OtoWorks is a wide experienced automotive IT company that produces internet technologies specificly for the automotive business and it\'s reason of the existence is to make the automotive business parties to work more effectively with each other. OtoWorks ease the automotive business...
El documento describe la importancia de incluir un bloque de cierre al final de un curso virtual. El bloque de cierre debe incluir secciones para negociaci坦n, retroalimentaci坦n y comunicaci坦n de resultados. La secci坦n de negociaci坦n permite al tutor motivar a estudiantes y responder dudas. La secci坦n de retroalimentaci坦n recaba comentarios de estudiantes para mejorar el curso. La secci坦n de comunicaci坦n de resultados reconoce el esfuerzo de los estudiantes.
La calidad de la atenci坦n depende de la perspectiva del observador y del contexto. Se define mediante preguntas sobre qui辿n la eval炭a, los valores subyacentes y los conocimientos utilizados. En general, implica comparar la realidad con un est叩ndar y realizar evaluaciones sucesivas para mejorar. En los Estados Unidos, la industria de la salud adopt坦 modelos de calidad de procesos para evaluar y mejorar la atenci坦n, al igual que otros sectores influenciados por clientes, competidores y cambios.
IUT Castres : pr辿sentation UX le 18/11/2013Alex McCardell
This document appears to be notes from a presentation or discussion about web development and user experience design. It includes definitions of key concepts like the five pillars of UX (speed, honesty, empathy, unique, community). Other sections provide brief explanations of content curation and creation strategies on sites and social networks. Trust-building for sites and networks is also mentioned. The document shares tips for understanding users through customer journey maps and personas, as well as developing an information architecture and trust metrics.
El documento proporciona una introducci坦n al programa de edici坦n de im叩genes GIMP. Explica que GIMP permite realizar tareas de manipulaci坦n de im叩genes como retoque fotogr叩fico y creaci坦n de im叩genes. Detalla algunas de las herramientas y funcionalidades de GIMP, como capas, canales, formatos de archivo compatibles y su interfaz de usuario.
For the first time in history there are four cohorts in the workplace at the same time and it is causing a bit of a stir. The primary challenge today is how to navigate amidst these differences.
This keynote is designed to educate attendees on generational traits and trends as well its goal is to help breakdown the generational boundaries that multiple generations and differing personalities create within a corporate culture.
Using her trademark soft approach humor and relevant examples that leave the audience feeling validates and understood! Olivia motivates audiences by providing real-time approaches to current challenges.
Based on her book, Four Generation-One Workplace, this keynote will leave you provoked and inspired to approach the other generations in new and positive ways.
Spectroscopy involves using electromagnetic radiation to study chemical compounds and the interactions between radiation wavelengths and compounds. Different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance) cause energy transitions in compounds through absorption. The energy and wavelength of absorbed radiation is directly related and allows compounds to be identified based on their unique absorption spectra. Spectrometers and fluorometers are instruments used to measure absorption and fluorescent emission spectra, revealing information about molecular structure and properties.
El d鱈a comenz坦 mal para el autor. Se golpe坦 la cabeza al bajar las escaleras y se quem坦 la lengua con el caf辿 caliente. M叩s tarde recibi坦 una descarga el辿ctrica al sacar pan tostado del tostador. Finalmente, recibi坦 una llamada inform叩ndole que su oficina hab鱈a sido robada, lo que lo hizo derramar m叩s caf辿 sobre s鱈 mismo.
This document provides a summary of James Rachels' chapter on "Egoism and Moral Sceptism" from the book Contemporary Moral Problems. The summary discusses:
1) The key concepts of egoism, psychological egoism, and ethical egoism.
2) Two common arguments for psychological egoism and Rachels' responses to them.
3) Three common confusions Rachels identifies in arguments for psychological egoism.
4) The argument that ethical egoism is inconsistent because it cannot be universally applied, and why Rachels accepts this argument.
