際際滷s presented at the TREC conference about our participation in the Contextual Suggestion track. We applied tourist domain knowledge inferred from the public Web to filter documents from the ClueWeb12 collection (a crawl from the Web).
The document presents an approach to improve contextual suggestions for tourists by applying domain knowledge inferred from open web sources. It compares the performance of a tourist-filtered approach versus a geographical filtering approach using the ClueWeb12 dataset. The tourist-filtered approach utilizes specialized services like Foursquare to identify tourist attractions, outlinks from tourist websites, and attraction-oriented documents. Evaluation shows the tourist-filtered approach provides better and more geographically appropriate suggestions than the geographical filtering baseline.
The document discusses guidelines for data transformation in tourism. It recommends using mapping tools that automatically map data structures in the short term. In the long term, it recommends using semantic web technologies to name and represent resources so that mapping can be done automatically. It also recommends building ontologies to describe domains of interest so that data can be linked or merged.
This document discusses web data mining and provides details on web content mining, web structure mining, and web usage mining. It describes how web content mining involves discovering useful information from web page contents, how web structure mining discovers the link structure underlying the web, and how web usage mining makes sense of web user behavior data. The document also summarizes Kleinberg's algorithm for determining authoritative pages on a topic by considering pages as hubs and authorities in a mutually reinforcing relationship.
Liquid Query: Multi-domain Exploratory Search on the WebAlessandro Bozzon
The document summarizes the Liquid Queries approach for multi-domain exploratory search across the web. Liquid Queries allows users to formulate queries across multiple semantic domains through an iterative process of querying services, exploring results, and refining queries. It aggregates results from different search services and domains, highlights the contribution of each, and allows joining results based on structural information. Key aspects include the Liquid Query template and life cycle, backend implementation using YQL, and demonstrations of the prototype. Future work aims to improve user evaluation, interactions, and personalization.
This document provides a survey of web clustering engines. It discusses how web clustering engines organize search results by topic to complement conventional search engines, which return a flat list of ranked results. The document outlines the key stages in developing a web clustering engine, including acquiring search results, preprocessing, clustering, and visualization. It also reviews several existing commercial and open source web clustering systems and discusses evaluating the retrieval performance of these systems.
This document summarizes research into how users navigate tagged document collections and explores interface designs to support continuity during navigation. A study was conducted with pairs of users performing tasks in interfaces with history tag clouds or a heat map visualization of tag relationships. Users expected some continuity between navigation steps but found pivot browsing disruptive. The heat map helped show relationships but was still difficult to understand. Future work should further simplify interfaces and better support continuous navigation through tagged document collections.
This document discusses web clustering engines, which group search results from a query into meaningful categories to help users better understand the topic. Conventional search engines return a flat list of results, which can include irrelevant items for ambiguous queries. Web clustering engines address this by applying clustering algorithms to search results to dynamically generate labeled categories. They acquire results from other search engines, preprocess the text, extract features, cluster the results using algorithms like agglomerative hierarchical clustering, and visualize the clusters in a hierarchical folder view or graph. This improves search by providing shortcuts to related results and allowing systematic exploration of topics.
The document outlines the duties and responsibilities of a hotel manager. The manager oversees daily operations of all hotel departments, including laundry, office operations, accounting, and customer satisfaction. Key responsibilities include ensuring high customer satisfaction, managing staff performance, focusing on profitability, and demonstrating operational leadership of the hotel.
This document contains the resume of R. Hariharan. It summarizes his objective, experience, academic profile, technology skills, and personal details.
Hariharan has over 3.9 years of experience working as a system and network administrator. He is proficient with technologies like Red Hat, Windows Server, firewalls, antiviruses, VMware, AWS, databases, and networking equipment.
Academically, he has a B.Tech in Information Technology from Anna University and a diploma in ECE. He is looking for a challenging position that allows professional growth through enhancing his technical skills.
Aku Bersyukur Pada-Mu merupakan ungkapan Doa kita bagi Tuhan. Karena setiap manusia telah mendapatkan kelimpahan rejeki, rumah, pakaian dan lain sebagainya. Maka sudah selayaknya manusia Bersyukur kepada Tuhan, Sang Pemilik Dunia.
