Mike Jensen of the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) presents during day one of the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy
This presentation is the first session of a two-day workshop in Cameroon on the Management of Universal Access Funds. It provides the background of the development of USAFs.
Anastacio Ramos, Director International Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs at Verizon in the USA argues that broadband drives economic growth but there are significant policy issues raised by convergence
The FCC recently released its National Broadband Plan to make broadband more affordable, accessible, competitive and socially beneficial for Americans. The plan aims to provide 100 million homes with internet speeds of 100Mbps/50Mbps by 2020, make the US a global leader in mobile internet access and speeds, ensure universal access for all Americans, and upgrade infrastructure like schools and hospitals to 1Gbps. It also seeks to reallocate funds to expand broadband access, auction broadcast spectrum to wireless providers to increase capacity, and promote competition to improve networks and lower costs. The plan creates a roadmap for public-private partnerships to connect all Americans to fast, affordable broadband over the next decade.
Where is NGA happening? Presentation by Roger Darlington from the Communications Consumer Panel following their recently published report. CBN NextGen Roadshow Nottingham, 24 March 2009
CityFibre operates fibre optic infrastructure in 50 UK cities, with over 30,000 km of fibre and 130 networks connecting over 400 locations. They have the largest fibre-to-the-home network in the UK. A "Gigabit City" brings educational, healthcare, public safety, and economic benefits through high-speed connectivity. The model involves building out a fibre core network anchored by public sector customers, then expanding to businesses, mobile networks, and consumers with fibre-to-the-premises. York, UK has successfully developed a shared network for services like CCTV and WiFi, and is marketing fibre to businesses to become Europe's most digitally connected city by 2015.
The Three Ring Binder Project is a public-private partnership that invested over $32 million to build a fiber optic network throughout rural Maine. The network will consist of 1,100 miles of high capacity fiber optic cable by 2012, passing through hundreds of communities and making broadband internet accessible to 110,000 households and 600 community institutions. The fiber strands are available for equal lease to qualified users at $9-12 per strand per mile per month on a non-discriminatory basis.
Bbc2008 Government Intervention In Information SocietyCostas Troulos
- The document discusses government intervention in next generation access (NGA) infrastructure projects in several countries like Singapore, Australia, Finland, and Greece to expand broadband access.
- It notes that NGA infrastructure alone is not enough and governments must also intervene to promote competition and an inclusive information society through policies addressing demand, competition issues, and social inclusion.
- Municipalities can play an important role by adapting national broadband policies to local needs, experimenting to provide input for strategies, and integrating broadband with other local economic sectors. Close coordination is needed between broadband efforts and other areas.
Wimmera mallee sustainability alliance 12 may 2011Helen Thompson
This document provides an overview of regional ICT planning activities in the Grampians region of Victoria, including a technology audit and study. It discusses coordinating regional ICT strategies, mapping broadband infrastructure and adoption levels, conducting case studies of ICT collaborations, and identifying opportunities to expand high-speed internet access across the region. The goal is to support innovative use of ICT, achieve faster NBN rollout, and foster regional partnerships to leverage broadband communications.
SIVA project_Recommendations on the mapping and sharing of broadband physical...Sivaul
SIVA project, Uuiversity of ljubljana, July 2014
A brief presentation of the recommendations on the mapping and sharing of broadband physical infrastructures as drawn from activities 531 & 532.
New Commission State as Anchor Client finalKarin Ahl
The document discusses the need for governments to act as anchor clients for fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks to facilitate widespread deployment and realize significant economic and social benefits. Public funding of FTTH networks is justified given benefits like remote work and telehealth that save costs and improve services. Studies show users increase their usage of broadband-enabled applications like education, healthcare, and government services over FTTH. The document recommends that governments define credible national plans to mitigate investor risk and make FTTH networks enablers of business, while ensuring public funding does not distort private investment.
UC2B is a consortium between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the cities of Champaign and Urbana that received federal and state grants to build a fiber optic network throughout the community. The network provides up to 1 Gbps symmetric internet access to over 200 community institutions and 4,800 primarily low-income homes in 11 census blocks. UC2B operates as an open access network, treating all data equally and requiring network neutrality. It offers the community innovative research and a testbed for new applications using its fiber infrastructure and growing number of gigabit customers.
