Deductive and inductive_grammar_teaching-libreAlrasheed Eisa
This document discusses deductive and inductive approaches to grammar teaching. It defines grammar teaching as any instruction that draws learners' attention to grammatical forms to help them understand, process, and internalize those forms. Grammar teaching can involve presenting rules, guided practice, discovery learning from examples, or corrective feedback. The document also outlines the historical debates around focusing on grammar versus communication in language teaching. Finally, it distinguishes between explicit grammatical knowledge that is consciously learned and implicit knowledge internalized through exposure and practice.
Kualiti perancangan pengajaran dan pembelajaran guru sains dalam menerapkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi adalah sederhana. Kebanyakan guru mampu merancang objektif pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta aktiviti yang berpusatkan murid pada tahap pertengahan. Walau bagaimanapun, kebanyakan guru masih lemah dalam merancang set induksi dan kaedah penilaian yang menggalakkan pemikiran kritis.
Rangkaian pengajaran harian mata pelajaran pendidikan seni visual untuk kelas 4 membincangkan aktiviti membuat batik. Aktiviti ini bertujuan membolehkan murid memahami bahasa seni visual dalam corak batik, mengenal pasti bahan dan proses penghasilan batik serta mengaplikasikan kemahiran ini dalam menghasilkan karya batik sendiri. Murid juga diajar menilai dan menghargai karya seni mereka sendiri dan rakan.
The document provides examples of how to form sentences in the past tense in English using regular and irregular verbs. It discusses using the "-ed" ending to form the past tense of regular verbs. It then lists some common irregular verbs and their past tense forms. Several examples are given of forming sentences in the past tense using different subjects, verbs, objects, and time expressions.
This document discusses the use of gerunds (-ing form) versus infinitives (to + verb) after certain verbs and expressions in English. It provides lists of verbs that typically take gerunds or infinitives, as well as some verbs that can take either. For example, verbs like "enjoy" and "prefer" typically take a gerund object, while verbs like "want" and "try" can take either a gerund or infinitive depending on intended meaning. The document also gives examples to illustrate the different uses of gerunds and infinitives.
Bashar L R Khalil is a senior accident and emergency nurse and paramedic with over 22 years of experience providing emergency care and medical training. He has extensive experience instructing first aid, CPR, and other medical courses for organizations in the UAE such as ADCO and Emirates Airlines. Khalil is seeking a new challenging position in the oil and gas upstream sector where he can utilize his expertise in emergency care, training, and achieving organizational goals.
Este documento presenta los resultados de una prueba de inteligencia emocional realizada por Michelle Guadalupe Delgado Salayand¨ªa de 5to BM Programaci¨®n. La prueba evalu¨® 7 dimensiones de la personalidad y proporcion¨® puntajes para cada dimensi¨®n: atenci¨®n a las emociones, decisi¨®n basada en las emociones, empat¨ªa, expresividad negativa, expresividad positiva, estr¨¦s y alegr¨ªa. El tiempo total invertido en completar la prueba fue de 504 segundos.
Classical World ??? Klasik D¨¹nya ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
How would we recognise a truly sustainable enterprise if we saw one?Jeremy Williams
Seminar presentation to staff and students at Griffith University in Brisbane during Sustainability Week, 7-11 April, 2014. Repeated at the Institute for Rural Futures, University of New England, Armidale, 15 April, 2014.
This document outlines the course structure and content for an International Certificate in Education for Preschool Professionals. The certificate includes 5 core courses: 1) Principles and Practices in Preschool Education, 2) Child Development and Learning, 3) Curriculum Development and Pedagogy, 4) Personal Growth and Professional Development, and 5) Safety, Health and Nutrition. The document discusses using a collaborative learning model where learners create knowledge rather than just consuming content, and assessments focus on learning rather than just testing outcomes. Completing this certificate along with a Bachelor's degree in Early Years Education from a UK university would qualify someone as a preschool educator.
The document provides examples of how to form sentences in the past tense in English using regular and irregular verbs. It discusses using the "-ed" ending to form the past tense of regular verbs. It then lists some common irregular verbs and their past tense forms. Several examples are given of forming sentences in the past tense using different subjects, verbs, objects, and time expressions.
This document discusses the use of gerunds (-ing form) versus infinitives (to + verb) after certain verbs and expressions in English. It provides lists of verbs that typically take gerunds or infinitives, as well as some verbs that can take either. For example, verbs like "enjoy" and "prefer" typically take a gerund object, while verbs like "want" and "try" can take either a gerund or infinitive depending on intended meaning. The document also gives examples to illustrate the different uses of gerunds and infinitives.