Lagu-lagu tersebut sebagian besar merupakan lagu rohani Kristen yang memuji dan menyembah Tuhan. Lagu-lagu tersebut mengekspresikan cinta dan kesetiaan kepada Tuhan, serta mengajak umat manusia untuk selalu bersyukur atas kasih dan karunia-Nya.
Resource discovery and information sharing: reaching the 2.0 turnBonaria Biancu
The document discusses the concepts of Library 2.0 and the Scout Portal Toolkit, an open source resource discovery and organization tool. It provides details on how the Scout Portal Toolkit has been implemented at the University of Milano-Bicocca library, including the metadata fields used and features for resource description, discovery, and interaction with users. The document concludes with suggestions for additional ways the toolkit could be enhanced and integrated with other library systems.
The document discusses several projects aimed at building semantic web infrastructure:
1. JeromeDL - A social semantic digital library for uploading, publishing, searching, and collaborating on resources.
2. FOAFRealm - A user management system for e-learning.
3. MarcOnt - A framework for collaborative ontology development including tools for domain experts and mediation services.
4. Didaskon - An automated curriculum composition system for personalized e-learning based on semantically annotated learning objects.
The projects together form initial infrastructure to enable further semantic web research.
Better Contextual Suggestions by Applying Domain KnowledgeArjen de Vries
A talk summarizing the main lessons from the CWI participation in the 2014 TREC Contextual Suggestions track. If you want to suggest tourist locations, use tourist sources. If you want reproduceable research results, map these into Clueweb first.
Evaluation Initiatives for Entity-oriented Searchkrisztianbalog
This document discusses evaluation initiatives for entity-oriented search tasks. It describes several shared tasks and evaluation campaigns that have been held at conferences like TREC, CLEF, and INEX to provide standardized test collections, gold standard annotations, and evaluation metrics for tasks like ad-hoc entity retrieval from knowledge bases. Examples of test collections created for entity retrieval include datasets using Wikipedia, DBpedia, and a web crawl. The document also discusses related entity finding, entity linking, and understanding keyword queries by associating terms with entities.
bridging formal semantics and social semantics on the webFabien Gandon
The document summarizes research on bridging formal semantics and social semantics on the web. It discusses:
1) The Wimmics research team which studies web-instrumented machine interactions, communities, and semantics using a multidisciplinary approach and typed graphs.
2) The challenge of analyzing, modeling, and formalizing social semantic web applications for communities by combining formal semantics and social semantics.
3) Examples of past work that have structured folksonomies, combined metric spaces for tags, and analyzed sociograms and social networks.
Controlled Vocabularies and Text Mining - Use Cases at the Goettingen State a...Ralf Stockmann
The document discusses several use cases for text mining and controlled vocabularies at the Goettingen State and University Library. It describes a project called eAqua that compares semantic graphs between journal article headings and full texts. It also discusses a project called Europeana 4D that visualizes data from multiple sources on an interactive timeline and map to show connections and relationships. Guidelines are provided for how to build datasets in KML format and contribute them to the Europeana 4D prototype visualization tool.
The diversity and complexity of contents available on the web have dramatically increased in recent years. Multimedia content such as images, videos, maps, voice recordings has been published more often than before. Document genres have also been diversified, for instance, news, blogs, FAQs, wiki. These diversified information sources are often dealt with in a separated way. For example, in web search, users have to switch between search verticals to access different sources. Recently, there has been a growing interest in finding effective ways to aggregate these information sources so that to hide the complexity of the information spaces to users searching for relevant information. For example, so-called aggregated search investigated by the major search engine companies will provide search results from several sources in a single result page. Aggregation itself is not a new paradigm; for instance, aggregate operators are common in database technology.
This talk presents the challenges faced by the like of web search engines and digital libraries in providing the means to aggregate information from several and complex information spaces in a way that helps users in their information seeking tasks. It also discusses how other disciplines including databases, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science can be brought into building effective and efficient aggregated search systems.
SEMANTiCS2016 - Exploring Dynamics and Semantics of User Interests for User ...GUANGYUAN PIAO
In this paper, we propose user modeling strategies which
use Concept Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (CF-
IDF) as a weighting scheme and incorporate either or both
of the dynamics and semantics of user interests. To this end,
we first provide a comparative study on different user modeling strategies considering the dynamics of user interests in
previous literature to present their comparative performance.