The document discusses how education is changing with new technologies and moving towards a more open model. It argues that educators have a responsibility to embrace open source tools and help the next generation learn in new ways. While the world is ready for more open learning, efforts still need to be made to ensure equal access for all.
The document contains a collection of quotes related to life, dreams, happiness, and personal growth. Some of the quotes encourage living in the present and making the most of each day, as well as believing in oneself and one's dreams. Other quotes discuss the importance of listening to opportunities, building bridges with others, and learning from both good and bad experiences in life. The overall message is about finding happiness by pursuing one's dreams and making the most of each day.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para realizar videoconferencias y ofrece consejos sobre la presentaci坦n personal ante una c叩mara, incluyendo la selecci坦n de vestuario, maquillaje, peinado y postura. Tambi辿n incluye una invitaci坦n a una videoconferencia de formaci坦n especializada que tendr叩 lugar el 25 de febrero de 2009 en Riohacha, Colombia. Por 炭ltimo, explica brevemente las diferencias entre la telefon鱈a convencional y la telefon鱈a IP.
The document discusses the MCA/System, which provides a holistic and systematic approach to optimizing marketing performance through measurement and management. It integrates key performance indicators to help marketers improve effectiveness, manage communications efficiently, and ensure budgets are well spent. The MCA/System addresses the growing gap between how marketers and management evaluate success. It provides diagnostics, accountability, and typically yields a minimum 20% improvement in performance and efficiencies.
The document discusses various Web 2.0 tools that can be used for differentiating instruction including Twitter for professional development and education chats, Pinterest for collecting ideas, Edmodo for connecting learners, EduClipper for sharing resources, edWeb for networking, and tools like Three Ring, WordPress, Silk, and Weebly for creating digital portfolios and student work. It also provides some brain break websites for students.
4S Bilgi Teknolojileri, Ankara ve 聴stanbulda, Proje, Test, Operasyon Y旦netimi, Sanallat脹rma, DevOps, G端venlik, Veri Merkezi, Felaket Kurtarma Merkezleri, 聴 S端reklilii ve 巽ok daha fazla konuda faaliyet g旦steren 20 y脹ll脹k bir BT firmas脹d脹r.
For the first time in history there are four cohorts in the workplace at the same time and it is causing a bit of a stir. The primary challenge today is how to navigate amidst these differences.
This keynote is designed to educate attendees on generational traits and trends as well its goal is to help breakdown the generational boundaries that multiple generations and differing personalities create within a corporate culture.
Using her trademark soft approach humor and relevant examples that leave the audience feeling validates and understood! Olivia motivates audiences by providing real-time approaches to current challenges.
Based on her book, Four Generation-One Workplace, this keynote will leave you provoked and inspired to approach the other generations in new and positive ways.
Spectroscopy involves using electromagnetic radiation to study chemical compounds and the interactions between radiation wavelengths and compounds. Different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance) cause energy transitions in compounds through absorption. The energy and wavelength of absorbed radiation is directly related and allows compounds to be identified based on their unique absorption spectra. Spectrometers and fluorometers are instruments used to measure absorption and fluorescent emission spectra, revealing information about molecular structure and properties.
El d鱈a comenz坦 mal para el autor. Se golpe坦 la cabeza al bajar las escaleras y se quem坦 la lengua con el caf辿 caliente. M叩s tarde recibi坦 una descarga el辿ctrica al sacar pan tostado del tostador. Finalmente, recibi坦 una llamada inform叩ndole que su oficina hab鱈a sido robada, lo que lo hizo derramar m叩s caf辿 sobre s鱈 mismo.
This document provides a summary of James Rachels' chapter on "Egoism and Moral Sceptism" from the book Contemporary Moral Problems. The summary discusses:
1) The key concepts of egoism, psychological egoism, and ethical egoism.
2) Two common arguments for psychological egoism and Rachels' responses to them.
3) Three common confusions Rachels identifies in arguments for psychological egoism.
4) The argument that ethical egoism is inconsistent because it cannot be universally applied, and why Rachels accepts this argument.
