M¨§n¨ªc¨ª se digit¨¢ln¨ª ?ivot je Va?e p?¨ªle?itostTomas Pflanzer
Zam¨§?¨ªm se na to, jak se d¨ªky nov?m technologi¨ªm m¨§n¨ª chov¨¢n¨ª lid¨ª v digit¨¢ln¨ªm i v offline sv¨§t¨§ a p?ibl¨ª?¨ªm n¨§kolik ¨²sp¨§?n?ch kampan¨ª, kter¨¦ toho vyu?ily. Doch¨¢z¨ª opravdu k odlivu teeneger? ze soci¨¢ln¨ªch s¨ªt¨ª? A pokud ano, kam se p?esouvaj¨ª? Maj¨ª youtube?i v ?R n¨§jak? vliv a mohou Va?¨ª zna?ce n¨§jak pomoci? Co nov¨¦ slu?by pro sd¨ªlen¨ª videa v re¨¢ln¨¦m ?ase? Jsou jen slepou uli?kou? A co wearables, jak vypad¨¢ jejich n¨¢stup a kter¨¦ kategorie mohou v budoucnu ovlivnit? Mohou zna?ky n¨§jak vyu?¨ªt multiscreening? To v?echno se dozv¨ªte na m¨¦ p?edn¨¢?ce. #BudoucnostJeUzasna
Radosti a a no?n¨ª m?ry mobiln¨ªho z¨¢kazn¨ªkaExperienceU
Podle sout¨§?e firemn¨ªch web? WebTop100 nebylo v roce 2013 p?ipraveno na mobiln¨ªho z¨¢kazn¨ªka 71 % ?esk?ch firemn¨ªch web?. Co dal?¨ªho ?¨ªkaj¨ª v?zkumy a tvrd¨¢ ?¨ªsla o mobiln¨ªch z¨¢kazn¨ªc¨ªch a jak¨¦ radosti a no?n¨ª m?ry za?¨ªvaj¨ª?
Um¨ªme u? i u n¨¢s pohodln¨§ nakupovat z mobilu?Mobito
Mobiln¨ª telefony n¨¢m dnes umo?¨¾uj¨ª uskute?nit n¨¢kup p?es pr¨¦miov¨¦ SMS za parkov¨¢n¨ª, j¨ªzdenky, p?¨ªpadn¨§ prost?ednictv¨ªm smartbankingu p?esouvat pen¨ªze nebo zaplatit p?es QR k¨®d za fakturu. Sv¨§t mobiln¨ªch aplikac¨ª a mobiln¨ªch internetov?ch obchod?, v?ak u n¨¢s st¨¢le ?ek¨¢ na skute?n¨¦ vyu?it¨ª n¨¢kupn¨ªho potenci¨¢lu. Pro? se n¨¢m neda?¨ª vytvo?it jednoduch? zp?sob, aby z¨¢kazn¨ªk pohodln¨§ nakoupil z mobilu v online obchod¨§ / mobiln¨ª aplikaci? Kde nejv¨ªce z¨¢kazn¨ªk? kon?¨ª a pro?? M¨¢ to v?bec smysl a pro kter¨¦ segmenty? To v?e jsou ot¨¢zky, na kter¨¦ se pokus¨ªme zodpov¨§d¨§t.
Mobiln¨ª marketing v?znamn¨§ ovliv¨¾uje byznys Blue Events
?Mobiln¨ª marketing ovliv¨¾uje v?znamn¨§ byznys 1/2 v?ech firem, kter¨¦ jej pou?¨ªvaj¨ª. ? firem, kter¨¦ vyu?¨ªvaj¨ª n¨¢stroje mobiln¨ªho marketingu, zaznamen¨¢vaj¨ª jeho p?¨ªnos pro sv?j byznys. 1/5 v¨§?¨ª, ?e mobiln¨ª oblast p?isp¨§je jejich byznysu v budoucnu. Tyto a dal?¨ª z¨¢v¨§ry nab¨ªz¨ª bleskov¨¢ anketa mezi ¨²?astn¨ªky konference Mobile Marketing 2014
Tom leads the digital research department at Gizmax. A survey found that 90% of 15-24 year olds in the Czech Republic know what a youtuber is. Youtubers have evolved from people who just watch videos to celebrities with large followings and their own original content. It is logical for brands to partner with popular youtubers in the Czech Republic like PewDiePie, ViralBrothers, GoGoMan, Teri Blitzen, and Jirka Kr¨¢l due to their ability to influence consumers.
This document discusses Snapchat usage in the Czech Republic. It shows that while Snapchat has a relatively low percentage of users in the Czech Republic compared to other social networks like Facebook, its popularity is growing rapidly among 15-24 year olds. It also highlights some key features of Snapchat like geofitlers, live stories, and discover content that make it popular for sharing private videos and experiences.
Moje prezentace z ¨²?asn¨¦ konference o Snapchat v ?R - Snapujem. Zkusil jsem do n¨ª dopsat texty, kter¨¦ byly pouze ?e?eny, ale je jasn?, ?e na ?ivo je to v?dy lep?¨ª!