In addition, we investigate different types of information (i.e.,
categories, classes and connected entities via various proper-
ties) for entities from DBpedia and the combination of them
for extending user interest profiles. Finally, we build our user
modeling strategies incorporating either or both of the best-
performing methods in each dimension. Results show that
our strategies outperform two baseline strategies significantly
in the context of link recommendations on Twitter.
DBpedia Spotlight is a system that automatically annotates text documents with DBpedia URIs. It identifies mentions of entities in text and links them to the appropriate DBpedia resources, addressing the challenge of ambiguity. The system is highly configurable, allowing users to specify which types of entities to annotate and the desired balance of coverage and accuracy. An evaluation found DBpedia Spotlight performed competitively compared to other annotation systems.
The document discusses resource representation in federated and aggregated search systems. In federated search, resources need to be represented so systems know what documents each collection contains. Cooperative environments allow for comprehensive statistics, while uncooperative systems use query-based sampling. Representations include term statistics, collection sizes, and sample documents. Adaptive sampling techniques aim to improve representation quality over time.
Data integration with a fa巽ade. The case of knowledge graph construction.Enrico Daga
"Data integration with a fa巽ade.
The case of knowledge graph construction." is an overview of recent research in fa巽ade-based data access. The slides introduce core notions of fa巽ade-based data access and the design principles of SPARQL Anything, a system that allows querying of many formats (CSV, JSON, XML, HTML, Markdown , Excel, ...) in plain SPARQL.
The document outlines the duties and responsibilities of a hotel manager. The manager oversees daily operations of all hotel departments, including laundry, office operations, accounting, and customer satisfaction. Key responsibilities include ensuring high customer satisfaction, managing staff performance, focusing on profitability, and demonstrating operational leadership of the hotel.
This document contains the resume of R. Hariharan. It summarizes his objective, experience, academic profile, technology skills, and personal details.
Hariharan has over 3.9 years of experience working as a system and network administrator. He is proficient with technologies like Red Hat, Windows Server, firewalls, antiviruses, VMware, AWS, databases, and networking equipment.
Academically, he has a B.Tech in Information Technology from Anna University and a diploma in ECE. He is looking for a challenging position that allows professional growth through enhancing his technical skills.
Aku Bersyukur Pada-Mu merupakan ungkapan Doa kita bagi Tuhan. Karena setiap manusia telah mendapatkan kelimpahan rejeki, rumah, pakaian dan lain sebagainya. Maka sudah selayaknya manusia Bersyukur kepada Tuhan, Sang Pemilik Dunia.
Lagu-lagu tersebut sebagian besar merupakan lagu rohani Kristen yang memuji dan menyembah Tuhan. Lagu-lagu tersebut mengekspresikan cinta dan kesetiaan kepada Tuhan, serta mengajak umat manusia untuk selalu bersyukur atas kasih dan karunia-Nya.
Resource discovery and information sharing: reaching the 2.0 turnBonaria Biancu
The document discusses the concepts of Library 2.0 and the Scout Portal Toolkit, an open source resource discovery and organization tool. It provides details on how the Scout Portal Toolkit has been implemented at the University of Milano-Bicocca library, including the metadata fields used and features for resource description, discovery, and interaction with users. The document concludes with suggestions for additional ways the toolkit could be enhanced and integrated with other library systems.
The document discusses several projects aimed at building semantic web infrastructure:
1. JeromeDL - A social semantic digital library for uploading, publishing, searching, and collaborating on resources.
2. FOAFRealm - A user management system for e-learning.
3. MarcOnt - A framework for collaborative ontology development including tools for domain experts and mediation services.
4. Didaskon - An automated curriculum composition system for personalized e-learning based on semantically annotated learning objects.
The projects together form initial infrastructure to enable further semantic web research.
Better Contextual Suggestions by Applying Domain KnowledgeArjen de Vries
A talk summarizing the main lessons from the CWI participation in the 2014 TREC Contextual Suggestions track. If you want to suggest tourist locations, use tourist sources. If you want reproduceable research results, map these into Clueweb first.
Evaluation Initiatives for Entity-oriented Searchkrisztianbalog
This document discusses evaluation initiatives for entity-oriented search tasks. It describes several shared tasks and evaluation campaigns that have been held at conferences like TREC, CLEF, and INEX to provide standardized test collections, gold standard annotations, and evaluation metrics for tasks like ad-hoc entity retrieval from knowledge bases. Examples of test collections created for entity retrieval include datasets using Wikipedia, DBpedia, and a web crawl. The document also discusses related entity finding, entity linking, and understanding keyword queries by associating terms with entities.
bridging formal semantics and social semantics on the webFabien Gandon
The document summarizes research on bridging formal semantics and social semantics on the web. It discusses:
1) The Wimmics research team which studies web-instrumented machine interactions, communities, and semantics using a multidisciplinary approach and typed graphs.
