During the recent Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), Loes Witteven of Wageningen UR presented Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication
Institutional ComDev Efforts: the case of RCs for Agricultural Development in...cccomdev
This document summarizes experiences with establishing Rural Communication Services (RCS) for agricultural development in Bangladesh. It describes improved capacities for communication strategies around food security and climate change adaptation. Initial RCS were established using communication materials and strengthened linkages among agricultural institutions. Recommendations include continuing to use communication to integrate RCS as the national strategy and build capacity to strengthen institutions and network members through an RCS web platform.
3rd Mekong Forum on Water, Food & Energy 2013. Presentation from Session 1: Strengthening the participation of local communities in resettlemment, compensation, livelihood, and greivance
Introduction to the extension administration training module presentationArdniel Baladjay
The basic design for an Extension Administrative model for assisting people (farmers) with in on farm advances in production techniques and financial success are as varied as there are countries across the globe.
The document outlines 6 streams of the JISC Business and Community Engagement Programme along with their objectives:
1. Enhancing knowledge management by supporting sustainable systems for managing knowledge assets.
2. Facilitating collaboration between institutions through enabling systems and technology.
3. Enabling change by supporting institutions in making process and technological changes.
4. Enabling richer knowledge exchange partnerships between institutions and partners.
5. Embedding business and community engagement in JISC operations through internal change and education.
6. Conducting needs analysis and evaluation to provide evidence for investment and assess effectiveness.
Our foundation promotes population welfare and empowermentPOWEF
POWEF is a non-governmental organization in Nigeria with a mission to promote quality of life for vulnerable populations such as women, children, and young people. It has a Board of Trustees and Management Committee that oversees daily administration and meets yearly with registered members and volunteers for policy decisions and financial approval. POWEF employs methods such as media advocacy, community engagement, and capacity building to train peer educators who share health messages. It also carries out empowerment activities, strengthens community systems, and collaborates with partners to improve access to services for beneficiaries.
Follow The Money presentation during a workshop organized by OSIWA & CITIC Dakar for Activists/Social Entrepreneurs to share knowledge and experiences on their intervention on Civic Engagement, Good Governance using Open Data to foster transparency & accountability in the West African Region at Dakar, Senegal.
This presents part three of the Action Plan developed at the IAU Workshop on higher education for EFA, held in New Delhi, India on 20-21 February 2014. It deals with how to better engage community services offered by Indian universities to achieve EFA.
1) Extension remains a key link between agricultural innovation and productivity gains for smallholder farmers but faces new challenges with the transformation of food systems and the emergence of private sector extension.
2) Extension policies and programs need to be tailored to countries' stages of agricultural development and transformation from agriculture-based to transformed economies.
3) Building the value case for extension requires assessing factors like relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact and equity at the individual, organizational, and systems levels.
ROUTASIA: A Knowledge Management and capacity building programmePROCASUR Corporation
PROCASUR is a non-profit organization that provides knowledge management and capacity building services to organizations fighting rural poverty in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. It partners with organizations like IFAD and FAO. The ROUTASIA program builds human and social capital in rural communities through "Learning Routes," which expose people to best practices and innovations. Learning Routes involve visiting model farms and communities to learn from local experts and champions, with the goal of scaling up successful solutions to reduce rural poverty. Key tools used include community learning centers, farmer exchanges, exhibitions of local innovations, and online resources.
Jared Okello Kassam is a Programmes Manager and Team Leader at FarmConcern International in Kisumu, Kenya. He has over 15 years of experience in rural economics, finance, community development, microcredit lending, product development, capacity building, market access assessment, and value chain development. He is skilled in mobilizing and motivating communities, meeting deadlines with minimal supervision, and has held several managerial roles with development organizations in Kenya.
Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Sn Moddho
The document summarizes Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD). BARD is internationally renowned for its innovative work in rural development in Bangladesh. It has over 53 years of experience in training, research, and action research. BARD's Comilla Approach to Rural Development utilized mutually supportive models that improved lives and environments of rural poor. BARD conducts training programs and research collaborations that could benefit other countries in rural development.
The Consulting Group for Development (CGD) provides business consulting services and has experience since 2004. It has a team of professionals with experience in projects funded by international organizations. CGD provides services such as needs assessments, capacity building, business plans, and engineering projects. Its vision is to provide high quality consulting services to create opportunities and prosperity for stakeholders.
