This document discusses Phing, an open source build tool for PHP projects that is based on Apache Ant. Phing uses XML build files to define targets and tasks for automating build processes like deployment, testing, documentation generation, and more. It provides features like file manipulation, code analysis, packaging, and integration with tools like Subversion, PHPUnit, and PhpDocumentor. The document provides examples of how to install, configure, and use Phing to implement automated build processes for PHP projects.
This natural park in Spain is home to over 200 species of animals and plants, including 51 mammal species. It was designated a UNESCO biosphere reserve and contains some of the oldest pine trees in Spain that are over 1,300 years old. Though some mammal species became extinct due to human activity, deer and other animals have been reintroduced. The park experiences dramatic climate changes and is an important watershed.
Developing a Personal Learning Network (And Using it for Professional Purposes) Jeremy Williams
Professor Jeremy Williams led a workshop on developing a personal learning network and using it for professional purposes. The workshop discussed segregating professional and personal learning networks, which is an individual decision. It also provided examples of Professor Williams' professional learning network on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and ݺߣShare that could be used to build social capital and engage in authentic learning.
This document outlines a unit on sustainable development and competitive advantage. It discusses various policy approaches to achieving sustainable development, including command-and-control regulations, market-based incentives like carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems, and the limits of relying solely on market mechanisms. The document analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different policy tools and considers when intervention may be needed beyond market signals if environmental constraints are not respected. It also notes that international cooperation is important given the cross-border nature of many environmental problems.
I am made of sand and am very old, around 100 million years. I am very tall at about 40 meters and people used to live in me during the younger stone age for protection. Animals like birds can be found near me and I am called the "stone town", known for climbing and having beautiful views in all seasons.
Classical World ??? Klasik Dnya ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? a lansat un nou concurs, impreuna cu! Mai multe detalii, printre care si posibile premii dintre care poti alege, gasesti in prezentarea Power Point.
Facebook este util din multe puncte de vedere, printre care cele ale firmelor, angajatilor si somerilor. Mai multe detalii sunt prezentate in fisierul Power Point.Succes si mare atentie la informatiile publicate pe aceasta retea de socializare.
Online and Blended Learning: Visions, Challenges & OpportunitiesJeremy Williams
Presentation delivered at the Griffith International Summit, Intercontinental Hotel, Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast, 16 July 2013. (An earlier version was presented at the Griffith Business School Program Leadership Retreat: 'Tricks of the Trade: Managing Online and F2F Course Delivery', 10 July 2013.)
The document provides information about ANVILL, a free online language learning tool from the University of Oregon. It discusses ANVILL's features such as being free for public schools, avoiding privacy issues, and having responsive email support. It notes some limitations, such as ANVILL not working on Macs and being easier if students have emails. The document provides examples of how ANVILL could be used for oral assessments, collaborative activities, and language practice. It also includes tips for setting up teacher and student accounts on ANVILL.
- Mr. Baldev Prajapati is seeking a challenging opportunity in accounts and finance with a company where he can expand his knowledge and skills.
- He has over 10 years of experience in accounts and finance roles, including as an Accounts and Finance Executive at Techno Gear Works Pvt. Ltd. and as an Accounts Executive at Mars Petrochem Pvt. Ltd.
- He has a Master's degree in Business Administration from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University and is proficient in Microsoft Office, Tally ERP 9, and has good knowledge of accounting, taxation, and financial transactions.
(Chris tringham) empire life presentationctringham
The document discusses the concepts of social networking, collaboration, idea sharing, and 'in-working' to promote integration and networking. It also mentions potential 15% return on investment from implementing strategies around conserving energy, insulating homes, and generating renewable energy for both home and office technology. Key terms discussed include free, freemium, social, green, and integration.
On February 20th 2016, Jim Gilbert, President and Founder of Gilbert Direct Marketing Worldwide, Inc., presented "The Immutable Law of Social Media #REALationships" to a packed house at WordCamp 2016 in Miami.
The following are the slides from that presentation. This is part of a larger presentation, "The 9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing".
Contact us at to learn more on how we can offer this presentation to your organization or business.
Follow Jim on, or connect with him on Linkedin at
I am made of sand and am very old, around 100 million years. I am very tall at about 40 meters and people used to live in me during the younger stone age for protection. Animals like birds can be found near me and I am called the "stone town", known for climbing and having beautiful views in all seasons.
Classical World ??? Klasik Dnya ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? a lansat un nou concurs, impreuna cu! Mai multe detalii, printre care si posibile premii dintre care poti alege, gasesti in prezentarea Power Point.
Facebook este util din multe puncte de vedere, printre care cele ale firmelor, angajatilor si somerilor. Mai multe detalii sunt prezentate in fisierul Power Point.Succes si mare atentie la informatiile publicate pe aceasta retea de socializare.