2) The challenge of analyzing, modeling, and formalizing social semantic web applications for communities by combining formal semantics and social semantics.
3) Examples of past work that have structured folksonomies, combined metric spaces for tags, and analyzed sociograms and social networks.
Controlled Vocabularies and Text Mining - Use Cases at the Goettingen State a...Ralf Stockmann
The document discusses several use cases for text mining and controlled vocabularies at the Goettingen State and University Library. It describes a project called eAqua that compares semantic graphs between journal article headings and full texts. It also discusses a project called Europeana 4D that visualizes data from multiple sources on an interactive timeline and map to show connections and relationships. Guidelines are provided for how to build datasets in KML format and contribute them to the Europeana 4D prototype visualization tool.
The diversity and complexity of contents available on the web have dramatically increased in recent years. Multimedia content such as images, videos, maps, voice recordings has been published more often than before. Document genres have also been diversified, for instance, news, blogs, FAQs, wiki. These diversified information sources are often dealt with in a separated way. For example, in web search, users have to switch between search verticals to access different sources. Recently, there has been a growing interest in finding effective ways to aggregate these information sources so that to hide the complexity of the information spaces to users searching for relevant information. For example, so-called aggregated search investigated by the major search engine companies will provide search results from several sources in a single result page. Aggregation itself is not a new paradigm; for instance, aggregate operators are common in database technology.
This talk presents the challenges faced by the like of web search engines and digital libraries in providing the means to aggregate information from several and complex information spaces in a way that helps users in their information seeking tasks. It also discusses how other disciplines including databases, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science can be brought into building effective and efficient aggregated search systems.
SEMANTiCS2016 - Exploring Dynamics and Semantics of User Interests for User ...GUANGYUAN PIAO
In this paper, we propose user modeling strategies which
use Concept Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (CF-
IDF) as a weighting scheme and incorporate either or both
of the dynamics and semantics of user interests. To this end,
we first provide a comparative study on different user modeling strategies considering the dynamics of user interests in
previous literature to present their comparative performance.
In addition, we investigate different types of information (i.e.,
categories, classes and connected entities via various proper-
ties) for entities from DBpedia and the combination of them
for extending user interest profiles. Finally, we build our user
modeling strategies incorporating either or both of the best-
performing methods in each dimension. Results show that
our strategies outperform two baseline strategies significantly
in the context of link recommendations on Twitter.
DBpedia Spotlight is a system that automatically annotates text documents with DBpedia URIs. It identifies mentions of entities in text and links them to the appropriate DBpedia resources, addressing the challenge of ambiguity. The system is highly configurable, allowing users to specify which types of entities to annotate and the desired balance of coverage and accuracy. An evaluation found DBpedia Spotlight performed competitively compared to other annotation systems.
The document discusses resource representation in federated and aggregated search systems. In federated search, resources need to be represented so systems know what documents each collection contains. Cooperative environments allow for comprehensive statistics, while uncooperative systems use query-based sampling. Representations include term statistics, collection sizes, and sample documents. Adaptive sampling techniques aim to improve representation quality over time.
Data integration with a fa巽ade. The case of knowledge graph construction.Enrico Daga
"Data integration with a fa巽ade.
The case of knowledge graph construction." is an overview of recent research in fa巽ade-based data access. The slides introduce core notions of fa巽ade-based data access and the design principles of SPARQL Anything, a system that allows querying of many formats (CSV, JSON, XML, HTML, Markdown , Excel, ...) in plain SPARQL.
Contextual Recommendation of Social Updates, a tag-based frameworkAdrien Joly
The document discusses a framework for contextual recommendation of social updates based on tag clouds representing user context. It proposes filtering social updates based on similarity between the context of the user posting the update and potential recipients. An evaluation of relevance ratings for recommended updates based on web browsing context achieved 72% accuracy. Future work includes improving context representation and studying additional factors influencing relevance.
