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What   Works?
Identify programs that work. Analyze why they work. Replicate them. What   Works? Mary Chant http://www.firstthebasics.com
Toward Hunger-Free Communities - What Works? The Plan Identify agencies and individuals who are fighting hunger. Create a spreadsheet to organize information. Provide contact and location information. Create shared an online database so that information can be accessed easily; and so that agencies and individuals doing similar work can contact each other and compare notes. Encourage agencies and individuals to share processes and program outcomes. Publish results and encourage communication and transparency. Establish meaningful metrics to measure progress. Focus on What Works and concentrate energy and financial resources on those events, marketing & fundraising efforts, advocacy methods and technical considerations that work.
Identify Programs that Work The Data Use quantifiable data whenever possible to identify what works. Which programs are most successful?  How is success measured and tracked? When soliciting pounds of food  How many pounds were collected?  What was cost per pound to collect donations? (ROI) When soliciting monetary donations  How many dollars were donated?  What was percentage per dollar that went to raising money? (ROI) ($1 provides 7 meals * Feeding America website ) Provide transparency in order to help all hunger advocates understand what kind of donor programs, events, gleaning and community gardening efforts, etc. are most effective.
Analyze why programs work The Results What was the original goal? Did the project, event, campaign meet its goal? Could cause and effect relationships be identified?  Which attributes had the most effect on outcome? Past Experience Financial Resources Volunteer Activity 68 percent of pantries, 42 percent of soup kitchens, and 15 percent of emergency shelters rely solely on volunteers and have no paid staff (* Feeding America, Hunger in America, Key Findings ) Visibility and/or name recognition Sponsors Marketing channels Technology The Economy The community pantry of San Benito County says two years ago it served 4,000 people in need. Now, it's up to 7,000.油 And while the demand goes up, their funds have dropped. (*News, 5/27/2010 -  http://www.kcba.com/Global/story.asp?S=12557729 ) Lessons Learned
Tag  Im It As an individual I created a website to help find food pantries in my community I would gladly share: code to replicate the site for another community experience creating a group of maps  google analytics stats experiences with outreach, twitter, community building, community response, etc. Analyze why programs work
Replicate Successful Programs T he Goal Identify what works and replicate it.  This is especially important when The reality is that nearly 17 million children in Americathats almost one in fourface hunger.   ( Share Our Strength ) Make it easier for small food banks to carry out fundraising activities. Share Resources provide templates for marketing materials, online donation forms, etc. provide information about government programs and grant application and management, etc. Create a Buddy System  pair a rep from a large food bank with successful fund raising experience with a rep from a smaller food bank.
Tag  Youre It There are hundreds of individuals and organizations across the country working on the problem of ending hunger. What if they all communicated their marketing tips IT tips  including code metrics  to help establish benchmarks grant management expertise struggles and triumphs EXPERIENCE Replicate Successful Programs

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What Works?

  • 1. What Works?
  • 2. Identify programs that work. Analyze why they work. Replicate them. What Works? Mary Chant http://www.firstthebasics.com
  • 3. Toward Hunger-Free Communities - What Works? The Plan Identify agencies and individuals who are fighting hunger. Create a spreadsheet to organize information. Provide contact and location information. Create shared an online database so that information can be accessed easily; and so that agencies and individuals doing similar work can contact each other and compare notes. Encourage agencies and individuals to share processes and program outcomes. Publish results and encourage communication and transparency. Establish meaningful metrics to measure progress. Focus on What Works and concentrate energy and financial resources on those events, marketing & fundraising efforts, advocacy methods and technical considerations that work.
  • 4. Identify Programs that Work The Data Use quantifiable data whenever possible to identify what works. Which programs are most successful? How is success measured and tracked? When soliciting pounds of food How many pounds were collected? What was cost per pound to collect donations? (ROI) When soliciting monetary donations How many dollars were donated? What was percentage per dollar that went to raising money? (ROI) ($1 provides 7 meals * Feeding America website ) Provide transparency in order to help all hunger advocates understand what kind of donor programs, events, gleaning and community gardening efforts, etc. are most effective.
  • 5. Analyze why programs work The Results What was the original goal? Did the project, event, campaign meet its goal? Could cause and effect relationships be identified? Which attributes had the most effect on outcome? Past Experience Financial Resources Volunteer Activity 68 percent of pantries, 42 percent of soup kitchens, and 15 percent of emergency shelters rely solely on volunteers and have no paid staff (* Feeding America, Hunger in America, Key Findings ) Visibility and/or name recognition Sponsors Marketing channels Technology The Economy The community pantry of San Benito County says two years ago it served 4,000 people in need. Now, it's up to 7,000.油 And while the demand goes up, their funds have dropped. (*News, 5/27/2010 - http://www.kcba.com/Global/story.asp?S=12557729 ) Lessons Learned
  • 6. Tag Im It As an individual I created a website to help find food pantries in my community I would gladly share: code to replicate the site for another community experience creating a group of maps google analytics stats experiences with outreach, twitter, community building, community response, etc. Analyze why programs work
  • 7. Replicate Successful Programs T he Goal Identify what works and replicate it. This is especially important when The reality is that nearly 17 million children in Americathats almost one in fourface hunger. ( Share Our Strength ) Make it easier for small food banks to carry out fundraising activities. Share Resources provide templates for marketing materials, online donation forms, etc. provide information about government programs and grant application and management, etc. Create a Buddy System pair a rep from a large food bank with successful fund raising experience with a rep from a smaller food bank.
  • 8. Tag Youre It There are hundreds of individuals and organizations across the country working on the problem of ending hunger. What if they all communicated their marketing tips IT tips including code metrics to help establish benchmarks grant management expertise struggles and triumphs EXPERIENCE Replicate Successful Programs