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Curriculum Vitae
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: JUNE 4th
, 1981, Behaira, Egypt
Place of Birth: ELnegela Kom hamada - Behaira  Egypt
Country of Nationality: Egypt
Address: 9 Street of Eslah Komhamada Behaira
Email: Ahmedsaad92012@gmail.com
Mobile No. : +2 0100 9250 137
Marital Status :Married
Military Status: Finished
Computer Skills: Very Good
Personal qualification
High computer literacy and skills, highly loadable.
Ability to work under stress and to meet dead lines.
Strong inter-personal skills and leadership ability.
Willing to work extended hours, team player, self motivated.
Excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skills.
First University Degree: B.Sc. Engineering
University : Tanta. University
Faculty: Engineering
Department: Electronic & Comminication.
Graduation Project : Design and implementation of microwave filters using micro
strip Technology.
Grade: Excellent
Graduation Year : 2004
Grade: Good
:Spoken Languages
Arabic - Degree: Excellent (mother tongue(
English - Degree: Very Good
:Previous Courses
1- Training on Pacis system of the switchyard on
Control 500 KV (AREVA) In FRANCE 2009.
2- Training in Nubaria site on steam turbine (MITSUBISHI).
3- Training on vibration analysis system (BENTLY NEVADA, SYSTEM 1) .
4- Training on Operation and Maintenance of Combined Cycle unit
5- Training on interconnecting Cisco networking Devices (CCNA).
Previous Job
From : 6 / 2005 to 12/ 2005
Iwas work as engineer in High dam electrical & Industrial
projects Company.
Plant Description:
Combined Cycle Power Plant consists of 2 modules X 750 MW:
 Four SIEMENS gas turbine 4x 250 MW
 Two MITSUBISHI steam turbines 2x 250 MW
 Four ALSTOM heat recovery steam boiler (HRSG)
2 Construction ,Commissioning engineer I&C and start up in
Nubaria Power Station I & II  2x750 MW Combined
power plant.
From: 1/2006 to 1/2007
Job description: Construction ,Commissioning engineer I&C and start up for
steam turbine MITSUBISHI
responsible of review all I & C drawings & Submittals for steam turbine
. I was west Delta engineer during construction,
Commissioning and start up of the steam turbine
 Approving design & submittals, site acceptance tests, commissioning for
steam turbine generator (MITSUBISHI).
 Responsible for review all technical submittals Auxiliaries of the steam
(Circulation water pump, service water pump, closed cooling water pump,
debris filter and condenser tube cleaning system.)
 Calibration of all instruments in field (pressure transmitters& switches-level
transmitters & Switches-thermocouples-smart valves).
 Review and comment on all I&C construction documents and
drawings (P& ID).
 Verifies all required erection drawings, standards, procedures &
Specifications have been received by contractor.
From: 1/2007 to 1/2009
3- I&C maintenance engineer
Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC
Nubaria Power Station I & II  2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project
Job description
 Responsible for the routine and the corrective maintenance for the
Steam turbine control system (Operation, Monitoring System and
Engineering System) and its instrumentation.
 Receiving spare parts from the companies in the project site.
 Maintenance for debris filter and condenser tube cleaning system.
 Make overhaul maintenance for steam turbine with MITSUBISHI
and gas turbine SIEMENS.
 Maintenance for circulation water pump, service water pump and
closed cooling water pump.
I was responsible for the following notes for control system
1- I am able to deal with the software DYASYS Netmation of HMI which
Use the version of DYASYS IDOL++.
2- I can deal with Object Database (ORCA) which stored in EMS and also
Software of Work space Manager (WSM) which stored in OPS.
3- I can deal with the logic operation in OPS.
4- Good using of the engineering station EMS as a Powerful tool in the
control system.
5-I can make many modifications on the Graphic for the system and
down load the Graphic or database.
6- I can make many modifications on the logic for the system and
down load the logic or database.
7- I can make valve tuning.
Overhaul Maintenance for steam turbine:
STG1X from 04/03/2008 to
STG2X from 13/02/2010 to
From : 5 / 2010 to 6/ 2011
4- I&C maintenance engineer
Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC
Nubaria Power Station I & II  2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project
For SIEMENS Gas turbine V94.3A
From : 6 / 2011 to 11 / 2011
5 - Commissioning engineer I&C and start up for Gas Turbine GE
Energy (Mark 6E) with KHARAFI NATIONAL
Company in Ismailia.
AL Shabab Power Station 8 x 125 MW
Simple Cycle Project.
I was responsible for the following
1. Calibration of all pressure transmitter, flow
transmitter, pressure switches, level switches, all
type of RTD and thermocouple.
2. Calibration of all valves control as (SRV, IGV),
pneumatic and shut off valves.
3. Calibration of Inlet Guide Vane of the inlet of the
4. Making Loop check and function test.
5. Adjust the Turbine Supervisory Instrument such
(radial vibration, keyphasor, seismic vibration
and speed) sensors.
6 . Calibration of all hazard Gas detector.