The document discusses media literacy policies in the context of the upcoming Spanish EU Presidency. It notes that the EU Commission will submit reports every three years on the application of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive and how it can be adapted to technological developments. Improving media literacy across EU member states could help achieve objectives like a more competitive knowledge economy and inclusive society. The document also outlines some of the complex issues around platform access, content standards, and regulation as well as potential responses from organizations to promote media literacy.
Future Sat Africa - Emergency Telecommunications Cluster Myles Freedman
The ETC is a global network that provides shared communications services in humanitarian emergencies. It typically provides services like voice and data connectivity, internet access, and radio networks. The ETC works with organizations and satellite operators through the Crisis Connectivity Charter to set up coordinated responses during disasters. When activated, the Charter facilitates information sharing and the deployment of satellite-based connectivity solutions to support humanitarian efforts.
This presentation was given by Steve Proctor, Director of the Utah Communications Agency Network, to the Utah Broadband Advisory Council on January 12, 2012.
The document discusses the evolution of universal service policy in the United States from its origins in the early 20th century aimed at telephone availability to the current focus on broadband deployment and adoption. It notes the high costs of achieving universal telephone service and calls for reforming universal service policy according to economic principles to more cost-effectively expand broadband access, especially in rural areas. Key goals include reorienting funds from narrowband to broadband and using incentives and targeted assistance to minimize costs and address constraints to broadband deployment and consumer adoption.
This presentation was given by Michael Peterson and Jeff Egly, with the Utah Education Network, to the Utah Broadband Advisory Council on October 13, 2011.
Thames Valley Berkshire Smart City Cluster ChallengeDuncan Purves
Thames Valley Berkshire Smart City Cluster Challenge presentation given by Rob McDonald of Peter Brett Associates at the IoT Thames Valley Meetup on 13th February 2019
The document summarizes information from a Utah Broadband Advisory Council meeting. It discusses the First Responder Network Authority and the nationwide public safety broadband network. It outlines the governance structure and timeline for establishing the network. It also provides overviews of the Utah Education Network's interactive video conferencing capabilities and its use for classes. Finally, it notes that many Utah cities, towns, and businesses still lack online presences like websites, despite high broadband adoption rates.
Presentaci坦n de Roxana Barrantes "Broadband policies and policies geared towards universal access in telecommunications services in Latin America. Agenda pending" para el taller de DIRSI "El rol del estado en la promoci坦n de la banda ancha". Lima (Per炭), 19 de mayo de 2011.
Roxana Barrante's presentation "Broadband policies and policies geared towards universal access in telecommunications services in Latin America. Agenda pending" for the DIRSI Workshop "The role of the state in the promotion of the broadband". Lima (Peru), May 19th 2011.
Broadband Best Practices in Greater MinnesotaAnn Treacy
Community leaders are faced with navigating a whirlwind of dynamic technologies, policy discussions at the federal and state level, and funding through the ARRA stimulus programs as they wrestle with the the challenge of ensuring world-class broadband infrastructure and services and motivating the adoption of new technologies by businesses, institutions and citizens. This session will provide an overview of community best practices for network deployment and broadband-based economic development. By Bill Coleman for the Blandin Foundation
This presentation was developed for NIACC to summarize the ~$17M BTOP stimulus grant award to the CINC community area network that CVTC is a member of and illustrate how NIACC might pursue similar grants. Several slides containing map images are intended to be shown directly from Google Earth KMZ recordings which can be requested.
Broadband is high-speed internet access that is always on. It encompasses technologies like DSL, cable modem, WiFi, and satellite. Broadband can improve government services, provide access to education, engage citizens, and facilitate better healthcare. However, many factors affect its impact, including cost, digital literacy, perceived usefulness, and quality of service. Fully realizing broadband's benefits requires strategies that are educational, affordable, useful, and inclusive. Community broadband projects aim to bridge the digital divide by providing local high-speed internet access.
This talk will introduce the group to an important communications asset we citizens own right here in the Valley, i.e. our community fiber optic network. Who uses it? Where is it? The key question, however, which we'll put to our attendees, is, "How might we truly put community squarely into the heart of the Valley Community Fiber Network?" What will it take? What tools are we missing? What's the potential? Who is interested? What are the roadblocks? How can we innovate?