Knowledge Management in Agricultural Research in the CGIAR and CIAT: lessons ...CIAT
This document summarizes lessons learned from knowledge management and social learning experiences at the CGIAR and CIAT agricultural research centers. It discusses several aspects of knowledge management, including face-to-face interaction, research collaboration, open access, data management, information technologies, and monitoring and evaluation. It also covers social learning aspects like participation, reaching end users, extension versus learning, and taking a systemic focus. The document concludes with recommendations to strengthen knowledge sharing and networking to support collaborative, multidisciplinary agricultural research.
The document provides an overview of ICT integration in Youth Polytechnics in Kenya. It discusses:
1) Planning and strategizing for ICT integration, including adopting approaches from similar projects, capacity building of instructors, and developing a content management system.
2) The setup process, which involves stakeholder involvement, needs assessments, defining objectives, and implementing evidence-based interventions through a safe learning environment.
3) Ongoing support, which includes training and support for facilitators, ability to replicate the program, and monitoring and evaluating the integration process and its impacts.
The overall goal is to improve education and skills training at Youth Polytechnics through strategic integration of ICT.
This document provides an overview of Voice Tel Tech (VTT), an international consultancy firm established in 1992 that provides strategy and management services for development projects. It discusses VTT's portfolio and expertise in areas like monitoring and evaluation, economic development, health, and more. The document also lists some of VTT's recent projects in sectors like livelihoods, economic growth, and health, with descriptions of the objectives and solutions provided.
Forest lake active volunteering project profile draft 2 december 2010billbrown2011
This document outlines a project to build youth leadership capabilities in the Inala area by leveraging the cultural wisdom of Aboriginal groups and developing mentoring programs. The project would partner Forest Lake Senior High School with local community organizations and businesses. It aims to strengthen community connections, enhance leadership opportunities, and provide real-world learning experiences for students. Key outputs would be developing active citizenship among youth and facilitating shared decision-making between partners through open communication and commitment of resources like time and funding. Progress would be reviewed using student data and partnership metrics to ensure outcomes are achieved.
Within the framework of the joint IFAD-funded Large Grant programme: Strengthening Capacities and Tools to Scale Up and Disseminate Innovations, the Procasur Corporation supports knowledge management and capacity-building strategies aimed at scaling up best practices and innovations that contribute to reducing poverty among IFAD stakeholders in East and Southern Africa (ESA), West and Central Africa (WCA), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Asia and Pacific (APR) regions.
The programmes objective is to enhance implementation performance and impact of rural development projects in LAC, ESA, PTA and WCA by increasing access to knowledge, capacity building and scaling up of good practices.
This objective is achieved by:
Identifying, organizing and disseminating existing knowledge on innovations and best practices;
Identifying local champions, or people who play a key role in promoting innovations, and enabling them to organize and share their experience using the Learning Routes methodology; and
Designing and implementing Learning Routes and disseminating the knowledge acquired.
The IFAD Country Office in Sudan has participated in several Learning Routes, and on the basis of this experience, has proposed customizing the methodology and making it simpler and easier to use. This would allow projects and the country office to share knowledge and ideas more easily, and therefore contribute to improved performance.
These guidelines are based on draft guidelines proposed by the Country Office, which in turn are largely based on original material produced by Procasur. They reflect the experience gained by Procasur in its work with rural communities and organizations in the Global South, and are also an expression of the value that IFADs country programme in Sudan places on the Learning Routes methodology as a tool for rural transformation. These updated guidelines have incorporated comments and lessons from the training and field exercise undertaken with IFAD project staff in Uganda in July 2014.
The guidelines are rooted in fieldwork and real-life experiences. They are therefore a work in progress that will grow with the contributions of the communities, organizations and projects using them. Users are encouraged to be flexible and innovative, and when they discover new ways of sharing knowledge, to contribute this information to the guidelines. Users suggestions and ideas are essential for making the guidelines better.
Here are the key points from the interview with Waqaf An-Nur:
- Strong financial backing from major investor Johor Corporation which provides capital for investment and expansion.
- Large non-current asset base from waqf funds received over the years.
- Restrictions from local policies which limit expansion of products and services outside of Johor region.
- Lack of focus on customer satisfaction.
