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IB Physics
Revision tips and tricks
By Gauri Dabholkar
How to prepare for IB Physics??
 Know Your IB Physics Syllabus (Subject Guide)
 Annotate Your IB Physics Syllabus
 Maximize Your IB Physics Internal Assessment (IA)
 Make Sure You Understand Each Point Before You Move On
 Effective Time Management
 Do IB Physics Past Paper Questions
 Scrutinise IB Physics Mark Schemes , Use databooklet
 Note book
 Sharp pencil
 Optional  laptop/tablet
And a happy, focused mind !
What do I need?
1. Measurements and uncertainties
2. Mechanics
3. Thermal physics
4. Waves
5. Electricity and magnetism
6. Circular motion and gravitation
7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
8. Energy production
HL topics
9. Wave phenomena
10. Fields
11. Electromagnetic induction
12. Quantum and nuclear physics
Choose one option
A. Relativity
B. Engineering physics
C. Imaging
D. Astrophysics
1. Measurements and Uncertainties
1.1  Measurements in physics
1.2  Uncertainties and errors
1.3  Vectors and scalars
Fundamental and derived SI units
Scientific notation and metric multipliers
Significant figures
Orders of magnitude
7 steps towards a 7
2. Mechanics
2.1  Motion
2.2  Forces
2.3  Work, energy, and power
2.4  Momentum and impulse
7 steps towards a 7
6. Circular motion and gravitation
6.1  Circular motion
6.2  Newtons law of gravitation
3. Thermal physics
3.1  Thermal concepts
3.2  Modelling a gas
7 steps towards a 7
4. Waves
4.1  Oscillations
4.2  Travelling waves
4.3  Wave characteristics
4.4  Wave behaviour
4.5  Standing waves
9. Wave phenomena
9.1  Simple harmonic motion
9.2  Single-slit diffraction
9.3  Interference
9.4  Resolution
9.5  Doppler effect
7 steps towards a 7
7 steps towards a 7
5. Electricity and magnetism
5.1  Electric fields
5.2  Heating effect of electric currents
5.3  Electric cells
5.4  Magnetic effects of electric currents
10. Fields
10.1  Describing fields
10.2  Fields at work
11. Electromagnetic induction
11.1  Electromagnetic induction
11.2  Power generation and transmission
11.3  Capacitance
7 steps towards a 7
7 steps towards a 7
7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
7.1  Discrete energy and radioactivity
7.2  Nuclear reactions
7.3  The structure of matter
12. Quantum and nuclear physics
12.1  The interaction of matter with radiation
12.2  Nuclear physics
7 steps towards a 7
7 steps towards a 7
B. Engineering physics
B.1  Rigid bodies and rotational dynamics (Core)
B.2  Thermodynamics (Core)
B.3  Fluids and fluid dynamics (HL only)
B.4  Forced vibrations and resonance (HL only)
7 steps towards a 7
D. Astrophysics
D.1  Stellar quantities (Core)
D.2  Stellar characteristics and stellar evolution (Core)
D.3  Cosmology (Core)
D.4  Stellar processes (HL only)
D.5  Further cosmology (HL only)
7 steps towards a 7

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7 steps towards a 7

  • 1. IB Physics Revision tips and tricks By Gauri Dabholkar
  • 2. How to prepare for IB Physics?? Know Your IB Physics Syllabus (Subject Guide) Annotate Your IB Physics Syllabus Maximize Your IB Physics Internal Assessment (IA) Make Sure You Understand Each Point Before You Move On Effective Time Management Do IB Physics Past Paper Questions Scrutinise IB Physics Mark Schemes , Use databooklet
  • 3. Note book Sharp pencil Calculator Ruler Eraser Optional laptop/tablet And a happy, focused mind ! What do I need?
  • 4. 1. Measurements and uncertainties 2. Mechanics 3. Thermal physics 4. Waves 5. Electricity and magnetism 6. Circular motion and gravitation 7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics 8. Energy production HL topics 9. Wave phenomena 10. Fields 11. Electromagnetic induction 12. Quantum and nuclear physics Choose one option A. Relativity B. Engineering physics C. Imaging D. Astrophysics
  • 5. 1. Measurements and Uncertainties 1.1 Measurements in physics 1.2 Uncertainties and errors 1.3 Vectors and scalars Understandings: Fundamental and derived SI units Scientific notation and metric multipliers Significant figures Orders of magnitude Estimation
  • 7. 2. Mechanics 2.1 Motion 2.2 Forces 2.3 Work, energy, and power 2.4 Momentum and impulse
  • 9. 6. Circular motion and gravitation 6.1 Circular motion 6.2 Newtons law of gravitation
  • 10. 3. Thermal physics 3.1 Thermal concepts 3.2 Modelling a gas
  • 12. 4. Waves 4.1 Oscillations 4.2 Travelling waves 4.3 Wave characteristics 4.4 Wave behaviour 4.5 Standing waves 9. Wave phenomena 9.1 Simple harmonic motion 9.2 Single-slit diffraction 9.3 Interference 9.4 Resolution 9.5 Doppler effect AHL
  • 15. 5. Electricity and magnetism 5.1 Electric fields 5.2 Heating effect of electric currents 5.3 Electric cells 5.4 Magnetic effects of electric currents 10. Fields 10.1 Describing fields 10.2 Fields at work 11. Electromagnetic induction 11.1 Electromagnetic induction 11.2 Power generation and transmission 11.3 Capacitance AHL
  • 18. 7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics 7.1 Discrete energy and radioactivity 7.2 Nuclear reactions 7.3 The structure of matter 12. Quantum and nuclear physics 12.1 The interaction of matter with radiation 12.2 Nuclear physics AHL
  • 21. B. Engineering physics B.1 Rigid bodies and rotational dynamics (Core) B.2 Thermodynamics (Core) B.3 Fluids and fluid dynamics (HL only) B.4 Forced vibrations and resonance (HL only)
  • 23. D. Astrophysics D.1 Stellar quantities (Core) D.2 Stellar characteristics and stellar evolution (Core) D.3 Cosmology (Core) D.4 Stellar processes (HL only) D.5 Further cosmology (HL only)