Institutional ComDev Efforts: the case of RCs for Agricultural Development in...cccomdev
This document summarizes experiences with establishing Rural Communication Services (RCS) for agricultural development in Bangladesh. It describes improved capacities for communication strategies around food security and climate change adaptation. Initial RCS were established using communication materials and strengthened linkages among agricultural institutions. Recommendations include continuing to use communication to integrate RCS as the national strategy and build capacity to strengthen institutions and network members through an RCS web platform.
Wimmera mallee sustainability alliance 12 may 2011Helen Thompson
This document provides an overview of regional ICT planning activities in the Grampians region of Victoria, including a technology audit and study. It discusses coordinating regional ICT strategies, mapping broadband infrastructure and adoption levels, conducting case studies of ICT collaborations, and identifying opportunities to expand high-speed internet access across the region. The goal is to support innovative use of ICT, achieve faster NBN rollout, and foster regional partnerships to leverage broadband communications.
SIVA project_Recommendations on the mapping and sharing of broadband physical...Sivaul
SIVA project, Uuiversity of ljubljana, July 2014
A brief presentation of the recommendations on the mapping and sharing of broadband physical infrastructures as drawn from activities 531 & 532.
New Commission State as Anchor Client finalKarin Ahl
The document discusses the need for governments to act as anchor clients for fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks to facilitate widespread deployment and realize significant economic and social benefits. Public funding of FTTH networks is justified given benefits like remote work and telehealth that save costs and improve services. Studies show users increase their usage of broadband-enabled applications like education, healthcare, and government services over FTTH. The document recommends that governments define credible national plans to mitigate investor risk and make FTTH networks enablers of business, while ensuring public funding does not distort private investment.
UC2B is a consortium between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the cities of Champaign and Urbana that received federal and state grants to build a fiber optic network throughout the community. The network provides up to 1 Gbps symmetric internet access to over 200 community institutions and 4,800 primarily low-income homes in 11 census blocks. UC2B operates as an open access network, treating all data equally and requiring network neutrality. It offers the community innovative research and a testbed for new applications using its fiber infrastructure and growing number of gigabit customers.
The document discusses media literacy policies in the context of the upcoming Spanish EU Presidency. It notes that the EU Commission will submit reports every three years on the application of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive and how it can be adapted to technological developments. Improving media literacy across EU member states could help achieve objectives like a more competitive knowledge economy and inclusive society. The document also outlines some of the complex issues around platform access, content standards, and regulation as well as potential responses from organizations to promote media literacy.
Future Sat Africa - Emergency Telecommunications Cluster Myles Freedman
The ETC is a global network that provides shared communications services in humanitarian emergencies. It typically provides services like voice and data connectivity, internet access, and radio networks. The ETC works with organizations and satellite operators through the Crisis Connectivity Charter to set up coordinated responses during disasters. When activated, the Charter facilitates information sharing and the deployment of satellite-based connectivity solutions to support humanitarian efforts.
This presentation was given by Steve Proctor, Director of the Utah Communications Agency Network, to the Utah Broadband Advisory Council on January 12, 2012.
The document discusses the evolution of universal service policy in the United States from its origins in the early 20th century aimed at telephone availability to the current focus on broadband deployment and adoption. It notes the high costs of achieving universal telephone service and calls for reforming universal service policy according to economic principles to more cost-effectively expand broadband access, especially in rural areas. Key goals include reorienting funds from narrowband to broadband and using incentives and targeted assistance to minimize costs and address constraints to broadband deployment and consumer adoption.
This presentation was given by Michael Peterson and Jeff Egly, with the Utah Education Network, to the Utah Broadband Advisory Council on October 13, 2011.
Thames Valley Berkshire Smart City Cluster ChallengeDuncan Purves
Thames Valley Berkshire Smart City Cluster Challenge presentation given by Rob McDonald of Peter Brett Associates at the IoT Thames Valley Meetup on 13th February 2019
The document summarizes information from a Utah Broadband Advisory Council meeting. It discusses the First Responder Network Authority and the nationwide public safety broadband network. It outlines the governance structure and timeline for establishing the network. It also provides overviews of the Utah Education Network's interactive video conferencing capabilities and its use for classes. Finally, it notes that many Utah cities, towns, and businesses still lack online presences like websites, despite high broadband adoption rates.
