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Curriculum Vitae
El-Manshiya elgedida Street, Kafr Shibin, Shibin El-Qanatir, Kalyobiya, Egypt.
+2(013)2705783 +2(011)11285031
Sex Male | Date of birth 15/09/1987 | Nationality Egyptian
December 2012 - Present Senior Instrument Engineer
Qarun Petroleum Company, Western desert, (Egypt), www.qarun.net
Sector Egyptian Oil Production Company
Field units
 I deal with production wells and C.P.F. (Central Process Facility unit) in addition to gas engine
shipping pumps.
 C.P.F consist of three production trains with many production lines manifold and three crude storage
tanks with shipping pumps; In additional to Lagoon area and water injection pumps (one gas engine
pump and four electrical motor pumps)
 Each production train consist of:
o Separator linked with DCS system
o Heater treater with MAXON burner and PLC control system.
o Desalter linked with DCS system.
o There are two instrument air compressor, Reverse Osmosis unit and utility tanks.
 Dealing with chemical injection system at all wells and maintenance of pneumatic separators at two
production stations with its air compressor.
 Two shipping pumps with Waukesha gas engine linked with DCS system.
Job Duties:
 follow up the protective maintenance with technicians team and To handle any problem in the
instruments, measurements and control for any of the above facility and solve it
 Develop and enhance the PM Procedures to ensure its consistency Using GMS Planning system
and preparing the required work permits for any job
 Ensuring the standardization of all the maintenance procedures
 Follow-up the materials Stock of the Instrument department, Making selection for the required spare
parts and to ensure the availability of the spare parts
 Making the training plan for the technicians and trainers to ensure study and learn system for all the
troubleshooting scenarios
 Follow up the fire alarm and fight system ( NOTIFIER ) covering all the area
 Including smoke detectors, UV/IR detectors, heat detectors,
 Installing and configuring Gas detection systems
 Building and enhancing the PLC ,DCS and SCADA pages, reports and backup
 Programming and troubleshooting various types of Murphy microcontrollers
 Tuning the performance of the PID for the pumps control systems
 Aware of all the technical hand works .Calibrating all sensors types ,checking and repairing control
息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1 / 6
JOB APPLIED FOR Instrumentation Engineer
Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla
valves, Tracing the failure in the instruments devices
 Calibrate all kind of measurement devices with suitable calibrator.
 Repair and calibrate PSVs with wide pressure range up to 2400 PSI.
 Dealing with all problems and troubleshooting at control valves (electronics & pneumatic).
 Dealing with all problems and troubleshooting at chemical pump (Texteam &Melton Roy) and
repairing it.
 Dealing with all problems and troubleshooting at diaphragm pumps (dismantle and reassemble).
Instrument devices
Dealing with different kinds of measurements like pressure, level, flow and temperature, and different
manufacturers field instrument; installation, Inspection, calibration, loop checking and troubleshooting
using different test Instrument devices:
 Pressure transmitter (Emerson- Rosemount smart transmitter with HART protocol)
 Pressure switch (many kind of manufacture)
 Pressure gauge with different ranges.
 Pressure safety valve PSV with sitting up to 2400 PSI.
 Level transmitter (differential pressure transmitter & capacitive transmitter &float transmitter &
interface level between oil and water)
 Level switch (manufacture. Magnetrol & murphy)
 Level glasses at closed vessels.
 Flow transmitter (orifice plate & turbine flow meter& Barton chart& coriolis flow meter )
 Temperature transmitter (thermocables & RTD)
 Control valve (pneumatic & electronics; manufacture: Fisher& Honeywell& Ashcroftetc.)
 On-Off valve XV and solenoid valves.
 I/P converters (current to pneumatic) and smart valve positioners
 Varies kinds of pressure regulator, recorders and indicators)
 Heat tracing system
 Murphy engine drive control system (microcontroller series 5000)
 Pressure calibrator (GE Druck DPI 610).
 mAinjector (Rosemount).
