本スライドは、弊社の有田により2019年8月8日のArithmer Seminarで使用されたものです。
"Arithmer Seminar" is weekly held, where professionals from within and outside our company give lectures on their respective expertise.
The slides are made by the lecturer from outside our company, and shared here with his/her permission.
Arithmer began at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences. Today, our research of modern mathematics and AI systems has the capability of providing solutions when dealing with tough complex issues. At Arithmer we believe it is our job to realize the functions of AI through improving work efficiency and producing more useful results for society.
27. Rにおける関数の例
??? ?? ????
abs ??? abs(a)
cos ?????? cos(a) ? cos(0) = 1
sin ?????? sin(a) ? sin(pi/2) = 1
tan ?????? tan(a) ? tan(pi/4) = 1
round ?????? round(a,n) n ????Τ????
log ???? log(a) ????? log10()
sqrt ??? sqrt (a) ?
a ????
28. Rにおける関数の例
????? ??
sum ??????? sum(a,b,c)
mean ???????г?? median
max ???????????? min
var ????????????????????????????????
sd ????????????????????
cor ??????????????????????