Presentaci坦n de Roxana Barrantes "Broadband policies and policies geared towards universal access in telecommunications services in Latin America. Agenda pending" para el taller de DIRSI "El rol del estado en la promoci坦n de la banda ancha". Lima (Per炭), 19 de mayo de 2011.
Roxana Barrante's presentation "Broadband policies and policies geared towards universal access in telecommunications services in Latin America. Agenda pending" for the DIRSI Workshop "The role of the state in the promotion of the broadband". Lima (Peru), May 19th 2011.
Broadband Best Practices in Greater MinnesotaAnn Treacy
Community leaders are faced with navigating a whirlwind of dynamic technologies, policy discussions at the federal and state level, and funding through the ARRA stimulus programs as they wrestle with the the challenge of ensuring world-class broadband infrastructure and services and motivating the adoption of new technologies by businesses, institutions and citizens. This session will provide an overview of community best practices for network deployment and broadband-based economic development. By Bill Coleman for the Blandin Foundation
This presentation was developed for NIACC to summarize the ~$17M BTOP stimulus grant award to the CINC community area network that CVTC is a member of and illustrate how NIACC might pursue similar grants. Several slides containing map images are intended to be shown directly from Google Earth KMZ recordings which can be requested.
Broadband is high-speed internet access that is always on. It encompasses technologies like DSL, cable modem, WiFi, and satellite. Broadband can improve government services, provide access to education, engage citizens, and facilitate better healthcare. However, many factors affect its impact, including cost, digital literacy, perceived usefulness, and quality of service. Fully realizing broadband's benefits requires strategies that are educational, affordable, useful, and inclusive. Community broadband projects aim to bridge the digital divide by providing local high-speed internet access.
This talk will introduce the group to an important communications asset we citizens own right here in the Valley, i.e. our community fiber optic network. Who uses it? Where is it? The key question, however, which we'll put to our attendees, is, "How might we truly put community squarely into the heart of the Valley Community Fiber Network?" What will it take? What tools are we missing? What's the potential? Who is interested? What are the roadblocks? How can we innovate?
Institutional ComDev Efforts: the case of RCs for Agricultural Development in...cccomdev
This document summarizes experiences with establishing Rural Communication Services (RCS) for agricultural development in Bangladesh. It describes improved capacities for communication strategies around food security and climate change adaptation. Initial RCS were established using communication materials and strengthened linkages among agricultural institutions. Recommendations include continuing to use communication to integrate RCS as the national strategy and build capacity to strengthen institutions and network members through an RCS web platform.
During the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, a set of brief
Paul Neate of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) presents during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Applied Research for Inclusive Rural Communicationcccomdev
This document summarizes findings from a research project on agricultural innovation systems in East Africa. It discusses trends in how innovation support is provided, patterns of farmer communication, and issues of inclusion and exclusion in rural communication. Key findings include:
1) Formal support systems are decentralizing but constrained by bureaucracy, while actors are playing diverse roles to support innovation.
2) Farmers actively seek to improve livelihoods through adapting technologies, driven by markets and food security.
3) Communication maps show farmers rely more on localized sources for timely information, while infrastructure challenges disrupt access.
4) There are gender differences in networks, access to information sources, and support for different crops.
Are You Smitten with Project ManagementShawn H., MS
Why do Project Managers love their job? This presentation explores some of the reasons why PMs might be a bit smitten with the work they do. If you are a Project Manager, do you recognize yourself in this presentation? What resonates with you?
Learning and Sharing in Communication for Rural Development cccomdev
During the recent Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) Cleofe Torres of the College of Development Communication of the University of the Philippines Los Banos, discussed Learning and Sharing in Communication for Rural Development.
Strengthening Capacities in Communication for Rural Developmentcccomdev
This presentation was given at the International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR pre-conference event "Communication and Sustainable Development for Social Change" in Hyderabad, India.
Farming for the Future: Rural Communication Services to Advance Family Farmingcccomdev
This presentation was given during the pre-conference event on Communication for Sustainable Rural Development & Social Change, held in India on July 14, 2014 in the context of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference 2014. It presents the role of rural communication services to advance family farming, giving special attention to the International Year of Family Farming #IYFF14, as well as the International Forum on Communication and Community Media for Family Farming that FAO will host in October 2014.