The document discusses how education is changing with new technologies and moving towards a more open model. It argues that educators have a responsibility to embrace open source tools and help the next generation learn in new ways. While the world is ready for more open learning, efforts still need to be made to ensure equal access for all.
The document contains a collection of quotes related to life, dreams, happiness, and personal growth. Some of the quotes encourage living in the present and making the most of each day, as well as believing in oneself and one's dreams. Other quotes discuss the importance of listening to opportunities, building bridges with others, and learning from both good and bad experiences in life. The overall message is about finding happiness by pursuing one's dreams and making the most of each day.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para realizar videoconferencias y ofrece consejos sobre la presentaci坦n personal ante una c叩mara, incluyendo la selecci坦n de vestuario, maquillaje, peinado y postura. Tambi辿n incluye una invitaci坦n a una videoconferencia de formaci坦n especializada que tendr叩 lugar el 25 de febrero de 2009 en Riohacha, Colombia. Por 炭ltimo, explica brevemente las diferencias entre la telefon鱈a convencional y la telefon鱈a IP.
The document discusses the MCA/System, which provides a holistic and systematic approach to optimizing marketing performance through measurement and management. It integrates key performance indicators to help marketers improve effectiveness, manage communications efficiently, and ensure budgets are well spent. The MCA/System addresses the growing gap between how marketers and management evaluate success. It provides diagnostics, accountability, and typically yields a minimum 20% improvement in performance and efficiencies.
The document discusses various Web 2.0 tools that can be used for differentiating instruction including Twitter for professional development and education chats, Pinterest for collecting ideas, Edmodo for connecting learners, EduClipper for sharing resources, edWeb for networking, and tools like Three Ring, WordPress, Silk, and Weebly for creating digital portfolios and student work. It also provides some brain break websites for students.
4S Bilgi Teknolojileri, Ankara ve 聴stanbulda, Proje, Test, Operasyon Y旦netimi, Sanallat脹rma, DevOps, G端venlik, Veri Merkezi, Felaket Kurtarma Merkezleri, 聴 S端reklilii ve 巽ok daha fazla konuda faaliyet g旦steren 20 y脹ll脹k bir BT firmas脹d脹r.
Otomotiv end端strisindeki deiikliklerin ilerinizi nas脹l etkileyeceini bili...Ersin KARA
"Bal脹 ara巽 ve ara巽larla ilgili yaklaan hizmetler sayesinde, bir巽ok sekt旦r / b旦lge etkilenecektir. Telekom端nikasyon, bal脹 ara巽lar taraf脹ndan etkilenecek sekt旦rlerden biri olacak. Telekom端nikasyon sekt旦r端nden a巽脹s脹ndan bakt脹脹m脹zda, b旦lgelere sadece bal脹 ara巽lar deil, ayn脹 zamanda IoT i巽in de katk脹da bulunabiliriz." SATOSHI NAGATA, NTT DOCOMO
"retim s旦z konusu olduunda, Makine renmesi, Yapay ve Art脹r脹lm脹 Zeka, ng旦r端l端 Bak脹m ve B端y端k Veri gibi kavramlar, Fabrika 4.0'脹n yeni 端retim modeline giderek daha fazla girecek ve fabrikalar脹 esnek ve verimli hale getirecektir. Piyasaya gelince, hem ara巽 s端rmeyi daha kolay ve g端venli hale getirmek hem de sanal d端nyaya s端rekli bal脹 olmak i巽in ara巽 teknolojisine daha fazla talep olacak. Geliim y旦r端ngeleri bal脹 ve otonom ara巽lara doru gidiyor." FRANCESCO ALFIERI, Maserati
Bu ay Hosting Dergide, Bir Domain Hikayesi temal脹 s旦yleimizde Salih Se巽kin SEV聴N'i konuk ediyoruz. Ayr脹ca T端rkiye ve D端nyadan Hosting sekt旦r端 ile ilgili haberleri, alan脹nda uzman yazarlar脹n makalelerini dolu dolu 72 sayfa i巽eriimizde bulabilirsiniz.
