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SUJIT VAIJANATH JOSHI E-mail: sujitjoshi12@yahoo.co.in
Telephone  (Cell)94239 66352, (Res)  0253 232 2053
To work in a globally competitive environment on challenging assignments that shall yield twin benefits of job
satisfaction and steady-paced professional growth.
Personal Profile
An engineering graduate with over 17 years of experience in Production/Engineering/Hardware
Testing/Servicing/Production Logistics.
Currently working with Siemens Ltd, Nasik as Executive: Engineered Systems -Production Cell.
Career Summary
Dec 1993  date Siemens Ltd.
Executive: Engineered Systems -Production Cell (Jan 2006  date)
Automation & Drives Division, Nasik
Manufacturing & Quality:
 Knowledge of manufacturing processes like wiring, assembling for Engineered Systems panels.
 Understanding of the reading & working with drawing for AC & DC Drives and PLC Panels
 Knowing the Operation of different test equipments in test field including HT tester, Megger, operating panel, test station.
 Knowing the test procedures of AC & DC Drive panels according to standard of Siemens Nashik works including
continuity, Short circuit test, High voltage test, Logic Test & Function Test with parameterization & loading.
 Knowledge of Engineering & Testing of Siemens make Drives.
 Hands on Exp on setting communication bet PG & PLC through Field bus name Profibus.
 Product & Programming knowledge of Siemens makes DC Master/AC Drives like Masterdrive, Sinamics, etc.
 Product knowledge of all switchgear items like contactors, MCBs, MCCBs, Bimetal relays, Breaker etc.
 Exp in carrying out inspection with extreme customers.
 Product & Function Testing Exp with all PLC modules like DI/DO/AI/AO, IM modules, RTD, FM Modules, ET200S
Module of Siemens Make.
 KPIs  Q. No., FPY, Delivery reliability, etc.
Production Logistics:
 Responsible for timely procurement of material required for Engineered(PLC, AC/DC drives) Systems orders,
 Responsible for raising of purchase indents & schedules, follow up with purchase, vendors & sub-contractors.
 Close monitoring for Sales/ Service commitments.
 Close coordination for timely execution of Engineered Systems orders:
1. External - Coordination with Customer, Consultants, Vendors & Suppliers.
2. Internal - Coordination with Sales, Engineering, Purchase, Strategic Purchase, Manufacturing, Quality,
Stores, Costing, Administration, Excise, Dispatch, etc.
 Creation of project specific production orders in SAP, Calculation of material procurement & its inventory impact
for the budgeted period & budgeted production.
 Control on inventory.
 Strict check on consumption of materials, Stock verification on specific intervals, Reconciliation of the material.
 Responsible for Streamlining the system and procedures for effective inventory control for ensuring ready
availability of materials to meet the production targets and surpassing Key Performance Indicators
 Execution of domestic indents, Execution of Export orders.
 Co-ordination for out-sourcing activity to maintain proper discipline among subcontractors by insisting that they
should develop realistic and detailed resource
& time plans that are in line with the project plan
 Comparison of approved work order & actual product.
 Material re-conciliation.
 KPIs  Inventory turns, material availability, etc
 Responsible for standardization, which includes:
 Creation of item/article numbers in SAP for material as per yearly consumption.
 Creation of production BOM in SAP.
 Preparation of standard drawing.
 Costing of product.
 SMH calculation for Assembly & Testing.
Sujit Joshi Page 1 of 2
Jr. Executive-Team leader (Aug 2001  Jan 2006)
Medical Solutions Division, Goa
 Reporting to Production Manager, responsible for production of C-arm(diagnostic X-ray product)
 Production  Incoming inspection of critical components, assembly & testing of C-arm(diagnostic X-ray product);
Manpower & material management.
 Documentation  maintaining records (test-reports) of all manufactured equipments/spares, Monitoring of FPY
data of manufactured Unit/sub-assemblies.
 Service support  Escalation support/servicing of installed units, Testing & issuing of spares.
 Troubleshooting & analysis  Equipments, cards, components, etc.
 Logistics  To raise purchase indents for monthly production, to maintain stock for monthly production, issuing of
material to Vendors, re-conciliation of material.
 ISO9000 related activities i.e. Work Procedures, Test Procedures & Product Manual(User/Service), preparation for
departmental activity.
Service Engineer (Nov 1998  Jul 2001)
Automation & Drives Division, Kalwa
 Reporting to Senior Manager Engineering & Commissioning for engineering of Engineered Systems(AC/DC Drives &
PLC) orders.
 Co-ordination with Customers, Sales, Manufacturing for execution of Engineered Systems orders.
 Responsible to maintain spares stock to support service engineers.
Junior Engineering Cadre  Manufacturing (Dec 1993  Nov 1998)
Automation & Drives Division, Nasik
 Having Experience of various PCB assembly, product assembly & panel wiring techniques.
 Prototyping of new products.
Feb 1993  Dec 1993 Ceat Tyres Ltd., Nasik
Maintenance Technician
 Having Experience of Preventive/Break-down maintenance of AC/DC drives, PLC systems.
Computer Awareness
o DOS; Windows-9x; Windows-XP
o MS office
o ERP system  SAP R/3(MM&PP)
o AutoCAD  12, 14 & 2000
 Recognition from Siemens Management for Excellent Planning & Teamwork, Sept 2007.
 Achieved maximum no of C-arm Units manufacturing & delivering in one month, in Sept 2005.
 Winner of Bronze Medal in National Skill competition (CII). Sept 1997.
 Winner of Gold Medal in 50th
National Skill competition (NCVT). Oct 1993.
Projects Handled
 Production planning & Execution of Automation systems orders : FLS automation, VB Medicare, Reliance Industries
LTD., Asian Paints, Vasavdatta Cements, Praj Industiries Ltd., Uhde India Ltd, etc.
 Production planning & Execution of OEM Business orders : NOI, ASA Machine Tools Ltd., DOW Chemicals, etc.
 Standardization of Products.
 Engineering of OEM businesses  NOI, ASA Machine Tools Ltd, Krupp, Walchand Industries, Lakshmi Barmag, etc.
 Active participation in CE marking project for C-arm product.
o Jan 2010 - PGDBA-Operations Management from Symbiosis Institute of Management, Pune.
o Sept 2007 - BE Electronics from Dnyaneshwar Vidyapith, Pune.
o Dec 1997 - Diploma in Engineering - Industrial Electronics, from Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineers (IETE), New Delhi.
o Dec 1992  NCVT Electronic Mechanic, from Siemens Training Centre, Nasik.
Date of Birth: 16th
October 1972.
Contact Details: Kranti Banglow, Near Sainath Nagar Bus-stop, Indira Nagar, Nasik  422 009.
Passport No: G7545345
Sujit Joshi Page 2 of 2
Salary drawn:5.3 lacks per annum
Last updated: 27.02.2010
Sujit Joshi Page 3 of 2

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  • 1. SUJIT VAIJANATH JOSHI E-mail: sujitjoshi12@yahoo.co.in sujit_joshi12@indiatimes.com Telephone (Cell)94239 66352, (Res) 0253 232 2053 To work in a globally competitive environment on challenging assignments that shall yield twin benefits of job satisfaction and steady-paced professional growth. Personal Profile An engineering graduate with over 17 years of experience in Production/Engineering/Hardware Testing/Servicing/Production Logistics. Currently working with Siemens Ltd, Nasik as Executive: Engineered Systems -Production Cell. Career Summary Dec 1993 date Siemens Ltd. Executive: Engineered Systems -Production Cell (Jan 2006 date) Automation & Drives Division, Nasik Manufacturing & Quality: Knowledge of manufacturing processes like wiring, assembling for Engineered Systems panels. Understanding of the reading & working with drawing for AC & DC Drives and PLC Panels Knowing the Operation of different test equipments in test field including HT tester, Megger, operating panel, test station. Knowing the test procedures of AC & DC Drive panels according to standard of Siemens Nashik works including continuity, Short circuit test, High voltage test, Logic Test & Function Test with parameterization & loading. Knowledge of Engineering & Testing of Siemens make Drives. Hands on Exp on setting communication bet PG & PLC through Field bus name Profibus. Product & Programming knowledge of Siemens makes DC Master/AC Drives like Masterdrive, Sinamics, etc. Product knowledge of all switchgear items like contactors, MCBs, MCCBs, Bimetal relays, Breaker etc. Exp in carrying out inspection with extreme customers. Product & Function Testing Exp with all PLC modules like DI/DO/AI/AO, IM modules, RTD, FM Modules, ET200S Module of Siemens Make. KPIs Q. No., FPY, Delivery reliability, etc. Production Logistics: Responsible for timely procurement of material required for Engineered(PLC, AC/DC drives) Systems orders, Responsible for raising of purchase indents & schedules, follow up with purchase, vendors & sub-contractors. Close monitoring for Sales/ Service commitments. Close coordination for timely execution of Engineered Systems orders: 1. External - Coordination with Customer, Consultants, Vendors & Suppliers. 