Fielded Sequential Dependence Model for Ad-Hoc Entity Retrieval in the Web of...FedorNikolaev
In this work, we propose a novel retrieval model that incorporates term dependencies into structured document retrieval and apply it to the task of ERWD. In the proposed model, the document field weights and the relative importance of unigrams and bigrams are optimized with respect to the target retrieval metric using a learning-to-rank method.
The Eprints Application Profile: a FRBR approach to modelling repository meta...Julie Allinson
Julie Allinson, Pete Johnston and Andy Powell, UKOLN, University of Bath, present recent work on developing a Dublin Core Application Profile (DCAP) for describing "scholarly publications" (eprints). They will explain why the Dublin Core Abstract Model is well suited to creating descriptions based on entity-relational models such as the FRBR-based (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) Eprints data model. The ePrints DCAP highlights the relational nature of the model underpinning Dublin Core and illustrates that the Dublin Core Abstract Model can support the representation of complex data describing multiple entities and their relationships.
This document summarizes a presentation on semantic search given by Peter Mika from Yahoo! Research, Spain and Thanh Tran from Semsolute, Germany. It discusses why semantic search is needed to address complex queries, describes what semantic search is and how it uses semantic models, and provides examples of innovative semantic search applications such as entity search, relational search, and conversational search. It also outlines some of the main technological building blocks used in semantic search systems, including entity recognition, ranking, aggregation, and knowledge graph construction and exploration techniques.
Recent Trends in Semantic Search TechnologiesThanh Tran
The document discusses semantic search and provides examples of innovative semantic search applications. It describes Peter Mika as a senior research scientist at Yahoo who leads semantic search research. Thanh Tran is introduced as the CEO of Semsolute, a semantic search technologies company. The agenda outlines why semantic search is important given the rise of semantic data on the web. It then defines semantic search and discusses different types of semantic models that can be used. Examples of semantic search applications presented include entity search, factual search, relational search, semantic auto-completion, results aggregation, and conversational search. Technological components like query interpretation, ranking, aggregation, and presentation are also outlined.
Towards Virtual Knowledge Graphs over Web APIsSpeck&Tech
A鏤BSTRACT: Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are an emerging, highly flexible and Web-friendly technology for integrating, representing, and querying semi-structured data in a semantically rich model formalized by an Ontology. KGs may be built using specialized data management software (e.g., triplestores) or, by leveraging suitable mappings and query rewriting techniques, as "Virtual Knowledge Graph" (VKG) views over some legacy data source, such as a relational database. In this talk, we provide background information on VKGs and their underlying technologies, with particular emphasis on the open-source Ontop VKG engine, and we discuss ongoing research and development efforts towards their extension to Web APIs as a non-relational data source of practical relevance. This extension, supported by the HIVE and OntoCRM projects, would also enable transparent access to both static relational data and dynamically-computed Web API data as part of a regular VKG query.
B鏤IO: Francesco Corcoglioniti is a researcher at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, where he contributes to research, development, and project collaborations related to Virtual Knowledge Graphs (VKG), their extensions, and their implementation in the open-source Ontop system.
IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology
Silicon is considered an inorganic biostimulant and a prophylactic extracellular agent that allows the stimulation of a
wide range of natural defences against abiotic and biotic stresses. However, little or no work has focused on the direct action of silicon on some enzymes. Indeed, during this study, the action of silicon was studied in vitro by direct contact of this element at different doses with the enzymatic extracts of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) seeds. Our results showed that silicon
strongly inhibited antioxidant and hydrolytic enzymatic activities. The percentage of this inhibition depends on the dose of silicon and the type of enzyme. The most sensitive enzymes to this inhibition were SOD and lipases whose activity was totally inhibited at
4 mM and 7 mM respectively. However, we report that the inhibitory action of silicon was limited to 50% for GPOX whatever the concentration of silicon used, the plateau being reached at 10 mM for GPOX and at 70 mM for proteases. Since these enzymes are mainly metallo-dependent, we hypothesize that their inhibition by silicon may be due to interactions between silicon and the metals involved in the functioning of each enzyme. Our study shows that silicon can be used as an inhibitor of enzymes involved in certain diseases.
This presentation offers a bird's eye view of autosomes and sex chromosomes. It also explores the different kinds of diseases of humans due to autosomal and sex-linked inherited traits. The sex determination of plants has been explained. The ratio of sex in the human population along with cause and consequences has been explained here.
