Steeds meer organisaties flexibiliseren hun personeelsbestand. Maar wat betekent dit voor de arbeidsverhoudingen? In de presentatie 'Lifetime connection van de flexibele schil' leest u er meer over.
This article discusses the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in engendering sustainable development in Nigeria. The article identifies some critical areas where ICT can be applied in order to harness better results, e.g., e-government, e-heath care, e-agriculture, e-education, rural development, etc.
A 21 year old woman with phenylketonuria who discontinued her PKU diet in adolescence is now pregnant. Her blood phenylalanine levels should be monitored and dietary restrictions implemented if levels become too high to protect the developing fetus.
A newborn infant presents with seizures, irritability, vomiting and lethargy. High blood ammonia levels point to a diagnosis of ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency, an inborn error of metabolism.
Facebook Tackle Box: 10 Apps & Tools Every Brand Should UseFirebelly Marketing
The document discusses 10 social media tools that brands should use on Facebook. It summarizes each tool, providing its URL, description, pricing, and Twitter handles. The tools covered include PostPlanner for scheduling posts, PageLever for analytics, EdgeRank Checker for page exposure metrics, Conversocial for customer service, HyperAlerts for email alerts, Booshaka for recognizing fans, Qwaya for Facebook ads, ShortStack for apps and contests, OfferPop for viral promotions, and NorthSocial for viral apps.
Prezi Version:
º†ˆóÖ÷Òª·ÖÏíÔÚ Unity ÖÐʹÓà Spine Åc Live2D µÄ½›òž¡£
Million Quiz is a RPG quiz game developed by Unity.
This slide shares the experience of using Spine & Live2D in the game.
Presented 9/12/2009 at jQuery Conf 2009.
Like any good Javascript framework would, jQuery includes Ajax functionality into its core. In particular, though, jQuery has some interesting ways it approaches event handling with Ajax responses. We¡¯re going to dive into this Ajax event mechanism, and see what fun we can have with extending it.
This talk will first review the various Ajax events and some common ways they are used. Then, we¡¯ll investigate jQuery source code and see how each is accomplished. Armed with this knowledge, we¡¯ll talk about some scenarios where you might want to extend these events with extra functionality, or even add your own custom Ajax events.
To move from the theoretical into the concrete, we will discuss two jQuery Ajax plugins I released, mpAjax and flXHRproxy, and look at how each needed in its own way to hook into the Ajax event mechanism and extend it.
To register as an Android developer in Vietnam without entering a zip code, go to the Android developer console and select your country as Vietnam. On the registration form, leave the zip code field blank. Google will still allow you to complete the registration without a zip code since zip codes are not used in Vietnam's addressing system.
This document analyzes the opaque mishu (secretary) system within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It has two branches - institutional mishu who work in Party Committee general offices, and personal mishu who work for individual leaders. Personal mishu for Politburo Standing Committee members can be divided into political, confidential, security, and life categories. Both institutional and personal mishu essentially work on behalf of CCP leaders at various levels. The mishu system allows for "unrestricted informal politics" within the CCP as mishu are able to accumulate power through their close client-patron relationships with leaders.
Building Creative Product Extensions with Experience Managerconnectwebex
The document discusses building extensions for Creative Cloud applications using the Common Extensions Platform (CEP). It covers the basics of CEP extension development including anatomy, manifest files, debugging, and using Node.js modules. It also provides examples of connecting CEP extensions to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), including logging in via HTTP, querying AEM via the Query Builder API, and referencing AEM resources through tokenized URLs. The document demonstrates two sample CEP extensions - one for searching AEM and another for interacting between the extension and host application.
Best Practice Guideline to Managing On-site Vermiculture Technologiesx3G9
The document provides guidelines for managing on-site vermiculture technologies. It was published by the Recycled Organics Unit (ROU) at the University of New South Wales in January 2002. The ROU is the NSW centre for organic resource management, information, research and development, demonstration and training. The guidelines contain 7 information sheets that provide details on establishing and managing an on-site vermiculture unit to process compostable organic waste for commercial and industrial organizations. The information sheets cover topics such as determining waste quantities, site selection, installation, operation, and end product use.
The Namtional Assembely Pakistan proceedings of the special committee of the whole house held in Camera to consider the Qadiani Issue - Vol 5 out of 27
The document summarizes a road trip taken by two students, Julie Langlois and Kelsey Dunlop, around Hamilton, Ontario on a budget. Over the course of one day, they visited various local attractions including a vintage diner, tea room, bakery, historic castle, hot dog shop, and haunted ruins. They sampled the local cuisine and learned about the history of the areas they explored. The trip showed that enjoying adventures and making memories does not require much money.