7- Commissioning of Flame Detector Intensity and
Flame Detector Ultraviolet.
8- Commissioning of Fire Fighting Protection System
From : 11/2011 to 3/2015
6- I&C maintenance engineer
Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC
Nubaria Power Station I & II  2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project
For SIEMENS Gas turbine V94.3A:
I have good experience in Siemens Gas Turbine V94.3A in the following
 Fuel gas commissioning and start up for overhaul maintenance.
 Fuel oil commissioning and start up for overhaul maintenance .
 Major and minor inspection for the gas turbine.
 Hot gas path inspection.
 Automation control system (TELEPERM XP AS620) for modification, simulation and
buck up .
 Fail safe control system .
 Gas turbine tuning and optimization.
 Troubleshooting of the control system problems.
 Calibration of the field devices transmitters, switches , gages etc.
 Fault analysis using the OM 650 display facilities.
 Tools for system analysis, administration, event managing of OM650.
 Analysis hardware and software errors.
 Dealing with the input/output cards, installation, Programming and faults recovery.
 PLC programming and troubleshooting.
 Temperature sensors RTD and thermocouple faults recovery.
 gas detection system, fire alarm system and fire fighting system
 Perform the routine maintenance of the system Components.
 air compressor as Atlascopco and BOOGy
 HYDAC skid (hydraulic skid used for diverter damper system).
From : 3/2015 to 8/2015
7 - Construction ,Commissioning engineer I&C and start up for Gas
Turbine GE Energy
(TM2500+ Gen VI System) with ELswedy T&D
Cairo , EL menia , Asuit , Sohag POwer Station
20 x 25 MW
Simple Cycle Project
I have good experience in GE Gas Turbine TM2500 in the following
 Dual fuel system with water injection system
 Ventilation and combustion air system
 Hydraulic start system
 Turbine lube oil system
 Gen. lube oil system
 Off-Line water wash system
 Instrumentation auxilary system
 Vibration monitoring system
 Fire protection and gas detection system
 Low voltage AC&DC system
 SENS battery charger
 Communication gate way module
From : 8/2015 Until now
8- I&C maintenance engineer
Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC
Nubaria Power Station I & II  2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project
For SIEMENS Gas turbine V94.3A
Years of experience : 11 years
.Availability: I am able to start work after 3 weeks from
As: Full Time.
Job field: I&C Commissioning and maintenance Engineer.
.I can work in: Egypt - Arab Countries  Foreign Countries
Hoping the fore-mentioned qualifications would meet
your demand
Ahmed saad

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ahmed saad cv

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Name: AHMED MOHAMED ABD EL MONEIM SAAD Gender: Male Date of Birth: JUNE 4th , 1981, Behaira, Egypt Place of Birth: ELnegela Kom hamada - Behaira Egypt Country of Nationality: Egypt Address: 9 Street of Eslah Komhamada Behaira Email: Ahmedsaad92012@gmail.com Mobile No. : +2 0100 9250 137 Marital Status :Married Military Status: Finished Computer Skills: Very Good Personal qualification High computer literacy and skills, highly loadable. Ability to work under stress and to meet dead lines. Strong inter-personal skills and leadership ability. Willing to work extended hours, team player, self motivated. Excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skills. Education First University Degree: B.Sc. Engineering University : Tanta. University Faculty: Engineering Department: Electronic & Comminication. Graduation Project : Design and implementation of microwave filters using micro strip Technology. Grade: Excellent Graduation Year : 2004 Grade: Good :Spoken Languages Arabic - Degree: Excellent (mother tongue( English - Degree: Very Good :Previous Courses 1- Training on Pacis system of the switchyard on Control 500 KV (AREVA) In FRANCE 2009. 2- Training in Nubaria site on steam turbine (MITSUBISHI). 3- Training on vibration analysis system (BENTLY NEVADA, SYSTEM 1) . 4- Training on Operation and Maintenance of Combined Cycle unit (WDEPC). 5- Training on interconnecting Cisco networking Devices (CCNA).
  • 2. Previous Job From : 6 / 2005 to 12/ 2005 Iwas work as engineer in High dam electrical & Industrial projects Company. Plant Description: Combined Cycle Power Plant consists of 2 modules X 750 MW: Four SIEMENS gas turbine 4x 250 MW Two MITSUBISHI steam turbines 2x 250 MW Four ALSTOM heat recovery steam boiler (HRSG) 2 Construction ,Commissioning engineer I&C and start up in Nubaria Power Station I & II 2x750 MW Combined power plant. From: 1/2006 to 1/2007 Job description: Construction ,Commissioning engineer I&C and start up for steam turbine MITSUBISHI Responsibility: responsible of review all I & C drawings & Submittals for steam turbine (MITSUBISHI). . I was west Delta engineer during construction, Commissioning and start up of the steam turbine Approving design & submittals, site acceptance tests, commissioning for steam turbine generator (MITSUBISHI). Responsible for review all technical submittals Auxiliaries of the steam turbines (Circulation water pump, service water pump, closed cooling water pump, debris filter and condenser tube cleaning system.) Calibration of all instruments in field (pressure transmitters& switches-level transmitters & Switches-thermocouples-smart valves). Review and comment on all I&C construction documents and drawings (P& ID).
