Sarah Rudoy is directing a 15-minute student film called "Ouija: For the Record" based on her mother's memoir. It tells the story of a family in 1968 Arizona whose life is affected when they acquire a Ouija board. Rudoy has been studying filmmaking for three years and this will be her biggest project to date. She provides details on the story, crew, and budget of $3,500 which she aims to keep sensible through the use of student volunteers and equipment from NYU where she studies.
Sarah Rudoy is directing a 15-minute student film called "Ouija: For the Record" based on her mother's memoir. It tells the story of a family in 1968 Arizona whose life is affected when they acquire a Ouija board. Rudoy has been studying filmmaking for three years and this will be her biggest project to date. She provides details on the story, crew, and budget of $3,500 which she aims to keep sensible through the use of student volunteers and equipment from NYU where she studies.
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