Mat And MonicashamonakCongress is made up of representatives with diverse demographics, including religion, ethnicity, and political party. Members come from several religious backgrounds and ethnicities. While in Congress, representatives affiliate with either the Republican or Democratic political parties.
lawaoufmobile-dlcBernard Alexandrele chien aux commandes de la waoufmobile
Dictionaire Anglais Bambara la lettre OPublieThe document appears to be a dictionary of terms in an African language, listing entries alphabetically. It includes terms for objects, actions, places, family relationships, and more. Many entries have multiple words listed together with similar or related meanings. The excerpt provided goes from terms starting with O to the term for oxygen.
Temporalizacingeneralanual3eso2013 2014-140112101947-phpapp02juanba925Este documento presenta la temporalización anual y criterios de evaluación para la asignatura de Educación Física de 3o de ESO. Se dividen el curso en 3 evaluaciones que cubren diferentes contenidos como las cualidades físicas, lesiones deportivas, deportes y actividades. Cada evaluación incluye exámenes teóricos y prácticos, así como trabajos que los estudiantes deben completar y subir a un blog personal. Al final del curso, los estudiantes deben entregar un dossier digital que incluye todo su trabajo y progreso
SNA clusteringKyounghee Hazel KwonThis document discusses two methods for clustering and grouping networks: 1) Purely network structure-based clustering that uses computer algorithms to identify clusters based on how vertices are connected; and 2) Grouping based on known attribute information where users manually group vertices based on attributes like gender or location. It also provides acknowledgement information for the source material.
Presentación1 (3)iscfesmatematicasEste documento presenta la solución a un problema de geometría que involucra el cálculo de la distancia entre el extremo de una sombra y la persona que la proyecta. Se aplica el teorema de Pitágoras y las funciones trigonométricas para determinar que, dado que la sombra mide 1.8 metros con un ángulo de elevación de 60 grados, la distancia entre la persona y el extremo de la sombra es de 3.6 metros.
Mat And MonicashamonakCongress is made up of representatives with diverse demographics, including religion, ethnicity, and political party. Members come from several religious backgrounds and ethnicities. While in Congress, representatives affiliate with either the Republican or Democratic political parties.
lawaoufmobile-dlcBernard Alexandrele chien aux commandes de la waoufmobile
Dictionaire Anglais Bambara la lettre OPublieThe document appears to be a dictionary of terms in an African language, listing entries alphabetically. It includes terms for objects, actions, places, family relationships, and more. Many entries have multiple words listed together with similar or related meanings. The excerpt provided goes from terms starting with O to the term for oxygen.
Temporalizacingeneralanual3eso2013 2014-140112101947-phpapp02juanba925Este documento presenta la temporalización anual y criterios de evaluación para la asignatura de Educación Física de 3o de ESO. Se dividen el curso en 3 evaluaciones que cubren diferentes contenidos como las cualidades físicas, lesiones deportivas, deportes y actividades. Cada evaluación incluye exámenes teóricos y prácticos, así como trabajos que los estudiantes deben completar y subir a un blog personal. Al final del curso, los estudiantes deben entregar un dossier digital que incluye todo su trabajo y progreso
SNA clusteringKyounghee Hazel KwonThis document discusses two methods for clustering and grouping networks: 1) Purely network structure-based clustering that uses computer algorithms to identify clusters based on how vertices are connected; and 2) Grouping based on known attribute information where users manually group vertices based on attributes like gender or location. It also provides acknowledgement information for the source material.
Presentación1 (3)iscfesmatematicasEste documento presenta la solución a un problema de geometría que involucra el cálculo de la distancia entre el extremo de una sombra y la persona que la proyecta. Se aplica el teorema de Pitágoras y las funciones trigonométricas para determinar que, dado que la sombra mide 1.8 metros con un ángulo de elevación de 60 grados, la distancia entre la persona y el extremo de la sombra es de 3.6 metros.
De eigenheid van het internetBram SouffreauVrijdag 14 mei gaf ik een uiteenzetting aan een groep studenten van de bachelor communicatiewetenschappen (VUB, Brussel). Met de presentatie wilde ik de eigenheid van het internet duidelijk maken. Het was de eerste keer dat ik deze presentatie gaf. Ik ga ze binnenkort bijschaven.
Zegeningen van Sociale MediaRoy MeijerPresentatie 5 april voor afdeling Waterbouwkunde over de zegeningen van Social Media. Half uurtje intro met vooral voorbeelden van hoe het eruit kan zien.
Kenneth Cortsen - The experience economy - TorsdagsforelæSning HandelshøJsk...guest1c6b19aThe document discusses the intersection between the experience economy and branding from a strategic perspective. It defines key concepts like experience and experience economy, outlines the history and progression of the experience economy, and discusses how experiences can be used as a strategic parameter for organizations to reach their objectives. It also provides examples of how some companies incorporate experiences into their branding to better engage customers.
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3/2/12demilorantThe document provides information about different bodies of freshwater that make up the hydrosphere, including glaciers, groundwater, rivers, wetlands, watersheds, lakes, and aquifers. It discusses key facts about each freshwater resource and how humans use different water sources. Students are asked to create a map labeling various freshwater features and describe the importance of watersheds and sources of underground freshwater.
MonicashamonakThe document provides information about the 111th United States Congress including its demographics, key leaders, and current events. It lists the two Senators from Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn, as well as the Representative for District 6 in Texas, Joe Barton. It also identifies the major party leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives such as Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and John Boehner. In the section on current events, it briefly discusses whether Congress matters and reports on political situations in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and a congressional hearing on steroid abuse in sports.
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Modulo2 tic edOlivovyLas TIC están transformando el modelo de enseñanza y aprendizaje hacia uno más centrado en el estudiante, donde éste es protagonista de su propio aprendizaje a través de la actividad. El profesor adopta un nuevo rol de guía que facilita el aprendizaje autónomo del estudiante utilizando diversas herramientas TIC. El documento también analiza los desafíos que plantean las TIC para la formación del profesorado y propone la necesidad de que éstos desarrollen competencias tecnológicas y hab
638 1913-1-pb[1]ayeayemondr1) The document discusses the implementation of outcome-based education (OBE) at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). UPM has implemented OBE to achieve eight learning outcomes determined by the Ministry of Higher Education, including cognitive, psychomotor, affective, and soft skills.
2) A study was conducted at UPM to assess achievement of the learning outcomes. It found cognitive skills were at level four, psychomotor at level four, and affective at level three. Knowledge was the highest achieved outcome, while managerial/entrepreneurial skills were the least achieved.
3) For UPM to achieve its goal of producing world-class graduates, teaching and assessment need to ensure students