The document discusses ways to improve respondent panels to keep up with increasing mobile usage. It recommends:
1) Making the panel accessible from any device by creating a responsive web interface.
2) Developing responsive questionnaires that can be completed on smartphones and tablets.
3) Creating a mobile app to conduct research in areas without internet access.
4) Better integrating Facebook to make logging in easier and use Facebook data.
5) Potentially offering self-service research capabilities to stay ahead of competitors.
1) A proportion compares two ratios using cross products, which are the products of the numbers across each ratio.
2) To check if two ratios are equivalent, you calculate the cross products and see if they are equal.
3) Solving proportions involves setting the cross products equal to each other and then solving the resulting equation.
This document summarizes the services provided by Cost Reduction and Business Solutions, a consultancy that identifies potential savings for businesses through capital allowance tax refunds (CATAX), historical auditing of utility bills, and reducing card processing costs. CATAX claims average a 25% refund of unclaimed capital allowances on commercial property. Historical auditing of utility and telecom bills over the past 6 years typically identifies 10% in savings. The consultancy partners with clients and takes no upfront fees, only charging a fee if savings are identified. Introducers can also earn income by referring qualifying clients who achieve savings.
The Purdue Engineering Fountain serves several purposes beyond just being a water fountain. At night, it provides colorful visual art for students walking to class. During the day, students use it as a place to relax, socialize, and take photos. It is a popular spot for both work and play, and is also part of the annual Fountain Run tradition.
Licence to Play ? (Annemarie Steen): Uplifting Energy, enabling Change.
It's Licence to Play's mission to bring more Playfulness & Playful Learning into organizations. Play is the fastest way to create succesful change towards more openness, connectedness, collaboration, creativity, risk-taking and speedlearning.
21st century students must be critical thinkers who raise questions, gather information, and think openly to solve complex problems collaboratively. They must also be quick problem solvers, technological experts, self-efficient, flexible and adaptable, curious about the world, globally aware as events are interconnected, and environmentally conscious in order to succeed.
Budujte vztah se z¨¢kazn¨ªky pomoc¨ª mobiln¨ª aplikace (Shopcamp 2016)Asymbo s.r.o.
Mobiln¨ª aplikace se v ?esk?ch e-shop? za?¨ªnaj¨ª objevovat jako houby po de?ti. U? nepat?¨ª jen velik¨¢n?m jako Alza nebo CZC.cz. Jak si zalo?it appku i pro sv?j e-shop? To zjist¨ªte z na?¨ª p?edn¨¢?ky na #shopcampcz 2016. Dozv¨ªte se i v?sledky p?¨ªpadov¨¦ studie ?esk¨¦ho e-shopu Metalshop.cz, kter? aplikaci provozuje u? 13 m¨§s¨ªc?. M¨¢me pro v¨¢s tak¨¦ zaj¨ªmav¨¢ data z dotazn¨ªkov¨¦ho ?et?en¨ª mezi 6000 u?ivateli appek. Stoj¨ª za to.
Tom leads the digital research department at Gizmax. A survey found that 90% of 15-24 year olds in the Czech Republic know what a youtuber is. Youtubers have evolved from people who just watch videos to celebrities with large followings and their own original content. It is logical for brands to partner with popular youtubers in the Czech Republic like PewDiePie, ViralBrothers, GoGoMan, Teri Blitzen, and Jirka Kr¨¢l due to their ability to influence consumers.
This document discusses Snapchat usage in the Czech Republic. It shows that while Snapchat has a relatively low percentage of users in the Czech Republic compared to other social networks like Facebook, its popularity is growing rapidly among 15-24 year olds. It also highlights some key features of Snapchat like geofitlers, live stories, and discover content that make it popular for sharing private videos and experiences.
Moje prezentace z ¨²?asn¨¦ konference o Snapchat v ?R - Snapujem. Zkusil jsem do n¨ª dopsat texty, kter¨¦ byly pouze ?e?eny, ale je jasn?, ?e na ?ivo je to v?dy lep?¨ª!
The document discusses ways to improve respondent panels to keep up with increasing mobile usage. It recommends:
1) Making the panel accessible from any device by creating a responsive web interface.
2) Developing responsive questionnaires that can be completed on smartphones and tablets.
3) Creating a mobile app to conduct research in areas without internet access.
4) Better integrating Facebook to make logging in easier and use Facebook data.
5) Potentially offering self-service research capabilities to stay ahead of competitors.
1) A proportion compares two ratios using cross products, which are the products of the numbers across each ratio.
2) To check if two ratios are equivalent, you calculate the cross products and see if they are equal.
3) Solving proportions involves setting the cross products equal to each other and then solving the resulting equation.
This document summarizes the services provided by Cost Reduction and Business Solutions, a consultancy that identifies potential savings for businesses through capital allowance tax refunds (CATAX), historical auditing of utility bills, and reducing card processing costs. CATAX claims average a 25% refund of unclaimed capital allowances on commercial property. Historical auditing of utility and telecom bills over the past 6 years typically identifies 10% in savings. The consultancy partners with clients and takes no upfront fees, only charging a fee if savings are identified. Introducers can also earn income by referring qualifying clients who achieve savings.