 Temperature calibrator (heat generation-TRANSCAT & AMETEK)
 GE Druck MCX II Multifunction Documenting Calibrator - MCX II
 HP function generator to calibrate the speed sensors
 Emerson Hart communicator 275,375 smart and field bus devices calibrator
 Fluke 744 Documenting Process Calibrator-HART
 First GMS follow up s/w system for the protective maintenance
 First MMS follow up s/w for the stock inventory and the warehouse
Technical project:
 Upgrading gas engine control system to be control and monitoring by DCS for shipping pumps.
 Replacing two gas engine of shipping pumps with new Waukesha engine and reconnect it with
DCS including adjusting in configuration.
 Upgrade all instrument devices at old pneumatic separator at C.P.F. and installed new smart
electronic devices at control valves and XV and installed new pressure switches in addition to linked
it with control room DCS and making new configuration.
 Installation, inspection, calibration, loop checking, commissioning and start up for instrument
devices of new three phase separator including install new wiring between separators field junction
box and control room at DCS panels and modify configuration, graphics at DCS and Tuning the
performance of the PID for the control valves and the suitable interlock and ESD.
 Upgrading control system of Reverse Osmosis unit from classic control (relays) to PLC system
including new wiring, configuration and start up.
 Installing new third train fire system, including wiring and configuration of new devices like UV/IR,
gas detector, hand pull station and horn.
息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 6
Curriculum Vitae
December 2009 - December 2012 Automation Engineer
Cairo Oil Refining Company (CORC) Cairo, (Egypt).
Sector Egyptian Oil Refining Company
 Automatic Control and Instrument Engineer working with different control systems (DCS, PLC,
microcontroller, relays) and transmitters for Flow, Level, Temperature and Pressure
Job Duties:
Belong to instrument team for all activities:
 Planning, Design, Specify and Modifying of the existence instruments.
 Installing the Control systems and Instrument equipment including the field instruments from
sensors to the final control elements valves.
 Preventive maintenance and Calibration of Controls and instrumentation equipment.
 Maintaining the instruments devices transmitters (conventional and Hart types, Pressure, Temp.
level, & flow, ), air compressors, dryers units, analyzers, local indicator units, electro pneumatic
positioners , smart Positioners, solenoid valves, control valves, level glasses, & switches
 Good dealing and undertaking all activities for new DCS Specially DeltaV, Yokogawa e.g.
Specification, Technical studies, Relation with selected suppliers, System Installation, System
Configuration, Process Eng.'s training as well as Process Operators, to be able to deal with the
system, and finally System maintenance.
 Prepare the appropriate technical specifications for the instrumentations devices Transmitters,
Switches, Sensors, Control Valvesetc., to be tendered (for device replacement, new devices, or
Projects Proposals).
 Prepare of the executive drawings and technical documents.
 Follow up purchasing (technical and economical discussion)
 Responsible for a unit of water treatment, a boiler with capacity 60Ton/Hr, two boiler with capacity
40Ton/Hr, three boiler with capacity 12Ton/Hr and four distillation units.
 April 2011 to May 2011, Installing, Pre-commissioning, commissioning, and start up new DCS in
CORC, including Calibrate, Adjustment, wiring check, heaters interlock check, loop check,
modifying configurations and graphics.
 Checking the instrument devices and the interlock of Heater before Commissioning and start up the
 gotten a training course about:
a. Fieldbus Configuration in DeltaV system.
b. DeltaV Configuration.
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Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla
during studying
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(2004 - 2009) Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering
University of BENHA-SHOUBRA Branch, Egypt.
 (Electrical Power & Machines Department), Five years program.
SUMMER TRAINING  Cairo Oil Refining Company.
 Gaisom (Petrogulf-Misr petroleum).
 Training Center Network (electronics, PLC).
 Egyptian Electric Cables.
 Shoubra El-Khima power plant.
 North Cairo Electricity Distribution.
 El-Nassr for the manufacture of Transformers (El-Mako).
1 PLC (Programmable Logic
 Experience with installing and operating PLC devices.
 Experience with programming the PLC Ladder Diagram.
 Programming LG and SIEMENS (S7) real systems.
