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Communication for Development: 
Research into Practice 
Forum on Communication for Development 
& Community Media for Family Farming 
October 23, 2013
CGIAR works from award winning science to 
impact on the ground 
Charity Mutegi, CGIAR scientist 
winning the Norman Borlaug Field 
Award for her work on aflatoxins 
Farmers Field Day on 
aflatoxins in Nigeria
Participatory evaluation 
The We RATE clearinghouse 
Exchange on soybean value 
addition in We RATE
Participatory evaluation 
The We RATE clearinghouse 
Evidence : 
 formed a stakeholder platform 
 developed into an organization of 26 farmer 
associations and Kenyan NGOs 
 stakeholder platform uses face-to-face 
communication (e.g. farmer field days) and mobile 
 works at the grassroots level for testing and 
applying new farm technologies 
 operates in partnership with county extension, the 
private sector and research organizations
Participatory evaluation 
The We RATE clearinghouse 
 Limited access to information 
 Non-appropriate communication tools proposed by development 
and research agencies (hi-tech, low impact) 
 Local media are ignoring farmers needs 
 Limited development from evaluation to research design 
 Data on farmers needs 
 Development of inclusive research programs 
 Strengthening of ground-up communication 
 Include farmers in communication tools development (e.g. testing)
Participatory evaluation 
The We RATE clearinghouse 
Asante sana.

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Communication for Development: Research Into Practice

  • 1. Communication for Development: Research into Practice Forum on Communication for Development & Community Media for Family Farming October 23, 2013
  • 2. CGIAR works from award winning science to impact on the ground Charity Mutegi, CGIAR scientist winning the Norman Borlaug Field Award for her work on aflatoxins Farmers Field Day on aflatoxins in Nigeria
  • 3. Participatory evaluation The We RATE clearinghouse Exchange on soybean value addition in We RATE
  • 4. Participatory evaluation The We RATE clearinghouse Evidence : formed a stakeholder platform developed into an organization of 26 farmer associations and Kenyan NGOs stakeholder platform uses face-to-face communication (e.g. farmer field days) and mobile phones works at the grassroots level for testing and applying new farm technologies operates in partnership with county extension, the private sector and research organizations
  • 5. Participatory evaluation The We RATE clearinghouse Constraints:: Limited access to information Non-appropriate communication tools proposed by development and research agencies (hi-tech, low impact) Local media are ignoring farmers needs Limited development from evaluation to research design Needs: Data on farmers needs Development of inclusive research programs Strengthening of ground-up communication Include farmers in communication tools development (e.g. testing)
  • 6. Participatory evaluation The We RATE clearinghouse Asante sana.

Editor's Notes

  • #3: CGIAR is not a development agency, we are a Consortium of 15 research institutes and 16 research programs, using Agricultural Research for Development approaches. Science is changing in the R4D approach: complex systems-based science is resulting in new research frameworks that integrate actions from different disciplines and with non-research partners. The science sector and academia were (and still are) very much interested in communicating research results within their science community. Impact factors on the ground which are using evaluation and replication from farmers and rural producers were long time neglected. CGIAR has been undergoing an evolutionary process over the past 5 years, known as the Reform, which has at its core the principle that we can no longer be satisfied with producing high-quality scientific breakthroughs and publications; we need to ensure and be accountable for improved lives, livelihoods, and landscapes of the worlds poorest people. That means focusing not just on the research, but how to communicate that research in applicable, participatory ways that leverage a variety of available and appropriate media.