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Comparison of MGMT - Time
                           to Pretend
                       Linkin Park- Numb

Muhammad Zeeshan
Zafraan Mahrban
Judah Chandra
MGMT  Time to Pretend
MGMT  Time to Pretend
   The song is consistently illustrating the
    use of drugs within the lifestyle of a rock
    star. This is evident as the lyrics shoot
    some heroin mention the drug.
   Furthermore a religious aspect to such
    use of drugs is introduced through the
    use of movie clips within the MGMT
    music video as the star personas are
    receiving the drug in the same way as
    the Holy Communion.
   I believe this is significant as drugs are
    illustrated as a symbol of god and
    something to be treasured.
   However the abuse of the drugs is
    depicted within the lyrics Well choke on
    our vomit. This illustrates the
    consequence of not only the use of
    drugs but also the outcome of the rock
    star lifestyle.
 The song depicts the life stage transition
  from a child to an adult as a horrendous
  change. This is due to the realities of
  adulthood, the responsibility an adult has to
 However the lyrics suggest that
  pretending to be a child is most efficient
  way to stay happy (This can be linked to        Playing in the sand  a habit of
  the title).
 This point of view is further enforced as the
  lyrics Ill miss the playgrounds and
  digging up worms. These are typical
  habits of childhood as fun is the only thing
  on the agenda for a child.
 Moreover the lyrics Ill miss the comfort of
  my mother depict the relaxed lifestyle we
  all had as children while also expressing
                                                  Pretending to ignore the realities of
  that the things we had taken for granted as     childhood. This screen represents
  a child is only a privilege we receive once     childhood through the playful body
                                                  language yet it also illustrates
  in our lives.                                   adulthood through the flames in the
                                                  background. This can be interpreted
                                                  as adulthood being a heavy burden
                                                  while childhood is freedom.

 This music video is a mixture of Narrative based and
  Concept based. This is to help the views view the reality
  of the so called Rock Star Lifestyle, which is further
  enforced by the lyrics Live fast and die young. These
  lyrics show that life may not be so great, thus the only
  thing we can do is Pretend (which can also be linked to
  the title Time to Pretend.
 The record company sold this product using the different,
  effects, visual and motifs within the music video. This
  attracted the society at the time due to the unique and
  originality of the music video.
 The music video illustrates the stereotypical
  video of power, wealth and success within
  society of the modern age. However it
  exemplifies how real wealth can only be found
  within simple things such as Family, Food,
  Water and Friends.
 Thus, we believe it depicts the illusion of the
  rock star lifestyle as the chorus repeats We
  were fated to pretend. which confirms our
 The music video refers to bands such as
  Nickleback which promote the Rock star
Linkin Park - Numb
   A lot of religious connotations are
    present within the music video, this is
    apparent as the main character
    (women) is constantly trying to be
    like Mary. To walk in your shoes,              Lady Mary
    this view is enforced as the music
    band are playing within a church
   The quote also empathises the life
    that her mother wants her daughter
    to have. which is reflected within the
    clips of her mother scolding her, this
    suggest that she is not on her proper
   This is then further enforced as the         The Band with the Church
    band is playing music within the
    church. This could signify a point to
    which the woman must return to as
    we see within the ending of the
    music video, the woman running
    back to the church.

                                              Girl running back in the
 The main theme present within the music video is of oppression and
  depression as the star persona is unable to do anything. However
  To be more like me and less like you illustrates her wants of
  rebellion as she wants to be an individual with own rules and paths
  rather than be guided by others. while this lyric can also illustrate
  how she is not what she is supposed to be.

 Building upon that, Ive become so numb is repeated constantly to
  portray her division from everything and everyone around her.

