Strengthening Capacities in Communication for Rural Developmentcccomdev
This presentation was given at the International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR pre-conference event "Communication and Sustainable Development for Social Change" in Hyderabad, India.
Farming for the Future: Rural Communication Services to Advance Family Farmingcccomdev
This presentation was given during the pre-conference event on Communication for Sustainable Rural Development & Social Change, held in India on July 14, 2014 in the context of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference 2014. It presents the role of rural communication services to advance family farming, giving special attention to the International Year of Family Farming #IYFF14, as well as the International Forum on Communication and Community Media for Family Farming that FAO will host in October 2014.
Applied Research for Inclusive Rural Communicationcccomdev
This document summarizes findings from a research project on agricultural innovation systems in East Africa. It discusses trends in how innovation support is provided, patterns of farmer communication, and issues of inclusion and exclusion in rural communication. Key findings include:
1) Formal support systems are decentralizing but constrained by bureaucracy, while actors are playing diverse roles to support innovation.
2) Farmers actively seek to improve livelihoods through adapting technologies, driven by markets and food security.
3) Communication maps show farmers rely more on localized sources for timely information, while infrastructure challenges disrupt access.
4) There are gender differences in networks, access to information sources, and support for different crops.
Communication is a strategic asset for human, social and economic empowerment. At the heart of Communication for Development (ComDev) is participation and ownership by communities and individuals most affected by poverty and other development issues.
This presentation by FAO ComDev team provides an introduction to the key principles and functions of communication for rural development, accompanied by concrete examples from field experience.
Applying Communication for Development with a Gender Perspective to Family Fa...cccomdev
This presentation was given by Dr. Sarah Cardey - programme director for the MSc Communication for Innovation and Development and the MSc Applied Development Studies, and incoming director of the Graduate Institute for International Development and Applied Economics, at the University of Reading UK - during a seminar organized by the FAO Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development.
Learning and Sharing in Communication for Rural Development cccomdev
During the recent Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) Cleofe Torres of the College of Development Communication of the University of the Philippines Los Banos, discussed Learning and Sharing in Communication for Rural Development.
Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication cccomdev
During the recent Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), Loes Witteven of Wageningen UR presented Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication
Institutional ComDev Efforts: the case of RCs for Agricultural Development in...cccomdev
This document summarizes experiences with establishing Rural Communication Services (RCS) for agricultural development in Bangladesh. It describes improved capacities for communication strategies around food security and climate change adaptation. Initial RCS were established using communication materials and strengthened linkages among agricultural institutions. Recommendations include continuing to use communication to integrate RCS as the national strategy and build capacity to strengthen institutions and network members through an RCS web platform.
Communication for Development: Research Into Practicecccomdev
The document discusses communication for development and community media for family farming. It describes how CGIAR works to impact the ground through award-winning science. It also discusses a farmer field day on aflatoxins in Nigeria and the We RATE clearinghouse in Kenya, which formed a stakeholder platform of 26 farmer associations and NGOs to test and apply new farm technologies using face-to-face communication and mobile phones. The document notes some constraints such as limited access to information and inappropriate communication tools, and needs such as data on farmer needs and strengthening bottom-up communication.
Paul Neate of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) presents during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Ouangraoua Boukari of Inades Formation Burkina Faso and the World Rural Forum discusses the Communicateurs aux pieds nus, barefoot communicators who encourage communication in rural areas.
Adeline nsimire samwaki_session2_panel 1_farmer led commcccomdev
Adeline Nsimire of SAMWAKI rural women's organization discusses Community Listeners Clubs in relation to rural development, during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) which took place at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
During the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, a set of brief
Universal Access: Financial Mechanisms and Rural Infrastructure Policiescccomdev
Mike Jensen of the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) presents during day one of the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy
Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication cccomdev
During the recent Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), Loes Witteven of Wageningen UR presented Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication
Institutional ComDev Efforts: the case of RCs for Agricultural Development in...cccomdev
This document summarizes experiences with establishing Rural Communication Services (RCS) for agricultural development in Bangladesh. It describes improved capacities for communication strategies around food security and climate change adaptation. Initial RCS were established using communication materials and strengthened linkages among agricultural institutions. Recommendations include continuing to use communication to integrate RCS as the national strategy and build capacity to strengthen institutions and network members through an RCS web platform.
Communication for Development: Research Into Practicecccomdev
The document discusses communication for development and community media for family farming. It describes how CGIAR works to impact the ground through award-winning science. It also discusses a farmer field day on aflatoxins in Nigeria and the We RATE clearinghouse in Kenya, which formed a stakeholder platform of 26 farmer associations and NGOs to test and apply new farm technologies using face-to-face communication and mobile phones. The document notes some constraints such as limited access to information and inappropriate communication tools, and needs such as data on farmer needs and strengthening bottom-up communication.
Paul Neate of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) presents during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Ouangraoua Boukari of Inades Formation Burkina Faso and the World Rural Forum discusses the Communicateurs aux pieds nus, barefoot communicators who encourage communication in rural areas.
Adeline nsimire samwaki_session2_panel 1_farmer led commcccomdev
Adeline Nsimire of SAMWAKI rural women's organization discusses Community Listeners Clubs in relation to rural development, during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) which took place at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
During the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, a set of brief
Universal Access: Financial Mechanisms and Rural Infrastructure Policiescccomdev
Mike Jensen of the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) presents during day one of the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy