This document provides a Hindu festival calendar for North America in the Samvat year 2071-72 according to the Eastern Standard Time zone. It lists the dates of major Hindu festivals from January to December 2015, including information about vrat (fasting days), snan (holy baths), and other observances. The calendar is based on the Bhaskar Panchang for 2015, which calculates dates according to Hindu scriptures.
La falegnameria Zorzi di Panchi¨¤ ¨¨ specializzata nella produzione di porte e serramenti in legno.
Esegue inoltre scritte su legno con incisione tramite macchinario CNC.
The document discusses the imperfect tense in Finnish. It provides examples of regular and irregular verbs in the imperfect tense and how to form wh- and yes/no questions in the imperfect. It includes exercises to practice conjugating common verbs in the imperfect tense and examples of expressions used to indicate past time frames.
This document discusses two major approaches to language universals proposed by Noam Chomsky and Joseph Greenberg. Chomsky's approach claims that language universals are innate properties of human language that allow humans to acquire language. Greenberg examined 30 languages and found general principles that govern all human languages, like morphologic and syntactic patterns. The two approaches differ in their data sources - Chomsky focuses on one language's abstract structures while Greenberg compares surface structures across many languages. They also propose different explanations for why language universals exist, like innate properties versus reflecting human cognition and social interaction.
This document discusses word morphology and how words can be made longer by adding affixes. It provides the word "pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism" as an example of a word with many morphemes. The document then explains the structure of words, noting that words can have no more than one prefix, one inflectional suffix, and multiple derivational suffixes. It also discusses the differences between derivation, where new words are formed by adding affixes to bases or roots, and inflection, where affixes are added to change a word's form based on grammar rules. Finally, it introduces the concept of analyzing words into their immediate constituents.
Derivation is the formation of new words through the addition of affixes. English uses derivational affixes to change the grammatical category of words, such as from verb to noun. There are two types of derivational affixes: class 1 affixes typically change the phonology of the base word, while class 2 affixes are phonologically neutral. Complex derivation can change the grammatical category through multiple affixations. However, derivation is constrained and not all affixes can be added to all bases.
1. Paradigms are fundamental models or frames of reference that shape how we organize observations and reasoning. They lie behind theories and influence ways of looking at things. Examples include Marxism and structural functionalism.
2. Theories are systematic sets of statements that aim to explain aspects of social life through identifying relationships between facts, concepts, and variables, and developing testable explanations for patterns.
3. Methodologies establish whether theories accurately represent reality in a way respected by most, and vary from highly quantitative to highly qualitative approaches and often combine methods.
The document compares and contrasts different social science paradigms at both the micro and macro levels. It discusses several paradigms including the conflict paradigm, functionalism, behavioralism, and perspectives based on human development theory. It also outlines four traditions in working with people with intellectual disabilities - rights-based, skills-based, behavioral, and developmental approaches. Natural sciences are seen as progressing from false to true views, while social sciences paradigms may gain or lose popularity but are seldom discarded.
Concept & meaning of educational psychology Saher Akhtar
I prepared it for my M.A Education subject Foundation in Pakistan topic meaning and concept of educational psychology.
Hope who will check this presentation will like it insh ALLAH
Educational psychology studies how people learn in educational settings, typically focusing on the classroom. It examines learning from behavioral, cognitive, social cognitive, and constructivist perspectives. More recently, connectivism has also been studied as it relates to learning in a digital age. Motivation is an important concept, looking at both internal and external factors that influence a student's engagement and success.
Lect 1. introduction to programming languagesVarun Garg
A programming language is a set of rules that allows humans to communicate instructions to computers. There are many programming languages because they have evolved over time as better ways to design them have been developed. Programming languages can be categorized based on their generation or programming paradigm such as imperative, object-oriented, logic-based, and functional. Characteristics like writability, readability, reliability and maintainability are important qualities for programming languages.
This document provides suggestions for expressing personal opinions and general opinions. When expressing a personal opinion, use phrases like "in my opinion" or "as I see it." Provide reasons and evidence to support your personal view. When expressing a general opinion, avoid absolute statements and attribute the view to "some people" or "most people." Provide details to back up the general opinion. You can agree or disagree with others' opinions as long as you have reasons for your own view. The document encourages respectful discussion and exchange of different perspectives.