Communication is a strategic asset for human, social and economic empowerment. At the heart of Communication for Development (ComDev) is participation and ownership by communities and individuals most affected by poverty and other development issues.
This presentation by FAO ComDev team provides an introduction to the key principles and functions of communication for rural development, accompanied by concrete examples from field experience.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
Rangkuman singkat dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang perangkat pembelajaran biologi tentang lingkungan hidup yang mencakup standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, rencana pembelajaran, materi pokok, metode pembelajaran, latihan kerja siswa, dan asesmen.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang ekologi, termasuk definisi ekologi sebagai ilmu yang membahas hubungan antara organisme dan lingkungannya. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan konsep-konsep dasar ekologi seperti ekosistem, siklus materi dan energi, serta permasalahan-permasalahan lingkungan hidup.
Este documento presenta una lista de medios de transporte divididos en tres categor鱈as: tierra, mar y aire. Luego describe los medios de transporte colectivos e individuales, indicando que los primeros como autobuses y trenes transportan a muchas personas mientras que los segundos como taxis y coches transportan a pocas. Finalmente, pide al lector que complete algunas actividades relacionadas con los medios de transporte y comunicaci坦n presentados.
Broadband Best Practices In Rural Mn 102009Becky LaPlant
This document summarizes best practices for broadband deployment discussed at a webinar. It discusses:
1) Partnering with schools and other institutions to build fiber networks and stimulate competitive responses from broadband providers.
2) Building community fiber rings to connect institutions and deploying wireless to serve entire areas.
3) Partnering across counties to add redundancy and value through high-capacity fiber networks.
4) Emerging projects to extend city networks to rural communities and build countywide fiber networks.
DWS16 - Future Networks forum - Anna Krzyzanowska European CommissionIDATE DigiWorld
The document discusses the European Union's goals for a Gigabit society by 2025, including providing extremely high connectivity (gigabit speeds) to socio-economic drivers and digitally intensive enterprises, access to connectivity offering at least 100 Mbps download speeds to all households across Europe, and uninterrupted 5G coverage in all urban areas and along major transport paths by 2020. These objectives will be achieved through modernizing telecoms rules, providing free public WiFi access across Europe, and coordinating a 2020 timeline for 5G commercialization. Funding may come from the European Fund for Strategic Investments, European Structural and Investment Funds, and Connecting Europe Broadband Fund.
Community radio stations have benefited from new technologies like the internet and mobile phones. These technologies allow stations to more easily access and share information, empowering communities. However, technological advances alone are not enough - visionary policies are also needed to support community radio and ensure communities can access new technologies. Such policies could include providing funding to develop community radio, including radio in universal access policies, and supporting affordable internet access for rural community stations. Combining community radio and internet access has great potential to benefit underserved communities through information sharing.
Caz Research Paper Latest&Updated Presentationguest48c8eba8
The document summarizes a paper presentation on the market demand for ICT in rural and peri-urban areas of Zambia. It defines key terms, describes the research sites in Zambia, analyzes opportunities and challenges of ICT provision in rural and peri-urban areas, and proposes strategies for developing ICT infrastructure in these areas including using mobile internet vehicles, computer kiosks, and partnerships with educational institutions.
Presentaci坦n de Martha Garc鱈a-Murillo en el taller "El rol del Estado en la promoci坦n de la banda ancha" para DIRSI. Lima, 19 de mayo de 2011.
Martha Garc鱈a-Murillo's presentation at the workshop "The role of the state in the promotion of the broadband" for DIRSI. Lima, May 19th 2011.
Irene misoi nomadic community networks-2Irene Misoi
NomadicNet is a national community network campaign that aims to bridge the social and economic divide affecting the Nomadic Community using the Internet
Future-Sat Africa, June 2016_concept documentAdrian Hall
Extensia's inaugural Satellite summit, scheduled for June 2016 in South Africa, will focus on satellite playing an essential role in Africas future digital communications strategy across all sectors.
In this revision presentation we cover key examples of pure and quasi public goods and consider the arguments for and against an increase in government spending on public goods.
