Mink辰laisia apuja nykyaikaiset ty旦kalut tuovat digitaaliseen markkinointiin? Miten markkinoinnin rutiinitoimenpiteit辰 voidaan automatisoida? 18.10.2012 DiViA-foorumissa pidetty esitys nykyaikaisesta, personoidusta asiakaskokemuksesta.
Georgia's state flower is the Cherokee rose, its state bird is the brown thrasher, and its major industries include Coca-Cola and many Fortune 1000 companies headquartered in Atlanta such as BellSouth, Delta Airlines, and Home Depot. Georgia was named for King George II of England and admitted to statehood on January 2, 1788. Its state motto is "Wisdom, justice, and moderation" and its state tree is the live oak. The capital of Georgia is Atlanta.
During World War II, Navajo men were recruited to create an unbreakable code using their native language. Philip Johnston, a World War I veteran, came up with the idea to use the complex Navajo language for military communications. Words for common terms were translated into Navajo code. The Japanese were unable to decipher these codes, helping the US win key battles. After the war, the Navajo code talkers received medals in recognition of their vital role in securing Allied victory in the Pacific.
The document contains exercises to practice using verbs in different tenses:
1) The first section asks students to correct sentences using "can" by changing verbs to the proper form.
2) The second has students write rules using "must" and "mustn't" along with given verbs.
3) Section three provides questions using "do" or "does" to be completed with short answers.
4) Later exercises focus on using verbs in the past tense to talk about abilities, sports rules, and answering questions.
Istance Designing Gaze Gestures For Gaming An Investigation Of PerformanceKalle
To enable people with motor impairments to use gaze control to play online games and take part in virtual communities, new interaction techniques are needed that overcome the limitations of dwell clicking on icons in the games interface. We have investigated gaze gestures as a means of achieving this. We report the results of an experiment with 24 participants that examined performance differences between different gestures. We were able to predict the effect on performance of the numbers of legs in the gesture and the primary direction of eye movement in a gesture. We also report the outcomes of user trials in which 12 experienced gamers used the gaze gesture interface to play World of Warcraft. All participants were able to move around and engage other characters in fighting episodes successfully. Gestures were good for issuing specific commands such as spell casting, and less good for continuous control of movement compared with other gaze interaction techniques we have developed.
Urbina Alternatives To Single Character Entry And Dwell Time Selection On Eye...Kalle
Eye typing could provide motor disabled people a reliable method of communication given that the text entry speed of current interfaces can be increased to allow for fluent communication. There are two reasons for the relatively slow text entry: dwell time selection requires waiting a certain time, and single character entry limits the maximum entry speed. We adopted a typing interface based on hierarchical pie menus, pEYEwrite [Urbina and Huckauf 2007] and included bigram text entry with one single pie iteration. Therefore, we introduced three different bigram building strategies.
Moreover, we combined dwell time selection with selection by borders, providing an alternative selection method and extra functionality. In a longitudinal study we compared participants performance during character-by-character text entry with bigram entry and with
text entry with bigrams derived by word prediction. Data showed large advantages of the new entry methods over single character text entry in speed and accuracy. Participants preferred selecting by
borders, which allowed them faster selections than the dwell time method.
Bieg Eye And Pointer Coordination In Search And Selection TasksKalle
Selecting a graphical item by pointing with a computer mouse is a ubiquitous task in many graphical user interfaces. Several techniques have been suggested to facilitate this task, for instance, by reducing the required movement distance. Here we
measure the natural coordination of eye and mouse pointer
control across several search and selection tasks. We find that users automatically minimize the distance to likely targets in an intelligent, task dependent way. When target location is highly predictable, top-down knowledge can enable users to initiate pointer movements prior to target fixation. These findings question the utility of existing assistive pointing techniques and suggest that alternative approaches might be more effective.
The document discusses Silvio Benedetto's reflections on the sustainability of contemporary art. It examines how contemporary art faces challenges in being supported and maintained over time. Short-term thinking and a lack of long-term planning could threaten the endurance of today's art for future generations.
Boston College's presentation focused on enrollment trends, new degree programs, and campus construction projects. Enrollment has increased steadily over the past five years. The university will be launching bachelor's degrees in computer science and public health next fall. A new science building and residence hall are under construction and expected to open in 2021.