Finnish has several distinctive features that make its language and pronunciation unique:
1) Gemination, where the first consonant of the following word is doubled if it begins with a vowel.
2) Long and short vowels that impact pronunciation and meaning.
3) Consonant gradation where consonants like K, P, and T change form depending on suffixes added.
4) A complex system of stems, suffixes, endings and cases that determine verbs, nouns and their relationships in sentences.
The document provides examples of spoken Finnish language used in various everyday situations and contexts. It includes common phrases, verbs, pronouns and questions used for introducing oneself, asking for and giving information, making requests, discussing present and past events, needs, activities, locations and travel plans. The document is intended to help learners practice and familiarize themselves with colloquial spoken Finnish.
Johan Ludvig Runeberg was a Finnish poet celebrated on Runeberg Day each February 5th by eating Runberg Cakes. The document provides a recipe for Runberg Cakes in Finnish, including instructions for making the dough, baking the muffins, and decorating them with raspberry jam and icing sugar. It notes that Runeberg apparently enjoyed these cakes, and that his wife Fredrika, herself a writer and pioneer for women in journalism, was originally known for baking the cakes that bear their name.
This document provides information about Finnish housing and living customs. It describes common house types like detached houses (omakotitalo), apartments of different sizes (yksio, kaksio, kolmio), and buildings with multiple apartments. It discusses housebuilding traditions like talkoot where neighbors help each other. It also covers housewarming party etiquette like bringing salt and bread as a gift and taking shoes off inside. Overall, the document aims to teach English learners vocabulary and expressions related to Finnish homes, invitations, and social interactions.
The document discusses the genitive case in Finnish. It notes that the ending of the singular genitive is -n. It is used to express possession like in English. The stem form without the -n ending is needed to form other cases in Finnish. It also discusses consonant changes that occur in different cases, like t becoming d, and provides examples like katu becoming kadun in the genitive case. It includes a table showing the main consonant changes that are integral to the Finnish language.
Finns enjoy reading, using libraries, and newspapers. They also enjoy social media, television, radio, and a variety of musical genres. Popular outdoor activities include ice hockey, baseball, skiing, cycling, and visiting saunas. Open-air dances are a part of Finnish culture where people gather to socialize and experience music and potential romance. Nature is an important part of Finnish life and culture.
This document provides vocabulary and phrases for talking about food and ordering in a restaurant in Finnish. It includes words for common foods, meals, drinks and dishes. Phrases are presented for having a conversation with a waiter at a restaurant where you can ask questions about the menu options and place an order. Specific foods that are highlighted include salmon, potato mash, mineral water, ice cream and coffee.
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Finnish expressions
1. extremely rarely ani harvoin
brand new ihka uusi
a Finn through and through perisuomalainen
pitch black pikimusta
completely empty typ?tyhj?
full to the brim t?p?t?ynn?
tupaten t?ysi
brand spanking new upouusi
upiuusi uppouusi
complete stranger ventovieras
tuiki tuntematon
absolutely familiar tupituttu
absolutely fastidious tupitarkka
the very last vihoviimeinen
snow white vitivalkoinen
utterly alone yp?yksin
dry as dust rutikuiva
old as Adam ikivanha
2. fire engine red
flame red tulipunainen
golden yellow kullankeltainen
bright green myrkynvihre?
flat broke rutik?yh?
filthy rich ?kyrikas
spick and span putipuhdas
of the utmost importance tuikit?rke?
soaked through to the bone litim?rk?
soaking wet l?pim?rk?