The Purdue Engineering Fountain serves several purposes beyond just being a water fountain. At night, it provides colorful visual art for students walking to class. During the day, students use it as a place to relax, socialize, and take photos. It is a popular spot for both work and play, and is also part of the annual Fountain Run tradition.
Licence to Play ? (Annemarie Steen): Uplifting Energy, enabling Change.
It's Licence to Play's mission to bring more Playfulness & Playful Learning into organizations. Play is the fastest way to create succesful change towards more openness, connectedness, collaboration, creativity, risk-taking and speedlearning.
21st century students must be critical thinkers who raise questions, gather information, and think openly to solve complex problems collaboratively. They must also be quick problem solvers, technological experts, self-efficient, flexible and adaptable, curious about the world, globally aware as events are interconnected, and environmentally conscious in order to succeed.
Budujte vztah se z¨¢kazn¨ªky pomoc¨ª mobiln¨ª aplikace (Shopcamp 2016)Asymbo s.r.o.
Mobiln¨ª aplikace se v ?esk?ch e-shop? za?¨ªnaj¨ª objevovat jako houby po de?ti. U? nepat?¨ª jen velik¨¢n?m jako Alza nebo CZC.cz. Jak si zalo?it appku i pro sv?j e-shop? To zjist¨ªte z na?¨ª p?edn¨¢?ky na #shopcampcz 2016. Dozv¨ªte se i v?sledky p?¨ªpadov¨¦ studie ?esk¨¦ho e-shopu Metalshop.cz, kter? aplikaci provozuje u? 13 m¨§s¨ªc?. M¨¢me pro v¨¢s tak¨¦ zaj¨ªmav¨¢ data z dotazn¨ªkov¨¦ho ?et?en¨ª mezi 6000 u?ivateli appek. Stoj¨ª za to.
Prezentace Miroslava Kr¨¢le, Managing Partnera MarketUP, pro Media & Marketing club V?E ze dne 16. 5. 2015.
Zm¨§na chov¨¢n¨ª spot?ebitel? a firem, kl¨ª?ov¨¦ trendy na medi¨¢ln¨ªm trhu a v?voj medi¨¢ln¨ªch agentur. To byla t¨¦mata p?edn¨¢?ky Miroslava Kr¨¢le na konferenci Marketing budoucnosti.
O spole?nosti MarketUp: http://marketup.cz/cs/
My presentation from Contagious Starter Conference about trends and fuckups.
?esk¨¢ Social Media Data z Lifestyle studie 2018. 07/2018, repre internetov¨¢ populace 16+ N=5144
Slovensk¨¢ data o p?esunu z FB na Instagram. 09/2018, repre internetov¨¢ populace 16+ N=504
ROI - Voln¨§ ?i?iteln¨¢ studie Getting Media Right
jak se projevil covid do na?ich ?ivot?, m¨¦di¨ª, jak ovlivnil generace a co bude d¨¢l.
D¨ªky za data od Kantaru, Ipsosu, Nielsenu, ATO, Shoptetu a dal?¨ªm.
Moje prezentace z Digital Rulezz 2018 - Getting Media Right
Jak v roce 2018 vypad¨¢ social a jak? je trend v p?elivu u?ivatel?? Bl¨ª?¨ª se n¨§jak? Game Changer? D?v¨§?uj¨ª lid¨¦ vlastn¨§ reklam¨§, skrze kterou se jim sna?¨ªme dostat do ?ivot?? Kolik z nich si n¨¢s blokuje? A co my, market¨¦?i? Jak podle n¨¢s vypad¨¢ sv¨§t Walled gardens? V¨§?¨ªme v?bec marketingov?m mix?m sv?ch zna?ek? A m¨¢ v?bec cenu d¨§lat integrovan¨¦ kampan¨§?
AdReaction - The Art of Integration - Czech RepublicTomas Pflanzer
The document provides background information on AdReaction studies that have been conducted since 2001 on maximizing the impact of multichannel marketing campaigns. It combines data from consumer surveys, campaign copy testing, database analysis, and marketers surveys. Key findings include:
- People feel more advertising in more places but campaigns are integrating better across channels.
- Consumers are generally positive about coordinated multimedia campaigns that remind them of brands.
- There are different levels of campaign integration and customizing creative for each channel further improves impact.
- Currently one in four campaigns are missing integration and customization principles for success.
Moje keynote z Effie o efektivit¨§ online reklamy a co je pot?eba ukazovat, pokud chcete v Effie usp¨§t. video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOjaPI1QxTs
This document discusses trends in connected devices and social media usage in the Czech Republic. It finds that Czechs have on average 4.2 connected devices, and that mobile devices are becoming more central to people's digital lives. It also examines Czech interest and adoption of emerging technologies like wearables, beacons, and 3D printing.
The document discusses the rise of the Internet of Things and how it is beginning to control people's lives. It provides examples of smart devices that have been developed, such as fitness trackers, smart locks, and smart toilets. The number of connected devices is expected to reach 50 billion by 2020. The document argues that by turning objects into sources of knowledge about people and the world, it allows people to improve and progress. However, it notes there is also a concern that things may start to control people.