2. Internal - Coordination with Sales, Engineering, Purchase, Strategic Purchase, Manufacturing, Quality, Stores, Costing, Administration, Excise, Dispatch, etc. Creation of project specific production orders in SAP, Calculation of material procurement & its inventory impact for the budgeted period & budgeted production. Control on inventory. Strict check on consumption of materials, Stock verification on specific intervals, Reconciliation of the material. Responsible for Streamlining the system and procedures for effective inventory control for ensuring ready availability of materials to meet the production targets and surpassing Key Performance Indicators Execution of domestic indents, Execution of Export orders. Co-ordination for out-sourcing activity to maintain proper discipline among subcontractors by insisting that they should develop realistic and detailed resource & time plans that are in line with the project plan . Comparison of approved work order & actual product. Material re-conciliation. KPIs Inventory turns, material availability, etc Responsible for standardization, which includes: Creation of item/article numbers in SAP for material as per yearly consumption. Creation of production BOM in SAP. Preparation of standard drawing. Costing of product. SMH calculation for Assembly & Testing. Sujit Joshi Page 1 of 2
  • 2. Jr. Executive-Team leader (Aug 2001 Jan 2006) Medical Solutions Division, Goa Reporting to Production Manager, responsible for production of C-arm(diagnostic X-ray product) Production Incoming inspection of critical components, assembly & testing of C-arm(diagnostic X-ray product); Manpower & material management. Documentation maintaining records (test-reports) of all manufactured equipments/spares, Monitoring of FPY data of manufactured Unit/sub-assemblies. Service support Escalation support/servicing of installed units, Testing & issuing of spares. Troubleshooting & analysis Equipments, cards, components, etc. Logistics To raise purchase indents for monthly production, to maintain stock for monthly production, issuing of material to Vendors, re-conciliation of material. ISO9000 related activities i.e. Work Procedures, Test Procedures & Product Manual(User/Service), preparation for departmental activity. Service Engineer (Nov 1998 Jul 2001) Automation & Drives Division, Kalwa Reporting to Senior Manager Engineering & Commissioning for engineering of Engineered Systems(AC/DC Drives & PLC) orders. Co-ordination with Customers, Sales, Manufacturing for execution of Engineered Systems orders. Responsible to maintain spares stock to support service engineers. Junior Engineering Cadre Manufacturing (Dec 1993 Nov 1998) Automation & Drives Division, Nasik Having Experience of various PCB assembly, product assembly & panel wiring techniques. Prototyping of new products. Feb 1993 Dec 1993 Ceat Tyres Ltd., Nasik Maintenance Technician Having Experience of Preventive/Break-down maintenance of AC/DC drives, PLC systems. Computer Awareness o DOS; Windows-9x; Windows-XP o MS office o ERP system SAP R/3(MM&PP) o AutoCAD 12, 14 & 2000 Achievements Recognition from Siemens Management for Excellent Planning & Teamwork, Sept 2007. Achieved maximum no of C-arm Units manufacturing & delivering in one month, in Sept 2005. Winner of Bronze Medal in National Skill competition (CII). Sept 1997. Winner of Gold Medal in 50th National Skill competition (NCVT). Oct 1993. Projects Handled Production planning & Execution of Automation systems orders : FLS automation, VB Medicare, Reliance Industries LTD., Asian Paints, Vasavdatta Cements, Praj Industiries Ltd., Uhde India Ltd, etc. Production planning & Execution of OEM Business orders : NOI, ASA Machine Tools Ltd., DOW Chemicals, etc. Standardization of Products. Engineering of OEM businesses NOI, ASA Machine Tools Ltd, Krupp, Walchand Industries, Lakshmi Barmag, etc. Active participation in CE marking project for C-arm product. Education o Jan 2010 - PGDBA-Operations Management from Symbiosis Institute of Management, Pune. o Sept 2007 - BE Electronics from Dnyaneshwar Vidyapith, Pune. o Dec 1997 - Diploma in Engineering - Industrial Electronics, from Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), New Delhi. o Dec 1992 NCVT Electronic Mechanic, from Siemens Training Centre, Nasik. Date of Birth: 16th October 1972. Contact Details: Kranti Banglow, Near Sainath Nagar Bus-stop, Indira Nagar, Nasik 422 009. Passport No: G7545345 Sujit Joshi Page 2 of 2
  • 3. Salary drawn:5.3 lacks per annum Last updated: 27.02.2010 Sujit Joshi Page 3 of 2