The video discusses a math lesson on using algebraic properties like the distributive, commutative, and associative properties to combine like terms and solve inventory problems algebraically. Students are instructed to work independently on an in-class worksheet involving combining like terms, while the teacher monitors their progress. They are then told to use their notes if they get stuck, skip questions, and work on other math activities until the teacher comes around.
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Unit 4 lesson 10
• Today we will learn to use the
associative, commutative and
distributive properties to combine like
terms to show inventory by using
algebraic symbols. We will also keep
track of changes with algebraic symbols
8. ï‚— Work independently to complete the in-class
work on Combining Like Terms
ï‚— Your teacher will monitor your progress while
you work
ï‚— When you finish, please work on Math Minutes,
Complete corrected homework, or Read your
choice book
ï‚— Do Not raise your hand. Look at your notes for
help or skip the question and work on a
different question until your teacher comes to
your desk.
9.  What is something that I learned in today’s
lesson that I didn’t know how to do that I
now know how to do?
 I wonder…