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Management of Development MoD 
Rural Development and Communication 
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
www.VHLunivers i ty.com 
MoD Competences 
Overall competences Professional Master programme 
Management of Development 
 To explore complex problems considering 
stakeholder and system perspectives. 
 To analyse the performance of rural development 
organizations in a dynamic context. 
 To design processes of change from an inclusive 
www.VHLunivers i ty.com 
RDC competences 
 To analyse stakeholders interests and needs and 
outline policies that lead to social change and 
 To design processes and strategies that facilitate 
communication and knowledge sharing.
www.VHLunivers i ty.com 
RDC competences cntd 
 To transform traditional extension policy and 
practice and develop new approaches to 
communication and innovation. 
 To design and facilitate effective, appropriate 
and exciting learning environments.
www.VHLunivers i ty.com 
RDC course structure 
Title	 Sub	modules	 
&	Innovation	 
Communication	for	Innovation	 
in	Rur	Dev	 
Public	Participation	and	 
Knowledge	Circulation	 
Media	Design	for	Social	Change	 
Learning	&	 
Foundations	of	Knowledge,	 
Learning	and	Transformation	 
Planning	of	Training	and	 
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
Zambia  Understanding radio listening groups by 
staff of NAIS / MoA. 
Ghana - Mediated participation with the Visual 
Problem Appraisal of Cocoa Farmers in Cocobod. 
Ghana  Advisory service quality of agro-input 
vendors to farmers. 
Uganda - Rural extension workers matching 
knowledge demands in small scale fisheries. 
Sri Lanka  Organizing public participation in the 
Vidatha Development Program. 
www.VHLunivers i ty.com 
Student thesis
Zambia  Understanding radio listening groups by 
staff of NAIS / MoA. 
Ghana - Mediated participation with the Visual 
Problem Appraisal of Cocoa Farmers in Cocobod. 
Ghana  Advisory service quality of agro-input 
vendors to farmers. 
Uganda - Rural extension workers matching 
knowledge demands in small scale fisheries. 
Sri Lanka  Organizing public participation in the 
Vidatha Development Program. 
www.VHLunivers i ty.com 
Student thesis

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Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication

  • 1. Management of Development MoD Rural Development and Communication www.VHLunivers i ty.com
  • 2. www.VHLunivers i ty.com MoD Competences Overall competences Professional Master programme Management of Development To explore complex problems considering stakeholder and system perspectives. To analyse the performance of rural development organizations in a dynamic context. To design processes of change from an inclusive perspective.
  • 3. www.VHLunivers i ty.com RDC competences To analyse stakeholders interests and needs and outline policies that lead to social change and participation. To design processes and strategies that facilitate communication and knowledge sharing.
  • 4. www.VHLunivers i ty.com RDC competences cntd To transform traditional extension policy and practice and develop new approaches to communication and innovation. To design and facilitate effective, appropriate and exciting learning environments.
  • 5. www.VHLunivers i ty.com RDC course structure Title Sub modules Communication & Innovation Communication for Innovation in Rur Dev Public Participation and Knowledge Circulation Media Design for Social Change Learning & Transformation Foundations of Knowledge, Learning and Transformation Planning of Training and Facilitation
  • 12. Zambia Understanding radio listening groups by staff of NAIS / MoA. Ghana - Mediated participation with the Visual Problem Appraisal of Cocoa Farmers in Cocobod. Ghana Advisory service quality of agro-input vendors to farmers. Uganda - Rural extension workers matching knowledge demands in small scale fisheries. Sri Lanka Organizing public participation in the Vidatha Development Program. www.VHLunivers i ty.com Student thesis
  • 13. Zambia Understanding radio listening groups by staff of NAIS / MoA. Ghana - Mediated participation with the Visual Problem Appraisal of Cocoa Farmers in Cocobod. Ghana Advisory service quality of agro-input vendors to farmers. Uganda - Rural extension workers matching knowledge demands in small scale fisheries. Sri Lanka Organizing public participation in the Vidatha Development Program. www.VHLunivers i ty.com Student thesis