 Excellent degree.
2 SCADA (Supervisory
Control And Data
 Experience with WinCC (Windows control Center V6).
 Experience with connecting the software with PLCs through OPC software.
3 AutoCAD Course  Experience with ACAD 2009.
 Experience with 2D version.
4 English courses  Reach to advanced level-9 from 12- at ministry of defense language institute (MODLI).
 Reach to level 5 from 6 at Center of foreign Languages and professional Translation (CLT)
Cairo University.
5 ICDL (International
Computer Driving License)
 Experience with Windows and Microsoft Office.
 Experience with Internet and IT (Information Technology).
Curriculum Vitae
息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 5 / 6
Automatic control on fluid flow  20-24/3/2016 at Egyptian society of engineers  Duration: 5 Days.
PLC (Programmable Logic
Control) Basic
 16-20/1/2012 at OGS Oil and Gas Skills  Duration: 5 Days.
SCADA System  23-27/9/2012 at SEE Society of Electrical Engineers Egyptian society
of engineers
 Duration: 5 Days.
Successful Project Management  4-8/12/2011 at El MANAR Training Center  Duration: 5 Days.
Maintenance for Engineers
 3-7/6/2012 at SOPC Suez Oil Processing Co.  Duration: 5 Days.
Basic Fundamentals for Safety  26-30/9/2010 at PETROSAFE  Duration: 5 Days.
Instrumentation & Control
Systems Introduction
 20-24/3/2016 at Mechanical Engineers Association  Duration: 5 Days.
Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla
息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 6 / 6
Mother tongue(s) Arabic
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English B1 B2 B1 B2 B2
Levels:A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Computer skills Proficient with Microsoft Office programmes, Access, Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook,
Internet Explorer and Project.
 Also competent with sector specific software packages (Mat lab, E-tap, dialux and AutoCAD).
Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla
息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 6 / 6
Mother tongue(s) Arabic
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English B1 B2 B1 B2 B2
Levels:A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Computer skills Proficient with Microsoft Office programmes, Access, Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook,
Internet Explorer and Project.
 Also competent with sector specific software packages (Mat lab, E-tap, dialux and AutoCAD).

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Ahmed Adel Said El-Manshiya elgedida Street, Kafr Shibin, Shibin El-Qanatir, Kalyobiya, Egypt. +2(013)2705783 +2(011)11285031 A_Adel2022@yahoo.com https://eg.linkedin.com/in/aadel2022 Sex Male | Date of birth 15/09/1987 | Nationality Egyptian WORK EXPERIENCE December 2012 - Present Senior Instrument Engineer Qarun Petroleum Company, Western desert, (Egypt), www.qarun.net Sector Egyptian Oil Production Company Field units I deal with production wells and C.P.F. (Central Process Facility unit) in addition to gas engine shipping pumps. C.P.F consist of three production trains with many production lines manifold and three crude storage tanks with shipping pumps; In additional to Lagoon area and water injection pumps (one gas engine pump and four electrical motor pumps) Each production train consist of: o Separator linked with DCS system o Heater treater with MAXON burner and PLC control system. o Desalter linked with DCS system. o There are two instrument air compressor, Reverse Osmosis unit and utility tanks. Dealing with chemical injection system at all wells and maintenance of pneumatic separators at two production stations with its air compressor. Two shipping pumps with Waukesha gas engine linked with DCS system. Job Duties: follow up the protective maintenance with technicians team and To handle any problem in the instruments, measurements and control for any of the above facility and solve it Develop and enhance the PM Procedures to ensure its consistency Using GMS Planning system and preparing the required work permits for any job Ensuring the standardization of all the maintenance procedures Follow-up the materials Stock of the Instrument department, Making selection for the required spare parts and to ensure the availability of the spare parts Making the training plan for the technicians and trainers to ensure study and learn system for all the troubleshooting scenarios Follow up the fire alarm and fight system ( NOTIFIER ) covering all the area Including smoke detectors, UV/IR detectors, heat detectors, Installing and configuring Gas detection systems Building and enhancing the PLC ,DCS and SCADA pages, reports and backup Programming and troubleshooting various types of Murphy microcontrollers Tuning the performance of the PID for the pumps control systems Aware of all the technical hand works .Calibrating all sensors types ,checking and repairing control 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1 / 6 JOB APPLIED FOR Instrumentation Engineer