MarketExplore is a market research agency based in Morocco offering fieldwork and data services to domestic and international clients. It has a team of 15 supervisors and 120 interviewers covering Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, with partnerships to cover West Africa and the Middle East. The agency provides services including fieldwork, data entry, data analysis, and uses technologies like online client monitoring of fieldwork progress. It has expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and can conduct various types of studies across sectors. The agency values integrity, ethics, client satisfaction, and commitment to quality throughout projects.
CITG Legal Knowledge & Terminology CertificateTerry Bu
This certificate recognizes that Ke (Terry) Bu successfully completed 78 hours of training in legal knowledge, legal terminology, and providing legal interpretation services. The training was authorized by the Ontario Network of Language Interpreter Services and funded by The Law Foundation of Ontario. The certificate is signed by Jia (Jennifer) Zhai, the Executive Director of Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd., which operates the CILISAT Test Center located in Toronto, Canada.
Far-reaching reforms in Portugal have helped spur economic growth following a recession and financial crisis. Exports have increased significantly and unemployment has been falling for over a year since reforms addressed fundamental problems. While challenges remain, investors' confidence in Portugal's recovery has grown as it works to make business easier and reduce costs through measures like increased competition. Chinese investment in Portugal has also increased substantially, including many smaller Chinese firms exploring opportunities.
Seeing how online search has changed our lives, Google Philippines worked together with internet sensations and formed a campaign that aimed to encourage Filipinos to maximize the full potential of online search. Ready? Check this one out!
Special quadrilaterals proofs ans constructions cristufer
The document provides examples of paragraph proofs for various properties of quadrilaterals including kites, parallelograms, and rhombuses. Each proof uses logical reasoning and references to previously stated information to prove the given property, often constructing the shape first and then explaining why it has the property based on equal sides, angles, or segments due to the shape's definition.
Early College Academy is Greeley's newest high school. This powerpoint presentation was given to parents and potential students as part of a promotional campaign.
To register as an Android developer in Vietnam without entering a zip code, go to the Android developer console and select your country as Vietnam. On the registration form, leave the zip code field blank. Google will still allow you to complete the registration without a zip code since zip codes are not used in Vietnam's addressing system.
This document analyzes the opaque mishu (secretary) system within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It has two branches - institutional mishu who work in Party Committee general offices, and personal mishu who work for individual leaders. Personal mishu for Politburo Standing Committee members can be divided into political, confidential, security, and life categories. Both institutional and personal mishu essentially work on behalf of CCP leaders at various levels. The mishu system allows for "unrestricted informal politics" within the CCP as mishu are able to accumulate power through their close client-patron relationships with leaders.
Building Creative Product Extensions with Experience Managerconnectwebex
The document discusses building extensions for Creative Cloud applications using the Common Extensions Platform (CEP). It covers the basics of CEP extension development including anatomy, manifest files, debugging, and using Node.js modules. It also provides examples of connecting CEP extensions to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), including logging in via HTTP, querying AEM via the Query Builder API, and referencing AEM resources through tokenized URLs. The document demonstrates two sample CEP extensions - one for searching AEM and another for interacting between the extension and host application.
Best Practice Guideline to Managing On-site Vermiculture Technologiesx3G9
The document provides guidelines for managing on-site vermiculture technologies. It was published by the Recycled Organics Unit (ROU) at the University of New South Wales in January 2002. The ROU is the NSW centre for organic resource management, information, research and development, demonstration and training. The guidelines contain 7 information sheets that provide details on establishing and managing an on-site vermiculture unit to process compostable organic waste for commercial and industrial organizations. The information sheets cover topics such as determining waste quantities, site selection, installation, operation, and end product use.
The Namtional Assembely Pakistan proceedings of the special committee of the whole house held in Camera to consider the Qadiani Issue - Vol 5 out of 27
The document summarizes a road trip taken by two students, Julie Langlois and Kelsey Dunlop, around Hamilton, Ontario on a budget. Over the course of one day, they visited various local attractions including a vintage diner, tea room, bakery, historic castle, hot dog shop, and haunted ruins. They sampled the local cuisine and learned about the history of the areas they explored. The trip showed that enjoying adventures and making memories does not require much money.
MarketExplore is a market research agency based in Morocco offering fieldwork and data services to domestic and international clients. It has a team of 15 supervisors and 120 interviewers covering Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, with partnerships to cover West Africa and the Middle East. The agency provides services including fieldwork, data entry, data analysis, and uses technologies like online client monitoring of fieldwork progress. It has expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and can conduct various types of studies across sectors. The agency values integrity, ethics, client satisfaction, and commitment to quality throughout projects.
CITG Legal Knowledge & Terminology CertificateTerry Bu
This certificate recognizes that Ke (Terry) Bu successfully completed 78 hours of training in legal knowledge, legal terminology, and providing legal interpretation services. The training was authorized by the Ontario Network of Language Interpreter Services and funded by The Law Foundation of Ontario. The certificate is signed by Jia (Jennifer) Zhai, the Executive Director of Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd., which operates the CILISAT Test Center located in Toronto, Canada.