EnergyInk is a photoluminescent technology that stores light energy during the day and emits it at night for up to 12 hours. It provides illumination without using electricity, reducing energy costs and carbon footprints. The proprietary technology outperforms competitors with brighter and longer-lasting glow. EnergyInk can be applied to signs, markings, equipment and other materials to enhance safety, visibility and egress in low-light conditions across various industries.
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. The document provides examples of homophones like band/banned and board/bored. It also includes homophones used in sentences to demonstrate their different meanings depending on spelling. Resources on homophones and a homophone generator are cited at the end.
The Livescribe pen allows users to take notes using the pen on special dot paper notebooks while simultaneously recording any discussions or lectures. The pen acts as a computer, storing up to 2GB or 4GB of data on the pen itself. Users can playback any recordings directly from the pen or by uploading notes to their computer. The pen has applications for both education and other uses, but does require the specialized dot paper and can be cost prohibitive for student classroom use.
Hassinger Chiropractic Clinic provides natural health care services including chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage, and nutritional supplementation and counseling. Several case studies are described where patients experienced relief from hot flashes, migraines, shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, and more through treatments at the clinic including chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, supplements, and other therapies. One patient's hot flashes resolved completely after supplements while another saw migraine frequency drop dramatically.
The document discusses dubbing in Germany, including what Germans think about it, arguments for and against it, difficulties, examples, and potential solutions. Germans have mixed views on dubbing - some see it as preserving culture while others argue it destroys the atmosphere of films. While dubbing allows full attention on the visuals, it can result in loss of authenticity, personality, and unintended meanings. Subtitles and secondary audio are offered as alternatives.
This document contains information about a student named Nikola Kordic who is enrolled in class E072 from 3pm to 6pm on November 23rd, 2010, with the student ID number of 100686316.
1) The music video tells the story of a teenage girl getting ready for a night out who ends up being beaten up after leading men on and dropping them at a party.
2) Scenes will flash between the girl getting ready and her lifeless body on the floor to foreshadow what happens.
3) At the end of the video, the band is shown playing in the street with her to bookend the story.
T辰m辰 on webinaarimateriaali markkinoinnin automaatiosta. Webinaari pidettiin 15.4.2015 ja sen tallenne on katsottavissa t辰辰lt辰: https://vimeo.com/tietotalo/markkinoinnin-automaatio-2015
Materiaalissa luodaan yleiskatse markkinoinnin automaatioon. Mit辰 markkinoinnin automaatio tarkoittaa ja mit辰 teht辰vi辰 automaatiolla on? Miten markkinointiautomaatio toimii ja mink辰laisia ratkaisuja ja ty旦kaluja on tarjolla? Webinaarin lopussa luodaan my旦s katse siihen, miten p辰辰set yrityksess辰si liikkelle automatisoimalla markkinoinnin toimenpiteit辰 jo k辰yt旦ss辰si olevilla tai ilmaisilla ratkaisuilla.
Webinaarin pitiv辰t Jarno Malaprade ja Antti Brunni.
Haluatko kuulla lis辰辰 markkinoinnin automaatioratkaisuista? Ota yhteytt辰 ja katsotaan, miten voimme auttaa.
Jarno Malaprade
040 5461110
Antti Brunni
044 5544669
Boston College's presentation focused on enrollment trends, new degree programs, and campus construction projects. Enrollment has increased steadily over the past five years. The university will be launching bachelor's degrees in computer science and public health next fall. A new science building and residence hall are under construction and expected to open in 2021.
EnergyInk is a photoluminescent technology that stores light energy during the day and emits it at night for up to 12 hours. It provides illumination without using electricity, reducing energy costs and carbon footprints. The proprietary technology outperforms competitors with brighter and longer-lasting glow. EnergyInk can be applied to signs, markings, equipment and other materials to enhance safety, visibility and egress in low-light conditions across various industries.
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. The document provides examples of homophones like band/banned and board/bored. It also includes homophones used in sentences to demonstrate their different meanings depending on spelling. Resources on homophones and a homophone generator are cited at the end.