03 Ali Yavuz AH聴N
07 Haberler
12 Kiiselletirilmi Etiket Bask脹s脹 Butik reticilere B端y端k Avantajlar Sal脹yor
14 Mobil D端nyan脹n Gelecei Bu Etkinlikte Tart脹脹ld脹
16 S旦ylei: Juraj Malcho, Kendimizi, Evimizi ve Ailemizi Nas脹l Koruyabiliriz?
19 S旦ylei: Gary Davis, Gelecek Teknolojiler 聴巽in, Emniyetli ve G端venli Bir Yol Oluturmal脹y脹z
22 S旦ylei: Jean-Pierre Brulard, 聴letiim Servis Salay脹c脹lar脹 VMware 聴le G端巽 Kazan脹yor
24 Kurumsal D端nyan脹n Kalbi Bu Etkinlikte Att脹!
26 S旦ylei: Christian Funk, Odakl脹 Sald脹r脹lar脹n Say脹s脹 Her Ge巽en G端n Art脹yor
30 Yaz脹l脹m retimi Oyunun Kurallar脹n脹 Deitiriyor
32 Siber Sald脹rganlar Kendi Ordular脹n脹 Kurmaya Balad脹!
34 T端rkiyeyi H脹zl脹 聴nternetle Tan脹t脹ran 4.5G Hizmeti Bir Ya脹nda
36 BT G端nl端端 Test Merkezi
42 T端rkiye Y端kseliini S端rd端r端yor
reticinin, 油巽eitli kanallardan yarat脹lan m端teri adaylar脹n脹 (LEAD) bayilerine y旦nlendirmesi, ancak bayilerin bu m端teri adaylar脹n脹n TM ile ZAMANLI ve UYGUN bir ekilde telefon irtibat脹 kurmas脹 konusunda ihmalkar davranmas脹ndan hareketle tasarlanm脹t脹r. Buradaki performans脹n bayi-b旦lge-端lke baz脹nda, %100 objektif ve %100 ger巽ek verilerle izlenmesini salayan u巽tan uca bir f脹rsat takip sistemidir.
This document discusses benchmarking digital performance in the automotive industry. It provides context on how benchmarking has evolved from focusing on website analytics to broader analysis of consumer behavior across digital platforms like social media. Benchmarking is important for automotive brands to understand how their online activities compare to competitors and identify areas for improvement. The document also describes eDataXchange, an initiative where automotive brands share digital audience data to allow benchmarking within the crowded digital competitive landscape.
Pazarlama ve 端st y旦netim ayn脹 lisan脹 nas脹l konuur?
Pazarlama iletiimi tek bir birim ile nas脹l 旦l巽端l端r?
聴letiimin etkinlii ve verimlilii nas脹l artt脹r脹l脹r?
Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an accounting method that identifies activities in an organization and assigns the cost of each activity to products and services according to the actual consumption by each. This differs from traditional costing systems that allocate costs based on arbitrary rules, such as direct labor hours. ABC provides more insight into how costs behave so that managers can manage costs more effectively.
3.4. Marketing ROI
With outcomes and costs quantified, the ratio of outcomes to costs
provides the ultimate indicator of marketing efficiency Marketing ROI.
Marketing ROI is the ratio of the incremental value created by marketing
to the cost of marketing. It is calculated as:
Marketing ROI = (Incremental Value from Marketing) / (Cost of Marketing)
This document summarizes a guide to making marketing accountable to CEOs. It discusses the need for marketing accountability given that many CEOs do not understand what they are getting for their marketing investments. The guide argues that marketing performance can be quantified similarly to other business functions through system thinking, collecting the right data, and following a consistent process. It describes using uniform measurement of all marketing activities across all brands and markets to facilitate accountability. The document provides an overview of the guide's sections which cover the big picture problem, data requirements, and the essential processes for accountability.