Far-reaching reforms in Portugal have helped spur economic growth following a recession and financial crisis. Exports have increased significantly and unemployment has been falling for over a year since reforms addressed fundamental problems. While challenges remain, investors' confidence in Portugal's recovery has grown as it works to make business easier and reduce costs through measures like increased competition. Chinese investment in Portugal has also increased substantially, including many smaller Chinese firms exploring opportunities.
Seeing how online search has changed our lives, Google Philippines worked together with internet sensations and formed a campaign that aimed to encourage Filipinos to maximize the full potential of online search. Ready? Check this one out!
Special quadrilaterals proofs ans constructions cristufer
The document provides examples of paragraph proofs for various properties of quadrilaterals including kites, parallelograms, and rhombuses. Each proof uses logical reasoning and references to previously stated information to prove the given property, often constructing the shape first and then explaining why it has the property based on equal sides, angles, or segments due to the shape's definition.
Early College Academy is Greeley's newest high school. This powerpoint presentation was given to parents and potential students as part of a promotional campaign.
Rondleiding Qsuite | Een rondleiding door de filosofie achter de Qsuite en de...Evelien Verkade
In deze rondleiding laten we je de highlights van de Qsuite zien in een algemene toepassing. Per organisatie kan de exacte inrichting sterk verschillen. Zo krijg je een idee van de mogelijkheden en kunnen we met elkaar de Qsuite op maat inrichten. Wanneer dat gebeurd is, dan kan je verder aan de slag met de handleidingen en instructies. Deze vind je in de Qsuite zelf, of in onze e-learning omgeving. Zo leer je snel werken met de Qsuite en heb je altijd de benodigde naslagwerken onder de knop.
Fex is er leven na hofstede en demming - in 5 stappen naar winnende org cul...Flevum
In vijf stappen naar een winnende organisatie cultuur
De impact van organisatiecultuur op business performance is moeilijk te overschatten: 81% gelooft dat een organisatie die geen high-performance cultuur heeft gedoemd is tot middelmatigheid. Echter slechts 10% is succesvol in het daadwerkelijk bouwen van zo¡¯n cultuur (Bron: Bain&Company). Hoe is dat in uw organisatie?
Onze huidige maatschappij draait niet meer (alleen) om presteren en resultaten: de menselijke maat als leidraad voor het functioneren van een organisatie wordt steeds meer herontdekt. Zowel op management- als op uitvoeringsniveau. Als iedereen ¡®het naar zijn zin heeft¡¯, komen resultaten ¡®vanzelf¡¯: zeer betrokken klanten en significant betere financi?le prestatie over langere termijn.
Zoals Wendy Woods (Sr. Partner Boston Consulting Group ) het zei: ¡°Slimme, betrokken mensen vormen uw kostbaarste en meest waardevolle grondstof.¡±
¡°De taak van het management is niet (meer) om risico¡¯s te vermijden, maar om zo snel mogelijk weer te herstellen bij gemaakte fouten¡±, onderschrijft ook Ed Catmull (co-founder Pixar) de manier van het aansturen van een organisatie. ¡°Risicomijdend gedrag brengt u niet verder! Leren van fouten wel.¡±
De Werkwijze adviseert organisaties over de manier waarop medewerkers echt impact kunnen hebben en zich bij voortduring ontwikkelen. Zelfsturing en samenwerking vormen hierbij de basis.
Tijdens de keynote presentatie van Jeroen Blankendaal op het Heliview Business Intelligence seminar op 26 januari 2010, vroeg Jeroen uw eigen persoonlijke tips en ervaringen met elkaar te delen.
Bijgaand delen we graag hier alle uitgewisselde tips en ervaringen. Open en onafhankelijk. En gestoeld op de overtuiging dat kennisdeling op het vlak van Business Intelligence bijdraagt aan het succes van
ondernemingen. Vermenigvuldigen begint met delen.
En welke ervaringen deelt Kadenza? Een terechte vraag die door u gesteld is. Als Kadenza stellen wij ons kennisnetwerk vanaf dit jaar volledig open. Aan het einde van het eerste kwartaal van 2010 lanceren wij een initiatief dat luistert naar de naam Kadenza+.
Waarom? Omdat wij er ons als
marktleider verantwoordelijk voor voelen dat BI oplevert wat bedrijven ervan verwachten: dat ze er beter en succesvoller van worden. Dat de investering in BI rendeert. Dat is in ieders belang ¨C ook het onze.