The strengths highlight Waqaf An-Nur's solid financial position which allows for growth. The weaknesses point to limitations from local policies and lack of priority on customer needs.
- Ghulam Ali has over 16 years of experience leading programs related to poverty alleviation, disaster response, and climate change impacts.
- He has expertise in market development, entrepreneurship, value chain development, project management, livelihoods programming, and private sector engagement.
- His career includes roles with International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, and Save the Children, where he designed and managed large-scale livelihoods and cash transfer programs.
LIVES Capacity Development approaches and interventionsILRI
LIVES project aims to develop capacity in Ethiopia through various interventions. It focuses on developing knowledge and skills of value chain actors and service providers to strengthen sustainable livestock and irrigation value chains. Interventions include training, coaching, demonstrations and networking. Targets include farmers, input providers, businesses and extension agents. The project works closely with the public extension system for scaling out approaches. Outcomes include established input providers and adopting households. Lessons highlight the importance of partnerships, demonstrations, informal dissemination and addressing capacity needs.
Teaming up with an enriching group of host students, these young emerging scholars gained knowledge and leadership skills to accomplish self actualization and to become more engaged in their communities. Engaging in experiential activities, discussions, site visits, training modules and professional lectures, participants bagged opportunities to strengthen their understanding while exploring facets unique to each student's ethnicity and personality.
In the pursuit of improving capacities in agricultural research and innovatio...Attaluri Srinivasacharyulu
Dr. Srinivasacharyulu Attaluri has over 15 years of experience coordinating training programs, research, and consulting in agricultural development. He has organized over 135 training programs covering topics such as ICT, extension methods, and agricultural innovations. His work includes coordinating international programs between India, Africa, Indonesia, and Afghanistan. He has also conducted research and consultancy projects on topics including public-private partnerships and leveraging ICT for agricultural marketing.
The document outlines several economic development and community empowerment programmes, including:
1) Five impact programmes that aim to empower, equip, and enable beneficiaries through bootcamps, mentorship, and skills training over 12-24 months.
2) A green club initiative in schools to foster environmental stewardship among students and promote sustainable practices.
3) A future leaders eco-camp to empower and inspire rural youth through leadership development and connecting with nature.
4) A community development intern programme to cultivate professionals through practical experience and accredited training over 24 months.
5) A bursary management service to provide educational support and equal opportunities for rural youth.
6) An economic development out
The Soul City Regional Program (SCRP) launched in 2002 to build capacity for social and behavior change communication (SBCC) across eight Southern African countries on HIV, TB, and health issues. It utilized an intensive skills sharing approach through training, mentorship, and resource sharing between in-country partners. This regional approach strengthened capacities, created consistent messaging, and fostered economies of scale. Evaluations found the SCRP significantly expanded human resources for SBCC through training and career development. It also facilitated direct resource and skills sharing between in-country partners, and built local capacity to train others. Key lessons included the importance of sustainability through continued skills upgrading, supporting local organizations, and creating opportunities for peer learning and idea sharing across
6. FAO-IFAD - Procasur: Local Knowledge and Rural YouthFAO
Presentations delivered on the 7th of September 2015 in Barbados, during the launch of the new FAO project Strengthening decent rural employment opportunities for young women and men in the Caribbean, developed in collaboration with the IFAD.
The project will operate for 3 years in 9 countries of the Sub-region, namely: St. Lucia, Grenada, Guyana, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Haiti, Belize, Cuba and Dominican Republic.
The programme is an example of effective inter-agency cooperation and aims to promote rural youth employment opportunities in the Caribbean by facilitating the development of targeted policies, partnerships and investments. The project will be implemented by the FAO Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean, in Barbados. The presentations show the perspectives and contributions of the different partners involved in the project.
息FAO: http://www.fao.org
1) The document discusses various projects organized by local committees (LC) of AIESEC Cameroon during holidays to raise awareness on important issues, educate communities, and positively impact behaviors.
2) The projects aim to develop members, realize exchange opportunities, and position AIESEC Cameroon.
3) The main purpose is to better communicate and showcase the projects' impact on target audiences and localities. All LC projects will be covered under this umbrella brand campaign to ensure effective implementation and bigger impact.
