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lag ärenkel, människorärsvåraMathias Klang
Fel. “Lagstiftningenharintehängt med den snabbadigitalautvecklingenochdärförfinnsdetingasolklarareglerförvadsomgällerförhurkommunenkananvända sig av de digitalamedierna.”
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Courtney Love vs Dawn Simorangkir(Kändis)förtal
Olaga hot (terrorism)"Crap! Robin Hood airport is closed. You've got a week and a bit to get your shit together otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!"
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Problemetinte lag – kulturkrock
Tryckfrihetensövervakningsfunktion!  Spårbarhet& Ansvar= PapersPanopticon
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Juridiken vet vadsomgäller men mångaorganisationer vet intevaddomvill.
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lag är enkel, människor är svåra

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Me and *This* Army from EJP Photo cc by ncsa
  • #3: Slow from Godverbs cc by ncndKalmar Kommun (2010) RiktlinjerSocialamedier
  • #4: primus inter pares from leg0fenris cc by ncnd
  • #5: Giraffe's Goofy Grin! from ucumari cc by ncnd
  • #6: Disguise fail 294/365 from Blue Square Thing cc by ncsa
  • #9: scream and shout from mdanys cc byCourtney Love has agreed to settle a Twitter defamation lawsuit by paying $430,000 to a clothing designer she tweeted was a “total scumbag, lying ripoff” and a prostitute.The dispute began when Dawn Simorangkir, a designer, claimed Love owed her $4,000 for clothing.Love responded with comments on Myspace and Simorangkir’s Web site as well as a Twitter rant, tweeting to her roughly 40,000 followers that the designer was an “asswipe nasty lying hosebag thief,” who lost custody of her own child, had a history of assault and battery, and used Love for her fame. “She has received a VAST amount of money from me over 40,000 dollars and I do not make people famous and get raped TOO!” read another Love tweet.
  • #10: My tweet was silly, but the police reaction was absurdFor one joke on Twitter I've hadmy civil liberties trampled on, and have now got acriminal record“Unfortunately,yesterday I was found guilty and ordered to pay £1,000 in fines and legal costs, which I have to find along with my own legal costs of another £1,000. I am considering an appeal, though I have no means, having left my job due to the circumstances.”http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/libertycentral/2010/may/11/tweet-joke-criminal-record-airport
  • #11: Sound of silence by Daniel Gasienica cc by ncnd
  • #12: Anarchy In The UK from an untrained eye cc by nc
  • #13: Boppin' to Nothin' from craigmdennis cc by
  • #14: Evolution - The Ride from kevindooley cc by
  • #15: goldfish from a_trotskyite cc by ncsa
  • #16: G is for Goggles from Don Solo cc by ncsa
  • #17: Generational Fights from Pensiero cc by ncnd
  • #18: Got blood? by drurydrama (Len Radin) cc by ncsa
  • #19: Heroes from Gastev cc by
  • #20: Abandoned Car from Roadsidepictures cc by nc
  • #21: Avecesunotiene el mundo a... from foxspain cc by
  • #22: Before you go, can you read my... from YamiPaperDreams!.- cc by ncsa
  • #23: jamiecullum-it's about time from visualpanic cc by
  • #24: Freedom from _ambrown cc by nc
  • #25: Eyes ! (Youth from Antikythera!) by agelakis cc by nc sa