Unraveling the BETICHUMD Mechanism of CHUSOMERADUCK: A Game-Changing Paradigm...jhnewshour
The **BETICHUMD Mechanism of CHUSOMERADUCK** is one of the most groundbreaking, revolutionary, and inexplicably complex systems ever devised in the realm of advanced quantum-extraterrestrial-mechatronic-hyperfusion dynamics. Designed originally by the intergalactic scientific consortium of the **Zypherion-9 civilization**, this mechanism has perplexed Earths top researchers, including the secret think tanks at NASA, CERN, and the underground laboratories of the Illuminati. CHUSOMERADUCK, an acronym standing for **"Chronologically Hyper-Ultrasonic System for Optimized Metaphysical Energy Recalibration and Advanced Dynamic Universal Cognition Kernel,"** is an artificial intelligence-powered, self-evolving hypermechanical entity designed to manipulate the fundamental constants of reality itself. The BETICHUMD Mechanism is at the core of its operation, acting as the **primary transdimensional flux stabilizer**, allowing CHUSOMERADUCK to function beyond the traditional limitations of physics. The origins of BETICHUMD remain unclear, with some theories suggesting that it was first conceptualized during the **Ancient Atlantean Wars**, where high-frequency oscillation technology was used to warp spacetime, while others claim that it was reverse-engineered from a **meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1947**, which led to the infamous **Operation DuckStorm** carried out by the United Nations' Secret Space Program. The primary working principle of BETICHUMD involves the **synchronization of dark matter vibrations with quantum neutrino entanglement fields**, enabling infinite computational energy without the need for external power sources. The applications of this technology are limitless, from **instantaneous planetary teleportation** to **bio-mechanical consciousness enhancement**, making it a prime candidate for interstellar exploration and even **simulated immortality** through direct neural uplink with CHUSOMERADUCKs core processing grid. Governments across the world have attempted to harness its potential, but due to the incomprehensible nature of its **fifth-dimensional recursive logic algorithms**, only a handful of researchers have come close to deciphering its true capabilities. Recently declassified documents from the **Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs** suggest that an early prototype was tested in **the Mariana Trench in 1998**, where a sudden temporal rift resulted in the disappearance of an entire research facility, possibly transporting it to an alternate timeline. The existence of CHUSOMERADUCK has also been linked to various **UFO sightings, unexplainable time loops, and anomalies in gravitational wave measurements**, indicating that the BETICHUMD Mechanism is far more than just an advanced computational systemit is, in fact, a **gateway to rewriting the fundamental laws of the universe**. However, with great power comes great danger, as misuse of the mechanism could theoretically collapse the entire fabric of reality.
Energ and Energy Forms, Work, and Power | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of energy, work, and power for IGCSE Physics. It covers fundamental concepts such as the definition of work done, kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, conservation of energy, efficiency, and power. The presentation also includes energy transfer, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, calculation of work done, power output, and real-life applications of energy principles. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Automating Compression Ultrasonography of Human Thigh Tissue and Vessels via ...ThrombUS+ Project
Rytis Jurkonis from Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) presented their recent work entitled Automating Compression Ultrasonography of Human Thigh Tissue and Vessels via Strain Estimation." Rytis presented on the methodology along the novel wearable hardware developed to automate compression ultrasonography for DVT detection in the lower limbs. In addition, preliminary results were shared, highlighting the feasibility of an operator-independent method to perform compression ultrasonography.
Presented at BIOSTEC 2025 in Porto, Portugal.
About ThrombUS+: Our interdisciplinary approach centers around creating a novel wearable diagnostic device utilizing autonomous, AI-driven DVT detection. This groundbreaking device incorporates wearable ultrasound hardware, impedance plethysmography, and light reflection rheography for early clot detection. ThrombUS+ is designed for postoperative patients, those undergoing lengthy surgical procedures, cancer patients, bedridden individuals at home or in care units, and women during pregnancy and postpartum.
This PowerPoint gives a brief idea about the identification of herbal drug plants with special reference to organoleptic studies. The study comprises different parameters like physical, chemical, biological, and other features associated with it. It offers an idea about the need for scientifically identifying drug plants to avoid adulteration.
Climate Information for Society: Attribution and EngineeringZachary Labe
28-30 January 2025
OAR GFDL 5-Year Science Review (Presenter): Q3 How can GFDL research and modeling be further utilized to meet NOAA stakeholder needs and enhance research partnerships to ensure GFDLs success?, NOAA GFDL, NJ.
