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Institutional ComDev Efforts: The 
case of RCs for Agricultural 
Development in Bangladesh 
UP Los Ba単os 
 Improved institutional and local capacities in the design and 
implementation of communication strategies and plans on 
food security and climate change adaptation (e..g, strategic 
communication plan on management of saline-tolerant rice variety) 
 Initial establishment of RCS based on the use of CRR and 
complementary communication materials 
 Strengthened linkages among agricultural extension, research 
institutions, information services, NGOs, and farmers 
 Recommendations for upscaling and sustainability of RCS 
services and activities
 Abstractness of RCS at start of project 
 Institutional culture (deputization of MoA staff) 
 Political nature of institutions (fast turn-over of leadership) 
 Continued use of communication as a means to initiate policy of making RCS 
as the national communication strategy for agricultural development and to 
integrate RCS as organic part of the MoA 
 Continued capacity building and mentoring on ComDev and RCS for 
strengthened institutional capacity and trained manpower 
 Revival of RCS web platform to network RCS institutional members, to share 
knowledge, and to exchange information to concretize RCS operations 
 Emphasis on pooling strategy or resource sharing through RCS

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Institutional ComDev Efforts: the case of RCs for Agricultural Development in Bangladesh

  • 1. Institutional ComDev Efforts: The case of RCs for Agricultural Development in Bangladesh UP Los Ba単os Philippines
  • 3. EVIDENCE Improved institutional and local capacities in the design and implementation of communication strategies and plans on food security and climate change adaptation (e..g, strategic communication plan on management of saline-tolerant rice variety) Initial establishment of RCS based on the use of CRR and complementary communication materials Strengthened linkages among agricultural extension, research institutions, information services, NGOs, and farmers Recommendations for upscaling and sustainability of RCS services and activities
  • 4. CONSTRAINTS & NEEDS Constraints Abstractness of RCS at start of project Institutional culture (deputization of MoA staff) Political nature of institutions (fast turn-over of leadership) Needs Continued use of communication as a means to initiate policy of making RCS as the national communication strategy for agricultural development and to integrate RCS as organic part of the MoA Continued capacity building and mentoring on ComDev and RCS for strengthened institutional capacity and trained manpower Revival of RCS web platform to network RCS institutional members, to share knowledge, and to exchange information to concretize RCS operations Emphasis on pooling strategy or resource sharing through RCS