Bij TenneT B.V. is op een locatie een langerdurend coachingstraject uitgevoerd.
Van dit traject hebben we een SROI-analyse gemaakt.
In deze factsheet zijn relevante data terug te vinden.
The document discusses user-controlled personal data management and its importance for a sustainable digital society. It proposes a three-layer approach to personal data management: 1) a trustworthy infrastructure, 2) data management tools, and 3) user-friendly interfaces. Implementing user-controlled personal data management requires consideration of technical, economic, legal, socio-political and international perspectives. The document argues this approach should also be applied to ePortfolio management to help individuals control access to and use of their personal data.
Bij TenneT B.V. is op een locatie een langerdurend coachingstraject uitgevoerd.
Van dit traject hebben we een SROI-analyse gemaakt.
In deze factsheet zijn relevante data terug te vinden.
The document discusses user-controlled personal data management and its importance for a sustainable digital society. It proposes a three-layer approach to personal data management: 1) a trustworthy infrastructure, 2) data management tools, and 3) user-friendly interfaces. Implementing user-controlled personal data management requires consideration of technical, economic, legal, socio-political and international perspectives. The document argues this approach should also be applied to ePortfolio management to help individuals control access to and use of their personal data.
This document discusses interests, key competencies, competencies, health factors, and studies or training courses in a brief manner. It touches on several topics related to skills, abilities, and personal development in a high-level way without providing many details. The document aims to categorize different areas of focus but does not go into depth about any single topic.
1) The document discusses regional employability ecosystems that go beyond traditional client/server models. 2) It proposes organizing these ecosystems around personal infrastructure for individuals, semantic coordination, business intelligence infrastructure, and other shared services. 3) The key aspects include governance, communal infrastructure and services, semantics, and trust/security.
The document discusses semantic standards and quality models for assessing semantic standards. It proposes a Quality Model of Semantic Standards (IQMSS) that evaluates standards across three dimensions: (1) Product Quality focuses on the content and specification of the standard, (2) Process Quality examines how the standard is developed and maintained, and (3) Quality in Use looks at how the standard is applied and implemented. The IQMSS provides measurable concepts and definitions to evaluate standards in a transparent, consistent manner and help improve their quality over time.
ePortfolios can function as a digital identity by providing an answer to "Who is this?" and "Who am I?" through presenting one's educational and professional biography and competencies. While ePortfolios could improve opportunities for both employers and employees through a more efficient matching of supply and demand and standardized profiles, they also carry potential social issues like new forms of vulnerability and exclusion, and classification, standardization, and labeling that could enable discrimination. Any digital identity technology has implications beyond access, authentication, and privacy, and into broader social and ethical dimensions that should be considered in the design and use of ePortfolios.
10052012 theo mensen introductie thema semantische operabiliteit
1. ePortfolio
Semantische Interoperabiliteit
Theo Mensen
Secretaris Stichting ePortfolio Support (StePS)
2. Programma
Introductie StePS
1. Marius Monen Brainport/Let’s Connect
2. Dries Pruis, Kenteq
3. Erwin Folmer, TNO/Uni Twente
4. Luk Vervenne, Synergetics
Samenvatting en Borrel
3. Sponsors StePS
participation and
employability off all by
developing and using
Supporting developers,
decisionmakers and
users by distributing
knowledge, expertise
and best practices,
expertmeetings and
Rens de Groot
Hans Kamps
Theo Mensen
Ton Wilthagen
Stichting ePortfolio Support (StePS)
Professor Pieter Willemsstraat 35, 6224 CD Maastricht Marij Veugelers
KvK 14130506
4. ePortfolio ‘Business Case’
• Optimalisering allocatie aanbod stages en banen
- betere aansluiting
- hogere productiviteit
• Minimalisering vacatieduur en transactiekosten
- besparing op wervings- en selectiekosten
- besparing op uitkeringen en premies