Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops "KIM-Workshop: Vom Datensilo ins Semantic Web - Interoperabilit辰t von Metadaten" auf dem 4. Leipziger Kongress f端r Information und Bibliothek
This document discusses incorporating STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) into the Common Core curriculum. It defines the components of STEM and explains how STEM relates to and can be integrated with the Common Core standards. It provides examples of cross-curricular STEM lessons and activities that incorporate subjects like art, reading, writing, and more. It also discusses the use of technology, resources for a STEM lab, and how STEM education prepares students for the future.
Enabling Accessible Resource Access via Service ProvidersAlexander Haffner
Libraries have become digitized and are using information technology for storing and managing their
resource inventory. Additional metadata are used for describing properties of non-digital assets as well
as of purely digital resources. In particular, as the amount of digital resources increases, there is
demand for centralized services for searching and distribution of content.
Stakeholders of libraries and publishing industry already have made progress in areas of archival
strategies and standardization of preservation strategies. A variety of metadata standards and
exchange protocols enable service providers to offer a single access point to resources. However,
there is still an increased demand for improvement of resource organization and enhanced quality
particularly in terms of accessibility. This paper presents strategies to increase accessibility of
resources as a valuable step towards access-for-all. For consideration of accessibility within the
publishing chain we analyse the whole processing chain and identify stakeholders such as national
libraries and their corresponding responsibilities for ingest, archival storage and dissemination of
digital resources.
The document discusses the German National Library's efforts to publish authority data as linked open data. It provides an overview of the types of authority data that have been modeled and published as linked data so far, including numbers of authority records. It also discusses future goals, such as reducing redundancies and cataloging efforts through linking data. Limitations of the current linked data approach are noted, such as how to represent aggregation of information and meta-metadata. The conclusion emphasizes the benefits of linked open data for libraries and the web community.
This document provides information and resources for integrating project-based learning, Common Core standards, and technology. It discusses how project-based learning allows students to connect their work to the real world. Various grade level Common Core standards are presented, followed by examples of projects incorporating technology tools. Suggestions are given for starting projects and managing student work. The document concludes with lists of additional resources and ideas for using blogs, digital storytelling, interactive presentations, and global projects.
Integration of Accessible Documents into Digital Libraries of TomorrowAlexander Haffner
This document discusses approaches for integrating accessible multimedia documents into digital libraries. It describes two approaches - one based on extending the DAISY format and one based on transforming MultiReader documents into a client/server distribution model. Both approaches aim to provide synchronized multimedia content and personalization for users with different abilities. The document also discusses collaborative production of accessible documents and the roles of authors and librarians in ensuring high quality resources.
Collaborative Maintenance of Semantic Networks - Present or Future?Alexander Haffner
1. The document discusses collaborative maintenance of semantic networks between libraries and other organizations.
2. It describes current authority collaboration in German libraries through the Integrated Authority File, which contains over 10 million entries.
3. However, the data exchange is based on harvesting and the data model is very library-specific, excluding non-library organizations.
The paper describes the work being conducted in the Cross-institutional Authority Collaboration (Institutionen端bergreifende Integration von Normdaten, IN2N) project. This pilot project, executed in cooperation with the German National Library and the German Film Institute, aims to establish new collaboration models to improve cross-domain authority maintenance. The paper outlines applied strategies for providing a shared infrastructure as well as workflows for exchanging data about persons; interface enhancements permitting the exploitation of innovative web approaches; and cross-institutional data search and representation solutions. Furthermore, we discuss specific boundary conditions, such as disparities in the level of data granularity, for an interoperable cataloguing environment.
The document discusses Resource Description and Access (RDA), a new cataloging standard that aims to improve findability, identification, and interoperability of library resources. RDA is based on FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data) models. It defines cataloging entities and relationships using Semantic Web technologies like URIs, RDF, and SKOS to make metadata more reusable and linkable on the global scale. The document outlines how RDA entities, elements, and vocabularies are being registered in the NSDL Metadata Registry to enable their representation and sharing using Semantic Web formats.