Ekonomist Ocak 2014, Pazarlamada etkinlik, verimlilik ve hesap verebilirlik...Kurthan Tarakcioglu
MCA , Integration firmas脹n脹n 2012 y脹l脹nda lansman脹 yap脹ld脹ktan sonra b端y端k bir h脹zla d端nyaya yay脹lmakta olan ve dorudan C-seviye (CEO, CMO, CFO, GM vb.) y旦neticiler i巽in son derece kapsaml脹 bir ekilde yap脹land脹r脹lm脹, oyunun kurallar脹n脹 deitiren ve "pazarlamada hesap verilebilirlii" benzersiz bir ekilde sunan yenilik巽i ve ileri bir teknoloji 端r端n端d端r.
Marketing Turkiye Ocak 2014, Pazarlamada hesap verebilirlik...Kurthan Tarakcioglu
MCA , Integration firmas脹n脹n 2012 y脹l脹nda lansman脹 yap脹ld脹ktan sonra b端y端k bir h脹zla d端nyaya yay脹lmakta olan ve dorudan C-seviye (CEO, CMO, CFO, GM vb.) y旦neticiler i巽in son derece kapsaml脹 bir ekilde yap脹land脹r脹lm脹, oyunun kurallar脹n脹 deitiren ve "pazarlamada hesap verilebilirlii" benzersiz bir ekilde sunan yenilik巽i ve ileri bir teknoloji 端r端n端d端r.
The document is a guide published by the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) that provides key statistics and information about the automobile industry in Europe. It summarizes that the industry is an important part of the European economy in terms of jobs, investment in research and development, manufacturing base, and tax revenue, but has faced difficulties since the economic crisis with a 25% drop in vehicle registrations. The guide is intended to provide data on industry trends to interested parties.
M. Kurthan Tarak巽脹olu is a seasoned automotive executive with over 30 years of experience in general management, sales, marketing, and after sales. He has successfully led teams and retailer networks at companies like Hyundai Assan, General Motors Turkiye, and his own consulting firm. He is now an independent director and advisor focused on strategic and operational consulting for automotive businesses in Turkey.
This document provides a market report on Turkey's automotive industry. It includes statistics on Turkey's economy, population, and automotive sector. Some key points:
- Turkey has a population of 75 million and ranked 17th globally in GDP. Its automotive industry produces over 1 million vehicles annually and exports around 70% of production.
- The automotive sector employs 300,000 workers and contributes significantly to Turkey's economy. Domestic vehicle sales were around 900,000 in 2011 while production capacity meets customer demand.
- The report provides detailed data on Turkey's vehicle market size and forecasts, distribution channels, competitive landscape, consumer trends, and reasons for investing in Turkey's growing automotive market.
1. Otomotiv sekt旦r端 i巽in internet teknolojileri
端reten bir firmay脹z.
Otoworks'端n varolu sebebi; Otomotiv D端nyas脹 akt旦rlerinin
birbirleriyle daha etkin 巽al脹mas脹n脹 salamakt脹r.
2. Biz Kimiz ?
Kurthan Tarak巽脹olu
1965 y脹l脹nda Ankarada doan Tarak巽脹olu, ilk ve orta 旦renimini TED Ankara Kolejinde tamamlad脹ktan sonra 1987 y脹l脹nda
Dokuz Eyl端l niversitesi Makina M端hendislii b旦l端m端nden mezun oldu. 聴 hayat脹na 1988 y脹l脹nda Sabanc脹 Holdingde
balayan Tarak巽脹olu, s脹ras脹yla Opel T端rkiye, Hyundai Assan ve 聴sotlar Grup'ta uzun y脹llar Sat脹 Sonras脹 Hizmetler Saha
Operasyonlar脹 M端d端r端, Sat脹 M端d端r端, Genel M端d端r ve CEO g旦revlerinde bulunmutur. Kendi yolunu 巽izmeye 2011 senesinin
ikinci yar脹s脹nda karar veren Tarak巽脹olu, bilgi ve birikimini kurduu dan脹manl脹k irketi yoluyla sekt旦re transfer ederken, ayn脹
zamanda da gelecek stratejilerini bi巽imlendirmek 端zere Otoworkse kat脹lm脹t脹r.
