Feedback: we tried to draw a stylish cat!ccoatanea
The students Rocio and Maria tried drawing their friends' cat but their drawings did not turn out well. Rocio's drawing depicted the cat as thin while Maria's drawing showed a fat cat. Though their drawings skills were not great, they were pleased they made an effort to draw the cat. They then explained the drawing process and materials they used, and said they enjoyed the activity.
The document provides profiles for several individuals, including their ages, interests, likes/dislikes, and future goals. Barbara is 17 and likes biology, wants to be a forensic pathologist, and enjoys manga. Martyna is 17, enjoys shopping with friends, loves Italian food, and wants to be a reputable doctor. Angelika is 17, likes drawing, music, horror movies, psychology and biology/anatomy, and chocolate but dislikes oranges and math/physics.
The document describes the narrator's ordinary school day from waking up at 7am to going to bed at 9:30pm. It is a cloudy morning but the weather clears up. School goes well with English being a highlight. The narrator enjoys their break outside in the sunshine socializing. School ends at 2:20pm and the rest of the day is spent relaxing at home and then hanging out with friends until evening. The day is considered very pleasant and the narrator hopes tomorrow will be similar.
This document introduces 18 students in a class, describing each person's interests, personality traits, and hobbies. There is diversity in the class in terms of gender, origins, and individual styles, but most students get along well and enjoy a joyful atmosphere. Common interests among the students include music, dancing, spending time with friends, photography, and movies.
Eva wakes up between 6-7 am, has coffee and breakfast, gets dressed, and takes the bus to school. At school her first class is math, which she dislikes, followed by Polish. During breaks she talks with friends and eats sandwiches. She finishes school at 3 pm and goes home tired. After school she does homework, helps her mom, sometimes hangs out with friends, and goes to sleep. In the evenings she plays games, surfs the internet, watches TV, listens to music, eats dinner, showers, and plays with her cat before going to sleep.
Between 7-8 am the author takes two buses to school, listening to music on the way. During the week they usually wake up at 5 am. Between 10-11 am they relax and talk with friends at school, sometimes going outside despite the cold weather. Between 12-13 pm they take two buses home, first waiting at a bus stop and then taking a second bus to their suburb home. Between 14-15 pm they make coffee at home due to being tired, then do homework focusing on biology and other subjects. Between 17-18 pm they walk their dog outside to get fresh air while dressed casually, then make more coffee and review lessons upon returning home. Between 20-21 pm they relax by watching shows,
The document describes the narrator's ordinary school day from waking up at 7am to going to bed at 9:30pm. It is a cloudy morning but the weather clears up. School goes well with English being a highlight. The narrator enjoys their break outside in the sunshine socializing. School ends at 2:20pm and the rest of the day is spent relaxing at home and then hanging out with friends until evening. The day is considered very pleasant and the narrator hopes tomorrow will be similar.
This document introduces 18 students in a class, describing each person's interests, personality traits, and hobbies. There is diversity in the class in terms of gender, origins, and individual styles, but most students get along well and enjoy a joyful atmosphere. Common interests among the students include music, dancing, spending time with friends, photography, and movies.
Eva wakes up between 6-7 am, has coffee and breakfast, gets dressed, and takes the bus to school. At school her first class is math, which she dislikes, followed by Polish. During breaks she talks with friends and eats sandwiches. She finishes school at 3 pm and goes home tired. After school she does homework, helps her mom, sometimes hangs out with friends, and goes to sleep. In the evenings she plays games, surfs the internet, watches TV, listens to music, eats dinner, showers, and plays with her cat before going to sleep.
Between 7-8 am the author takes two buses to school, listening to music on the way. During the week they usually wake up at 5 am. Between 10-11 am they relax and talk with friends at school, sometimes going outside despite the cold weather. Between 12-13 pm they take two buses home, first waiting at a bus stop and then taking a second bus to their suburb home. Between 14-15 pm they make coffee at home due to being tired, then do homework focusing on biology and other subjects. Between 17-18 pm they walk their dog outside to get fresh air while dressed casually, then make more coffee and review lessons upon returning home. Between 20-21 pm they relax by watching shows,
Kuba gives a tour of his hometown of Siedlce in Poland, showing landmarks like the Town Hall with the statue of Jacek on top, the empty snow-covered streets at night, a bank across from a prison, the cathedral, schools and a university, the Oginski family Palace which houses the Academy of Podlasie where Kuba hopes to become chancellor, and the 200-year-old Aleksandria Park named after Princess Oginska. Kuba's grandmother Ewa works in a building and he hopes the visitor enjoys seeing photos of his town.