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla valves, Tracing the failure in the instruments devices Calibrate all kind of measurement devices with suitable calibrator. Repair and calibrate PSVs with wide pressure range up to 2400 PSI. Dealing with all problems and troubleshooting at control valves (electronics & pneumatic). Dealing with all problems and troubleshooting at chemical pump (Texteam &Melton Roy) and repairing it. Dealing with all problems and troubleshooting at diaphragm pumps (dismantle and reassemble). Instrument devices Dealing with different kinds of measurements like pressure, level, flow and temperature, and different manufacturers field instrument; installation, Inspection, calibration, loop checking and troubleshooting using different test Instrument devices: Pressure transmitter (Emerson- Rosemount smart transmitter with HART protocol) Pressure switch (many kind of manufacture) Pressure gauge with different ranges. Pressure safety valve PSV with sitting up to 2400 PSI. Level transmitter (differential pressure transmitter & capacitive transmitter &float transmitter & interface level between oil and water) Level switch (manufacture. Magnetrol & murphy) Level glasses at closed vessels. Flow transmitter (orifice plate & turbine flow meter& Barton chart& coriolis flow meter ) Temperature transmitter (thermocables & RTD) Control valve (pneumatic & electronics; manufacture: Fisher& Honeywell& Ashcroftetc.) On-Off valve XV and solenoid valves. I/P converters (current to pneumatic) and smart valve positioners Varies kinds of pressure regulator, recorders and indicators) Heat tracing system Murphy engine drive control system (microcontroller series 5000) Pressure calibrator (GE Druck DPI 610). mAinjector (Rosemount). Temperature calibrator (heat generation-TRANSCAT & AMETEK) GE Druck MCX II Multifunction Documenting Calibrator - MCX II HP function generator to calibrate the speed sensors Emerson Hart communicator 275,375 smart and field bus devices calibrator Fluke 744 Documenting Process Calibrator-HART First GMS follow up s/w system for the protective maintenance First MMS follow up s/w for the stock inventory and the warehouse Technical project: Upgrading gas engine control system to be control and monitoring by DCS for shipping pumps. Replacing two gas engine of shipping pumps with new Waukesha engine and reconnect it with DCS including adjusting in configuration. Upgrade all instrument devices at old pneumatic separator at C.P.F. and installed new smart electronic devices at control valves and XV and installed new pressure switches in addition to linked it with control room DCS and making new configuration. Installation, inspection, calibration, loop checking, commissioning and start up for instrument devices of new three phase separator including install new wiring between separators field junction box and control room at DCS panels and modify configuration, graphics at DCS and Tuning the performance of the PID for the control valves and the suitable interlock and ESD. Upgrading control system of Reverse Osmosis unit from classic control (relays) to PLC system including new wiring, configuration and start up. Installing new third train fire system, including wiring and configuration of new devices like UV/IR, gas detector, hand pull station and horn. 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 6
  • 3. Curriculum Vitae December 2009 - December 2012 Automation Engineer Cairo Oil Refining Company (CORC) Cairo, (Egypt). Sector Egyptian Oil Refining Company Automatic Control and Instrument Engineer working with different control systems (DCS, PLC, microcontroller, relays) and transmitters for Flow, Level, Temperature and Pressure measurement Job Duties: Belong to instrument team for all activities: Planning, Design, Specify and Modifying of the existence instruments. Installing the Control systems and Instrument equipment including the field instruments from sensors to the final control elements valves. Preventive maintenance and Calibration of Controls and instrumentation equipment. Maintaining the instruments devices transmitters (conventional and Hart types, Pressure, Temp. level, & flow, ), air compressors, dryers units, analyzers, local indicator units, electro pneumatic positioners , smart