Este documento presenta la Iniciativa de Comunicaci坦n para el Desarrollo Rural en Am辿rica Latina, la cual promueve el intercambio de experiencias y colaboraci坦n entre actores en temas de comunicaci坦n y medios comunitarios para fortalecer la agricultura familiar. Sus objetivos son apoyar proyectos de comunicaci坦n rural, fortalecer las capacidades de comunicaci坦n de instituciones rurales, y promover el di叩logo sobre pol鱈ticas para comunicaci坦n que apoye el desarrollo rural sostenible. Propone la creaci坦n de la Red Onda Rural para log
Applied Research for Inclusive Rural Communicationcccomdev
This document summarizes findings from a research project on agricultural innovation systems in East Africa. It discusses trends in how innovation support is provided, patterns of farmer communication, and issues of inclusion and exclusion in rural communication. Key findings include:
1) Formal support systems are decentralizing but constrained by bureaucracy, while actors are playing diverse roles to support innovation.
2) Farmers actively seek to improve livelihoods through adapting technologies, driven by markets and food security.
3) Communication maps show farmers rely more on localized sources for timely information, while infrastructure challenges disrupt access.
4) There are gender differences in networks, access to information sources, and support for different crops.
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ROUTASIA: A Knowledge Management and capacity building programmePROCASUR Corporation
PROCASUR is a non-profit organization that provides knowledge management and capacity building services to organizations fighting rural poverty in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. It partners with organizations like IFAD and FAO. The ROUTASIA program builds human and social capital in rural communities through "Learning Routes," which expose people to best practices and innovations. Learning Routes involve visiting model farms and communities to learn from local experts and champions, with the goal of scaling up successful solutions to reduce rural poverty. Key tools used include community learning centers, farmer exchanges, exhibitions of local innovations, and online resources.
Jared Okello Kassam is a Programmes Manager and Team Leader at FarmConcern International in Kisumu, Kenya. He has over 15 years of experience in rural economics, finance, community development, microcredit lending, product development, capacity building, market access assessment, and value chain development. He is skilled in mobilizing and motivating communities, meeting deadlines with minimal supervision, and has held several managerial roles with development organizations in Kenya.
Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Sn Moddho
The document summarizes Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD). BARD is internationally renowned for its innovative work in rural development in Bangladesh. It has over 53 years of experience in training, research, and action research. BARD's Comilla Approach to Rural Development utilized mutually supportive models that improved lives and environments of rural poor. BARD conducts training programs and research collaborations that could benefit other countries in rural development.
The Consulting Group for Development (CGD) provides business consulting services and has experience since 2004. It has a team of professionals with experience in projects funded by international organizations. CGD provides services such as needs assessments, capacity building, business plans, and engineering projects. Its vision is to provide high quality consulting services to create opportunities and prosperity for stakeholders.
Knowledge Management in Agricultural Research in the CGIAR and CIAT: lessons ...CIAT
This document summarizes lessons learned from knowledge management and social learning experiences at the CGIAR and CIAT agricultural research centers. It discusses several aspects of knowledge management, including face-to-face interaction, research collaboration, open access, data management, information technologies, and monitoring and evaluation. It also covers social learning aspects like participation, reaching end users, extension versus learning, and taking a systemic focus. The document concludes with recommendations to strengthen knowledge sharing and networking to support collaborative, multidisciplinary agricultural research.
The document provides an overview of ICT integration in Youth Polytechnics in Kenya. It discusses:
1) Planning and strategizing for ICT integration, including adopting approaches from similar projects, capacity building of instructors, and developing a content management system.
2) The setup process, which involves stakeholder involvement, needs assessments, defining objectives, and implementing evidence-based interventions through a safe learning environment.
3) Ongoing support, which includes training and support for facilitators, ability to replicate the program, and monitoring and evaluating the integration process and its impacts.
The overall goal is to improve education and skills training at Youth Polytechnics through strategic integration of ICT.
This document provides an overview of Voice Tel Tech (VTT), an international consultancy firm established in 1992 that provides strategy and management services for development projects. It discusses VTT's portfolio and expertise in areas like monitoring and evaluation, economic development, health, and more. The document also lists some of VTT's recent projects in sectors like livelihoods, economic growth, and health, with descriptions of the objectives and solutions provided.
