects from technology. For example, Mr. Mead lives in a city where all the residents act the same. The narrator explains, "The tombs, ill–lit by television light, where people sat like the dead, the gray or multicolored lights touching their faces but never really touching them" (175). Get more content on HelpWriting.net