Narz?dzia pracy z klientem w gabinecie psychologicznym.pdfPsychostart
Materia? uzupe?niaj?cy do opisu narz?dzia do pracy z klientem - Model ABC Ellisa. Ca?y opis znajdziesz tutaj -
Ba?lanman?n tan?mlar?, ?ocuklarda ve yeti?kinlerde ba?lanma ?e?itleri, ba?lanma ve cinsellik, ba?lanma ve bo?anma, evlilikte ba?lanma gibi bir ?ok merak edilen konu ve daha fazlas? i?in bizimle ileti?ime ge?ebilirsiniz
1. Interaksi antar obat dapat meningkatkan atau mengurangi efektivitas obat, bahkan toksisitas. Interaksi terjadi karena pengaruh obat terhadap absorpsi, distribusi, metabolisme, dan ekskresi obat lain.
2. Kombinasi obat yang tepat dapat meningkatkan efektivitas, namun juga berisiko interaksi yang merugikan jika tidak diperhatikan. Penting memahami mekanisme interaksi untuk mencegah efek merug
Ba?lanman?n tan?mlar?, ?ocuklarda ve yeti?kinlerde ba?lanma ?e?itleri, ba?lanma ve cinsellik, ba?lanma ve bo?anma, evlilikte ba?lanma gibi bir ?ok merak edilen konu ve daha fazlas? i?in bizimle ileti?ime ge?ebilirsiniz
1. Interaksi antar obat dapat meningkatkan atau mengurangi efektivitas obat, bahkan toksisitas. Interaksi terjadi karena pengaruh obat terhadap absorpsi, distribusi, metabolisme, dan ekskresi obat lain.
2. Kombinasi obat yang tepat dapat meningkatkan efektivitas, namun juga berisiko interaksi yang merugikan jika tidak diperhatikan. Penting memahami mekanisme interaksi untuk mencegah efek merug
This document contains clues about a French mystery that can be solved by filling out a form. It includes 4 clues with word puzzles and a word search. Solving the clues and wordsearch reveals extra letters that spell an important keyword, and filling out the form supports a "friends committee" and French region. The clues involve wordplay, geography, and French language terms.
The document discusses the Terra Resort hotel in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the first in a collection of green luxury hotels. It was built to be LEED-certified with a minimal environmental impact while still providing an indulgent experience for guests. Features include energy efficient windows, chemical-free cleaning, and a water system that reduces usage. While start-up costs were higher, operating costs have been equal to or less than comparable hotels due to energy and water savings of 35%. The hotel successfully provides both luxury and an environmentally responsible experience that attracts guests and pride in employees.
This document summarizes a study on Iraqi refugees resettling in Detroit, Michigan. It finds that:
1) Many of the refugees are struggling to adjust to life in Detroit, dealing with issues like enrolling children in school, obtaining driver's licenses, and coping with trauma from their experiences in Iraq.
2) Over 60% of the refugees surveyed had a college education, yet most were still unemployed due to issues like lack of language skills and transportation challenges.
3) The refugees came from professional backgrounds in Iraq as professors, teachers, doctors, and engineers, but were having difficulty establishing their careers in Detroit due to the difficulties of adjusting to life as a refugee.
This document summarizes and compares four DNS server software options: BIND, NSD, djbdns, and PrimDNS. It finds that BIND has the highest memory usage but fastest query times, while djbdns has the lowest memory usage but does not support DNSSEC. NSD and PrimDNS offer alternatives to BIND with lower memory usage and comparable performance.
This document outlines the course structure and content for an International Certificate in Education for Preschool Professionals. The certificate includes 5 core courses: 1) Principles and Practices in Preschool Education, 2) Child Development and Learning, 3) Curriculum Development and Pedagogy, 4) Personal Growth and Professional Development, and 5) Safety, Health and Nutrition. The document discusses using a collaborative learning model where learners create knowledge rather than just consuming content, and assessments focus on learning rather than just testing outcomes. Completing this certificate along with a Bachelor's degree in Early Years Education from a UK university would qualify someone as a preschool educator.
S(cool) Mystery was introduced in the 2010/2011 academic year for students in grades 6-9 (ages 11-15) at the school. It is an electronic student book that allows for communication between parents and teachers, such as parents writing apology letters, and provides students with marks and notes from teachers on a scale of 1 to 5. While it offers improvements over paper student books like saving trees, there are also potential complications from issues like poor networks or broken computers.
Aarambh has made several computer accounts for different purposes - an eMac account to save work and access the internet, a First Class account for school, an I Google account to add games and customize with a profile picture, and a Blogger account where they have posted 4 blog posts. They also mention having a Grade 6 computer WIKI account.
IncPot: Social Media Analytical Center Sneh Sharma
Our social media analytics platform allows brands to connect with customers, measure performance across networks like Facebook and Twitter, and gain insights from customer conversations. It bridges the gap between brands and customers by facilitating dialogue and participation. The platform also enables competitive analysis by comparing a brand's performance metrics and online conversations to those of its competitors.
1. Abartma (M┨bala?a)
Bir ?eyin niteliklerini veya bir olay? oldu?undan fazla b┨y┨terek veya k┨?┨lterek
anlatmaya abartma denir.