Bertan zdemir
1968 y脹l脹nda 聴stanbulda doan Bertan, lise eitimini Galatasaray Lisesinde tamamlad脹ktan sonra 聴Tde Makina
M端hendislii eitimi ald脹. Renault, Subaru ve Volkswagen markalar脹nda 巽eitli yurti巽i ve yurtd脹脹 pozisyonlarda y旦neticilik
yapt脹ktan sonra 2002 senesinde Ger巽ek Otomobilcilikte Genel M端d端r Yard脹mc脹l脹脹 g旦revini 端stlendi. Opel, Chevrolet ve Ford
markalar脹nda sat脹 sonras脹 komite 端yeliklerinde bulundu. 2009 senesi i巽erisinde Ger巽ek Otomobilcilikteki g旦revinden
ayr脹larak otomotiv konusunda uzmanlam脹 bir yaz脹l脹m firmas脹 olan Otoworks端 kurdu.
Bur巽ak Say脹nsoy
1975 y脹l脹nda anakkalede doan Bur巽ak, lise eitimini 聴zmirde zel T端rk Kolejinde tamamlad脹ktan sonra Avusturalyada
Edith Cowan niversitesinde Bilgisayar M端hendislii eitimi ald脹. eitli firmalarda program gelitirme g旦revlerinde
bulunduktan sonra 2001 y脹l脹nda T端rkiyeye d旦nd端 ve otomotiv yaz脹l脹mlar脹 端zerine odakland脹. 8 y脹l Ger巽ek Otomobilcilikte
Bilgi Teknolojileri M端d端rl端端 g旦revinde bulundu. 2009 senesi i巽erisinde Ger巽ek Otomobilcilikteki g旦revinden ayr脹larak
otomotiv konusunda uzmanlam脹 bir yaz脹l脹m firmas脹 olan Otoworks端 kurdu.
3. Peki, biz ne yap脹yoruz?
Sekt旦r端n 巽ekirdeinde yetimi ve her biri kendi alanlar脹nda uzman olan
otomotiv profesyonelleri taraf脹ndan kurulmu olan OTOWORKS otomotiv
biliim firmas脹, sekt旦r端m端z端n t端m taraflar脹n脹 (distrib端t旦r-bayi-旦zel servis-
tedarik巽i-filo kiralama) bir araya getirecek internet temelli platformlar
oluturarak sekt旦re b端t端nsel fayda yaratmay脹 ama巽lamaktad脹r.
zetle, otomotiv sekt旦r端 i巽in internet teknolojileri 端reten bir firmay脹z.
Kiralama firmalar脹n脹n t端m operasyonlar脹n脹 y旦netebilecei rakipsiz bir ERP
platformu, yine kiralama firmalar脹n脹n anlamal脹 servisleriyle aras脹ndaki
ilemleri en verimli ekilde ger巽ekletiren T端rkiye'nin bu konudaki ilk ve tek
ticaret platformu ve son olarak ta t端m markalarda uygun fiyatl脹 orijinal yedek
par巽a tedarii yapan bir B2B e-ticaret sitesi Otoworks'端n 端r端nler yelpazesinde
balang脹巽ta sunulan yeni nesil 端巽 ayr脹 altyap脹 巽旦z端m端d端r.
Otoworks'端n varolu sebebi ve anlam脹; "Otomotiv D端nyas脹 akt旦rlerinin
birbirleriyle daha etkin 巽al脹mas脹n脹 salamak"t脹r.
OTOWORKS, "otomotiv iini kolaylat脹r脹r".