Positioners, solenoid valves, control valves, level glasses, & switches Good dealing and undertaking all activities for new DCS Specially DeltaV, Yokogawa e.g. Specification, Technical studies, Relation with selected suppliers, System Installation, System Configuration, Process Eng.'s training as well as Process Operators, to be able to deal with the system, and finally System maintenance. Prepare the appropriate technical specifications for the instrumentations devices Transmitters, Switches, Sensors, Control Valvesetc., to be tendered (for device replacement, new devices, or Projects Proposals). Prepare of the executive drawings and technical documents. Follow up purchasing (technical and economical discussion) Responsible for a unit of water treatment, a boiler with capacity 60Ton/Hr, two boiler with capacity 40Ton/Hr, three boiler with capacity 12Ton/Hr and four distillation units. Projects: April 2011 to May 2011, Installing, Pre-commissioning, commissioning, and start up new DCS in CORC, including Calibrate, Adjustment, wiring check, heaters interlock check, loop check, modifying configurations and graphics. Checking the instrument devices and the interlock of Heater before Commissioning and start up the heater. gotten a training course about: a. Fieldbus Configuration in DeltaV system. b. DeltaV Configuration. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 3 / 6
  • 4. Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla ADDITIONAL COURSES during studying TRAINING COURSES 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 4 / 6 (2004 - 2009) Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering University of BENHA-SHOUBRA Branch, Egypt. (Electrical Power & Machines Department), Five years program. SUMMER TRAINING Cairo Oil Refining Company. Gaisom (Petrogulf-Misr petroleum). Training Center Network (electronics, PLC). Egyptian Electric Cables. Shoubra El-Khima power plant. North Cairo Electricity Distribution. El-Nassr for the manufacture of Transformers (El-Mako). 1 PLC (Programmable Logic Control) Experience with installing and operating PLC devices. Experience with programming the PLC Ladder Diagram. Programming LG and SIEMENS (S7) real systems. Excellent degree. 2 SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Experience with WinCC (Windows control Center V6). Experience with connecting the software with PLCs through OPC software. 3 AutoCAD Course Experience with ACAD 2009. Experience with 2D version. 4 English courses Reach to advanced level-9 from 12- at ministry of defense language institute (MODLI). Reach to level 5 from 6 at Center of foreign Languages and professional Translation (CLT) Cairo University. 5 ICDL (International Computer Driving License) Experience with Windows and Microsoft Office. Experience with Internet and IT (Information Technology).
  • 5. Curriculum Vitae 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 5 / 6 Automatic control on fluid flow 20-24/3/2016 at Egyptian society of engineers Duration: 5 Days. PLC (Programmable Logic Control) Basic 16-20/1/2012 at OGS Oil and Gas Skills Duration: 5 Days. SCADA System 23-27/9/2012 at SEE Society of Electrical Engineers Egyptian society of engineers Duration: 5 Days. Successful Project Management 4-8/12/2011 at El MANAR Training Center Duration: 5 Days. Maintenance for Engineers Basic 3-7/6/2012 at SOPC Suez Oil Processing Co. Duration: 5 Days. Basic Fundamentals for Safety 26-30/9/2010 at PETROSAFE Duration: 5 Days. Instrumentation & Control Systems Introduction 20-24/3/2016 at Mechanical Engineers Association Duration: 5 Days.
  • 6. Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla PERSONAL SKILLS 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 6 / 6 Mother tongue(s) Arabic Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English B1 B2 B1 B2 B2 Levels:A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Computer skills Proficient with Microsoft Office programmes, Access, Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Internet Explorer and Project. Also competent with sector specific software packages (Mat lab, E-tap, dialux and AutoCAD).
  • 7. Curriculum Vitae Ahmed AboElEla PERSONAL SKILLS 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 6 / 6 Mother tongue(s) Arabic Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English B1 B2 B1 B2 B2 Levels:A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Computer skills Proficient with Microsoft Office programmes, Access, Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Internet Explorer and Project. Also competent with sector specific software packages (Mat lab, E-tap, dialux and AutoCAD).