Film response to resultsLauren-jade ChampionThe document discusses revisions being made to a short film based on feedback. Originally, the film was to be titled "The Deeds" but will now be called "Don't Go Upstairs" as it creates more intrigue. Flashbacks of the psychopathic uncle will be added to address comments that the ending was random. Additionally, one brother will become possessed by the spirit in the house to increase tension. While maintaining a non-linear structure, the narrative will be told through an interview with the two brothers to improve story flow.
Little red riding hoodLauren-jade ChampionThe document contains analyses of "Little Red Riding Hood" from different perspectives. The outsider perspective suggests the little girl may have mental health issues for willingly talking to the wolf. A psychoanalyst view sees the wolf as representing a pedophile who tries to take advantage of the girl. A feminist reading views the story as showing that women cannot save themselves and require men to intervene. A socialist interpretation depicts the wolf as a capitalist seeking to profit from the girl and grandma, while the woodcutter represents the working class hero protecting the vulnerable.
Hcl offers BPO services in 14 international languages, with widest reachHcl BrandHCL created shared services across 7 locations for a global Pharma client to standardize processes and drive transformation. This involved creating a unified process without compromising language needs or legal procedures. HCL transformed processes through an integrated global delivery model and de-skilled language requirements with a translation tool. The solution resulted in cost savings, improved compliance, and high customer satisfaction ratings.
Financial services: HCL enables the transformation of products and distributi...HCL TechnologiesAn insurance company wanted to transform its products and distribution channels to respond to market volatility. HCL helped by redesigning the variable annuities system to be more flexible and support quicker product launches. HCL also enabled the company to expand business by supporting fixed annuity transactions electronically through more distribution channels. As a result, the company was able to quickly relaunch products and reduce costs, while also growing revenue and improving business processes.
El mito y la leyendahistorietasintegradoEl documento explica la diferencia entre mitos, leyendas y epopeyas. Los mitos buscan dar explicaciones sobre el origen del mundo y los dioses a través de historias consideradas reales por las antiguas sociedades. Tienen funciones explicativa, justificativa y descriptiva. Las leyendas también contienen elementos sobrenaturales y se basan más en hechos históricos. Las epopeyas narran las hazañas y gestas heroicas de guerreros.
David GauntlettLauren-jade ChampionDavid Gauntlett is a British media theorist who studies contemporary media audiences and the role of media in self-identity and self-expression. Creativity involves combining ideas and materials to create something new. The document discusses how creativity is essential for society to flourish as it allows people to participate in making and sharing things rather than just consuming things. It provides historical examples of creative works like embroidery, gargoyles, and blogs that allow self-expression. Theorists like William Morris and Ivan Illich argued that people need to be able to shape their own environments and tools to express their personality. The document contrasts early individual websites (Web 1.0) to communal platforms like YouTube and Wikipedia (Web 2.
Hcl offers BPO services in 14 international languages, with widest reachHcl BrandHCL created shared services across 7 locations for a global Pharma client to standardize processes and drive transformation. This involved creating a unified process without compromising language needs or legal procedures. HCL transformed processes through an integrated global delivery model and de-skilled language requirements with a translation tool. The solution resulted in cost savings, improved compliance, and high customer satisfaction ratings.
Financial services: HCL enables the transformation of products and distributi...HCL TechnologiesAn insurance company wanted to transform its products and distribution channels to respond to market volatility. HCL helped by redesigning the variable annuities system to be more flexible and support quicker product launches. HCL also enabled the company to expand business by supporting fixed annuity transactions electronically through more distribution channels. As a result, the company was able to quickly relaunch products and reduce costs, while also growing revenue and improving business processes.
El mito y la leyendahistorietasintegradoEl documento explica la diferencia entre mitos, leyendas y epopeyas. Los mitos buscan dar explicaciones sobre el origen del mundo y los dioses a través de historias consideradas reales por las antiguas sociedades. Tienen funciones explicativa, justificativa y descriptiva. Las leyendas también contienen elementos sobrenaturales y se basan más en hechos históricos. Las epopeyas narran las hazañas y gestas heroicas de guerreros.
David GauntlettLauren-jade ChampionDavid Gauntlett is a British media theorist who studies contemporary media audiences and the role of media in self-identity and self-expression. Creativity involves combining ideas and materials to create something new. The document discusses how creativity is essential for society to flourish as it allows people to participate in making and sharing things rather than just consuming things. It provides historical examples of creative works like embroidery, gargoyles, and blogs that allow self-expression. Theorists like William Morris and Ivan Illich argued that people need to be able to shape their own environments and tools to express their personality. The document contrasts early individual websites (Web 1.0) to communal platforms like YouTube and Wikipedia (Web 2.