4. r端nlerimiz
Bug端n, sekt旦r端n filo kiralama irketleri ve operasyon maliyetlerinin ana
oda脹 olan servis operasyonlar脹n脹 da kapsam i巽ine alan 5 adet 端r端n端m端z
bulunmaktad脹r. Bunlar脹n her biri veya i巽 i巽e k端melenmi versiyonlar脹
sekt旦r端m端z端n 旦nemli ihtiya巽lar脹n脹 tam anlam脹yla kar脹lamaktad脹r.
filosis standart (filosunda 0-500 ara巽 bulunduran firmalar)
filosis plus (filosunda 500-2500 ara巽 bulunduran firmalar)
filosis enterprise (filosunda 2500 端st端 ara巽 bulunduran firmalar)
filoline.net (t端m filo kiralama firmalar脹 i巽in)
parcadeposu.com (t端m filo kiralama firmalar脹 ve servisler i巽in)
5. Kiralama Yaz脹l脹mlar脹n脹n Tarih巽esi
1.Nesil 旦z端mler:
MS Excel, MS Access
2.Nesil 旦z端mler:
Mevcut Programlar脹n adapte edilme 巽al脹malar脹
3.Nesil 旦z端mler:
Paket Programlar veya irket i巽i gelitirilen yaz脹l脹mlar
4.Nesil 旦z端mler:
Filosis Enterprise
6. filosis plus filoline
filosis standart parcadeposu.com
7. filosis.net
Bir kiralama firmas脹n脹n t端m operasyonlar脹n脹
y旦netebilecei ERP* platformudur.
Standart, Plus ve Enterprise olmak 端zere; filo b端y端kl端端 ve firma
ihtiya巽lar脹n脹 kar脹lamak 端zere 端巽 versiyonu vard脹r.
*ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning (Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama)
K脹sa a巽脹klamas脹; ERP, bir iletmenin faaliyetlerini b端t端nsel bir yakla脹mla y端r端ten ve kontrol端n端
m端mk端n k脹lan bir y旦netim ve yaz脹l脹m stratejisi.
8. filosis.net ne yapar ?
kiralama sekt旦r端ne sunulan dier uyarlama programlar脹n aksine
uzun d旦nem kiralama s端re巽lerinin t端m aamalar脹n脹 tek tek analiz eder.
Sekt旦r y旦neticileri taraf脹ndan kar脹la脹lan her bir sorun ve ihtiya巽a
巽旦z端m olacak ekilde haz脹rlanm脹 bir takip ve analiz sistemidir.
teklif verme aamas脹ndan balayarak arac脹n ikinci elde sat脹lmas脹 ile
son bulan operasyonel kiralama s端recinin t端m aamalar脹n脹 planlama,
takip ve y旦netimini ger巽ekletirebileceiniz komple bir 巽旦z端m
i巽erisinde bulunan yapay zeka uygulamas脹 ile ge巽mite oluan
verilerin ileri seviyede analizleri yap脹l脹r. Bu analizler dorultusunda
g端ncel operasyonlarda etkin kararlar vererek bug端n端 y旦netip,
gelecekle ilgili doru mali ve stratejik projeksiyonlar 脹脹脹nda yar脹nlar脹
planlamak m端mk端n olmaktad脹r.
10. filoline.net ne yapar ?
Hizmet salay脹c脹lar ile balant脹da olman脹z脹 salar.
Filonuzun g端ncel servis durumunu g旦sterir.
Onay s端recini h脹zland脹r脹r ve kontrol alt脹na al脹r.
Ak脹ll脹 uyar脹 ve kontroller ile doru onay vermeyi salar
Sat脹 sonras脹 b端t巽enizi g旦rmenizi salar.
Veri transferi ile verimlilik ve maliyet avantaj脹 salar.
Sisteme kay脹tl脹 tedarik巽ilerden avantajl脹 sat脹n alma f脹rsatlar脹.
11. parcadeposu.com
parcadeposu.com t端m markalarda uygun fiyatl脹 orijinal
yedek par巽a tedarii yapan bir B2B* E-Ticaret Sitesidir.
benzeri olmayan parcadeposu.comun etki alan脹 sadece filo kiralama
firmalar脹yla s脹n脹rl脹 deildir ve operasyon maliyetlerine yapt脹脹 etki
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*B2B: Business to Business, irketler aras脹nda yap脹lan ticaret.