Bashar L R Khalil is a senior accident and emergency nurse and paramedic with over 22 years of experience providing emergency care and medical training. He has extensive experience instructing first aid, CPR, and other medical courses for organizations in the UAE such as ADCO and Emirates Airlines. Khalil is seeking a new challenging position in the oil and gas upstream sector where he can utilize his expertise in emergency care, training, and achieving organizational goals.
Este documento presenta los resultados de una prueba de inteligencia emocional realizada por Michelle Guadalupe Delgado Salayand¨ªa de 5to BM Programaci¨®n. La prueba evalu¨® 7 dimensiones de la personalidad y proporcion¨® puntajes para cada dimensi¨®n: atenci¨®n a las emociones, decisi¨®n basada en las emociones, empat¨ªa, expresividad negativa, expresividad positiva, estr¨¦s y alegr¨ªa. El tiempo total invertido en completar la prueba fue de 504 segundos.
Classical World ??? Klasik D¨¹nya ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
How would we recognise a truly sustainable enterprise if we saw one?Jeremy Williams
Seminar presentation to staff and students at Griffith University in Brisbane during Sustainability Week, 7-11 April, 2014. Repeated at the Institute for Rural Futures, University of New England, Armidale, 15 April, 2014.
This document outlines the course structure and content for an International Certificate in Education for Preschool Professionals. The certificate includes 5 core courses: 1) Principles and Practices in Preschool Education, 2) Child Development and Learning, 3) Curriculum Development and Pedagogy, 4) Personal Growth and Professional Development, and 5) Safety, Health and Nutrition. The document discusses using a collaborative learning model where learners create knowledge rather than just consuming content, and assessments focus on learning rather than just testing outcomes. Completing this certificate along with a Bachelor's degree in Early Years Education from a UK university would qualify someone as a preschool educator.
3. F??L?MS? (EYLEMS?)
Fiillere getirilen birtak?m eklerle olu?turulan; fiillerin isim, s?fat, zarf ?eklini yapan
s?zc¨¹klere fiilimsi denir.
Fiilimsiler, eylemden t¨¹reyen, ancak eylemin b¨¹t¨¹n ?zelliklerini g?stermeyen
s?zc¨¹klerdir. Bunlar bir fiil gibi olumsuz yap?labilir; ancak bir fiil gibi ?ekimlenemez.
?rne?in; ¡°silmek¡± fiilini ¡°siliyorum¡± bi?iminde ?ekimleyebiliriz; ama ¡°silen¡± s?fat-
fiilini ¡°sileniyorum¡± bi?iminde ?ekimleyemeyiz.
Fiilimsiler, fiillere getirilen ¡°fiilimsi ekleri¡± ile ortaya ??karlar. Yani fiiller baz? ekler
sayesinde fiilimsi olurlar. Bu ekler fiilden isim yapma ekleri olarak da bilinir ki bunlar
eklendi?i fiili isim soylu s?zc¨¹k yaparak o s?zc¨¹?¨¹n c¨¹mlede ¡°isim, s?fat ve zarf¡±
g?revinde kullan?lmas?n? sa?larlar. (Fiilimsiler, fiilden isim yapma eki ald?klar? i?in
t¨¹remi? bir s?zc¨¹k olarak kabul edilirler.)
4. ?zellikleri:
? Eylemlerden t¨¹retilir; eylem anlam?n? yitirmediklerinden mastar eki (-mek, -
mak) alabilirler.
? Olumsuzluk eki (-me, -ma) alabilirler.
? Fiillerin ald??? ¡°fiil ?ekim eklerini¡± yani ?ah?s ekleri, haber ve dilek
kiplerini alamazlar.
? Yar?m yarg? bildirir, yan c¨¹mlecikte y¨¹klem olurlar. Yan c¨¹mlecikte ?zne, t¨¹mle?
gibi ??eler bulunabilir. Ge?i?li olanlar nesne de alabilirler.
? C¨¹mlede ad soylu s?zc¨¹k (ad, s?fat, zarf) gibi g?rev yaparlar.
Fiilimsiler ¨¹?e ayr?l?r:
?sim-Fiil (Mastar)
S?fat-Fiil (Orta?)
Zarf Fiil (Ba?-Fiil, Ula?)
7. 1. ?S?M-F??L (MASTAR)
Fiillere getirilen ¡°-ma, -me, -mak, -mek, -??, -i?, -u?, -¨¹?¡± ekleriyle yap?l?r. Bu ekleri,
akl?m?zda daha kolay kalmas? i?in ¡°-i?,-me,-mek¡± veya ¡°-ma,-??,-mak¡± ?eklinde
Bu ekler fillere gelerek onlar? c¨¹mle i?inde ¡°isim¡± yaparlar.