Online and Blended Learning: Visions, Challenges & OpportunitiesJeremy Williams
Presentation delivered at the Griffith International Summit, Intercontinental Hotel, Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast, 16 July 2013. (An earlier version was presented at the Griffith Business School Program Leadership Retreat: 'Tricks of the Trade: Managing Online and F2F Course Delivery', 10 July 2013.)
The document provides information about ANVILL, a free online language learning tool from the University of Oregon. It discusses ANVILL's features such as being free for public schools, avoiding privacy issues, and having responsive email support. It notes some limitations, such as ANVILL not working on Macs and being easier if students have emails. The document provides examples of how ANVILL could be used for oral assessments, collaborative activities, and language practice. It also includes tips for setting up teacher and student accounts on ANVILL.
- Mr. Baldev Prajapati is seeking a challenging opportunity in accounts and finance with a company where he can expand his knowledge and skills.
- He has over 10 years of experience in accounts and finance roles, including as an Accounts and Finance Executive at Techno Gear Works Pvt. Ltd. and as an Accounts Executive at Mars Petrochem Pvt. Ltd.
- He has a Master's degree in Business Administration from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University and is proficient in Microsoft Office, Tally ERP 9, and has good knowledge of accounting, taxation, and financial transactions.
(Chris tringham) empire life presentationctringham
The document discusses the concepts of social networking, collaboration, idea sharing, and 'in-working' to promote integration and networking. It also mentions potential 15% return on investment from implementing strategies around conserving energy, insulating homes, and generating renewable energy for both home and office technology. Key terms discussed include free, freemium, social, green, and integration.
On February 20th 2016, Jim Gilbert, President and Founder of Gilbert Direct Marketing Worldwide, Inc., presented "The Immutable Law of Social Media #REALationships" to a packed house at WordCamp 2016 in Miami.
The following are the slides from that presentation. This is part of a larger presentation, "The 9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing".
Contact us at to learn more on how we can offer this presentation to your organization or business.
Follow Jim on, or connect with him on Linkedin at
Carl Jung, Kolektif Bilin?alt? ve ArketiplerCan Yksel
Analitik Psikoloji'nin babas? Carl Jung ve onun kolektif bilin?alt? tan?m? zerine temel bilgileri bar?nd?ran bir sunum
Bu sunumda arketip kavram?na de?inilmi? ve ayr?ca hikaye anlat?m?nda arketiplerin kullan?m? hakk?nda bilgi verilmi?tir.
Ba?l?k: Byk Buhran
Mitos ve Kus?ku
Atill? Dorsay
Uygulamal? Trk Dili
Yusuf ?otuks?ken
Emperyalizm ve Kltr
Sabahattin Eyubog?lu
Konu: kapitalizm ve komnizm ile ilgili al?nt?lar
Par?ada anlat?lanlar? daha anla??l?r h?le getirmek, okuyucuyu etkilemek, onun
ilgisini ?ekmek gibi ama?larla bu d?rt anlat?m bi?imine ek olarak baz? yard?mc?
y?ntemler de kullan?labilir.
D?nceyi geli?tirme y?ntemlerinden, yukar?da g?rd?mz d?rt temel anlat?m?n
(a??klama, tart??ma, betimleme, ?ykleme) birinin i?inde yararlan?labilece?i gibi bu
y?ntemlerden herhangi biri , par?an?n anlat?m?nda h?kim konumda da olabilir.
Bir kavram veya varl???n ne oldu?unun a??klanmas?na tan?mlama denir. Genelde
a??klay?c? ve tart??mac? anlat?m tekniklerinde tan?mlamadan yararlan?l?r. Varl?k ya da
kavram?n okuyucunun zihninde daha belirginle?mesi ama?lan?r.
Tan?m, Bu nedir? sorusuna cevap verir.
? Destanlar, tarihten ?nce ve tarihin ba?lang?c? s?ras?nda bir milletin ge?irdi?i
maceralar?, yeti?tirdi?i kahramanlar?; do?a, evren ve toplum olaylar? hakk?nda
d?ndklerini ve bunlar kar??s?nda ald??? vaziyetleri anlatan din ve kahramanl?k
Par?ada a??klay?c? anlat?m tekni?i kullan?larak destanlar hakk?nda bilgi verilmi?tir.
Ancak bu yap?l?rken ilk cmlede Destan nedir? sorusuna cevap olacak ?ekilde
tan?mlamadan yararlan?lm??t?r.
Birden fazla varl?k ya da kavram aras?ndaki
benzerlik veya farkl?l?klar? ortaya koymak i?in
kullan?lan anlat?m yoluna kar??la?t?rma denir.
Daha ?ok tart??mac? ve a??klay?c? anlat?m
i?inde kullan?lan bu y?ntemde, varl?klar?n
farkl? ya da ortak y?nleri ele al?n?r.
?Konu?ma ile yazma farkl?d?r. Konu?ma
ge?icidir, yazma kal?c?. Konu?ma anl?kt?r,
yazma sonsuz. Yaz?ya ge?irilen her ?ey
oldu?u gibi korunur. Konu?ma ise saman
alevi gibi s?ylendi?i anda yitip gider.
