Social Media Disclosure: Why It Matters Carol FowlerWhile most consumer reviewers are honest and transparent, more bloggers and other social media professionals are increasingly posting content to cater to advertisers; and more advertisers are using content marketing and social media platforms to spread their brand message. When do you know the message is really a commercial? In this Power Point, prepared for Social Media Week Chicago, September 2013, Vice President of Content for Carol Fowler explains the issues and gives the warning signs that content may not be as genuine as it seems. Viewpoints uses clear disclosure to let its audience know what is ad-sponsored. Carol gives examples of recent uses on Viewpoints.
Html workshop 1graphics2013This document outlines an HTML and navigation workshop held over 5 weeks. Week 1 covers basic HTML elements and CSS for styling. Week 2 focuses on navigation using hyperlinks. Week 3 introduces HTML5 and JavaScript for interactivity. Week 4 has students present their websites for feedback. Week 5 is for continued work on individual websites. Students are assigned to build an interactive story website using techniques from the workshop. Resources for independent learning include websites, forums, tutorials and online HTML courses.
The German Research and Funding System.Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em MateriaisPresented at the discussion panel "Research in Germany" - XV B-MRS Meeting - Campinas, SP, Brazil - September, 25 to 29, 2016.
Freesoftwarealternatives 100903075340-phpapp02Gurpreet Singh SondThe document provides an overview of free and open source software alternatives to popular proprietary software. It lists alternatives for desktop environments (GNOME, KDE), office suites (OpenOffice), graphics programs (GIMP), browsers (Firefox, Chrome), media players (VLC), audio programs (Audacity, Ardour), video editors (Kdenlive, Cinelerra), and more. It also discusses Ubuntu variants like Ubuntu Studio and advantages of using free software like no viruses, licensing fees, or privacy/security issues.
Retrato paulista oficial (corretor humberto)Humberto Anzzelotti Retrato Paulista
A tranquilidade de morar com tranquilidade e, ao mesmo tempo, estar ao lado da Avenida Paulista.
Endereço: Rua Nilo, 170, Aclimação (A 700 m do Metrô Paraíso)
Área do terreno: 4.900 m² - torre única: 24 andares
Venha visitar este projeto diferenciado de todos os outros que você já viu.
Tipologia e área privativa das unidades:
75 m², 2 dorms, 1 suíte e 2 vagas determinadas
106 m², 3 dorms, 1 suíte e 2 vagas determinadas
185 m², 3 dorms, 1 suíte e 3 vagas determinadas
Lazer: Bosque Provativo, Playground, Piscina Coberta, Spa com Descanso, Sauna e Massagem, Fitness, Pilates, Salão de Festas Adulto, Salão de Festas Infantil, Salão de Jogos Adulto, Espaço Juvenil, Brinquedoteca, Lavanderia.
Para mais informações, entre em contato comigo:
Humberto Amzzelotti
(11) 94731-0790
(11) 98588-8082
From unconventional to extreme to functional materials.Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em MateriaisPlenary lecture of the XIV SBPMat Meeting, given by Prof. Nader Engheta (University of Pennsylvania) on September 28, 2015, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).