stark naked apposen alasti
ilkosen alasti
wide open apposen auki
bloody strange upiouto
utterly strange uppo-outo
one's very own ikioma
eternal joy iki-ilo
quiet as a mouse hipi hiljaa
3. ahtaa kitaansa push one?s mouth wolf down
aukoa p??t??n keep opening one¡¯s head speak provocatively (to someone)
ajaa kaasu pohjassa drive gas in the bottom drive very fast
ajaa nasta laudassa drive pin in the blank drive very fast
ajaa tuhatta ja sataa drive thousand and hundred drive very fast
antaa kenk?? give shoe lay off
ei olla j?niksen sel?ss? not to be riding on a hare not to be in an immediate hurry
ei sylke? lasiin not to spit into the glass not to abstain form food or drink
ei ymm?rt?? h?yk?sen p?l?yst? not understand (nonsensical) not understand
ei ymm?rt?? tuon taivaallista not understand that heavenly not understand
haistella ilmaa smell air sound out, try to figure out what¡¯s about to happen
heitt?? hanskat tiskiin throw gloves on the desk give up
heitt?? pellolle throw to the field lay off
heitt?? lusikka nurkkaan throw the spoon into the corner die or give up
heitt?? yrj?t throw georges throw up
hyppi? nen?lle jump onto nose be forward
h?vit? kuin tuhka tuulee disappear as ash into wind disappear without trace
juosta kieli vy?n alla run lip under belt be in a great hurry
juosta p?? kolmantena jalkana run as head the third leg be in a great hurry
kadota kuin maan alle disappear as under the ground disappear without trace
kaivaa verta nen?st??n delve blood from one?s nose irritate
kerj?t? turpaansa beg for muzzle irritate
olla perseet olalla arse(s) on one¡¯s shoulder be really drunk
olla ihan puhki be totally through be really tired
olla mieli mustana be with black mind be sad
olla tuli h?nn?n alla be with fire under tail be nervous or in a hurry
nyrpist?? nen??ns? purse one?s nose be supercilious
polttaa hihansa burn one`s sleeves flare up
literally ¡ meaning
4. l?hte? lapasesta slip away form the mitten (woollen glove) go out of control
kusta hunajaa pissing honey extremely happy
menn? mets??n go into the forest be misguided, go wrong
nousta v??r?ll? jalalla get up from bed with the wrong foot be very grumpy first thing in the morning
olla persaukinen be open-arsed be without money; broke
oppia kantap??n kautta learn bu the way of the heel learn a lesson the hard way
olla pihalla kuin lumiukko be out like a snowman not to know anything and be stunned
olla vaiheessa be in a phase not to be ready
ottaa nokkiinsa take into one?s noses be provoked
olis kirveelle t?it? there would be work for an axe something should be corrected, put right
olla oma lehm? ojassa have one¡¯s own cow in the ditch having a personal interest or investment in the matter
panna tikkua ristiin cross two matches perform even the most minimal effort (Engl. Lift a finger)
repi? pelihousunsa rip one?s game pants flare up
soittaa suutaan play one¡¯s mouth (as an instrument) boast, speak provocatively
tallata varpaille stamp on toes be forward
tulla/olla tumput suorina come/be one¡¯s mittens straight not do anything, though one should
temmata hatusta pull from hat guess
tunnustella maaper?? explore, feel the ground sound out
vet?? hihasta pull from sleeve guess
viilata linssiin file into a lens cheat
viskata kirves kaivoon throw axe into well give up
vet?? nen?st? pull nose cheat
vet?? herne nen??n pull a pea up one¡¯s nose be provoked
vet?? hirsi? pull logs sleep
v??nt?? rautalangasta to twist from wire explain with very simple terms
?itins? n?k?inen look like one¡¯s mother not looking good at all
seisoa kuin ? aapisen laidalla stand like the letter ? in the corner of the spelling book not having a clue
5. Sauna on k?yh?n apteekki
Sauna is the poor man¡¯s chemist¡¯s
Ketut kylpev?t
Foxes are bathing = the sun is shining while it¡¯s
Sukset saa lipsua, mutta
ladulta ei saa poistua
You may have slippery skis, but you mustn¡¯t turn off
the track
Ei makaavan kissan suuhun
hiiri tule
The mouse doesn¡¯t come into the mouth of a lying
cat = you have to work hard
Ty?mies on palkkansa
A working man has earned his pay
Ahkeruus on ilomme, laiskuus
Diligence is our joy, but laziness is our passion!
Ritva Tammi