?sim-fiiller, fiillerin isim gibi kullan?labilen ?ekilleridir.
? Onunla tan??may? ben de istiyorum.
? ?iir okuyu?una herkes hayran kald?.
? Bal?k tutmak bir yetenek i?idir.
? Evin her taraf?n? g¨¹zelce temizlemenizi istiyorum.
? Bu k?yden ayr?lmak bana ?ok zor gelmi?ti.
? Kitap kaplay???n? be?endim.
Yukar?daki c¨¹mlelerde alt? ?izili s?zc¨¹kler fiil de?il, isim ¨C fiildir.
Dikkat ederseniz bunlar ¡°kalem, sayg?, ?l¨¹m¡± gibi tam bir isim de?il, yap?s?nda eylem
anlam? ta??yan bir isimdir.
Zaten b?yle olduklar? i?in bunlara isim-fiil diyoruz.
8. ? ?sim ¨C fiiller, isim ?ekim eklerini alabilir.
? Bu ?ocu?un y¨¹r¨¹y¨¹?¨¹nde bile hay?r yok.
c¨¹mlesinde ¡°y¨¹r¨¹y¨¹?¨¹nde¡± isim ¨C fiili, iyelik (-¨¹) ve h?l eklerini (-de) alarak
? ?sim ¨C fiiller, olumsuzluk ekini alm?? fiillerle kar??t?rmamal?d?r.
? Ona, kalemi sak?n k?rma, demi?tim.
c¨¹mlesinde ¡°k?rma¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹ olumsuzluk eki alm??t?r ve bir i?in yap?lmayaca??n?
? Odunlar? k?rma i?ini bug¨¹n bana verdiler.¡±
c¨¹mlesindeki ¡°k?rma¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹ ise isim ¨C fiildir; ?¨¹nk¨¹ s?zc¨¹k olumsuz anlam
vermiyor ve bir eylemin ad?n? bildiriyor.
9. ? ?sim fiil eki alm?? olmas?na ra?men zamanla kal?pla?arak bir varl???n veya
kavram?n ad? haline gelmi? s?zc¨¹kler vard?r. Bunlar fiilimsi olarak kabul edilmezler.
? Bah?edeki kazma herhalde kaybolmu?.
? Masadaki dolma ?ok g¨¹zel g?r¨¹n¨¹yor.
? Dan??mada bekledi?ini s?yledi.
? Elindeki ?akmak ile oynamas? annesini tedirgin etti.
? Her g¨¹n dondurma yersen ?ok hasta olabilirsin.
? K?t¨¹ hava ?artlar? sebebiyle t¨¹m u?u?lar iptal edilmi?.
Yukar?daki c¨¹mlelerde alt? ?izili s?zc¨¹kler, isim ¨C fiil eklerini alm?? olmalar?na
ra?men, isim ¨C fiil ?zelli?ini yitirmi?tir. Art?k bu c¨¹mlelerde bir nesneye ve kavrama
isim olarak kullan?lm??t?r.
11. 2. SIFAT-F??L (ORTA?)
? Fiillere getirilen ¡°-an, -en, -as?, -esi, -maz, -mez, -ar, -er, -d?k, -dik, -duk, -d¨¹k, -
acak, -ecek, -m??, -mi?, -mu?, -m¨¹?¡± ekleriyle yap?l?r.
? Akl?m?zda daha kolay kalmas? i?in ¡°-an,-as?,-mez,-ar,-dik,-ecek,-mi?¡° ?eklinde
?o?u zaman s?fat g?revinde kullan?l?rlar. Varl?klar? niteledikleri i?in s?fat, yan
c¨¹mlecik kurduklar? i?in de fiil say?lan kelimelerdir.
? ?al??an ??renci derslerinde ba?ar?l? olur.
s?fat-fiil isim
c¨¹mlesinde ¡°?al??-¡± fiili ¡°-an¡± s?fat ¨C fiil ekini alm??t?r.
G?r¨¹ld¨¹?¨¹ gibi ¡°?al??an¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹ ¡°??renci¡± ismini anlamca tamamlam??t?r.
Yani s?fat g?revinde kullan?lm??t?r. Dolay?s?yla ¡°?al??an¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹ s?fat-fiildir.
12. ?Yaralanan yolcular hastaneye kald?r?ld?.
? Bu k?r?las? ellerinle mi vurdun minicik yavruya?
? D?n¨¹lmez ak?am?n ufkunday?z, vakit ?ok ge?.
? ?nan?l?r bir olay de?il ya?ad???m?z.
? Ak?ama kadar aramad?k yer b?rakmam??lar.