Mt ibrahim gsma project_weighing the benefits of universal service fundsMohammed Ibrahim
Market liberalization and prmotion of competition has enabled the rapid growth of telecoms markets around the world. Current estimates put the number of unique mobile subscribers at around 3.8 billion. Yet, majority of the world's population currently live without access to basic ICT services. Government's and regulators around the world have adopted a number of approaches including the use of Universal Service Funds to bridge the digital divide and make services accessible and affordable to the widest number of people. This presentation is intended to provide a brief overview to the public on the programmes being implemented under the Universal Service Provision Fund in Nigeria, together with challenges currently being faced as well as possible solutions.
Paul Kenefick, Vice President at Alcatel-Lucent in the US, says that all available analysis projects massive growth in broadband services, particularly in mobile broadband, but that users will continually be seeking more as third party content and applications also booms. The communications industry is moving fundamentally from a service provider-centric model to a user-centric model. The US needs coherent broadband policymaking that will drive sustainable private sector activity but analyses need to look beyond simple penetration levels into other factors. International comparisons are also relevant.
The document discusses how to foster broadband internet development in Africa. It outlines that broadband infrastructure is key to digital transformation but connectivity in Africa currently lags. It recommends developing a digital policy that establishes an enabling regulatory framework, fosters infrastructure investment through incentives and fair competition, promotes affordability, utilizes cost-effective solutions, and boosts local content development.
The document discusses the impact of Over the Top (OTT) services on the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector and its stakeholders. It notes that OTT services are disruptive innovations that provide the same products and services more affordably, making them available to more people. However, this disrupts traditional telecom operators' business models and revenues. The document examines issues around net neutrality, changing regulations, security and privacy concerns, and new business strategies that operators and regulators can adopt in response to OTT services. Case studies from India are presented to illustrate some challenges and responses.
Community owned networks - connectivity solution for AfricaDavid Johnson
Cellular connectivity has provided impressive Internet growth in Africa over the past decade, but according to the ITU, in 2017, Africa only had 20% of the population using the Internet; a laggard compared to 40% in Asia & the Pacific and the 50% world average. We have connected the easy half of the population and connecting the next half of the world will require new innovative thinking.
This presentation looks at the current challenges to overcome and building blocks that can help community owned networks grow. It studies radio infrastructure, spectrum sharing and localized services all underpinned by the right regulation and skills.
1. Universal access and service aims to provide publicly shared or individual access to telecommunications services. It is funded through a variety of means including industry levies, public-private partnerships, and universal access funds.
2. Technology changes have lowered costs and expanded what services should be included in universal access, such as broadband and internet access now. Countries are taking more ambitious universal access goals as a result.
3. Providing universal access helps stimulate economic and social development through widespread communication access, but non-commercial and rural areas still require subsidies or alternative approaches to achieve universal goals.
BCN (Nigeria) strategies to promote broadband & digitization Myles Freedman
This document discusses strategies to promote broadband and digitization in Nigeria. It outlines Nigeria's Broadband Plan which aims to increase broadband penetration from 6% in 2013 to 30% by 2018 by focusing on policy and regulation, infrastructure, funding, and driving demand. The plan includes building fiber infrastructure, upgrading wireless networks, and developing local content and applications. It also introduces the InfraCo model which licenses regional operators to build open access broadband infrastructure using a public-private partnership approach. The BCN Consortium was recently awarded a license to build fiber infrastructure across 7 states in North West Nigeria.
The demand for bandwidth is soaring worldwide. More people in more places are connecting for work,
entertainment, social communication, and education, and theyre increasingly using mobile phones, tablets,
and other easy-to-carry devices. And in many developing parts of the world, mobile phones are often the only
internet-access technology thats both affordable and available.
The document discusses various applications of information and communication technologies (ICT) to support rural development in areas such as public administration, business, education, health, employment, environment, and agriculture. It provides examples of how ICT can help bridge the digital divide in rural areas by providing access to services, markets, banking, and education. The use of technologies like mobile phones, rural wireless broadband schemes, and networks connecting villages have helped enhance connectivity. ICT is seen as a way to strengthen rural governance, encourage social transformation, and improve quality of life by increasing access to information for rural communities.