Durch den neuen Erschlieungsstandard Resource Description and Access (RDA) lassen sich bibliografische Daten sowie Normdaten Semantic-Web-konform repr辰sentieren. Der Vortrag soll aufzeigen, welche Auswirkungen RDA auf die Katalogisierung in Bibliotheken und den Zugang zu den erschlossenen Ressourcen im Semantic Web hat. Anhand erster Erfahrungen aus praktischen Umsetzungen wird erl辰utert, wie bibliografische Daten durch RDA und Linked-Data-Technologien besser zug辰nglich gemacht und vor allem nachgenutzt werden k旦nnen.
Prezentacja wygoszona na konferencji: Sztuka Zdalnego nauczania, Bolcina 2012, organizowanej przez Zbigniewa Grabowskiego i Magdalen Kubalk-Plut.
Wspaniaa konferencja, na kt坦r serdecznie zapraszam, mam nadziej, w przyszym roku!!!
Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops "KIM-Workshop: Vom Datensilo ins Semantic Web - Interoperabilit辰t von Metadaten" auf dem 4. Leipziger Kongress f端r Information und Bibliothek
This document discusses incorporating STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) into the Common Core curriculum. It defines the components of STEM and explains how STEM relates to and can be integrated with the Common Core standards. It provides examples of cross-curricular STEM lessons and activities that incorporate subjects like art, reading, writing, and more. It also discusses the use of technology, resources for a STEM lab, and how STEM education prepares students for the future.
Enabling Accessible Resource Access via Service ProvidersAlexander Haffner
Libraries have become digitized and are using information technology for storing and managing their
resource inventory. Additional metadata are used for describing properties of non-digital assets as well
as of purely digital resources. In particular, as the amount of digital resources increases, there is
demand for centralized services for searching and distribution of content.
Stakeholders of libraries and publishing industry already have made progress in areas of archival
strategies and standardization of preservation strategies. A variety of metadata standards and
exchange protocols enable service providers to offer a single access point to resources. However,
there is still an increased demand for improvement of resource organization and enhanced quality
particularly in terms of accessibility. This paper presents strategies to increase accessibility of
resources as a valuable step towards access-for-all. For consideration of accessibility within the
publishing chain we analyse the whole processing chain and identify stakeholders such as national
libraries and their corresponding responsibilities for ingest, archival storage and dissemination of
digital resources.
The document discusses the German National Library's efforts to publish authority data as linked open data. It provides an overview of the types of authority data that have been modeled and published as linked data so far, including numbers of authority records. It also discusses future goals, such as reducing redundancies and cataloging efforts through linking data. Limitations of the current linked data approach are noted, such as how to represent aggregation of information and meta-metadata. The conclusion emphasizes the benefits of linked open data for libraries and the web community.
This document provides information and resources for integrating project-based learning, Common Core standards, and technology. It discusses how project-based learning allows students to connect their work to the real world. Various grade level Common Core standards are presented, followed by examples of projects incorporating technology tools. Suggestions are given for starting projects and managing student work. The document concludes with lists of additional resources and ideas for using blogs, digital storytelling, interactive presentations, and global projects.
Integration of Accessible Documents into Digital Libraries of TomorrowAlexander Haffner
This document discusses approaches for integrating accessible multimedia documents into digital libraries. It describes two approaches - one based on extending the DAISY format and one based on transforming MultiReader documents into a client/server distribution model. Both approaches aim to provide synchronized multimedia content and personalization for users with different abilities. The document also discusses collaborative production of accessible documents and the roles of authors and librarians in ensuring high quality resources.
Collaborative Maintenance of Semantic Networks - Present or Future?Alexander Haffner
1. The document discusses collaborative maintenance of semantic networks between libraries and other organizations.
2. It describes current authority collaboration in German libraries through the Integrated Authority File, which contains over 10 million entries.
3. However, the data exchange is based on harvesting and the data model is very library-specific, excluding non-library organizations.