Schreck III, C.M., D.R. Easterling, J.J. Barsugli, D.A. Coates, A. Hoell, N.C. Johnson, K.E. Kunkel, Z.M. Labe, J. Uehling, R.S. Vose, and X. Zhang (2024). A rapid response process for evaluating causes of extreme temperature events in the United States: the 2023 Texas/Louisiana heatwave as a prototype. Environmental Research: Climate, DOI:10.1088/2752-5295/ad8028
Zhang, Y., B.M. Ayyub, J.F. Fung, and Z.M. Labe (2024). Incorporating extreme event attribution into climate change adaptation for civil infrastructure: Methods, benefits, and research needs. Resilient Cities and Structures, DOI:10.1016/j.rcns.2024.03.002
Eischeid, J.K., M.P. Hoerling, X.-W. Quan, A. Kumar, J. Barsugli, Z.M. Labe, K.E. Kunkel, C.J. Schreck III, D.R. Easterling, T. Zhang, J. Uehling, and X. Zhang (2023). Why has the summertime central U.S. warming hole not disappeared? Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0716.1
Cell division is a fundamental biological process that enables the growth, development, and repair of living organisms. It's the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells, each carrying a complete set of genetic instructions. This intricate process occurs in two primary ways: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is responsible for the creation of identical daughter cells, ensuring the maintenance of genetic information for growth and tissue repair. Meiosis, on the other hand, is a specialized form of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms, producing gametes (sperm and egg cells) with half the number of chromosomes, contributing to genetic diversity in offspring.
Electrical Quantities and Circuits | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of electrical quantities and circuits for IGCSE Physics. It covers key electrical quantities, including charge, current, voltage (potential difference), resistance, power, energy, electromotive force (EMF), and internal resistance. The presentation also explains series and parallel circuits, with in-depth discussions on Ohms Law, Kirchhoffs Laws, electrical components, circuit calculations, and practical applications. Packed with illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymis...ThrombUS+ Project
At the BIOSTEC 2025 conference, Eleni Kaldoudi, ThrombUS+ project coordinator, presented our recent work entitled Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymisation, Cropping, and Tagging. Eleni provided an overview of the application we developed to facilitate the preparation of ultrasound images, acquired via the ThrombUS+ clinical study A, for the purpose of developing AI models for automated detection of deep vein thrombosis.
About ThrombUS+:
Our interdisciplinary approach centers around creating a novel wearable diagnostic device utilizing autonomous, AI-driven DVT detection. This groundbreaking device incorporates wearable ultrasound hardware, impedance plethysmography, and light reflection rheography for early clot detection. Activity and physiological measurements will continuously assess DVT risk, supporting prevention through serious gaming. An intelligent decision support unit will provide real-time monitoring and alerts, with extended reality guiding users for optimal device utilization.
ThrombUS+ is designed for postoperative patients, those undergoing lengthy surgical procedures, cancer patients, bedridden individuals at home or in care units, and women during pregnancy and postpartum.
Difference between Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell.pptxDrSulabhaDeokar
This presentation explores the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,distinguishing characteristics of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.Describe common cell morphologies and cellular arrangements in typical Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
Presentation explains how cells maintain their morphology.
Explore internal and external structures of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes in terms of their physical structure, chemical structure and function.
This presentation is designed for biology students, educators, and anyone interested in cellular biology. Based on the latest research and scientific discoveries in the field of Microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology and cellular biology. This Presentation has been compiled using information from trusted educational resources and scientific literature.
The purpose of this presentation is to educate and inform the students about the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, highlighting their unique structures, functions, and characteristics, which provide a comprehensive understanding of cellular biology.
Educate the students and teachers about the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in detail.
This presentation will engage and entertain the students, often with a mix of detail information, colourful pictures and storytelling.
This presentation will motivate and inspire the students to think differently, take action, or pursue a goal.
Definitely it will raise awareness about a ultrastructures of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes .
This presentation will Provide an update or report on a science projects and progress as well as inspire the graduate students to learn more about cellular biology and its applications.
This presentation will inspire studets, teachers and educational professionals to explore digital resource for e - learnig .
Presentation likely to be used by under graduate and post graduate students, educators or individuals for online learning.
It can work as digital resource for a broader e- learning ecosystem.