50 Praktijkervaringen die Kadenza verzamelde om Business Intelligence succesv...Jeroen Blankendaal
Delen is vermenigvuldigen
Tijdens de keynote presentatie van Jeroen Blankendaal op het Heliview Business Intelligence seminar op 26 januari 2010, vroeg Jeroen uw eigen persoonlijke tips en ervaringen met elkaar te delen. Bijgaand delen we graag hier alle uitgewisselde tips en ervaringen.
Open en onafhankelijk. En gestoeld op de overtuiging dat kennisdeling op het vlak van Business Intelligence bijdraagt aan het succes van ondernemingen.
Vermenigvuldigen begint met delen.
En welke ervaringen deelt Kadenza? Een terechte vraag die door u gesteld is. Als Kadenza stellen wij ons kennisnetwerk vanaf dit jaar volledig open.
Aan het einde van het eerste kwartaal van 2010 lanceren wij een initiatief dat luistert naar de naam Kadenza+. Waarom? Omdat wij er ons als
marktleider verantwoordelijk voor voelen dat BI oplevert wat bedrijven ervan verwachten: dat ze er beter en succesvoller van worden. Dat de investering in BI rendeert. Dat is in ieders belang ¨C ook het onze.
FACET Academy - wendbare businessmodellenfransvanrooij
FACET Academy: Hoe wendbaar is je businessmodel?
In deze sessie nemen wij een aantal structurele veranderingen met elkaar door die de nieuwe werkelijkheid vormen. Past je businessmodel daar nog bij?
Article Nov 2022 Factors affecting procurement maturity NEVI Deal!.pdfJohn van Veen
Many purchasing organizations strive for
a higher procurement maturity level. The main question here is how you can become more mature and what the relevant internal as well as external conditions are.
Article invest in mitigating supplier risks deal! nov 2018John van Veen
VUCA demands a more pro-active apporoach towards supplier risk management. This article describes a methodology how to differentiate your supply base in order to mitigate potential risks
Distinguish yourself as a supply chain expertJohn van Veen
The document provides information about the APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) program. It summarizes:
1. The APICS CSCP program can help professionals advance their careers and distinguish themselves as supply chain experts through gaining specialized knowledge on managing global supply chains.
2. The APICS CSCP Learning System is a comprehensive exam preparation program that includes print and online materials covering the entire CSCP body of knowledge to help participants pass the CSCP exam.
3. Earning the APICS CSCP designation demonstrates commitment to supply chain management and can help individuals increase their professional value and secure their future career prospects.
Artikel Inskoop De Zorg Profiteert Niet Optimaal Van Innovaties Juni 2012John van Veen
Nevi cpd missie visie en strategie v1.0
1. December 2011, versie 1.0
Missie, Visie &
Waar staan wij de komende jaren voor als platform
van supply management professionals?
2. Missie NEVI CPD
H¨¦t platform voor de supply
management professional.
3. Visie NEVI CPD
? D¨¦ ontwikkelings- & gesprekspartner binnen supply
chain management
? Draagt bij aan verbinding, verbreding, verdieping &
innovatie binnen supply chain management
4. Strategie NEVI CPD
? Bijeen brengen van een groep mensen die een
gemeenschappelijk belang en passie deelt
? Sociaal netwerk cre?ren waarin kenniscreatie centraal
staat door van elkaar te leren en elkaar aan te jagen
? Vrij uitwisselen en delen van kennis, ervaring en
? En zo nieuwe manieren ontwikkelen om met
problemen en uitdagingen om te gaan
5. Doelgroep NEVI CPD
De supply management professional die:
? actief betrokken is binnen het supply management
? werkzaam is op minimaal HBO-niveau
? zich inzet voor de ontwikkeling binnen supply
? actief deelneemt aan het platform
6. Twee NEVI CPD pijlers
1. Persoonlijke ontwikkeling (gericht op
2. Kennisontwikkeling (gericht op
kennisinhoudelijke ontwikkeling)
Hieraan worden voortdurend nieuwe ontwikkelingen
en thema¡¯s gekoppeld ter verdere verbinding,
verbreding, verdieping & innovatie
7. Ter illustratie
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling:
1. ¡°Onderhandelen tussen de binnen- & buitenwereld¡± met
Frits Philips, 2008
2. ¡°Leiderschap in beweging¡±, 2009
3. ¡°Het managen van je imago¡±, Professional Capital 2009
8. Ter illustratie
1.¡°NEVI CPD MVI routekaart¡± Roadmap to sustainable
behaviour, 2010
2.¡°Inkoop meets Verkoop, shared expertise meeting¡± dialoog
tussen inkoop, verkoop & marketing, 2010
3.CPD Werkgroep AEX ¡°De inkoop van Nederlandse
beursgenoteerde bedrijven in beeld¡±, 2011
4.CPD Werkgroep Code of Conduct ¡°Gedragscode voor de
supply management¡± , 2011-2012