The purpose of this project is to mitigate and solve issues regarding health care services such as rehabilitation and specific health guidance while alleviating spatio-temporal, economic, and cognitive constraints by establishing remote technology foundation. There are four themes in this project titled ^Multimodal XR-AI (XR powered by AI) platform development for tele-rehabilitation and reciprocal care coupling with health guidance. ̄ In theme #1, we have been developing MR3 (Multi-Modal Mixed Reality for Remote Rehab) devices consisting of Wear and Mannequin for supporting detailed assessments of users¨ physical functions and tactile interaction respectively. The central issue of theme #2 is to support intrinsic motivation for rehabilitation and exercise training through XR technologies as in virtual co-embodiment and hand redirection. In addition, we have also been investigating how to deal with 1-to-N (a small number of providers) and 0-to-N (no providers) situations. Theme #3 has aimed on establishing AI technology foundation for creating, monitoring progress of, and updating tele-rehabilitation programs mainly for the upper limb. Systems for always-on monitoring during daily life and work developed in theme #4 is expected to serve as a common foundation for various tele-healthcare services.
i弥冷崗, 硫侘溢圍, 署埠椽, 書翫喇竸徨, 恃儲嫗鴬, 弌直戦, 弌爽耳岻, 匯慝措初, 嶄臭歴望, 謹弥割, 楳表涛, 賠邦鴬失, 乞哂苧, 嶄翫謡繁, 劈圻宗, \弥寔席, 卦隨倔高, 寄ut灸, "仝垓侯リハビリのための謹湖掛檎-粥鴛室宝児徒更廏と隠宗峺擬との札{ケア銭亊々で朕峺すところ", 晩云バ`チャルリアリティ僥氏及66指}栽Fg湖冩梢氏, Vol.25, No.2, MR2022-11, 2022.
The purpose of this project is to mitigate and solve issues regarding health care services such as rehabilitation and specific health guidance while alleviating spatio-temporal, economic, and cognitive constraints by establishing remote technology foundation. There are four themes in this project titled ^Multimodal XR-AI (XR powered by AI) platform development for tele-rehabilitation and reciprocal care coupling with health guidance. ̄ In theme #1, we have been developing MR3 (Multi-Modal Mixed Reality for Remote Rehab) devices consisting of Wear and Mannequin for supporting detailed assessments of users¨ physical functions and tactile interaction respectively. The central issue of theme #2 is to support intrinsic motivation for rehabilitation and exercise training through XR technologies as in virtual co-embodiment and hand redirection. In addition, we have also been investigating how to deal with 1-to-N (a small number of providers) and 0-to-N (no providers) situations. Theme #3 has aimed on establishing AI technology foundation for creating, monitoring progress of, and updating tele-rehabilitation programs mainly for the upper limb. Systems for always-on monitoring during daily life and work developed in theme #4 is expected to serve as a common foundation for various tele-healthcare services.
i弥冷崗, 硫侘溢圍, 署埠椽, 書翫喇竸徨, 恃儲嫗鴬, 弌直戦, 弌爽耳岻, 匯慝措初, 嶄臭歴望, 謹弥割, 楳表涛, 賠邦鴬失, 乞哂苧, 嶄翫謡繁, 劈圻宗, \弥寔席, 卦隨倔高, 寄ut灸, "仝垓侯リハビリのための謹湖掛檎-粥鴛室宝児徒更廏と隠宗峺擬との札{ケア銭亊々で朕峺すところ", 晩云バ`チャルリアリティ僥氏及66指}栽Fg湖冩梢氏, Vol.25, No.2, MR2022-11, 2022.