The Livescribe pen allows users to take notes using the pen on special dot paper notebooks while simultaneously recording any discussions or lectures. The pen acts as a computer, storing up to 2GB or 4GB of data on the pen itself. Users can playback any recordings directly from the pen or by uploading notes to their computer. The pen has applications for both education and other uses, but does require the specialized dot paper and can be cost prohibitive for student classroom use.
Hassinger Chiropractic Clinic provides natural health care services including chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage, and nutritional supplementation and counseling. Several case studies are described where patients experienced relief from hot flashes, migraines, shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, and more through treatments at the clinic including chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, supplements, and other therapies. One patient's hot flashes resolved completely after supplements while another saw migraine frequency drop dramatically.
The document discusses dubbing in Germany, including what Germans think about it, arguments for and against it, difficulties, examples, and potential solutions. Germans have mixed views on dubbing - some see it as preserving culture while others argue it destroys the atmosphere of films. While dubbing allows full attention on the visuals, it can result in loss of authenticity, personality, and unintended meanings. Subtitles and secondary audio are offered as alternatives.
This document contains information about a student named Nikola Kordic who is enrolled in class E072 from 3pm to 6pm on November 23rd, 2010, with the student ID number of 100686316.
1) The music video tells the story of a teenage girl getting ready for a night out who ends up being beaten up after leading men on and dropping them at a party.
2) Scenes will flash between the girl getting ready and her lifeless body on the floor to foreshadow what happens.
3) At the end of the video, the band is shown playing in the street with her to bookend the story.
T辰m辰 on webinaarimateriaali markkinoinnin automaatiosta. Webinaari pidettiin 15.4.2015 ja sen tallenne on katsottavissa t辰辰lt辰: https://vimeo.com/tietotalo/markkinoinnin-automaatio-2015
Materiaalissa luodaan yleiskatse markkinoinnin automaatioon. Mit辰 markkinoinnin automaatio tarkoittaa ja mit辰 teht辰vi辰 automaatiolla on? Miten markkinointiautomaatio toimii ja mink辰laisia ratkaisuja ja ty旦kaluja on tarjolla? Webinaarin lopussa luodaan my旦s katse siihen, miten p辰辰set yrityksess辰si liikkelle automatisoimalla markkinoinnin toimenpiteit辰 jo k辰yt旦ss辰si olevilla tai ilmaisilla ratkaisuilla.
Webinaarin pitiv辰t Jarno Malaprade ja Antti Brunni.
Haluatko kuulla lis辰辰 markkinoinnin automaatioratkaisuista? Ota yhteytt辰 ja katsotaan, miten voimme auttaa.
Jarno Malaprade
040 5461110
Antti Brunni
044 5544669
Digitalisaation vaikutukset ja mahdollisuudet teollisuudelle ja sen osa-alueita. Kuinka n辰m辰 vaikuttavat toisaalta k辰ytett辰viin teknologioihin sek辰 ihmisten ty旦h旦n. Konkreettisia esimerkkej辰 teollisuudesta sek辰 yritys- ja innovaatiotoiminnan ett辰 opetuksen piirist辰.
Kuka ja mik辰 on asiakas? Milt辰 yrityksen pit辰isi n辰ytt辰辰, ett辰 kauppa k辰visi? Mit辰 pit辰isi sanoa ja miksi? Seven-1 palvelutuotteet Suosio ja Myyntisauna.
Kuinka tehd辰 hyv辰 myyntipuhe? Kuinka puhua tuotteesta tai palvelusta niin, ett辰 myynnin pys辰ytt辰j辰t ohitetaan? Kuinka poistaa tiedon kirous? Myyntisauna -tuotteen esittely.
Mepco Oy:n liiketoiminta jaettiin kahteen ydinalueeseen vuoden 2017 alussa, jolloin se jakaantui kahdeksi uudeksi yritykseksi. Accountor Enterprise Solutions Oy:n toiminnan ytimess辰 on asiakkaiden prosessien ymm辰rt辰minen ja niiden kehitt辰minen globaalien liiketoiminta-alustojen avulla. Accountor HR Solutions Oy taas keskittyy sille ominaisiin toimintoihin, kuten ty旦suhteen elinkaaren kehitt辰minen, palkka- ja henkil旦st旦hallinnon tehostaminen sek辰 johtoa ja esimiehi辰 palvelevan tiedon tuottaminen.
