The document lists 100 different topics related to technology, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud applications, databases, enterprise software, financial applications, human resources software, middleware, operating systems, programming, security, social media, virtual and augmented reality, networking, data storage, healthcare IT, mobile devices, and biometrics authentication. Many of the topics discussed are broad categories that encompass various subtopics and areas of focus within the larger domain. The extensive list touches on concepts across different sectors such as business, government, education, and more.
This document outlines a study to estimate above-ground biomass and carbon stock in boreal forests in Mongolia using satellite data and machine learning. Boreal forests cover about 9.2% of Mongolia but have been declining in recent decades. The study aims to develop a suitable machine learning model to map forest biomass and carbon stock. Random forest was the best performing model with an R2 of 0.24 and RMSE of 33 Mg/ha. Important input features included shortwave infrared band 1, green leaf index, and radar polarization data. The predicted forest biomass ranged from 32.5-122.5 Mg/ha and carbon stock ranged from 16.5-62.5 Mg C/ha. Some reference
The document outlines a study that uses multispectral drones and ground sampling to collect vegetation data from pasture sites over three sampling periods in June, July, and August. Various vegetation indices will be calculated from the drone and ground spectrometer data to analyze changes in biomass, chlorophyll content, and other vegetation metrics over time. A total of 285 sample points will be collected and various biophysical parameters will be measured at each point to analyze temporal changes in pasture sites.
The Mongolian Geospatial Association has a board that executes the CEO and Secretary. It has 9 technical commissions and 3 member communities. The association has regular, student, institutional, honorary, and advisory members. It partners internationally and participates in activities in countries like the US, UAE, Taiwan, South Korea, and others. In 2021, the association held webinars, talks, workshops and participated in a United Nations workshop on GNSS applications. It celebrates GIS day and holds monthly geo-meetings and quarterly geo-forums.
The document provides an overview of CHCNAV's AlphaUni 300/900/1300 mobile mapping solutions. It describes the key features and performance specifications of the AlphaUni series, including its universal lidar platform design, accuracy levels, data storage capabilities, and compatibility with various installation methods for airborne, vehicle, boat, and backpack use cases. The document also introduces CHC's new BB4 UAV platform as a high-payload professional solution for airborne lidar applications.
Mongolia has been involved in space technology since 1965 under the INTERCOSMOS program. The first satellite data receiving station and weather satellite ground station were established in 1970. In 1981, J. Gurragchaa became the first Mongolian cosmonaut. In 2017, Mazaalai, Mongolia's first satellite, was launched into space.
The Space Technology Association of Mongolia is the main organization related to space technology. It has a board, CEO, secretary and various technical commissions. Members include students, regular members, institutions and honorary members. The association partners with space organizations in countries around the world and participates in international conferences and workshops on space technology.
Mongolia began developing space technology in 1965 under the INTERCOSMOS program. Some key early developments included establishing the first satellite data receiving station in 1970 and a meteorological satellite data station. The first Mongolian cosmonaut launched in 1981. More recently, Mongolia launched its first satellite, Mazaalai, in 2017.
The Association of Mongolian Geodesy and Cartography brings together members involved in fields like photogrammetry, GIS, and surveying. It has over 1500 members across categories like students, institutions, and honorary members. The Association partners with space technology organizations internationally and runs various events and programs.
Demonstration of super map ai gis technology GeoMedeelel
This document demonstrates SuperMap's AI GIS technology. It discusses geospatial deep learning and the AI GIS workflow, including data acquisition and preparation, model building and management, and model application. It provides examples of using deep learning models for tasks like object detection, segmentation, and classification of imagery. The workflow and tools for training models with SuperMap software and deploying trained models as web services are also described. A case study on building extraction is presented to illustrate the full AI GIS process.
Supermap gis 10i(2020) ai gis technology v1.0GeoMedeelel
This document provides information about SuperMap Software Co., Ltd. It includes:
1. Background information on SuperMap such as its founding date and headquarters location.
2. Market share data showing SuperMap has the largest share of the GIS software market in China.
3. An overview of SuperMap's products and technologies including distributed GIS, cross-platform GIS, 3D GIS, big data GIS, and AI GIS.