? Sararm?? yapraklar her taraf? kaplam??.
Yukar?daki c¨¹mlelerde alt? ?izili s?zc¨¹kler s?fat-fiildir.
13. ? Baz? s?zc¨¹kler, s?fat ¨C fiil eklerini alarak kal?c? isim olur.
Fiilimsi ?zelli?ini kaybeder.
? Yakacak s?k?nt?s?n? bu y?l da ?ekece?iz.
? Dolmu? t?kl?m t?kl?md?.
c¨¹mlelerinde alt? ?izili s?zc¨¹kler fiilimsi de?ildir. Fiilimsi ?zelli?ini kaybetmi?, bir
varl??a ad olmu?tur.
Hangi s?zc¨¹?¨¹n ad olup hanginin olmad???n? anlamak i?in s?zc¨¹?¨¹ olumsuz
yapmay? deneyebiliriz. E?er s?zc¨¹k ¡°-ma, -me¡± olumsuzluk ekiyle olumsuz
yap?labiliyorsa, fiil olma anlam? devam ediyor demektir ve bu y¨¹zden s?zc¨¹k
s?fat ¨C fiil olur.
Ancak bu eklerle olumsuz yap?lam?yorsa s?zc¨¹k art?k fiil anlam?n? tamamen
kaybetmi? ve isim olmu?tur.
Yukar?daki c¨¹mlelerde ge?en ¡°yakacak¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹n¨¹ ¡°yakmayacak¡± ?ekline
getiremeyiz; ¡°dolmu?¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹n¨¹ de ¡°dolmam??¡± ?eklinde s?yleyemeyiz.
14. Bu durum s?fatlarla s?fat ¨C fiillerin ayr?lmas?nda da kullan?labilir:
? A?ac?n k?r?k dallar?n? k?k¨¹nden kestik.¡±
c¨¹mlesinde ¡°k?r?k¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹ s?fat ¨C fiil de?ildir; ?¨¹nk¨¹ biz bu s?zc¨¹?¨¹ ¡°k?rmay?k¡±
?eklinde olumsuz yapamay?z.
? A?ac?n k?r?lm?? dallar?n? k?k¨¹nden kestik.¡±
c¨¹mlesindeki ¡°k?r?lm??¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹n¨¹ ¡°k?r?lmam??¡± ?eklinde olumsuz yapabiliriz.
?yleyse bu s?zc¨¹k s?fat ¨C fiildir.
15. ? Kimi zaman s?fat ¨C fiiller ?ekimli fiillerle kar??t?r?labilir.
Kar??t?rmamak i?in s?zc¨¹?¨¹n y¨¹klem g?revinde mi yoksa s?fat g?revinde mi
kullan?ld???na bakmal?y?z.
? Tutmaz dizlerim birden d¨¹zeldi. ¡°-mez, -maz¡± =S?fat Fiil Eki (S?fat g?revinde)
? Dedemin dizleri tutmaz. ¡°-mez, -maz¡±= Geni? Zaman Kipinin Olumsuzluk
Eki (Y¨¹klem g?revinde)
? Ko?ar ad?mlarla yan?ma geldi. ¡°-ar, -er¡± = S?fat Fiil Eki (S?fat g?revinde)
? Her sabah mutlaka ko?ar. ¡°-ar, -er¡± = Geni? Zaman Kip Eki (Y¨¹klem
? Gelecek y?l ?ampiyonuz. ¡°-acak, -ecek¡± = S?fat Fiil Eki (S?fat g?revinde)
? Seneye bize gelecek. ¡±-acak, -ecek¡± = Gelecek Zaman Kip Eki (Y¨¹klem
? Y?rt?lm?? pantolon ile d??ar? ??kma. ¡°-m??, -mi?, -mu?, -m¨¹?¡± = S?fat Fiil Eki (S?fat
? En sevdi?i pantolonu y?rt?lm??. ¡°-m??, -mi?, -mu?, -m¨¹?¡± = ??renilen Ge?mi?
Zaman Kip Eki (Y¨¹klem g?revinde)
16. ? S?fat ¨C fiiller niteledikleri isim d¨¹?t¨¹?¨¹nde onun yerine ge?erek bir isim gibi
? Geziden d?nen ??renciler salona ge?sin.
c¨¹mlesinde ¡°d?nen¡± s?fat ¨C fiili , ¡°??renciler¡± isminin s?fat? durumundad?r.
? Geziden d?nenler salona ge?sin.
c¨¹mlesinde ¡°??renciler¡± ismi d¨¹?m¨¹? ¡°d?nen¡± s?fat ¨C fiili ismin yerine ge?mi?tir ve
adla?m?? s?fat olmu?tur.