This presentation highlights '' NEP-aligned Biotechnology and Biology education.''
"Discover the distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, from cell walls to genetic material. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of cellular biology.Learn about the two main types of cells - prokaryotic,eukaryotic and their differences in structure, function, and organization. A great resource for biology learners.Uncover the unique characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in this informative PPT.
Transgenic sheep are genetically modified to enhance wool quality and yield through transgenesis. By introducing KAP and KIF genes, scientists improve fiber strength, elasticity, and fineness. This innovation revolutionizes wool production, benefiting the textile industry with superior, high-performance fibers.
1. Better Contextual Suggestions from ClueWeb12
Using Domain Knowledge Inferred from The Open Web
Thaer Samar
Alejandro Bellogin and Arjen P. de Vries
2. Our Submission
Contextual Suggestion model:
1. Find attractions in ClueWeb12
2. Generating user profiles
3. Similarity between candidate attractions and users
4. Rank suggestion per (user, context) pair
Can we improve the performance of the contextual suggestions by
applying domain knowledge?
Filter collection using domain knowledge to create sub-collections
Apply same contextual suggestion model to different sub-collections
Compare differences in effectiveness
Two runs based on two sub-collections created differently
3. Creating Sub-collections (1)
GeoFiltered sub-collection
Applying geographical filter
Exact mention of the given contexts
format: {City, ST} e.g., Miami, FL
Exclude documents that mention multiple contexts
e.g., a Wikipedia page about cities in Florida state
4. Creating Sub-collections (2)
TouristFiltered sub-collection
Applying domain knowledge extracted from the structure of the
Open Web:
Domain Oriented
Manual list of tourist websites
{yelp, tripadvisor, wikitravel, zagat, xpedia, orbitz, and travel.yahoo}
From ClueWeb12
extract any document whose host in the list (TouristListFiltered)
e.g., http://www.zagat.com/miami
Expand TouristListFiltered
Extract outlinks
Search for outlinks in ClueWeb12 (TouristOutlinksFiltered)
5. TouristFiltered sub-collection
Attraction Oriented
Use Foursquare API to get attractions for given contexts
If URL is missing for the attraction, then use Google API
query: Cort辿s Restaurant Miami, FL
For found attractions
Get host names of their URLs (1,454 unique hosts)
From ClueWeb12 get any document whose host from the above
50 attractions per context
Format: attraction name, URL
e.g., Cort辿s Restaurant, http://cortesrestaurant.com
Miami, FL
7. Generating User Profiles
For each user:
Aggregate descriptions of attractions rated by the user
Split the aggregated descriptions into positive and
negative profiles based on the ratings
9. Ranked suggestions
For each (user, context) pair
Rank suggestions based on similarity score
Generate titles to represent attraction:
Extract from <title> or <header> tags
Generate descriptions tailored to the user
Extract content of <description> tag
Break documents into sentences
rank sentences based on their similarity with the user
Concatenate until 512 bytes reached
11. Analysis (TouristFiltered vs. GeoFiltered)
Percentage of topics where TouristFiltered is better than equal
to and worse than GeoFiltered
gives better result
for 33.1% of the
judged topics
12. Analysis (decompose metrics dimensions )
P@5 and MRR consider three dimensions of relevance
Geographical (geo), description (desc) and document (doc) relevance
Considering the desc and doc relevance only
The two runs have
almost similar
performance in the
desc and doc
13. Analysis (decompose metrics evaluation )
Considering the geo aspect only
TouristFiltered is
14. Analysis (Effect of sub-collection parts )
TouristFiltered sub-collection consists of three parts
TouristListFiltered (TLF)
TouristOutlinksFiltered (TOF)
AttractionFiltered (AF)
Measure how each part contributes to the performance
Major improvement in
the performance
gained after adding
the AttractionFiltered
(AF) part
15. Conclusions
Applying domain knowledge about sites that are more likely to offer
attractions leads to better suggestions
The best result are obtained when identifying attractions through
specialized services like Foursquare
Our approach emphasized the importance of accurate geo-information for
high precision
Reproducibility of research results:
recommendations from Clueweb12
16. Future Work
We can think of each part in TouristFiltered collection as a binary filter
Each document in each part passes the corresponding filter
Filter documents based on score obtained by:
Combining different weighted filters
Each filter can represent a different source of knowledge