  • 3. Verifies all required erection drawings, standards, procedures & project Specifications have been received by contractor. From: 1/2007 to 1/2009 3- I&C maintenance engineer Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC Nubaria Power Station I & II 2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project Job description Responsible for the routine and the corrective maintenance for the Steam turbine control system (Operation, Monitoring System and Engineering System) and its instrumentation. Receiving spare parts from the companies in the project site. Maintenance for debris filter and condenser tube cleaning system. Make overhaul maintenance for steam turbine with MITSUBISHI and gas turbine SIEMENS. Maintenance for circulation water pump, service water pump and closed cooling water pump. I was responsible for the following notes for control system In HMI: 1- I am able to deal with the software DYASYS Netmation of HMI which Use the version of DYASYS IDOL++. 2- I can deal with Object Database (ORCA) which stored in EMS and also Software of Work space Manager (WSM) which stored in OPS. 3- I can deal with the logic operation in OPS. 4- Good using of the engineering station EMS as a Powerful tool in the control system. 5-I can make many modifications on the Graphic for the system and down load the Graphic or database. 6- I can make many modifications on the logic for the system and down load the logic or database. 7- I can make valve tuning. Overhaul Maintenance for steam turbine: STG1X from 04/03/2008 to 05/05/2008
  • 4. STG2X from 13/02/2010 to 15/04/2010. From : 5 / 2010 to 6/ 2011 4- I&C maintenance engineer Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC Nubaria Power Station I & II 2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project For SIEMENS Gas turbine V94.3A From : 6 / 2011 to 11 / 2011 5 - Commissioning engineer I&C and start up for Gas Turbine GE Energy (Mark 6E) with KHARAFI NATIONAL Company in Ismailia. AL Shabab Power Station 8 x 125 MW Simple Cycle Project. I was responsible for the following notes-: 1. Calibration of all pressure transmitter, flow transmitter, pressure switches, level switches, all type of RTD and thermocouple. 2. Calibration of all valves control as (SRV, IGV), pneumatic and shut off valves. 3. Calibration of Inlet Guide Vane of the inlet of the compressor. 4. Making Loop check and function test. 5. Adjust the Turbine Supervisory Instrument such as (radial vibration, keyphasor, seismic vibration and speed) sensors. 6 . Calibration of all hazard Gas detector.
  • 5. 7- Commissioning of Flame Detector Intensity and Flame Detector Ultraviolet. 8- Commissioning of Fire Fighting Protection System From : 11/2011 to 3/2015 6- I&C maintenance engineer Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC Nubaria Power Station I & II 2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project For SIEMENS Gas turbine V94.3A: I have good experience in Siemens Gas Turbine V94.3A in the following systems-: Fuel gas commissioning and start up for overhaul maintenance. Fuel oil commissioning and start up for overhaul maintenance . Major and minor inspection for the gas turbine. Hot gas path inspection. Automation control system (TELEPERM XP AS620) for modification, simulation and buck up . Fail safe control system . Gas turbine tuning and optimization. Troubleshooting of the control system problems. Calibration of the field devices transmitters, switches , gages etc. Fault analysis using the OM 650 display facilities. Tools for system analysis, administration, event managing of OM650. Analysis hardware and software errors. Dealing with the input/output cards, installation, Programming and faults recovery. PLC programming and troubleshooting. Temperature sensors RTD and thermocouple faults recovery. gas detection system, fire alarm system and fire fighting system Perform the routine maintenance of the system Components. air compressor as Atlascopco and BOOGy HYDAC skid (hydraulic skid used for diverter damper system). From : 3/2015 to 8/2015 7 - Construction ,Commissioning engineer I&C and start up for Gas Turbine GE Energy (TM2500+ Gen VI System) with ELswedy T&D Cairo , EL menia , Asuit , Sohag POwer Station 20 x 25 MW
  • 6. Simple Cycle Project I have good experience in GE Gas Turbine TM2500 in the following systems-: Dual fuel system with water injection system Ventilation and combustion air system Hydraulic start system Turbine lube oil system Gen. lube oil system Off-Line water wash system Instrumentation auxilary system Vibration monitoring system Fire protection and gas detection system Low voltage AC&DC system SENS battery charger Communication gate way module From : 8/2015 Until now 8- I&C maintenance engineer Employer: Middle Delta Electricity Production Company - MDEPC Nubaria Power Station I & II 2x750 MW Combined Cycle Project For SIEMENS Gas turbine V94.3A Years of experience : 11 years .Availability: I am able to start work after 3 weeks from announcement As: Full Time. Job field: I&C Commissioning and maintenance Engineer. .I can work in: Egypt - Arab Countries Foreign Countries Hoping the fore-mentioned qualifications would meet your demand