The paper describes the work being conducted in the Cross-institutional Authority Collaboration (Institutionen端bergreifende Integration von Normdaten, IN2N) project. This pilot project, executed in cooperation with the German National Library and the German Film Institute, aims to establish new collaboration models to improve cross-domain authority maintenance. The paper outlines applied strategies for providing a shared infrastructure as well as workflows for exchanging data about persons; interface enhancements permitting the exploitation of innovative web approaches; and cross-institutional data search and representation solutions. Furthermore, we discuss specific boundary conditions, such as disparities in the level of data granularity, for an interoperable cataloguing environment.
The document discusses Resource Description and Access (RDA), a new cataloging standard that aims to improve findability, identification, and interoperability of library resources. RDA is based on FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data) models. It defines cataloging entities and relationships using Semantic Web technologies like URIs, RDF, and SKOS to make metadata more reusable and linkable on the global scale. The document outlines how RDA entities, elements, and vocabularies are being registered in the NSDL Metadata Registry to enable their representation and sharing using Semantic Web formats.
Durch den neuen Erschlieungsstandard Resource Description and Access (RDA) lassen sich bibliografische Daten sowie Normdaten Semantic-Web-konform repr辰sentieren. Der Vortrag soll aufzeigen, welche Auswirkungen RDA auf die Katalogisierung in Bibliotheken und den Zugang zu den erschlossenen Ressourcen im Semantic Web hat. Anhand erster Erfahrungen aus praktischen Umsetzungen wird erl辰utert, wie bibliografische Daten durch RDA und Linked-Data-Technologien besser zug辰nglich gemacht und vor allem nachgenutzt werden k旦nnen.
Prezentacja wygoszona na konferencji: Sztuka Zdalnego nauczania, Bolcina 2012, organizowanej przez Zbigniewa Grabowskiego i Magdalen Kubalk-Plut.
Wspaniaa konferencja, na kt坦r serdecznie zapraszam, mam nadziej, w przyszym roku!!!
Problematyka metodologiczna w internetowych platformach dzielenia si wiedz ...Sabina Cisek
The main purpose of this article is to investigate if and to what extent the problems of research/scholarly methodology are present on the Internet knowledge-sharing platforms. The concept of a Web-based knowledge-sharing community and/or platform is discussed as well.
Nauczyciel/ka z klas 2.0 czyli jak uczy w XXI wiekuszkola20
Katarzyna Zawojska-Dominiak, nauczyciel i wicedyrektor w szkole podstawowej w Biaymstoku m坦wi "Czego mi brakuje, by uczy w 2.0? w czasie debaty w Gazecie Wyborczej z cyklu Co z t szko?
Kuba gives a tour of his hometown of Siedlce in Poland, showing landmarks like the Town Hall with the statue of Jacek on top, the empty snow-covered streets at night, a bank across from a prison, the cathedral, schools and a university, the Oginski family Palace which houses the Academy of Podlasie where Kuba hopes to become chancellor, and the 200-year-old Aleksandria Park named after Princess Oginska. Kuba's grandmother Ewa works in a building and he hopes the visitor enjoys seeing photos of his town.
1. Wiki w nauczaniu jzyka obcego
Iwona Moczydowska
4 listopada 2011r.
2. Przykady
5th Grade Writing Project wiki
Flat Classroom Project
Holocaust Wiki Project
Studying Societies at JHK
Thousand and One Flat World
Tales Project
Westwood School Wiki
3. 永看姻坦敬稼温稼庄艶
Blogi Wiki
Mocno spersonalizowane Znaczco uwsp坦lnione
Skoncentrowane na procesie Nacisk na treci
Administrowane przez jednostk Administrowane przez wiele os坦b
Edytowany przez tw坦rc Edytowane przez ka甜dego
Zorganizowane chronologicznie Niezliczone sposoby organizacji
Ustrukturyzowane Elastyczne
4. Zadania
Rejestracja Nadawanie uprawnieo,
Zao甜enie wiki (strony) zapraszanie czonk坦w
typy (publiczny, Dodawanie plik坦w,
chroniony, prywatny) w tym obraz坦w
Edycja Ogldanie mapy strony,
Tworzenie link坦w Przegld zmian (Historia)
Tworzenie stron Edycja paska nawigacji
Zmiana nazwy stron Wykorzystanie funkcji
Usuwanie stron dyskusji
Zamykanie stron
Zmiana ustawieo
graficznych, kolory ta,
6. Cechy wiki
Z natury oparte na wsp坦pracy
Zr坦甜nicowany poziom dostpu
Mo甜liwod wkadu, edytowania, usuwania
Historia zmian pozwala przywr坦cid
poprzednie wersje
Funkcja Dyskusja i komentarze umo甜liwiaj
wymian zdao i wsp坦prac
Mo甜liwod wczenia informacji i medi坦w z
r坦甜norodnych 添r坦de (audio, video, RSS, itd.)