Digitalisaatio on aikamme suurin muutos ja etenee l辰pi kaikkien teollisuuksien. Kompleksiteetti kasvaa. Ep辰varmuus kasvaa. Mit辰 yritysjohto voi tehd辰? Yrityksen IT-j辰rjestelm辰t ovat muutoskyvykkyyden ytimess辰. Oikeilla valinnoilla muutos on mahdollinen.
Moderni liiketoiminta-alusta - varmista yrityksesi menestys huomennakin!
Accountor Enterprise Solutions Oy
2. Nyt on personoidun
digitaalisen asiakasdialogin
Visio kunnossa, ent辰 sitten? Ratkaisukumppanin ev辰辰t verkkopalvelun personointiin
ja markkinoinnin automatisointiin.
DiViA 18.10.2012
Rami Karhu, Perttu Monthan
3. Yli 20 vuotta ratkaisuja mm. myyntiin,
markkinointiin ja viestint辰辰n
atBusiness on tietotekniikan palveluyritys, joka tuottaa yli
200 ammattilaisen voimin asiakkaidensa menestykselle
v辰ltt辰m辰tt旦mi辰 ratkaisuja.
Palvelemme mm. seuraavia organisaatioita: BSAG, El辰ke-
Fennia, Etera, Fenestra, FIM, Fortum, L辰hiTapiola,
Mets辰hallitus, Napa Group, Puustelli ja Yliopiston Apteekki.
5. Agendamme t辰n辰辰n
1. Keskustella miten personoituun digitaaliseen
asiakasdialogiin p辰辰st辰辰n ja millaisia ratkaisuja siihen
2. K辰yd辰 l辰pi n辰kemyksemme siit辰 miten ostamista ja
projekteja tulisi l辰hesty辰
3. Pohtia mit辰 osaa tulevaisuus ja visio t辰ss辰 n辰yttelev辰t
4. Piilottaa salakavalia mainosviestej辰 edustamistamme
tuotteista esitykseen
8. Mit辰 k辰vij辰 sinulle itsest辰辰n kertoo?
Kampanja Laite
Kieli Hakusanat
IP-osoite Alue
IP:n omistaja Kaupunki
Vierailijan tiedot K辰ytt旦j辰rjestelm辰
P辰iv辰 Maa
Aika Sivu, jolta tullaan
26. Mik辰 erottaa suomalaisen yrityksen
Tina Aspiala (Eat.fi) Suomi hyvinvoinnin j辰lkeen tapahtumassa:
27. Mik辰 erottaa suomalaisen yrityksen
1. K辰det saveen ja 2. Testaa hypoteesit ja 3. Dumppaa kura, pid辰
tekem辰辰n! analysoi helmet
30. Tapa 1: Helppoa tai halpaa ottaa k辰ytt旦旦n =
helppo myyd辰 sis辰isesti
31. Vaarana kuitenkin paluu tuttuun malliin...
Siilo Ty旦kalut
Resurssit ja
32. Tapa 2: Olemassa olevan yritystason
teknologian t辰ysim辰辰r辰inen hy旦dynt辰minen
P辰辰telaitteet Markkinointi-
SoMe automatiikka
A/B/n -testaus Analytiikka
Personointi eCommerce
33. In the end its not what you can get today, but
what value your decision brings to you in the
42. Milloin ostan ty旦kalun ja milloin rakennan
Osta ty旦kalu ja palvelua kun Tee r辰辰t辰l旦ityn辰 kun
uskot ty旦kalun visioon business case on aidosti
tarvitset my旦s nopeita olemassa
voittoja visioimiaasi kokonaisuutta ei
sinulla on olemassaoleva ole toteutettu tuotteisiin
infra, tai et aio uusia sit辰 haluat l辰hte辰
kerralla tuotebusinekseen
kulttuuri ja resurssipuoli ei pystyt vastaamaan
ole kunnossa tulevaisuuden haasteisiin ja
jatkokehitt辰m辰辰n palvelua
alati nopeutuvalla syklill辰
43. Demo
Case: Kuvitteellisen kamerafirman sivusto
Leikimme kuluttajaa joka omistaa yrityksen
lippulaivakameran, Nicam D3X -digij辰rkk辰rin