Sarah Rudoy is directing a 15-minute student film called "Ouija: For the Record" based on her mother's memoir. It tells the story of a family in 1968 Arizona whose life is affected when they acquire a Ouija board. Rudoy has been studying filmmaking for three years and this will be her biggest project to date. She provides details on the story, crew, and budget of $3,500 which she aims to keep sensible through the use of student volunteers and equipment from NYU where she studies.
Sarah Rudoy is directing a 15-minute student film called "Ouija: For the Record" based on her mother's memoir. It tells the story of a family in 1968 Arizona whose life is affected when they acquire a Ouija board. Rudoy has been studying filmmaking for three years and this will be her biggest project to date. She provides details on the story, crew, and budget of $3,500 which she aims to keep sensible through the use of student volunteers and equipment from NYU where she studies.
2. Varf旦r detta moment?Konspirationsteorier ett inslag i popul辰rkulturenTas ibland p奪 allvarSammanblandas med vetenskaplig kunskapTr辰ning i kritiskt t辰nkandeProblem med k辰llkritik i nutiden
3. Knepiga begreppKonspiration = hemlig sammansv辰rjningKonspirationsteori = tanken att det finns en konspirationKonspiracism = tanken att v辰rldens utveckling, historiens g奪ng, kan f旦rklaras av en eller flera konspirationsteorier
4. Konspiracismen som tankeEn slags historiesyn/v辰rldsuppfattning med f旦ljande best奪ndsdelar:Ingenting h辰nder av en tillf辰llighet. Allt 辰r ett resultat av n奪gons avsikter.Ingenting 辰r vad det ser ut att vara. Den/de som har makten d旦ljer sina roller/identiteter.Allt h辰nger ihop.
5. Tre typer av 一看稼壊沿庄姻温岳庄看稼艶姻堰辰稼糸艶鉛壊艶一看稼壊沿庄姻温岳庄看稼皆霞壊岳艶馨一看稼壊沿庄姻温岳庄看稼皆顎沿艶姻一看稼壊沿庄姻温岳庄看稼
13. P2 en verklig frimurarkonspirationItaliensk frimurarloge som blev korrumperadUtesl旦ts ur FrimurarordenVerksamheten fortsatte 辰nd奪Kriminell verksamhetAvsl旦jades 1981 politisk skandalSilvio Berlusconi var medlem
16. Illuminati upph旦r eller???Uppl旦ses av kungen av Bayern 1785Lyfts fram som syndabock f旦r franska revolutionenKonspirationsf旦respr奪kare: Augustin Barruel och John Robison