Handouts: http://classrootech.pbwiki.com
7. Wdra甜anie wiki w klasie
1. Przygotowanie zadania (1h)
2. Realizacja zadania (1h - 1 rok)
np. Sawne postaci (2 h)
(G. Dudeney, N. Hockly, How to teach with technology, Pearson Longman 2007)
projekt np. 纏ycie szkoy (1 miesic)
(P. Sze, Online collaborative Writing Using Wikis, Internet TESL Journal 2008)
Cinderella historia z punktu widzenia r坦甜nych postaci (R.Fountain)
pisanie tekstu do Wikipedii
3. Ewaluacja
8. Pomysy na projekty
Informacje o ksi甜kach
Burza m坦zg坦w
Strona klasy, blog klasy
Historia szkoy
Planowanie przedsiwzid: koncertu, przyjcia (plan i
podzia obowizk坦w)
Tworzenie dwiczeo dla innych uczni坦w
Pisanie opowiadao
Listy do redakcji/wydawcy
Zabawa w Agony Aunt (porady)
9. Pomysy
Wzbogacanie opisu
Opowiadanie kontynuacja
Opowiadanie z u甜yciem okrelonych wyraz坦w
Warsztaty poetyckie
Analiza dziea literackiego
Klasowa encyklopedia
Broszura turystyczna
Listy s坦wek z przykadami u甜ycia
Opis wycieczki
Opis tradycji por坦wnanie w innych krajach
10. Pomysy
Instrukcje, poradniki, sowniki
Projekt klasowy, grupowy
List lub owiadczenie caej klasy
Praca nad
pomysami, dokumentami, materiaami
Dokumenty klasy, szkoy
Uczniowskie ksi甜ki, gazety
Przestrzeo do grupowej dyskusji
11. Wiki klasowe
Burza m坦zg坦w
Podsumowanie lekcji
Dzielenie si
pomysami, wiedz na
nowe tematy
Realizacja projekt坦w
Portfolia uczniowskie
Linki do u甜ytecznych stron
Prace indywidualne
Prosta strona internetowa
Rozpowszechnienie informacji o klasie na
Wsp坦praca pomidzy nauczycielami
Handouts: http://classromtech.pbwiki.com
12. Korzyci z pisania w grupie
Nacisk na mocne strony wszystkich czonk坦w
Przygotowanie uczni坦w do przyszej pracy
Natychmiastowa informacja zwrotna od
wsp坦pracownik坦w oraz ocena r坦wienicza
Mniej do oceny dla nauczyciela
13. Korzyci z wykorzystania wiki
Mo甜liwod dzielenia si osigniciami z
rodzicami, opiekunami, r坦wienikami, itd.
Promuje wsp坦prac
Funkcja Historia skania do refleksji
Sama w sobie wzmacnia sprawnod pisania
Mo甜liwod publikowania
14. Niekorzystne cechy
Niepewna jakod i wiarygodnod treci
Chaos i rozproszenie
Zagro甜enie dla prywatnoci
Niedostateczna ochrona danych
Dostp wielu os坦b do edycji zawartoci mo甜e
skutkowad szkodami, nawet wandalizmem
Niemo甜liwa symultaniczna edycja
15. U甜yteczne adresy
Tworzenie wiki
Wikispaces http://www.wikispaces.com/
PB wiki http://pbwiki.com/
Wetpaint wiki http://www.wetpaint.com/
Writeboard http://www.writeboard.com/
The STOLEN principle
The Wiki Revolution http://tesl-ej.org/ej44/m1.html
Using wikis for teacher development