#2: Hello, everyone! It¡¯s really nice to see you guys here. This is Keven/Anthony from South/Surveytech, and I am very happy to have some new information for our dear GEP friends. It¡¯s A Story of UAV, let¡¯s see how UAV helps us to do more with less, ok?
#3: Well, here we go! These are the topics that we are going to cover today and I am sure all such contents are very good for your reference.
#4: First of all, I would like to show you, why UAVs are so hot nowadays?
#7: When you input UAV and search it in Google, there are so many web links that you may look into details. As UAV appears so frequently in our daily life, I don¡¯t think I need to explain what it is. Right, unmanned aerial vehicle has already been known to us for quite some time.
#8: As the rapidly evolving technologies of UAV are being exploded nowadays, this stuff have attracted lots of attention from the world stage. See, there are more than 40 events around the world this year, and most of the expos are held in USA, Europe and China, where drones are already so popular for commercial applications.
#9: At the beginning, I would like categorize the UAVs into 2 groups. It was firstly used for military purposes 100 years ago and in recent decades, civilian-use UAV came up commercial applications.
#10: As military-use UAVs are too far away from us, we just focus on civilian-use ones. They fall into 2 groups as well, consumer-grade and professional-grade. Namely, you may understand very easily that consumer-grade UAVs are made for everyone to enjoy UAV flight or pilot dream. However, professional-grade UAVs are particularly produced for industrial applications that bring us profit. This is a key point!
#11: Let¡¯s find the answers in this comparison table. Professional-grade UAVs can fly beyond line of sight. Because the flight control software at ground control station keeps communicating with it even out of visibility. And it can fly more than half an hour and even up to several hours, as sometimes we need a number of aerial images then it¡¯s better to keep it flying longer in the sky. And for sure, with a stronger body, it takes out unwanted vibration against the wind. And it can carry much more and is equipped with high standard camera. Consumer-grade UAV uses mini integrated camera or small digital camera can not bring out high quality maps. Maybe just a few of you noticed this and were surprised, why camera needs to be calibrated. Come on, man! The camera equipped on the UAV is just like an imagery sensor, or say, lens for this measuring tool. Don¡¯t you think optical instruments require regular calibration once in a while? So why did you bring your ET, auto level or total station to service workshop for calibration every 2-3 months? ¡ so finally, it should be priced higher than consumer-grade.
#12: Frankly, times have changed and we have to change our mind as well. Living in the ever-changing world, we need to keep updated with the ever-changing measuring tools, right? It¡¯s always good to know, no matter you use it or not, am I right? Long long ago, our ancestors used EDM. And almost 30 years ago, total station was born. Then in 1990s, GPS RTK became our new partner to replace part of job of total station. After some time, CORS came up with constantly established infrastructure for fixed base station use. And now, we have we have a new friend, UAV. I guess some of you would be touched by such changes and in all those years, South kept telling you GEPs such marketing stories, like A Story of total station, A Story of RTK,,, and we today we come to A Story of UAV.
#14: Ok, then let¡¯s see how UAVs benefit surveying?
#20: Usually, when we talk about UAV, the first brand and first product that occur to our mind would be DJI and Phantom series. It¡¯s popular around the world due to its high cost performance and affordability, so it covers more than 70% of the consumer-grade UAV market in the global stage. Yes, DJI did a pretty good job and they stimulated the industrial supply chain of UAV productions in China. But unfortunately, DJI products just belong to consumer-grade because the camera it uses could not be calibrated, or else, some high-end DJI copters can just last 20 minutes. So, check our recommendations, please.
#38: As we know. CORS become more and more popular in the world, lots of countries and religions apply it into survey work to replace traditional survey way. So what is CORS? CORS can be defined as one permanently fixed Base to provide differential correction through internet, which is integrated with ......
#39: The traditional 1+1 modes of RTK receivers (one base and one rover) has many inconvenience.
#40: Then let's see the classification of CORS. CORS Can be divided into three types according to cover area and application type. Please see the table, single Base , Multiple Base and network CORS, their detailed datasheets are included in the table.
#41: Let's see the next slide. Software can monitor user location and record trajectory real-time.
#44: CORS is not a integrated product, the antenna is separated with receiver, let's see its antenna. What we provide is Choke ring antenna called CR3-UHG.