Forest lake active volunteering project profile draft 2 december 2010billbrown2011
This document outlines a project to build youth leadership capabilities in the Inala area by leveraging the cultural wisdom of Aboriginal groups and developing mentoring programs. The project would partner Forest Lake Senior High School with local community organizations and businesses. It aims to strengthen community connections, enhance leadership opportunities, and provide real-world learning experiences for students. Key outputs would be developing active citizenship among youth and facilitating shared decision-making between partners through open communication and commitment of resources like time and funding. Progress would be reviewed using student data and partnership metrics to ensure outcomes are achieved.
Within the framework of the joint IFAD-funded Large Grant programme: Strengthening Capacities and Tools to Scale Up and Disseminate Innovations, the Procasur Corporation supports knowledge management and capacity-building strategies aimed at scaling up best practices and innovations that contribute to reducing poverty among IFAD stakeholders in East and Southern Africa (ESA), West and Central Africa (WCA), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Asia and Pacific (APR) regions.
The programmes objective is to enhance implementation performance and impact of rural development projects in LAC, ESA, PTA and WCA by increasing access to knowledge, capacity building and scaling up of good practices.
This objective is achieved by:
Identifying, organizing and disseminating existing knowledge on innovations and best practices;
Identifying local champions, or people who play a key role in promoting innovations, and enabling them to organize and share their experience using the Learning Routes methodology; and
Designing and implementing Learning Routes and disseminating the knowledge acquired.
The IFAD Country Office in Sudan has participated in several Learning Routes, and on the basis of this experience, has proposed customizing the methodology and making it simpler and easier to use. This would allow projects and the country office to share knowledge and ideas more easily, and therefore contribute to improved performance.
These guidelines are based on draft guidelines proposed by the Country Office, which in turn are largely based on original material produced by Procasur. They reflect the experience gained by Procasur in its work with rural communities and organizations in the Global South, and are also an expression of the value that IFADs country programme in Sudan places on the Learning Routes methodology as a tool for rural transformation. These updated guidelines have incorporated comments and lessons from the training and field exercise undertaken with IFAD project staff in Uganda in July 2014.
The guidelines are rooted in fieldwork and real-life experiences. They are therefore a work in progress that will grow with the contributions of the communities, organizations and projects using them. Users are encouraged to be flexible and innovative, and when they discover new ways of sharing knowledge, to contribute this information to the guidelines. Users suggestions and ideas are essential for making the guidelines better.
Here are the key points from the interview with Waqaf An-Nur:
- Strong financial backing from major investor Johor Corporation which provides capital for investment and expansion.
- Large non-current asset base from waqf funds received over the years.
- Restrictions from local policies which limit expansion of products and services outside of Johor region.
- Lack of focus on customer satisfaction.
The strengths highlight Waqaf An-Nur's solid financial position which allows for growth. The weaknesses point to limitations from local policies and lack of priority on customer needs.
- Ghulam Ali has over 16 years of experience leading programs related to poverty alleviation, disaster response, and climate change impacts.
- He has expertise in market development, entrepreneurship, value chain development, project management, livelihoods programming, and private sector engagement.
- His career includes roles with International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, and Save the Children, where he designed and managed large-scale livelihoods and cash transfer programs.
LIVES Capacity Development approaches and interventionsILRI
LIVES project aims to develop capacity in Ethiopia through various interventions. It focuses on developing knowledge and skills of value chain actors and service providers to strengthen sustainable livestock and irrigation value chains. Interventions include training, coaching, demonstrations and networking. Targets include farmers, input providers, businesses and extension agents. The project works closely with the public extension system for scaling out approaches. Outcomes include established input providers and adopting households. Lessons highlight the importance of partnerships, demonstrations, informal dissemination and addressing capacity needs.
Teaming up with an enriching group of host students, these young emerging scholars gained knowledge and leadership skills to accomplish self actualization and to become more engaged in their communities. Engaging in experiential activities, discussions, site visits, training modules and professional lectures, participants bagged opportunities to strengthen their understanding while exploring facets unique to each student's ethnicity and personality.
In the pursuit of improving capacities in agricultural research and innovatio...Attaluri Srinivasacharyulu
Dr. Srinivasacharyulu Attaluri has over 15 years of experience coordinating training programs, research, and consulting in agricultural development. He has organized over 135 training programs covering topics such as ICT, extension methods, and agricultural innovations. His work includes coordinating international programs between India, Africa, Indonesia, and Afghanistan. He has also conducted research and consultancy projects on topics including public-private partnerships and leveraging ICT for agricultural marketing.