Bu par?ada konu?ma ile yazma
kar??la?t?r?lm??, yazman?n konu?madan
stn oldu?u belirtilmi?tir.
Bir d?ncenin somut h?le getirilerek daha anla??l?r k?l?nmas? i?in anlat?lan
konuyla ilgili ?rnekler verilmesine ?rneklendirme denir.
D?ncenin anla??l?r ve ak?lda kal?c? olmas? ama?lan?r.
Bazen ?nce bir ?rnek verilerek veya f?kra anlat?larak konuya giri? yap?l?r.
Bunlardan hareketle de bir yarg?ya var?l?r.
? Bir yerde sabit civata gibi d?np duranlar?n ne kendilerine faydalar? vard?r, ne
?evredekilere. Oysa dnyaya bakal?m; her ?ey de?i?ir, durmadan yol al?r. Su, buhar
olur, ya?mura d?n?r; tohum, ba? verir, ?i?e?e durur; civciv, pek c?l?z do?ar,
kocaman bir horoz olur. Dnyada hi?bir ?ey durmaz. Bu do?an?n bir par?as? olan
insan neden dursun?
Bu par?ada insan?n yerinde durmamas? gerekti?i g?r?n yazar, do?adan
hareketle ?rneklendirmi?tir.
?nce g?r?n s?ylemi?, daha sonra bu g?r?n ?rneklendirmi?tir: Do?ada her
?ey hareket h?linde ve de?i?im i?indedir, insan da buna ayak uydurmal?d?r.
Yazar?n, savundu?u d?ncenin do?rulu?una okuyucuyu inand?rabilmek i?in
tan?nan ve g?r?lerine itibar edilen ki?ilerin s?zlerinden al?nt? yap?lmas?na tan?k
g?sterme denir.
Ki?inin sadece ismini yaz?da kullanmak, tan?k g?sterme i?in yeterli de?ildir. Bu,
?rneklendirme olur.
Tan?k g?stermede ?nemli olan, ki?inin s?zn destekleyici olarak kullanmakt?r. Bu
da ki?inin d?ncelerinin t?rnak i?inde aktar?lmas? ile olur.
?nce yazar kendi g?r?n verir. Daha sonra bu g?r? kan?tlamak, inand?r?c?l???
art?rmak i?in, o alanda tan?nm?? bir ki?iden s?z edip, o ki?inin s?zlerine yer verilir.
? Deneme, byk savlar i?ermez. Daha ?ok duyguya, sezgiye, birikime ve akla
dayan?r. Denemede yazar kendi birikimini, i?inden gelenleri ?zgrce aktar?r. Bu
nedenle Nurullah Ata? deneme i?in: Deneme benin lkesidir. der. Bu g?r?e
kat?lmamak elde de?ildir.
Bu par?ada yazar, deneme yaz? tr ile ilgili g?r?lerini aktarm??t?r. G?r?lerinin
inand?r?c? k?lmak i?in bu alanda s?z sahibi olan nl denemeci Nurullah Ata?tan
al?nt? yapm??, onun s?zlerini aktarm??t?r.
D?ncenin kan?tlanabilmesi i?in istatistiksel bilgilerden, anketlerden ya da
grafiklerden yararlan?lmas?d?r.
? Ormanlar, dnyam?z?n akci?erleri gibidir. A?a? ve orman?n insan hayat?na
do?rudan ve dolayl? o kadar ?ok faydas? vard?r ki Akl?ma gelen birka??n?
s?ralayay?m isterseniz. O zaman ne demek istedi?imi daha iyi anlam?? olursunuz.
Tabiat?n harika, sessiz sprgeleri ormanlar yarat?lmasayd? ya?ad???m?z dnya
tozdan ge?ilmeyecekti. 1000 m? ladin orman? y?lda 32 ton, kay?n orman? 68 ton ve
?am orman? ise 30-40 ton tozu hp diye emebilir ve havadaki zehirli gazlar? da filtre
11. 2.6. BENZETME
Bir kavram? ya da varl??? ba?ka bir kavram ya da varl???n ?zellikleriyle
anlatmaya benzetme denir.
? Birikimsiz yazarl?k saman alevi gibidir. Saman alevi ?abucak tutu?up yine ?abucak
s?ner. Yazmak i?in yeterli donan?ma sahip olmayan birikimsiz yazarlar da parlam??
olsalar bile elbet bir gn saman alevi gibi s?np giderler.
Par?ada, birikimden yoksun yazarlar saman alevine benzetilmi?tir. Bunlar?n kal?c?
olamayaca??, bu benzetmeden yararlan?larak vurgulanm??t?r.
13. ?nsana hi?bir ?ey ??retemezsin; ??renmeyi ancak kendi i?inde
bulaca??n? ??retebilirsin.