1. Blogi w nauczaniu jzyk坦w obcych
Iwona Moczydowska, MSCDN Wydzia w Siedlcach
2. Aspekt Rodzaj bloga
Rodzaj plik坦w blog klasyczny, vlog, fotoblog, linklog, tumblelog
(mikroblog), moblog, audioblog
Autor indywidualny
Funkcja informacyjny (internetowy pamitnik, strona www,
strona tematyczna) komunikacyjny (forum dyskusyjne,
miejsce wymiany dowiadcze), opiniotw坦rczy
Dziedzina edublogi (uczniowski, nauczycielski, klasowy)
3. Zawarto bloga
Posty/artykuy z informacjami, opiniami, komentarzami
w formie tekstu,
rysunki, zdjcia, filmy, nagrania d添wikowe, interaktywne
treci wykonane za pomoc r坦甜nych aplikacji Web 2.0
system archiwizacji wpis坦w,
system kategorii (tag坦w),
mo甜liwo komentowania wpis坦w,
zestaw link坦w do blog坦w polecanych przez autora (tzw.
blogroll) i inn.ych stron WWW
4. Zao甜enie i zarzdzanie blogiem
utworzenie bloga
nadanie nazwy
wyb坦r szaty graficznej
zamieszczenie wpisu/artykuu
opublikowanie bloga
dodawanie treci linki, zdjcia, pliki tekstowe, d添wikowe,
dodanie widget坦w
nadawanie uprawnie u甜ytkownikom dodawanie g坦wnych
treci, komentowanie
wprowadzanie modyfikacji do treci i formy bloga
5. Blogi w szkole
Mog by zao甜one i u甜ytkowane przez nauczycieli i/lub
Mog stanowi element wsp坦pracy z rodzicami i
rodowiskiem lokalnym
Mog by u甜ywane do kontaktowania si uczni坦w z innymi
spoecznociami uczniowskimi np. klas w innym kraju.
Pomysy i treci mog by generowane i opracowywane przez
uczni坦w indywidualnie lub grupowo.
Wykorzystywane s jako narzdzie wspierajce nauczanie
stacjonarne (blended learning).
6. Blogi jzykowe - przykady
Rafals English-Polish blog
English Zone
Activities for my students
Blog o Francji, Francuzach i jzyku francuskim
Jzykowy Precel
Mi alma espa単ola
Blog o tumaczeniach i jzyku rosyjskim
7. Blended learning
nauczyciel zamieszcza tekst, zdjcie, film zadaniem
uczni坦w napisa komentarz
informacja na temat X uczniowie czytaj, zadaj
pytania, X odpowiada
dyskusja na temat bie甜cych zagadnie
zadania jzykowe na lekcji (np. wska甜 r坦甜nice 2 filmy)
praca domowa
lista u甜ytecznych link坦w - materiay do samodzielnej
film do obejrzenia w domu w ramach lekcji odwr坦conej
8. Blended learning
testowanie uczni坦w
przeprowadzenie badania ankietowego
publikacja prac uczni坦w wykonanych w aplikacjach
Web 2.0 lub zeskanowanych,
czasopismo internetowe
portfolio uczniowskie
internetowy pamitnik
dokumentowanie pracy podczas realizacji projektu
webquest (instrukcja dla uczni坦w)
projekty midzynarodowe
9. Wdra甜anie bloga w klasie
1. Zao甜enie przykadowego bloga (1h).
2. Zao甜enie blog坦w uczniowskich (1h).
3. Przesyanie wpis坦w do swojego bloga, odwiedzanie blog坦w
innych os坦b, komentowanie (1h).
4. Kontynuacja (2-3 h).
5. Opcjonalnie dalsze dziaania w zale甜noci od cel坦w
10. Wyzwania i problemy
Umiejtnoci techniczne, zwizane z zarzdzaniem blogiem
oraz wykorzystaniem dodatkowych aplikacji
Kwestie zwizane z bezpieczestwem
Ochrona danych osobowych, zagro甜enie prywatnoci
Kwestie zwizane z waciwym doborem treci
Prawo autorskie
Ocenianie pracy uczni坦w
11. Kryteria oceniania blog坦w
poprawno jzykowa,
sp坦jno, istotno treci,
efektywne wykorzystanie element坦w wizualnych,
og坦lna prezentacja,
dugo post坦w.
Kryteria musz by jasne, znane uczniom.
Dobrze jest dostarczy uczniom model - oczekiwany
poziom jzykowy, wygld, treci.
12. Korzyci z wykorzystania bloga
Mo甜liwo publikowania efekt坦w pracy
Motywacja do pracy
Wzmocnienie sprawnoci pisania, krytycznego mylenia,
kreatywnoci, pracy zespoowej, umiejtnoci cyfrowych
Przygotowanie uczni坦w do przyszej pracy
Informacja zwrotna od wsp坦autor坦w oraz ocena r坦wienicza
Mo甜liwo dzielenia si osigniciami z rodzicami,
r坦wienikami, innymi nauczycielami
13. Dlaczego blogowa?
atwo, przyja添nie
Dostp z ka甜dego miejsca
Wyjcie poza ciany klasy
Jest dow坦d wykonania pracy
Mo甜liwo kontroli
Wsparcie dla uczni坦w, kt坦rzy
nie byli na lekcji
Mo甜liwo dotarcia do
uczni坦w o r坦甜nych stylach
uczenia si
Personalizacja mo甜liwo
korzystania z materia坦w we
wasnym tempie
Mo甜liwo pracy na
r坦甜norodnych materiaach
Rozwijanie sprawnoci
jzykowych i
14. U甜yteczne strony
Tworzenie blog坦w
Blogging for ELT, Brisish Council
Blogi w edukacji, eNauczanie,
Nie b坦j si bloga! Jak wykorzystywa blog w edukacji, Instytut
Kultury Miejskiej, Gdask 2013