The document outlines several economic development and community empowerment programmes, including:
1) Five impact programmes that aim to empower, equip, and enable beneficiaries through bootcamps, mentorship, and skills training over 12-24 months.
2) A green club initiative in schools to foster environmental stewardship among students and promote sustainable practices.
3) A future leaders eco-camp to empower and inspire rural youth through leadership development and connecting with nature.
4) A community development intern programme to cultivate professionals through practical experience and accredited training over 24 months.
5) A bursary management service to provide educational support and equal opportunities for rural youth.
6) An economic development out
The Soul City Regional Program (SCRP) launched in 2002 to build capacity for social and behavior change communication (SBCC) across eight Southern African countries on HIV, TB, and health issues. It utilized an intensive skills sharing approach through training, mentorship, and resource sharing between in-country partners. This regional approach strengthened capacities, created consistent messaging, and fostered economies of scale. Evaluations found the SCRP significantly expanded human resources for SBCC through training and career development. It also facilitated direct resource and skills sharing between in-country partners, and built local capacity to train others. Key lessons included the importance of sustainability through continued skills upgrading, supporting local organizations, and creating opportunities for peer learning and idea sharing across
6. FAO-IFAD - Procasur: Local Knowledge and Rural YouthFAO
Presentations delivered on the 7th of September 2015 in Barbados, during the launch of the new FAO project Strengthening decent rural employment opportunities for young women and men in the Caribbean, developed in collaboration with the IFAD.
The project will operate for 3 years in 9 countries of the Sub-region, namely: St. Lucia, Grenada, Guyana, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Haiti, Belize, Cuba and Dominican Republic.
The programme is an example of effective inter-agency cooperation and aims to promote rural youth employment opportunities in the Caribbean by facilitating the development of targeted policies, partnerships and investments. The project will be implemented by the FAO Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean, in Barbados. The presentations show the perspectives and contributions of the different partners involved in the project.
息FAO: http://www.fao.org
1) The document discusses various projects organized by local committees (LC) of AIESEC Cameroon during holidays to raise awareness on important issues, educate communities, and positively impact behaviors.
2) The projects aim to develop members, realize exchange opportunities, and position AIESEC Cameroon.
3) The main purpose is to better communicate and showcase the projects' impact on target audiences and localities. All LC projects will be covered under this umbrella brand campaign to ensure effective implementation and bigger impact.
Este documento presenta la Iniciativa de Comunicaci坦n para el Desarrollo Rural en Am辿rica Latina, la cual promueve el intercambio de experiencias y colaboraci坦n entre actores en temas de comunicaci坦n y medios comunitarios para fortalecer la agricultura familiar. Sus objetivos son apoyar proyectos de comunicaci坦n rural, fortalecer las capacidades de comunicaci坦n de instituciones rurales, y promover el di叩logo sobre pol鱈ticas para comunicaci坦n que apoye el desarrollo rural sostenible. Propone la creaci坦n de la Red Onda Rural para log
Applied Research for Inclusive Rural Communicationcccomdev
This document summarizes findings from a research project on agricultural innovation systems in East Africa. It discusses trends in how innovation support is provided, patterns of farmer communication, and issues of inclusion and exclusion in rural communication. Key findings include:
1) Formal support systems are decentralizing but constrained by bureaucracy, while actors are playing diverse roles to support innovation.
2) Farmers actively seek to improve livelihoods through adapting technologies, driven by markets and food security.
3) Communication maps show farmers rely more on localized sources for timely information, while infrastructure challenges disrupt access.
4) There are gender differences in networks, access to information sources, and support for different crops.
Applying Communication for Development with a Gender Perspective to Family Fa...cccomdev
This presentation was given by Dr. Sarah Cardey - programme director for the MSc Communication for Innovation and Development and the MSc Applied Development Studies, and incoming director of the Graduate Institute for International Development and Applied Economics, at the University of Reading UK - during a seminar organized by the FAO Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development.
Read more at http://www.cccomdev.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=352%3Areading-blog&catid=70&Itemid=416
Learning and Sharing in Communication for Rural Development cccomdev
During the recent Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) Cleofe Torres of the College of Development Communication of the University of the Philippines Los Banos, discussed Learning and Sharing in Communication for Rural Development.