Este documento presenta la Iniciativa de Comunicaci坦n para el Desarrollo Rural en Am辿rica Latina, la cual promueve el intercambio de experiencias y colaboraci坦n entre actores en temas de comunicaci坦n y medios comunitarios para fortalecer la agricultura familiar. Sus objetivos son apoyar proyectos de comunicaci坦n rural, fortalecer las capacidades de comunicaci坦n de instituciones rurales, y promover el di叩logo sobre pol鱈ticas para comunicaci坦n que apoye el desarrollo rural sostenible. Propone la creaci坦n de la Red Onda Rural para log
Applying Communication for Development with a Gender Perspective to Family Fa...cccomdev
This presentation was given by Dr. Sarah Cardey - programme director for the MSc Communication for Innovation and Development and the MSc Applied Development Studies, and incoming director of the Graduate Institute for International Development and Applied Economics, at the University of Reading UK - during a seminar organized by the FAO Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development.
Read more at http://www.cccomdev.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=352%3Areading-blog&catid=70&Itemid=416
Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication cccomdev
During the recent Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), Loes Witteven of Wageningen UR presented Management of Development- Rural Development and Communication
Este documento describe la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC) y su brazo V鱈a Campesina. Resume sus principios de lucha por la soberan鱈a alimentaria, la reforma agraria, la igualdad de g辿nero y la defensa del medio ambiente. Tambi辿n describe sus esfuerzos de comunicaci坦n para promover estas causas a trav辿s de boletines, programas de radio, redes sociales y su sitio web. El documento concluye discutiendo los preparativos para el pr坦ximo congreso de la CLOC-V鱈a Camp
Communication for Development: Research Into Practicecccomdev
The document discusses communication for development and community media for family farming. It describes how CGIAR works to impact the ground through award-winning science. It also discusses a farmer field day on aflatoxins in Nigeria and the We RATE clearinghouse in Kenya, which formed a stakeholder platform of 26 farmer associations and NGOs to test and apply new farm technologies using face-to-face communication and mobile phones. The document notes some constraints such as limited access to information and inappropriate communication tools, and needs such as data on farmer needs and strengthening bottom-up communication.
Ouangraoua Boukari of Inades Formation Burkina Faso and the World Rural Forum discusses the Communicateurs aux pieds nus, barefoot communicators who encourage communication in rural areas.
Adeline nsimire samwaki_session2_panel 1_farmer led commcccomdev
Adeline Nsimire of SAMWAKI rural women's organization discusses Community Listeners Clubs in relation to rural development, during the Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) which took place at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Universal Access: Financial Mechanisms and Rural Infrastructure Policies
1. Universal Access: Financial Mechanisms
and Rural Infrastructure Policies
Mike Jensen
Forum on Communication for Development and
Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM)
FAO - Sheikh Zayed Centre
October 23-24, 2014
2. What Are the Main Investments
Required for Rural Communication
National backbone networks fibre rings for
Last mile links satellite, mobile and fixed wireless
Public access facilities
Local radio stations
End-user equipment
Content development
ICT literacy training
Electricity national grid, micro-grids and in-premises
3. Financial Mechanisms and
Funding Opportunities
National backbone networks private, government,
PPP financing, can be development assistance, USFs
Last mile links private operator revenue & investment
finance, communities and end-user funding, diaspora,
Public access facilities national, state, local authorities
Local radio stations communities, private sector,
End-user equipment users, providers, govt backed
soft loans
Content development private, government, users
ICT literacy training users, government
Electricity development finance, govt, end-users
4. Other Enabling Factors
More open markets will attract private investment
Better access to radio spectrum for WiFi, TVWS,
mobile, will reduce operating costs for providers and
increase the potential for local self-provisioning of
community networks
Ensuring passive infrastructure sharing (masts,
ducts in roads, along rail lines and on electricity
grids) will greatly reduce the cost of providing
services, thereby attracting more investment in rural
Independent Power Producer Policies (IPPPs) and
feed-in tariffs will make renewable energy more
Lowering import duties on ICT equipment will cut
operator and end-user costs
5. How can farmers have a say?
Act together form or join entities that speak for
Build wireless networks and community radio
stations, lobby operators (demonstrate market
Collaborate with other local civil society groups with
a common interest in better access e.g Consumer
Groups, Women's organisations, Indigenous
groups, Co-ops
Participate in national and local policy processes
e.g National Broadband Strategy development