? ?antay? ta??maktan kolum koptu.
Bu c┨mlede ki?i, kolunun fiziksel olarak koptu?unu de?il, ^?ok yoruldu?unu ̄
abartma yaparak anlatmaktad?r.
? Bir ah ?eksem da?? ta?? eritir
G?z┨m ya?? de?irmeni y┨r┨t┨r
Bu hasretlik beni dahi ?┨r┨t┨r
Bana s?la da bir, gurbet il de bir
Karacao?lan bu d?rtl┨kte memleketinden ayr? olman?n verdi?i ac?y? abartarak
anlatm??t?r. ?┨nk┨ ger?ekte g?zya?? da?lar? eritmez, de?irmeni y┨r┨tmez.
7. 2. Benzetme (Te?bih)
Anlat?m? kuvvetlendirmek, s?z┨n etkisini art?rmak i?in aralar?nda de?i?ik
y?nlerden ilgi bulunan iki ?eyden zay?f olan?n , kuvvetli olana benzetilmesine
benzetme denir.
?o?unlukla benzetme yap?l?rken birbirleri ile ilgi kurulan varl?klar aras?ndaki
ili?ki bilinmektedir.
Tam bir benzetmede d?rt temel unsur vard?r:
? Benzeyen: Zay?f unsur.
? Benzetilen: Kuvvetli unsur.
? Benzetme y?n┨: ?ki unsur aras?ndaki benzetme sebebi.
? Benzetme edat?: Benzetmede kullan?lan ^gibi, kadar ̄ edatlar?d?r.
8. ?rnek
? Serkan ke?i gibi inat?? bir ?ocuktur.
Benzeyen Benzetilen Benz.Edat? Benz. Y?n┨
Bu c┨mlede ^Serkan ̄, ^inat??l?k ̄ bak?m?ndan ^ke?i ̄ye benzetilmi?tir.
Burada ^ke?i ̄nin inat??l?k ?zelli?i herkes taraf?ndan bilindi?inden, benzetme ?ok
rahat anla??lmakta, s?z daha etkili olarak anlat?lmaktad?r.
? K┨kremi? sel gibiyim, bendimi ?i?ner, a?ar?m
Y?rtar?m da?lar?, enginlere s??mam ta?ar?m
?stikl?l Mar??¨ndan al?nan bu dizelerin ilkinde ?air kendisini ^sel ̄e benzetmi?tir.
?kinci dizede ise ^da?lar? y?rtar?m ̄ s?z┨yle abartma sanat?na ba?vurmu?tur.
11. 3. Ki?ile?tirme (Te?his)
?nsan d???ndaki varl?klara insana ?zg┨ ?zelliklerin verilmesine ki?ile?tirme
denir. Bu sanatta hayvanlara, bitkilere ve di?er varl?klara insana ?zg┨ ?zellikler
verilerek ifade daha ?ekici h?le getirilir, duygular daha g┨zel anlat?l?r.
? K?y┨n ?ay? bo? yere akmaktan s?k?l?yor, bir bostan? sulayaca?? g┨nlerin
gelmesini iple ?ekiyordu.
Bu c┨mlede ^k?y┨n ?ay? ̄ ki?ile?tirilmi?tir.
^S?k?lmak ̄, ^iple ?ekmek (sab?rs?zl?kla beklemek) ̄ insana ?zg┨ niteliklerdir.
?nsana ?zg┨ nitelikler ^k?y┨n ?ay? ̄na verilerek ?ay ki?ile?tirilmi?tir.
? Toplan?rken g?klerde bulutlar y???n y???n
H?r??n bir f?rt?nay? d┨?┨n┨yordu deniz.
Bu dizelerde ^ki?ile?tirilme ̄ vard?r. Burada ^d┨?┨n┨yordu ̄ denerek ^deniz ̄
14. 4. Konu?turma (?ntak)
?nsan d???ndaki varl?klar? konu?turma, onlar?n a?z?ndan s?z s?yleme sanat?na
intak(konu?turma) denir.
?ntak (konu?turma), genellikle te?his (ki?ile?tirme) sanat? ile birlikte kullan?l?r.
Te?his sanat? ile insan ?zelli?i i?inde g?sterilen varl?klar konu?turuldu?u zaman
intak sanat? yap?lm?? olur.
? Ak?am r┨zg?rlar? der ki Ali¨ye:
^G?zler ileriye, g?n┨l geriye´ ̄
Sanki k?ydekiler g?r┨ns┨n diye
Tepeler al?al?r, dereler dolar!
Bu d?rtl┨kte ^r┨zg?rlar ̄ ?nce ki?ile?tirilmi?, daha sonra da konu?turulmu?tur.
Zaten ?iirde intak varsa, konu?turulan varl???n s?zleri de vard?r.
? Google: Ben her ?eyi bilirim.
Facebook: Ben herkesi tan?r?m.
?nternet: Ben olmasam ikiniz de i?e yaramazs?n?z!
Elektrik: Tart??may? fazla uzatmay?n yoksa hepinizin i?ini bitiririm!
18. G┨?l┨ olan, zay?f yan?n? herkesten iyi bilendir;
Daha g┨?l┨ olan ise zay?f yan?na h┨kmedebilendir.