Este documento describe la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC) y su brazo V鱈a Campesina. Resume sus principios de lucha por la soberan鱈a alimentaria, la reforma agraria, la igualdad de g辿nero y la defensa del medio ambiente. Tambi辿n describe sus esfuerzos de comunicaci坦n para promover estas causas a trav辿s de boletines, programas de radio, redes sociales y su sitio web. El documento concluye discutiendo los preparativos para el pr坦ximo congreso de la CLOC-V鱈a Camp
Communication for Development: Research Into Practicecccomdev
The document discusses communication for development and community media for family farming. It describes how CGIAR works to impact the ground through award-winning science. It also discusses a farmer field day on aflatoxins in Nigeria and the We RATE clearinghouse in Kenya, which formed a stakeholder platform of 26 farmer associations and NGOs to test and apply new farm technologies using face-to-face communication and mobile phones. The document notes some constraints such as limited access to information and inappropriate communication tools, and needs such as data on farmer needs and strengthening bottom-up communication.
Paul Neate of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) presents during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Ouangraoua Boukari of Inades Formation Burkina Faso and the World Rural Forum discusses the Communicateurs aux pieds nus, barefoot communicators who encourage communication in rural areas.
Adeline nsimire samwaki_session2_panel 1_farmer led commcccomdev
Adeline Nsimire of SAMWAKI rural women's organization discusses Community Listeners Clubs in relation to rural development, during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) which took place at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
During the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, a set of brief
Universal Access: Financial Mechanisms and Rural Infrastructure Policiescccomdev
Mike Jensen of the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) presents during day one of the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy
Strengthening Capacities in Communication for Rural Developmentcccomdev
This presentation was given at the International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR pre-conference event "Communication and Sustainable Development for Social Change" in Hyderabad, India.
Farming for the Future: Rural Communication Services to Advance Family Farmingcccomdev
This presentation was given during the pre-conference event on Communication for Sustainable Rural Development & Social Change, held in India on July 14, 2014 in the context of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference 2014. It presents the role of rural communication services to advance family farming, giving special attention to the International Year of Family Farming #IYFF14, as well as the International Forum on Communication and Community Media for Family Farming that FAO will host in October 2014.
Communication is a strategic asset for human, social and economic empowerment. At the heart of Communication for Development (ComDev) is participation and ownership by communities and individuals most affected by poverty and other development issues.
This presentation by FAO ComDev team provides an introduction to the key principles and functions of communication for rural development, accompanied by concrete examples from field experience.
2. www.VHLunivers i ty.com
MoD Competences
Overall competences Professional Master programme
Management of Development
To explore complex problems considering
stakeholder and system perspectives.
To analyse the performance of rural development
organizations in a dynamic context.
To design processes of change from an inclusive
3. www.VHLunivers i ty.com
RDC competences
To analyse stakeholders interests and needs and
outline policies that lead to social change and
To design processes and strategies that facilitate
communication and knowledge sharing.
4. www.VHLunivers i ty.com
RDC competences cntd
To transform traditional extension policy and
practice and develop new approaches to
communication and innovation.
To design and facilitate effective, appropriate
and exciting learning environments.
5. www.VHLunivers i ty.com
RDC course structure
Title Sub modules
& Innovation
Communication for Innovation
in Rur Dev
Public Participation and
Knowledge Circulation
Media Design for Social Change
Learning &
Foundations of Knowledge,
Learning and Transformation
Planning of Training and
12. Zambia Understanding radio listening groups by
staff of NAIS / MoA.
Ghana - Mediated participation with the Visual
Problem Appraisal of Cocoa Farmers in Cocobod.
Ghana Advisory service quality of agro-input
vendors to farmers.
Uganda - Rural extension workers matching
knowledge demands in small scale fisheries.
Sri Lanka Organizing public participation in the
Vidatha Development Program.
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
Student thesis
13. Zambia Understanding radio listening groups by
staff of NAIS / MoA.
Ghana - Mediated participation with the Visual
Problem Appraisal of Cocoa Farmers in Cocobod.
Ghana Advisory service quality of agro-input
vendors to farmers.
Uganda - Rural extension workers matching
knowledge demands in small scale fisheries.
Sri Lanka Organizing public participation in the
Vidatha Development Program.
www.VHLunivers i ty.com
Student thesis