Its Says Numb On Her Left Arm which   Her being scolded by her Mother
depicts her loss of feelings and

 In conclusion, the music videos Time to pretend
  and Numb are both performance and narrative
  based as they both touch upon different views
  and problems within society.
 Time to Pretend illustrates the life of a rock star
  in a different light rather than the a glamorous
 While numb is about following your own path
  and creating your own distinctive individuality
  rather than staying in the shadow of someone

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Time to pretend 2003

  • 1. Comparison of MGMT - Time to Pretend & Linkin Park- Numb By Muhammad Zeeshan Zafraan Mahrban Judah Chandra
  • 2. MGMT Time to Pretend
  • 3. MGMT Time to Pretend The song is consistently illustrating the use of drugs within the lifestyle of a rock star. This is evident as the lyrics shoot some heroin mention the drug. Furthermore a religious aspect to such use of drugs is introduced through the use of movie clips within the MGMT music video as the star personas are receiving the drug in the same way as the Holy Communion. I believe this is significant as drugs are illustrated as a symbol of god and something to be treasured. However the abuse of the drugs is depicted within the lyrics Well choke on our vomit. This illustrates the consequence of not only the use of drugs but also the outcome of the rock star lifestyle.
  • 4. The song depicts the life stage transition from a child to an adult as a horrendous change. This is due to the realities of adulthood, the responsibility an adult has to take. However the lyrics suggest that pretending to be a child is most efficient way to stay happy (This can be linked to Playing in the sand a habit of children the title). This point of view is further enforced as the lyrics Ill miss the playgrounds and digging up worms. These are typical habits of childhood as fun is the only thing on the agenda for a child. Moreover the lyrics Ill miss the comfort of my mother depict the relaxed lifestyle we all had as children while also expressing Pretending to ignore the realities of that the things we had taken for granted as childhood. This screen represents a child is only a privilege we receive once childhood through the playful body language yet it also illustrates in our lives. adulthood through the flames in the background. This can be interpreted as adulthood being a heavy burden while childhood is freedom.
  • 5. MGMT This music video is a mixture of Narrative based and Concept based. This is to help the views view the reality of the so called Rock Star Lifestyle, which is further enforced by the lyrics Live fast and die young. These lyrics show that life may not be so great, thus the only thing we can do is Pretend (which can also be linked to the title Time to Pretend. The record company sold this product using the different, effects, visual and motifs within the music video. This attracted the society at the time due to the unique and originality of the music video.
  • 6. The music video illustrates the stereotypical video of power, wealth and success within society of the modern age. However it exemplifies how real wealth can only be found within simple things such as Family, Food, Water and Friends. Thus, we believe it depicts the illusion of the rock star lifestyle as the chorus repeats We were fated to pretend. which confirms our views. The music video refers to bands such as Nickleback which promote the Rock star lifestyle.
  • 8. NUMB A lot of religious connotations are present within the music video, this is apparent as the main character (women) is constantly trying to be like Mary. To walk in your shoes, Lady Mary this view is enforced as the music band are playing within a church The quote also empathises the life that her mother wants her daughter to have. which is reflected within the clips of her mother scolding her, this suggest that she is not on her proper path. This is then further enforced as the The Band with the Church band is playing music within the church. This could signify a point to which the woman must return to as we see within the ending of the music video, the woman running back to the church. Girl running back in the church
  • 9. The main theme present within the music video is of oppression and depression as the star persona is unable to do anything. However To be more like me and less like you illustrates her wants of rebellion as she wants to be an individual with own rules and paths rather than be guided by others. while this lyric can also illustrate how she is not what she is supposed to be. Building upon that, Ive become so numb is repeated constantly to portray her division from everything and everyone around her. Its Says Numb On Her Left Arm which Her being scolded by her Mother depicts her loss of feelings and emotions.
  • 10. Conclusion In conclusion, the music videos Time to pretend and Numb are both performance and narrative based as they both touch upon different views and problems within society. Time to Pretend illustrates the life of a rock star in a different light rather than the a glamorous lifestyle. While numb is about following your own path and creating your own distinctive individuality rather than staying in the shadow of someone else.