The document discusses distances between data and similarity measures in data analysis. It introduces the concept of distance between data as a quantitative measure of how different two data points are, with smaller distances indicating greater similarity. Distances are useful for tasks like clustering data, detecting anomalies, data recognition, and measuring approximation errors. The most common distance measure, Euclidean distance, is explained for vectors of any dimension using the concept of norm from geometry. Caution is advised when calculating distances between data with differing scales.
NagoyaStat #1 で用いた発表資料になります。主な内容は統計モデリングの考え方と、ポアソン分布に従うデータに対して最尤推定法を適用する方法です。
This slide is used at NagoyaStat #1 on August 6, 2016. Main contents are way of thinking of statistical modeling and applying Maximum Likelihood Estimation to data following poisson distribution.
* Satoshi Hara and Kohei Hayashi. Making Tree Ensembles Interpretable: A Bayesian Model Selection Approach. AISTATS'18 (to appear).
arXiv ver.:
* GitHub
1) Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) is a statistical method that analyzes the correlation relationship between two sets of multidimensional variables.
2) CCA finds linear transformations of the two sets of variables so that their correlation is maximized. This can be formulated as a generalized eigenvalue problem.
3) The number of dimensions of the transformed variables is determined using Bartlett's test, which tests the eigenvalues against a chi-squared distribution.
NagoyaStat #1 で用いた発表資料になります。主な内容は統計モデリングの考え方と、ポアソン分布に従うデータに対して最尤推定法を適用する方法です。
This slide is used at NagoyaStat #1 on August 6, 2016. Main contents are way of thinking of statistical modeling and applying Maximum Likelihood Estimation to data following poisson distribution.
* Satoshi Hara and Kohei Hayashi. Making Tree Ensembles Interpretable: A Bayesian Model Selection Approach. AISTATS'18 (to appear).
arXiv ver.:
* GitHub
1) Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) is a statistical method that analyzes the correlation relationship between two sets of multidimensional variables.
2) CCA finds linear transformations of the two sets of variables so that their correlation is maximized. This can be formulated as a generalized eigenvalue problem.
3) The number of dimensions of the transformed variables is determined using Bartlett's test, which tests the eigenvalues against a chi-squared distribution.
22. 引用?参考文献
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